Rich Devil

Chapter 447: , Auto Castle


Another night of business discussions.

Either one comes.

Still one by one.

Hu Yanshuo, who has terrifying physical ability, is not afraid of any situation.

After wasting a whole night of rest time, they finally got a business discussion of a huge project into full swing. Fortunately, everyone has their own projects that they are good at, and they can still do their best in this area.

With the continuous deepening of the business process, after learning about Hu Yanshuo's achievements in business, one by one, he was very moved by Hu Yanshuo's heroic generosity and the terrifying capital chain.

There were even many people who were moved to tears along the way.

When the morning comes again, there is warm and comfortable light on the bright sky, and the intensity of the light is also very comfortable. It penetrates the transparent glass window and appears in the comfortable bedroom.

Another such bright morning.

Hu Yanshuo, who was lying on the big bed, didn't want to lay this big bed out of its original value of tens of thousands of dollars, because in the center of a horizontal body, surrounded by an unforgettable environment, The whole person still feels so comfortable, so I am too lazy to move!

Enjoy it quietly, a moment and a moment of tranquility!

Lying in the sky until the helicopter appeared again, carrying the breakfast specially ordered by Hu Yanshuo, hovering in mid-air waiting to land...

A New Zealand breakfast and English afternoon tea are served.

It's a pity that after the afternoon tea, a group of international supermodels expressed their intention to leave one after another.

Hu Yanshuo was a little speechless about this.

It's not that he feels reluctant, and it's not that he doesn't like enterprising women.

But when they left, a group of people left, and none of them were left for him, completely ignoring Hu Yanshuo's feelings and emotions, which made him feel speechless.

Looking at the handsome face reflected in the villa, Hu Yanshuo felt that it was no problem to be fascinated by a large number of beauties with this face.

After they left, Hu Yanshuo didn't stay in the villa anymore.

A phone call called Hardy.

After Hadi agreed, he said that he would drive a car over, ask Hu Yanshuo to mention to the patrol officers, and report a license plate number.

Hu Yanshuo reported the license plate number to the police.

After ten minutes.

A red Fernagus drove down the driveway to the door of the villa.

Look at the license plate.

Hu Yanshuo's eyes were slightly surprised. He didn't expect Hardy to change to a new car, and the new car also chose such a dazzling color of Fernagus.

"Yo, got a new car?"

Hu Yanshuo greeted Hardy with a red face.

Hardy had a bright smile on his face, and the complacency that overflowed his words made people have the urge to beat him up. In fact, he had such a smug look on his face for a long time, but everyone who really knew him If he thinks of beating him, he is more envious of his chance.

"Yes, boss!"

Hardy had a smile on his face, and he almost laughed, and he had reason to be so happy.

In short, recently, he feels that his life has reached the peak, and he often puts happiness on his face. He also knows that he is complacent and offended many people, but he will not hide it, and he does not want to hide anything.


Hardy feels that the constant spring breeze continues every day. His respect and admiration for Hu Yanshuo will rise every second, and by the way, there will be a trace of awe.


For the man who gave him his job, Hardy felt that his awe should be more.

Because Hardy also gradually understood.

Only by being more in awe of this man can we gradually prolong the days when I am proud of myself.

This is why Hardy sees more and more clearly his position.

"How's it going?"

Hu Yanshuo asked.

"I feel pretty good. I usually drive in other places, and I'm often the most beautiful boy in that street!"

Hardy also said a little funny, he didn't mention the price of the car to Hu Yanshuo. With what he knew about Hu Yanshuo, he didn't care how much the car cost. Moreover, the car was not bad for him, but for Hu Yanshuo, It's almost the same price as Chinese cabbage, so naturally he won't be short enough to show it off in front of Hu Yanshuo.

Showing off money in front of Hu Yanshuo, Hardy felt that this was not because he was not deep in the world, but because he had despaired of life.

