Reverse Growth Superstar

: Six hundred and seventy: It's not easy to be the king of votes

On the evening of December 13, NBA officials finally announced the results of the first round of voting in the 2014 All-Star Game.

The voting result this time was unexpected and reasonable.

With 609,000 votes, Link became the top voter in the first round of this year's All-Star voting!

Behind him is the Heat superstar James, who has won 607,000 votes. Durant, the youngest scorer with 605,000 votes, and Kobe Bryant, with 602,000 votes.

Unexpectedly, because you can hardly imagine that in this era, James and Kobe are not at the top of the voting list.

What makes sense is that Link is indeed the best player in this season so far, not one of them.

With 20 wins and 0 losses, the Grizzlies' record is not comparable to any team. At the same time, Link's performance is as good as ever. The excellent record coupled with the explosive personal performance allowed Link to surpass the two popular monsters of James and Kobe, and was voted to the top of the All-Star vote for the first time in his career!

Although the voting continues, Link may also be surpassed by the latter. But even if it's just the top voter in one round of voting, it's amazing. After all, those who compete with Link are all superstar-level athletes.

It is not easy to stand out from the crowd of superstars.

Link feels extremely proud. Once, Grant Hill was also a sweet pastry in the eyes of the fans. In the first year after entering the league, he was voted by the fans as the All-Star vote.

Even in those seasons when he was injured and unable to play, the position of the All-Star vote belongs to Hill. This shows how much fans love athletes like Hill.

It is elegant and powerful. Both violent and personable.

Now, Link really took over Hill's mantle. He not only inherited Hill's playing style, but also really gained the popularity of the hired beauty Grant Hill.

Link originally thought that with his outstanding performance this season, he should have no controversy about becoming the top voter.

But things backfired. The next day, before the start of the game with the Thunder, Link still saw a lot of his comments.

"Kobe and James are such great athletes behind Link? If you accept this result, you must not be a pure basketball fan."

"This year, China's Weibo and WeChat have opened voting channels. Therefore, Link has eaten the dividend of the Chinese market. Jeremy Lin, who averaged 12.5 points and 4.1 assists per game, is second only to Link, James, Durant and Kobe , Ranking fifth in the overall ranking. It can be seen that the votes of Chinese fans are crazy."

"Link is the All-Star ticket king? Please, let me relax. I can't accept this fact yet."

The more famous a player is, there are as many people who hate him and like him. This is true of any superstar, Jordan, Kobe, James and others are no exception.

There are as many people who hate Kobe, there are as many who like Kobe. Lakers fans like him, but James and Celtics fans are eager to screw Kobe's head off. There are many people in this world who hate James, even if he is already one of the strongest players in active service.

Every fan has a hero image of his own, and it is difficult for a star to satisfy all fans’ fantasies of heroes. Therefore, even if Link has a record of 20 wins and 0 losses, he still cannot escape the bad luck of being sprayed.

Among them, Black Link was the most vigorous, and it was Bill Simmons.

Although the last time he and Link had a bar, Simmons overturned the car. But with the character of this fellow Simmons, he would never stop. He also said that until Link won the slam dunk contest, he was very keen to compete with Link to the end.

Bill Simmons is such a straightforward person, not only for Link, but also for great players like Carter and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Simmons is also correct.

He even didn't hesitate to hack the star he hated in his book. The reason is very simple and rude. It is not because the other party has done something wrong, but because, "This **** is my book. I want to hack whoever I want."

"If Link doesn't have a yellow skin and doesn't speak fluent Chinese, can you guess he can make the top five? The Grizzlies' recent 20-game winning streak is indeed very impressive, but it still doesn't mean that Link is in this world. He is the best superstar. He lacks superstar genes. I mean, no superstar can completely dominate the league with a championship."

Link is really speechless, Bill Simmons is totally black and black. However, as a loyal reader of "Basketball History", Link is also mentally prepared to be hacked by Simmons.

Simmons is a very subjective guy. He never wants to be neutral or objective. For him, to like is to like, and to hate is to hate.

In addition to Bill Simmons, Kevin Durant is also eyeing Link today.

Seeing the former defeat of Link became the vote king, but Durant was only ranked third, of course this black-bellied guy would not be convinced.

In the Western Conference Finals last season, the Thunder suffered revenge from the Grizzlies. It wasn't until now in December that Durant had a chance to win back a city.

Originally, Durant wanted to do a good job in front of Link, but now happens to run into the All-Star vote. Therefore, Durant is even more grumpy tonight.

Before the start of the game, Durant said in an interview, "The Grizzlies' 20-0 record is very impressive, but after today's game, this will become history."

In this regard, Bill Simmons don't say how much support, "Kevin Durant is definitely the player who can compete with Link. I have to apologize to James and Anthony first, because I have to say, Kevin. Durant is the best scorer in the league"

As a result, the Thunder really ran away at the Federal Express Arena tonight.

Oklahoma City is already strong, and the record is 16 wins and 4 losses this season, which is very good.

Today, Durant and Westbrook also showed near-perfect personal performance.

Westbrook is no longer there today, hitting an all-around data of 27 points, 6 rebounds and 9 assists with 58.3% shooting. Today, "Teenage Ninja Turtles" is invincible.

Durant is not to be outdone. He still scored 28 points, 5 rebounds and 3 assists under Link's tight defense. Moreover, the hit rate is as high as 50%.

Durant's touch today is very amazing. Many times, Link did not lose position at all, but Durant was able to score goals against Link's interference.

Relying on the violent performance of the two youngsters, the Grizzlies lost their home court early this season. At the same time, the longest opening streak in league history also stayed at 20 consecutive victories.

116 to 108, the Grizzlies and Link suffered a tragic defeat!

The Thunder beat their opponents by 9.8 points per 100 possessions last season, higher than the Heat's 8.6 points. They have 19 times over their opponents by 20 points, more than twice that of the Heat! What the Thunder really suffers is their performance at the critical moment. They only scored 2 wins and 7 losses in the game Xiaohong within 3 points. In the playoffs last season, the Thunder overturned many times at critical moments.

But this kind of early-established advantage game, the Thunder rarely lose. Today, they have firmly grasped the opportunity.

Link scored 26 points, 7 rebounds and 9 assists today. His performance is not uncommon. But unfortunately, the Thunder are indeed the better player.

After Durant won the game, that excitement ~ ~ almost rushed directly in front of Link and roared. From the summer to the end of the year, Durant dreamed of winning Link. Now it's realized, can you not get excited?

Link was also very disappointed in the loss of this game, and the Oklahoma City Thunder is more difficult to deal with than before. This game made Link realize that he has not yet dominated the league. A super combination like Durant and Westbrook can still cause trouble for the Grizzlies.

In stark contrast to Link's mood, it was Bill Simmons. Before the game, he said Durant was the one who could beat Link. This time, he won.

"What am I talking about? Link is a superstar. Whenever he encounters a decent opponent, he is misfired. Believe me, when his luck is gone, when the Grizzlies' aura fades, they will become No longer magical. After the second round of the All-Star voting results, Link will definitely fall from the first position! Don't believe it? Let's see how Kobe Bryant will deal with Link in the next game."

Bill Simmons was very proud, and he finally got a round today.

But Link found that this All-Star ticket king is not a good choice.

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