Reverend Insanity

Chapter 87: Put yourself to death and survive

The disasters continued, and the human ancestor's skeleton began to show a golden glow.

The disaster became more and more violent, and the human ancestor's skeleton was continuously burned and became golden.

Human Ancestor began to straighten his back, hold his head high, and endure countless tortures. His bones were like gold, standing upright in the midst of disasters. It is the Golden Bone of Ten Thousand Tribulations.

And on the skull head of Ren Zu, a crown gradually grew, which was the Heaven-Bearing Bone Crown.

The disasters people endure will become their crown in the future.

Although the disaster was still going on, Human Ancestor finally had the ability to speak: "I know that fate must have arrangements, and disasters are its arrangements for people! But I can persevere, no matter what seemingly unbearable disaster Tribulation, in fact, for me, I can bear it."

Qiang Gu was shocked and doubtful.

But his own Gu suddenly understood: "I understand. Man, you are a person who came out of the ordinary abyss. So you can endure unbearable disasters."

Seeing that the disaster could not be dealt with by Renzu, Qiang Gu could only force himself to calm down: "Human, don't be a scumbag. You have hope Gu, the disaster will continue forever. Could it be that the bet between us is just going to be delayed like this by you?" Do you want to go down? I don’t care! Just treat this disaster as if you have passed it. Now it’s our turn to eat you.”

"What do you want to eat from me?" Ren Zu sighed.

Qiang Gu laughed loudly and pointed at Renzu's sternum: "Next, I want to eat your heart!"

Human Ancestor was slightly shocked. The choice of strong Gu was too fatal. How could a person live if he had no heart?

"Quickly take out your heart and let us eat it!" Qiang Gu couldn't wait to shout.

Ren Zu sighed bitterly, hesitated for a moment, and then took out his sympathy first.

Qiang Gu directly put his sympathy into the neck of the predicament and fell directly into his stomach. My belly is a little bigger.

In difficult situations, people often lose their sympathy first.

Human Ancestor then took out the Noble Heart, swallowed the Dilemma, and his belly swelled a lot, making it difficult to digest.

Ren Zu took out his original intention again: "Hope Gu, leave quickly. I don't want to hurt you."

Hope Gu resides in the heart of human ancestors,

But it didn't fly out. It said: "I'm not leaving. This is my home. Man, just throw me in too. I don't blame you."

Ren Zu was helpless, and at the urging of the strong Gu, he took out his heart and gave it to Ji Di.

After Dilemma ate, his belly swelled much larger.

Difficulties often make people lose hope.

Without the Hope Gu, the disasters that plagued Ren Zu gradually disappeared. This greatly reduced people's pressure, but made them feel lost.

"Quick, man, take out your last heart and give it to us!" Qiang Gu pointed at the lonely heart in Renzu's chest.

Ren Zu was hesitant and embarrassed. His lonely heart was not only the refuge of his own Gu, but also his last heart. Without this heart, Renzu’s life would be at risk.

Qiang Gu laughed and threatened: "Quick! If you don't give us your heart to eat, we will go ahead and eat you whole!"

The Gu has been deceived, and it said nonchalantly: "People, just give it to them. I don't care, and you won't die! We are the most powerful."

"Give it to me!" Qiang Gu snatched the Lonely Heart from Renzu's hand, followed the wound on Dilemma's neck, and threw it into its belly.

At this time, Ren Zu was completely heartless.

He fell directly to the ground, lifeless and unable to get up again.

Renzu is dead.

"Human, if you die, we will be free too." Rules Gu flew away.

"There is no other way. A person has encountered the biggest dilemma in his life." Courage Gu, Blade Gu, etc. also flew away.

On the corpse of Ren Zu, only his own Gu kept hovering. Attitude Gu also wanted to leave, but was held tightly by his own Gu and failed.

Qiang Gu laughed happily: "Hahaha, you are nothing more than that. Huh? What's wrong with you in this predicament?"

The dilemma that Qiang Gu was relying on, he covered his extremely swollen belly and rolled on the ground in pain.

Loneliness is extremely difficult to resolve and digest. The stronger the dilemma, the more lonely it becomes.


Suddenly, Dilemma's belly suddenly swelled.

Renzu's lonely heart, his skin and flesh were condensed into a boy.

Qiang Gu was stunned: "Who are you?"

The boy shouted: "I am the son of Ren Zu - Dali Zhenwu!"

Before he finished speaking, he jumped up and grabbed Qiang Gu.

Qiang Gu struggled to break away, and his own Gu took the opportunity to fly up and bite it.

Qiang Gu was injured and weak.

"Where to escape!" Dali Zhenwu yelled, grabbed Qiang Gu and pressed it into his chest.

