Reverend Insanity

Chapter 120: The secret of His invincibility

"The Yuan still at the bottom of the Mad Demon Cave?" For a moment, Fang Yuan's mind was flooded with thoughts.

Yuanjing is indeed recorded in Ren Zu Zhuan, but its description is vague and ambiguous. It depends on how the reader interprets it.

"Even if the Yuan Realm has such power, is it hidden at the bottom of the Mad Demon Cave?" Fang Yuan could not just believe Lu Weiyin's words.

But it is indeed possible.

Fang Yuan also visited the Crazy Demon Cave, and he judged from various traces that he not only visited the Paradise, but also opened a dojo.

Fang Yuan cannot enter the lowest level, but the Paradise is the Immortal Lord, whose ability is difficult to predict.

"If all this is true, then is the purpose of the Paradise the Madden?"

Fang Yuan's heart stirred up, but his face remained calm.

As Lu Wei observed his words, he sighed more and more in his heart: "This Gu Yue Fang Yuan is indeed the number one devil in the world. No wonder he has become the target of competition for God's will and the venerables. To make him believe, these alone are not enough!"

Lu Weiyin had no choice but to continue speaking: "The Mad Demon Cave is indeed at the lowest level. The Yuan Realm is very special. It is both the beginning and the end, and contains the supreme secrets of the entire world. It is with it that the Wuji Demon Lord transforms into an immortal through the Nine Transformations. Only with Gu as the core can we deduce the world of heaven and earth and create new traces of heaven and earth."

"In some ways, the importance of the Mad Devil's Cave is more important than that of Heaven!"

Lu Weiyin spoke slowly and revealed more secrets.

A million years ago in ancient times, the first demon king of the human race, the Wuji Demon Lord, attacked the heavens, threatened to destroy the heavens, and forced the will of the stars to play a chessboard game.

The chess game secretly leads to the Mad Devil's Cave. During the game between the two heroes, they collided with the sparks of ideas, constantly innovating and creating new achievements in the way of heaven.

These results are all entered along the chessboard into the Mad Demon Cave to promote Wuji's deduction.

The phantom of the stars pretends not to know, but in fact, it has been prepared and will take advantage of it.

Subsequent sages of the past dynasties, such as Kuangman Demon Lord, Yuanlian Immortal Lord, and Juyang Immortal Lord, all visited the Yiquebaohan Pavilion and learned about the duel between the two deities, and also understood the importance of the Crazy Demon Cave.

In the fateful battle, the figures of the two heroes playing chess disappeared in the Pavilion of Quebao regret, but this was just the end of the gambling battle between the two heroes.

The final venue that really determines the outcome is still in the Crazy Demon Cave!

The venerable sages of the past dynasties knew this and also got involved. For example, Yuanlian Immortal Lord created the Qinglian Dojo in the eighth layer of void in the Mad Demon Cave. The Crazy Demon Lord created the wild world, and the Paradise Immortal Lord also established the loess world.

As a result, the situation becomes more complicated.

Fang Yuan's heart was shocked: "This is exactly one of my long-standing doubts. Why do some sages go to great lengths to create a dojo and maintain a big world in the eighth floor of the Mad Demon Cave? Could it be that they Do you also want to attack Yuanjing?"

"The venerables have already become venerables. The Yuan realm is not necessary for them. Wait, maybe it's not the case!" There seemed to be a flash of lightning in Fang Yuan's mind, cutting through the fog, allowing him to see Here comes the truth.

"Haha." Lu Weiyin laughed twice, "Fellow Immortal Fang Yuan is indeed a person who dominates the world. No matter how many nobles there are, he can't be defeated. You have already guessed part of the reason."

"That's right." Lu Weiyin continued, "The fate Gu has been destroyed, and the rebirth of the Venerable has become possible. However, the stronger the Gu Immortal is, the more troublesome and costly he will be when he is reborn. If you are not careful, even if you are resurrected, , and does not have the same strength as before. For example, Qi Jue Moxian, because of the interference from Fang Yuan, Wu Yong and others, his strength has declined, and he is not at his peak combat power."

"The same is true for the Venerables. After they are reborn, although they no longer have the Venerable level, they can rise all the way back to the ninth level. However, there is also fierce competition among the Venerables. The Venerables left behind the means of rebirth, but after all, they are Limited. Therefore, the venerables all want to ensure that they are reborn smoothly. It is best to have the peak combat power of the past at the moment of rebirth."

Fang Yuan nodded repeatedly.

He could completely understand the thoughts of the venerables.

While the fate Gu is still there, it cannot be reborn. But almost all the venerables left behind methods. Once the fate Gu is destroyed, once these methods are activated, the venerables can be reborn.

However, the venerables have different positions and camps, and they also plot against each other.

Who doesn't want to be the strongest person in the world?

Who would want to have other sages besides themselves?

The venerables were afraid of each other and tried to make things difficult for each other. Although they were dead, they had been fighting secretly.

Because this kind of confrontation lasts too long, generally speaking, the later the Venerable is born, the more advantageous it will be. For example, this is the case with the Paradise Immortal Lord.

But it's not absolute.

For example, Yuanlian Immortal Lord was still in front of the Ghost Demon Lord, but the Divine Emperor City and Qingchou he arranged had tricked Ghost Soul!

Another example is that it is very easy for the Paradise Immortal Lord to enter the Red Lotus Stone Island and take away the Regret Gu.

But overall, this is still the general trend.

The farther back the venerable is, the more advantage he has in this kind of confrontation.