Moreover, after hearing Hu Yanshuo's question about how it was driving, Hardy understood that Hu Yanshuo's view on the performance of the car was better than how much it cost.

If he shows off how much the car is worth, he is really not talking about speculation.

"Sounds very good!" Hu Yanshuo also said with a smile.

"It's all the boss, you take care of me, that's how I am today!"

Hardy also touted Hu Yanshuo at the right time. Although his style was not high, Hu Yanshuo sounded barely comfortable.

After thinking about it, Hu Yanshuo said to Hardy, "I'm going out to buy a scooter. Is there a car shop I'm familiar with?"

"Of course there is!"

Hardy answered without hesitation, this kind of thing is the easiest for him, but he still asked, "Boss, I remember the garage in the villa, there are a few cars parked, why don't you drive it, don't like it ??"

With other bosses, Hardy wouldn't ask so directly.

However, when he found out that Hu Yanshuo didn't drive a few used cars in the library, Hardy couldn't help but ask one more question. At least in his opinion, although he talked a lot, it was not as important as knowing the boss's situation.

"The space in the car is a bit small."

Hu Yanshuo didn't know what Hardy was thinking, and the matter was not a shameful thing for him, so he gave the reason casually: "Last time they drove and went shopping, when they came back, I found their things bought and put away. There aren't many in the car, and the car doesn't look very comfortable to drive!"

In the front, Hardy still knew something, but when it came to the back, Hardy was completely stupid.

What does it mean to look like it is not very comfortable to drive.

Feelings, you haven't driven those few cars yet, so you crossed them out of the list just because it would be uncomfortable to drive!

Would rather buy a new one than drive those cars.

Hardy feels unable to understand the world of rich people, this is probably the legendary wealthy willfulness!

"Okay, boss, please get in the car!"

After thinking about it, Hardy didn't delay at all. He personally opened the car door for Hu Yanshuo and let him get in the car. He quickly sat in the driving position, fastened his seat belt, stepped on the accelerator and drove towards the Auto City he knew well. And go.

Fernagus galloped all the way until he stopped in front of a large building.

After the car stopped, Hu Yanshuo slowly got out of the car and looked up at the English sign of the building, which said the name of this huge building complex, Alexander Automobile Castle.

After getting out of the car.

Hardy introduced the origin of Alexander Automobile Castle to Hu Yanshuo.

The Alexander Automobile Castle was established during the industrial development period, when the automobile as a means of transportation appeared, and it was funded by a family at that time. This family was called the Alexander family. Although this family did not start by helping to sell cars, but in In the automotive industry, it has a pivotal position.

Today's Alexander Motor Castle is internationally renowned.

This building reminds Hu Yanshuo of the domestic imperial car city, and there must be a story between the two.


In fact, Hu Yanshuo just flashed an idea in his mind, and he was not very interested in these stories, but was only slightly interested.

Too bad no one told him these stories!

Hu Yanshuo is not so fond of listening to gossip stories, so he will not take the initiative to ask Hardy to explain this kind of long story to him.

After learning a few words about Alexander's Auto Castle, Hu Yanshuo followed Hardy into the Auto Castle.

Through understanding, it is not difficult to analyze this car castle, which includes all brands in the American auto industry.

If there is still a certain gap, then it is those truck brands, Alexander Motor Castle is not for sale, which can be regarded as a little leftovers for some colleagues.

The main sales of Alexander Automobile Castle are all kinds of cars and sports cars, all of which are high-end routes.

It can be regarded as an international reputation.

It is a pity that Hu Yanshuo is constantly becoming more and more famous, and he has never heard of it or understood it before.

Now Hu Yanshuo can only assume that what Hardy said is the truth, and I believe that Hardy can't deceive himself for any reason. Such behavior is not good for Hardy.

When entering the Alexander Automobile Castle, Hu Yanshuo saw the luxurious decoration, and the flow of people was like a sea created by the crowd.