The strong Gu fell into his chest and was imprisoned in his heart, unable to come out.

"Don't waste your efforts. This is my great ambition, and you can't get out of it." Dali Zhenwu laughed.

Later, he found several other human hearts from the corpse of the predicament and put them back into the chest of the human ancestor.

Human Ancestor is alive again!

There is no doubt that the human heart is the source of motivation and one of the fatal weaknesses of the human body.

The esophagus killer move created by Ghost Soul is obviously better than the two moves of suffering and suffering losses. Even if the latter two moves hit the enemy, they can only add weight to both ends of the balance of victory and defeat. The heart-eating killing move is extremely deadly. Once it is hit, if there is no precaution in advance, the outcome is almost certain!

This is the way to win! !

Fang Yuan was hit.

It is true that the defense of Antu Chongshan Fortress is extremely outstanding. However, there are many schools of Gu Immortals, but the spread of the esophagus is rare, and there are few defenses against the esophagus. Therefore, in the fateful battle, many Immortal Gu Houses on the West Desert side were helpless in the face of the two Immortals from Heaven who jointly performed the ultimate move of sitting on the mountain and eating the empty esophagus.

Fang Yuan also mastered some esophageal inheritance, and he also knew that Ghost had profound knowledge of esophagus.

Under Fang Yuan's establishment, Antu Chongshan Fortress can certainly guard against the esophagus.

However, the current Azuchi Castle has been broken by ghosts!

Even if Antu Zhongshan Castle is complete, it will be difficult to block all heart-eating killing moves, and Fang Yuan will still be hit.

In an instant, a thick shadow of death enveloped Fang Yuan.

He couldn't fight, couldn't fight!

The Heavenly Dao in the Supreme Immortal Aperture seemed to be aware of it, and it actually stopped the evolution for thousands of kalpas, all spread out, and bound Fang Yuan's whole body.

Fang Yuan was unable to mobilize any means of defense and could only wait for death quietly.

Seeing that the opportunity was not good, Lu Wei quickly mobilized the battlefield on the earth road. The yellow sand condensed like a python or a dragon, entangled with the ghost giant, and quickly tightened it in an attempt to imprison the ghost.

The ghost sneered, hundreds of arms barely holding on, and the defense was very passive. His four eyes were still staring at Fang Yuan, and most of his energy and energy were urging him to use his heart-eating killing move.

"Oops!" Lu Weiyin's heart suddenly sank.

Ancestor Qihai and Wu Shuai felt even colder in their hearts. They attacked desperately, but couldn't get a look back from the ghost.

Ghost would rather be seriously injured than seize this opportunity.

He must kill Fang Yuan!

"Am I... going to end up here?" Fang Yuan's mind was still dry, with few thoughts moving around. This is the aftereffect of just activating the boundless Qi Sea killing move.

The ghost is really too powerful.

As expected of the former Demon Lord! The man who is invincible in the world!

At that time, he killed so much that the whole world was in darkness, no one dared to make a sound, and hundreds of millions of creatures could only tremble in his shadow.

It wasn't until the Paradise Immortal was born that he worked hard all his life to heal the physical and mental wounds for all the lives of heaven and earth.

When Ghost has not exerted his full strength, his personal combat power is not much different from that of his surrounding opponents, but he always controls the entire battle situation. When he fully exploded, his combat power skyrocketed, immediately widening the gap between him and his surroundings. What makes people even more desperate is that every choice he makes is so sharp and vicious, with immediate results, leaving no chance for his opponent to breathe, let alone survive.

"No, even if there is only a glimmer of hope, I will try to the end!" Fang Yuan could not arrange any means, but even if he could use the ultimate move, he could not prevent it.

Unless there is a countercurrent protective seal!

The pained look on Fang Yuan's face suddenly disappeared, and the corners of his mouth turned up, revealing a mysterious smile, which was extremely intriguing.

The next moment, he suddenly shouted loudly: "If you don't take action now, how long will you wait? I will die!"

Ghost's eyes bulged, but he narrowed his eyes at the same time: "Is this... Fang Yuan deliberately defrauding me? No!"

The ghost's head turned around and he saw Qi Jue Demon Fairy attacking the ghost!


Qi Jue Demon Fairy activated his killing move, and the ground above his head was like a meteor, flying fiercely and hitting the ghost's back heavily.

The ghost was staggered and almost fell to the ground.

Puff puff puff puff!

Many big holes suddenly opened all over his body, like air leaks, and countless dark soul energy sprayed out along the big holes.

Not only that, the hundreds of thick black arms surrounding the ghost fell down in an instant, like dead and rotten branches.

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