Ride and Cut

Chapter 199 Where did the guest come from (Part 2)

The giant rhinoceros, the saber-toothed tigers, the mammoths, and the vitra berserkers, as the top fighting races in ancient times, are all gold-lettered signs, and their strength is absolutely beyond doubt.

In addition, if the living environment is isolated from the world, it is very likely that the mind will be relatively simple and easy to deceive. Li Cha is now preparing to expand his army, could there be a more suitable target than them?

Putting these aside, the race of wild rangers in front of them is obviously also a powerful and ruthless race.

"Then what race are you?" Li Cha has an advantage. He was born with a big heart. No matter how turbulent his heart is at critical moments, his face can always remain calm, just like now.

"Me? Of course it's a Tiger Spirit from the Wild Spirit Clan!" Senid proudly gave himself a thumbs up.

What is this? After everyone in Gaoshan Castle listened, they all nodded their heads as if they had suddenly realized.

In fact, they have never heard of wild spirits at all, let alone tiger spirits. It is normal that there are so many intelligent races that they have never heard of. It's just to cover up my ignorance and ignorance, habitually pretending, anyway, it's not the first time I've done this.

But the unnaturalness of the crowd failed to hide from Senid after all, he frowned and asked, "Haven't you heard of it?"

"I've heard it." A group of soldiers tried to fool them.

"That's right, this is the first time I've heard of the race of wild spirits." The lord shrugged and said frankly, "It's like, obviously, you haven't figured out what race I am."

Senid's facial features instantly crumpled, and the colorful oil paint patterns were also distorted. But the lord saw that it was not anger, but pure and unbelievable. Just like if someone told Li Cha that he had never drank water in his life, he would definitely show the same expression.

"You really don't know Tiger Spirit people?"

There was a burst of gentle laughter among the soldiers of Gaoshanbao. They all thought this guy was quite funny. He was obviously a king of the mountain in a corner, but he acted like a famous character, and everyone had to know it. Speaking of the star race, humans are now the well-deserved leaders, and it is strange that Senid doesn't understand it.

The frog at the bottom of the well is like this, always thinking that the square inch above his head is the whole world, and the people of Gaoshanbao express their cautious sympathy for this.

"Actually, we haven't heard of wild spirits at all." Bernard spread his hands and said, "It's not surprising, after all, we came from a very far away place, really far away."

"I know a little about the genealogy of intelligent races, but..." Vera bit her lip, and pondered for a long time before saying, "I've never heard the word 'wild spirit'."

"Really, I've never heard of it, Wild Spirit?" Senid frowned and asked again tentatively.

This time it was not only Li Cha, but even the other Gaoshanbao fighters shook their heads vigorously at him.

In silence, the half-gnawed fruit fell to the ground and rolled away. Senid's whole body was shocked like an electric shock, looking at the people in Gaoshanbao, his eyes seemed to be seeing the undead in daylight, and his tall body couldn't help staggering backwards.

One must know that he was pointed at with an arrow by a centaur just now, and he didn't show any signs of timidity, so he can be called a hero. To be surprised like this at this moment is a bit exaggerated.

"Where did you come from?" He finally couldn't help asking.

"Have you ever seen a silver vortex on the mountain wall over there?" Li Cha saw Senid nodding, and continued: "That is a space rift. We used to live in a country called Pompeii, and came here through that."

"How is this possible!" Seinide immediately grabbed his tail and put it to his mouth, as if in a state of insanity, and took a bite. Shivering all over in pain, he raised his head as if waking up from a dream.

"That 'passage to the other shore' has long been abandoned! How could you still come from there!"

"But we came in with no problem, we just couldn't get out."

Li Cha originally thought that the reason Senid was so excited was because his living environment was isolated from the world, and he couldn't accept such an avant-garde concept as "space rift". To be honest, it was hard for him to believe it before. If he hadn't had the support of his own experience, he would probably have jumped to his feet and yelled that it was ridiculous.

But apparently not.

He called it "Spatial Rift", and others called it "The Passage to the Other Side". Just by looking at the words, it is known that they are almost two names for the same thing. That is to say, not only have the locals seen the silver vortex, but they have long known what it does—to turn the world into a distance, and to transfer people from the other shore thousands of miles away to this shore.

The lord always feels very awkward.

As the exchanges continued to deepen, not only did the previous doubts disappear, but new doubts were constantly discovered.

Language is supposed to be a sharp tool for communication, but it didn't play its due role at all at this time. Obviously there is no barrier, and they all speak the common language, but they talk like chickens and ducks. The more they communicate, the more confused they become. It's better to simply have a language barrier, and it's refreshing to look at each other in a daze.

Li Cha opened his mouth to ask, but his tongue seemed to be knotted in his mouth. He didn't know what to ask, so he shook his head and smiled wryly.

"Senide actually has common sense, but it's completely contrary to the current mainstream common sense." Vera said suddenly.

She used the Stuart mountain dialect, and even Li Cha could barely understand it. Of course, Seinide could only look blank, "What?"

"She said you are handsome." Li Cha explained with a smile. Even though it was covered with oil paint, two blobs of blush were visible to the naked eye on Seinide's face, which was so green that it was in a mess.

But Vera's words did remind the lord.

He finally wanted to understand why the communication between the two sides was so difficult—Senide had common sense, and he himself had common sense, but the two kinds of common sense contradicted each other everywhere—as for why this happened, only the undead would know.

"I can take you back to the tribe, and the wise elders will definitely help you." Senid proposed, "Our wild spirits are the most enthusiastic race, and we never hesitate to help even travelers passing by."

"It's a great honor." The lord agreed without hesitation.

His mind was full of fog, he didn't know where he was, and he also had many doubts that he wanted someone to answer. Seinide's proposal, to him, was just dozing off just as someone was delivering a pillow, so there was no reason to refuse it.

The group tidied up a bit and set off behind Seinide's ass.

In the seemingly pristine arbor forest, there are also simple and passable roads, winding and winding. This kind of road is not a big problem for people to simply walk, but the bad thing is that the Skaar people still carry the dragon on the ground.

These big men with three blades, shoulder width and two blades would be hindered by branches from time to time, making it difficult to move forward, and let out an irritable growl like a cow. At this time, the whole team had to stop together, jumping up and down to clear the way for them, which greatly slowed down the forward speed.

There is a final exam next week, I have to study hard

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