“Have you heard that? Fang Yuan killed someone!” A student whispered to the same table.

“I also heard that he really murdered.” The same table held his heart and his face was pale.

“At the time, many guards were saw, Fang Yuan chased the man, and the man wanted to ask for mercy. Fang Yuan didn’t allow it, and he slammed his head directly!”

“More than that. Fang Yuan killed the man, and even his headless body was not let go, dragged back to the dormitory and cut into meat.”

“Really fake?”

“I can’t really be true anymore. I came early this morning and saw the blood in the cracks of the green stone brick.”

“Aiya, lie what are you doing! Just Academy Elder called Fang Yuan, just for this!”

The teenagers in the school did not listen to the class and whispered.

Killing, for the group of fifteen-year-old teenagers, is too strange and terrifying.

From small to large, they are under the protection of the family. At most, they are only fist and kick, and they kill the chickens and dogs.

As for killing, they are still far away from them.

“Who did Fang Yuan kill?”

“I heard that it is a slave to Mo’s Branch lineage.”

“Hey, I know this the most. I saw last night that Mo Family’s Mo Yan Senior Sister brought a bunch of slaves to find Fang Yuan’s trouble.”

“It’s Mo Family, it’s not good, Mo Bei is in trouble.”

Many teenagers are look towards towards Ancient Moon’s Mo Bei.

Mo Bei sat in a pale position, and he was also informed of this morning. Fang Yuan actually killed people and killed his familiar Gao Wan!

This Gao Wan Mo Bei is very familiar. She is very active in the slaves at home. She is good at flattering and has worked hard on fist and kick. It is a powerful henchman.

Some time ago, Gao Wan also practiced with his Mo Bei for a while. I couldn’t think of it, I was killed by Fang Yuan!

Because of this, Mo Bei’s heart is shocked and unbelievable, and it is twice as strong as others.

Beyond shock, it is a kind of worry and fear.

In the face of a murderer like Fang Yuan, 15-year-old Mo Bei is not afraid, it is a lie.

In fact, not only he is afraid, but other teenagers are also afraid.

Fang Yuan robbed them twice, and each of them had a hand with Fang Yuan.

“I even played with this fierce murderer? I am still alive.” Many people patted their hearts and felt a little scared.

Fang Yuan kills people that’s all, the key is that he also split the body, smashed the body and cut it into meat.

This is also fierce!

Such terrifying criminal facts deeply impact the innocent hearts of the teenagers.


In the room, there are only Academy Elder and Fang Yuan.

Academy Elder sat, Fang Yuan stood, no one opened, the atmosphere was depressed and dignified.

Academy Elder silently at the place of Fang Yuan, a flash of complex light in his eyes.

Early in the morning, the guards told him that Fang Yuan had committed murder. The news made him surprised and suspicious.

He is the old Gu Master of Rank 3, and he is in charge of the school. It is natural to know what kind of combat power the Gu Master of the initial stage of the Rank 1 is.

Fang Yuan can kill Gao Wan, it can be said to use the weak to defeat the strong.

In fact, there was a guardian’s obituary in the evening of yesterday, and Mo Yan held up the matter of Fang Yuan’s entry into the school.

At that time, he did not care, and did not stop.

He is Academy Elder, the purpose is to cultivate the future Gu Master, not to protect the future Gu Master. Only without the death and injury of the students, he encouraged the secret battle.

Mo Yan came to find Fang Yuan’s trouble, he was happy to see it.

As a result, he knew that fighting, regardless of victory and defeat, was good for Fang Yuan’s growth. Secondly, he also wants to suppress Fang Yuan’s limelight.

Fang Yuan blocked the school gate twice in a row and grabbed all the students. The limelight was too strong and it was a pressure.

What he didn’t expect was that Mo Yan returned without success, leaving Gao Wan. Gao Wan actually beat Fang Yuan and was killed by Fang Yuan!

