Reverse Growth Superstar

: 332: The first regular season honor

Link has long known that the first round of the series will end in this way. Although in the original history, the Nuggets and the Lakers played a tiebreaker, but that tiebreaker did have too many accidental factors.

There are even conspiracy theories that the Lakers deliberately played 7 games with the Nuggets in order to wait for the suspended Artest to play the second round.

Link didn't know if the reason the Lakers played 7 games with the Nuggets was so evil. Anyway, he only knew that the strength of the Nuggets shouldn't be a tiebreaker with the Lakers. This is a fact.

And now, Link and his teammates have proved this fact.

Now they only need to win another game to let the Nuggets say goodbye to this season.

May 7, the day when the Grizzlies and the Nuggets started their fourth game. Link woke up early and looked at the sky outside the window.

Although it was only past eight o'clock in the morning, the sky was already bright. The frenetic summer is here, Link is ready to move, can't wait to end tonight's game quickly, and then go to the next round to fight the Spurs.

The Spurs swept the Mavericks, which undoubtedly made the Grizzlies lose the opportunity for revenge. But in the same way, the Grizzlies have to resist other people's revenge.

The San Antonio Spurs are certainly not so easy to deal with this season. Once Randolph no longer has an advantage over Duncan, the Spurs' fifth position is no longer the old, short, short.

Of course, the most important thing is that their third position is no longer so weak.

Link still remembers that last season he was almost asking for what he wanted to play with Richard Jefferson. But at this time, the third position of the Spurs has become Leonard and "Martial Saint" Stephen Jackson.

Both of these guys are famous defensive champions, especially Leonard, maybe that guy is not so famous now. But Link knows very well what level of athlete he is!

Even though Leonard is still in his infancy, but from the experience of Link with him in the regular season, Leonard's defense is already very strong.

If the Grizzlies can beat the Spurs this time, they will definitely have a sense of accomplishment. It is no exaggeration to say that the Spurs are one of the best teams in the West this year. Want to prove yourself, it is far from enough to defeat an opponent of the Nuggets level.

Therefore, Link is also ready for the second round of the series.

Just as Link was fantasizing in his mind that he was fighting Leonard, it was a fierce fight, but his phone rang.

Link took out his cell phone and found that it was not Teacher Tony who told him to eat breakfast, but the call was from the head coach Hollins.

"What the hell? Do you want me to go to the room to arrange secret tactics? I have played Nuggets 3 to 0, so it takes so much trouble?" With curiosity, Link connected.

"Link, come to my room soon if you get up!" Sure enough, Hollins asked Link to go to his room as soon as he spoke.

"Oh...I'll be here soon..." Link curled his lips. Why was Hollins' tone so serious?


"Hurry up and eat breakfast, and then change into a decent suit. In the afternoon, before the game starts, we have to hold a press conference for you!" Hollins hurriedly looked a little at a loss.

"Press conference?" Link scratched his head. Before the game started, did he hold a press conference for himself? Under what circumstances, I was traded?

What a joke, it's during the playoffs and players can't be traded.

"What happened? Leon." Link asked weakly. After coming in for a long time, Link found that he still didn't understand anything.

Hollins stopped his movements, looked at Link, and slapped his forehead suddenly, "Damn, I haven't told you yet. Just now Chris Wallace called me and told me that the league vote has been Come out, you beat Magic forward Ryan Anderson and won this year's Most Improved Player Award! Get ready to prepare, the afternoon press conference is your award ceremony."

Hollins has never experienced such a moment after all. He has coached the Grizzlies over the years, and no player has won the regular season award. Therefore, facing this kind of thing is also a little frantic.

Link froze for a while, then immediately became excited. Regular season awards? This year, I really didn't work in vain.


The Most Improved Player Award recognizes those players who have made the most progress compared to last season. A total of 121 North American basketball reporters and commentators participated in the vote.

Each voter can write the names of three players in their ballots in order. The player who chooses first gets 5 points, the player who chooses second gets 3 points, and the third one gets 1 point. The player with the highest total score in the end The player won this award.

And this year, out of 121 voters, 58 voted for Link! This number has obviously surpassed the second place Ryan Anderson!

Therefore, Link almost won the Most Improved Award with an overwhelming advantage.

Now that the NBA has not been taken over by Xiao Hua, there is naturally no award ceremony after the season. All regular season awards are awarded at a press conference on the day the results are announced.

Therefore, Link accepted the first regular season award of his career in the media reception room of the Pepsi Center.

Although Link won the rookie game MVP last year, he also won a three-point contest this year. But these two honors belong to All-Star awards, not regular season awards.

Regular season awards are often the most valuable awards in a season. Compared with the All-Star awards, regular season awards can highlight the strength of a player.

At the press conference, after the NBA officials announced the voting results, they handed the transparent crystal trophy to Link.

Seeing his name engraved on the base of the trophy, Link felt extremely honored. The rookie game MVP trophy and the three-point contest championship trophy are not engraved with names, so holding those trophies in your hands, I always feel a little less honorable.

At this time, Link got a genuine personal honor! I got a trophy with my name engraved on it, which belongs only to me!

Indeed, the best progress award is not the most expensive award, compared to the MVP and the best defensive player award announced the day before yesterday ~ ~ a notch.

But those who can win this prize are not the ones who are waiting. From 2001 to 2004, this award was won by McGrady, O'Neill, Arenas and Randolph. After the result, these four people became influential figures. Although they all fell for various reasons later, it must be admitted that at their peak, they were also first-line players.

It can be said that this award is likely to be the beginning of a player's peak.

Last year he missed the best rookie player, but this year he won a most improved award, which is also a kind of compensation for Link to himself.

In his rookie season, Link was almost 20+5+5. Only one year later, he became one of the only two players in the league to get 20+5+5.

Link has made significant improvements in almost every statistic, and efficiency has also improved a lot. Therefore, Ryan Anderson is no match for Link.

"I'm very happy to be able to get such an honor. I have to thank my teammates and the coach. It is them who have allowed us to grow rapidly. I hope that I can go further in the future. Of course, I also hope that the Grizzlies can go further. Last year, I was still an unknown draft pick. As a result, now, I have won a hard-won regular season award. So, who knows what will happen in the future? All I need to do is keep working hard."

There was no draft for Link's speech. When Hollins asked him to write the speech, Link had no idea. So, at the press conference, I improvised a thought.

Link did not break his promise. The Grizzlies swept the Denver Nuggets with a total score of 4-0 on the night after winning the prize.

Link used 25 points, 5 rebounds, 7 assists, 3 steals, and 2 blocks. This filled the data sheet and gave the Grizzlies a step further.

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