Because the entire world of Gu cultivators is constantly improving. In ancient times, the Gu cultivating schools of Yuanshi Immortal Lord at that time were only four or five, with Qi Dao ruling the roost. But what now? There are many different schools, and there are at least twenty major schools!

Take the Divine Emperor City as an example. The Divine Emperor City was created by Yuan Lian. At that time, it was the pinnacle level of Mu Dao and Painting Dao, and it could also deduce the Human Dao. But it is relatively weak in terms of luck. Because Ju Yang Immortal Lord is a figure after Yuan Lian.

Even, strictly speaking, it is impossible to tell whether the Divine Emperor City is still the pinnacle of the Mu Dao sect.

More than 300,000 years have passed since the time of Yuanlian Immortal Lord. During this long period, Kido has continued to develop, and countless talents have emerged. Each of them has achieved results, promoting the Mudo school and making great improvements.

Only Hua Dao should still be at its peak.


The Painting Dao was hidden by Yuanlian Immortal Lord and has never been spread.

Therefore, painting is still the best in the world.

This is why some venerables have been holding back the true teachings of their own schools and have not spread them widely.

For example, Ju Yang Immortal Lord’s True Inheritance of Luck.

Lu Weiyin continued to break the shocking news: "Fellow Immortal Fang Yuan, did you know that on the eve of the Destiny War, Duke Long secretly moved the Gate of Life and Death to the Mad Demon Cave."

Fang Yuan's eyes flickered: "Did Heaven also know that the ghost's body was hidden in the Gate of Life and Death, so they moved out in advance, otherwise the ghost would take advantage of it? No wonder after Demon Lord Ghost took control of Fairy Ziwei, he dug into Heaven's treasury, but never found it. The Gate of Life and Death.”

Lu Weiyin took another sip of tea: "Dragon Duke not only moved the Gate of Life and Death, but also moved part of the Immortal Tomb of Heaven to the Mad Demon Cave!"

Fang Yuan's heart moved slightly: "So, the Immortal Tomb I destroyed was only part of the Heavenly Court, and another part was left in the Mad Demon Cave. Is this a retreat prepared by the Heavenly Court in advance? Rather, it is the request of a righteous super force. Stable style. After all, the Immortal Gu in Heaven is limited, and the awakened Gu Immortal cannot guarantee the peak combat power during his lifetime, and the will of the stars also needs to be provided by a part of the sleeping Gu Immortal."

"I was about to talk about the Will of the Stars." Lu Weiyin stared at Fang Yuan with his eyes as bright as a torch, "Fellow Immortal Fang Yuan, you know that the Will of the Stars has not revealed itself for a long time, and is here to tell Heaven how to act."

Fang Yuan was finally moved because he heard the hidden meaning behind the words.

Fang Yuan also stared at Lu Weiyin: "Do you mean that Xingxu has been reborn and resurrected by relying on this will?"

Lu Weiyin nodded: "Although I am not completely sure, the probability is already 10%. If Xingxu Immortal Lord is reborn, he will definitely hide in the eighth level and plot the ninth level Yuan Realm. Once she enters the Yuan Realm During this time, she will return to the realm of the supreme master of the wise path, use the energy of heaven and earth for her own use, and become a truly complete Taoist master!"

Fang Yuan frowned.

He originally estimated that the Venerable was not reborn. But from Lu Weiyin's conversation, he learned that a sage might have been reborn.

Moreover, this reborn venerable person is extremely terrifying. He is the only one of the Zhi Dao sect among the venerable people, and also the only woman.

This woman is so strong that even if she dies, she can plot against the three demon lords in the future. Even though the inside story is very different from what Heavenly Court publicized on the surface, the fact is that Heavenly Court relied on Xingxiu's plan and layout to protect Heavenly Court from the impact of the three demons.

This achievement cannot be erased, and it makes Fang Yuan feel terrible every time he thinks about it!

Fang Yuan knew why Xingxu Immortal Master was no longer the supreme grandmaster of Wisdom Dao.

When Xingxu Immortal Lord disappeared, it was the ancient era three million years ago.

It's too long!

The Zhidao school has developed to this day and has already made earth-shaking progress and improvement.

The quasi-supreme grand master means that the Gu Immortal's understanding of this sect has reached the limit of heaven and earth, touching the ceiling and almost exhausting all the mysteries of this sect. But there are still some edges and corners that haven’t been touched yet.

In the realm of the supreme master, one not only fully understands all the mysteries of the school, but is also able to innovate and innovate. Standing at this level, every Gu Immortal's progress is an unprecedented initiative, an increase in the upper limit of the entire sect, and even a big or small improvement to the world.

Xingxiu Immortal Lord once had the realm of the supreme master of wisdom, but today, that is no longer the case.

This is true even if her will is entangled with God's will, and she is always learning the results of wisdom and Tao in heaven.

Not to mention that the will of the stars and the clone cannot be equated, let’s just say that the achievements of the wisdom path in heaven are only a part of the entire wisdom path school.

Only when the Xingxu Immortal Lord enters the Yuan Realm can she reach the level of the Supreme Master and become the Taoist Master.

"What is a Taoist master?" Fang Yuan heard a new concept from Lu Weiyin's mouth.

His trip to the Mushroom Paradise was really worth it. He has learned all the conditions for becoming a Venerable, and he also has a true understanding of the Venerable’s plot, and the word Taoist Lord may very well be related to the secret of the Venerable’s invincibility!

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