In this world, power is supreme. It is not uncommon to kill people, especially for Gu Master, which is a very common thing.

But the fifteen-year-old boy killed the first time, which is not easy.

Academy Elder remembers his first killings. At that time, he was already a Rank 2 Gu Master, 19 years old. In a conflict, he killed a Gu Master in the Bai Family stockade.

After killing people, he vomited a mess, and his heart was flustered. I have lost my appetite for several days and I don’t want to eat. Sleeping is not comforting. A closed eye is the one who roars his eyes when he dies.

Looking at this Fang Yuan now, his face is as calm as usual, where is there any confusion? There is no discomfort, as if he had just slept a night last night, and the murder is not the same.

In particular, Academy Elder heard that after Fang Yuan killed the slave, he did not let him go, dragged his body back to the dormitory, and slashed the meat into a muddy vent. So very ruthless means, there is a kind of terrifying!

Therefore, at this time, Academy Elder looks at Fang Yuan’s eyes, it is full of complex emotions.

On the one hand, he marveled at Fang Yuan’s indifference to life and his mentality as ice. On the one hand, there is some appreciation, Fang Yuan is a battle seed. Just after mastering Moonlight Gu, you can use it to kill people. Ordinary teenagers, even those of the first grade genius, may not be able to do it. This is the talent of battle! If you cultivate to fight for the family, it will be an enemy nightmare.

The third aspect is worry and distress.

Worried that Fang Yuan is going through this, the momentum is even stronger and he can’t hold him. This Fang Yuan is too courageous, not only against the family rules, but also used Gu insect in the school, and thus killed people. Must press his limelight, or how do you manage this school?

What is distressing is how to deal with this matter, after all, involves the lineage of the native.

“Fang Yuan, know what I am calling you, for what?” Academy Elder broke the silence in the room with a low voice.

“I know.” Fang Yuan nodded, “I use Moonlight Gu in the school, which violates the family rules. According to the regulations, the first violation should be punished by compensation for 30 primeval stones.”

He avoided the weight and did not talk about the death of Gao Wan.

Academy Elder stunned and didn’t expect Fang Yuan to answer this.

He looked a sinking, coldly snorted: “You are going to be stupid in front of the old man! I ask you, what happened to Gao Wan’s death?”

Fang Yuan eyes: “hmph! Gao Wan” This person commits the following crimes. He not only blocked my door last night, but also wanted to kill me. I had to use Moonlight Gu for self-defense, and I killed this thief. I suspect that this person is very likely, that is, undercover of other villages, please also please Family Elder!”

Academy Elder listened to this and frowned, not knowing what to say for a while.

Now that Gao Wan is dead, whatever Fang Yuan can say. He is just a foreign surname, not a clansman. If he dies, he will die. Academy Elder doesn’t care about it. But he was worried about Mo Family’s reaction. Gao Wan was the slave of Mo Family, but he died in the school. He manages the school and needs to give Mo Family an account.

After thinking about it, Academy Elder stared at Fang Yuan and asked: “Then I ask you, Gao Wan’s body, how did you deal with it?”

Fang Yuan’s mouth outlines a cruel sneer: “I smashed Gao Wan and smashed it with a wooden case. When it was just dawn, it was put to the back door of Mo Family.”

“What?!” Academy Elder startled, almost couldn’t help but stand up from the seat.

Fang Yuan killed the family slaves and said that they also smashed the body and placed it on the back door of Mo Family. This is a naked provocation!

This is definitely a bad news for Academy Elder, who wants to calm down this matter.

Fang Yuan is just a small Rank 1 Gu Master. What will happen to the huge Mo Family?

Academy Elder thought of this, and suddenly felt a headache, things have been out of his control. This Fang Yuan is really a curse!

“Hey, since things have happened, it doesn’t help to say more. If you go down first, you will be punished after several days. You have to be mentally prepared.” Family Elder was confused and waved to let Fang Yuan retreat. He needs to calm down and think carefully about the countermeasures.

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