Relatively speaking, foreigners are mostly here.

Just like a certain foreign auto show, the cameras kept making shooting sounds, and there were many people taking pictures with their mobile phones.

The investment of Alexander Automobile Castle is said to be very large, so there are only a few of them in total, which cannot be scattered to the second and third tier cities in the United States, and only five cities with developed economic mouths in the United States will have the brand of Alexander Automobile Castle. It also has amazing stock valuations.


There are often many ordinary people and rich people from all over the world who like vehicles in the Alexander Automobile Castle.

It is also a car sales brand with extremely high traffic.

"Boss, please come this way."

After Hardy brought Hu Yanshuo into the door, he directly led Hu Yanshuo in one direction.

Hu Yanshuo didn't mind his behavior either, he followed Hardy and saw a lot of foreign car models along the way. They didn't say whether they were good-looking or not. Without using the profiler, they gave Hu Yanshuo the The only impressive thing is that almost all of them have amazing long legs.

It can be said that this place is simply a place of welfare for leg lovers.

All kinds of slender legs make people dazzled, not to mention that there are luxury cars that make men's blood boil, and many enthusiasts can't wait to stick their eyes on the window to watch.

"Boss, isn't it nice here?"

While leading Hu Yanshuo away, Hardy asked him a question.

Hu Yanshuo nodded, "Not bad!"

Looking around, there are quite a few models from various countries, and they seem to be also involved in car marketing.

Fluent English, introduced the situation of the car.

Under the leadership of Hardy, Hu Yanshuo gradually moved forward, and probably guessed the reason. The more the two walked in one direction, the more crowds there would be.


More and more people are returning.

"How is this going?"

Perhaps it was a foreigner who came here for the first time and asked his companion a question. His companion did not hesitate, and said, "Probably saw a luxury car and used the right to take pictures, so the flow of people began to withdraw!"

"Photo right?"

Hearing this keyword, even Hu Yanshuo was slightly surprised.

"Not everyone can afford the luxury cars here. Everyone has the mentality of making a profit by taking a look. If you don't take a look, you will have regrets. However, these luxury cars are expensive. Since they can't afford it, the official You will also be allowed to take pictures, but there are many people taking pictures, so they often have to take turns..."

With this explanation, everyone is probably clear.

Not only does it take turns, everyone has limited viewing time and limited time to take pictures.

Similarly, for the rich who have the desire to buy a car, there is no limit to the viewing time, but at least some personal proof of assets must be shown.

Including but not limited to the amount on the bank account.

On the way, Hu Yanshuo saw the same model of the Fernagus that Hardy drove, and there was a clear price tag worth about 1.4 million US dollars.

As he went deeper and deeper into the crowd, Hu Yanshuo also saw the rising price tag.

But most of his eyes fell on the car itself.

There is no need to understand other data first. Hu Yanshuo only looks at whether the body is beautiful or not. It is a pity that although there are many beautiful models along the way, there are not many cars that fit Hu Yanshuo’s eyes, so he The footsteps did not stop, and although Hardy walked ahead, he also noticed this...

The footsteps of the two did not stop, and they walked in a farther direction after crossing many people who stopped to appreciate and watch.

Advance with the crowd.

Almost everyone felt the difference, and it seemed that the model quality of each car seemed to be a little higher as it went.

Even the dress has a different reaction.

Among them, there are many women who have watched the car. They found that the clothes brands of the models are familiar brands, and they exchanged amazement while walking. Because of the short distance and the gradually sparse crowd, they all listened to Hu Yanshuo's words. By the ear, he also understood that women are actually a nature.

If they don't say it, everyone really doesn't know that the models here are wearing big brands.

Even a few people sighed, no wonder it feels different!

Others said he felt it too, and at first thought the price of the vehicle had increased.

This remark is actually not without reason. Compared with the increase in the price of cars, the price changes of luxury brands such as clothes are not comparable to the luxury price of cars.

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