Reverend Insanity

Chapter 73: Wang Xiao2 in Beifeng Mountains

"It's difficult." Fang Yuan sighed deeply.

Almost as soon as he finished speaking, the offensive from the outside ghosts became fierce again!

Ghost shouted coldly: "Fang Yuan, you really disappoint me. How long will you continue to hide? To tell you the truth, your position was calculated by Fairy Ziwei just now."

"Putting your hopes on deception is purely the behavior of a weak person. Humph, I arranged for you the Supreme Immortal Fetus Gu. It's like a hidden secret!"

"Come out and fight with me. At least after you die, the world will not say that you are cowardly and incompetent, bullying the weak and afraid of the strong, greedy for life and afraid of death."

"Damn it!" Wu Shuai's thoughts were interrupted and he couldn't help but grit his teeth.

Fang Yuan snorted coldly, frowned and did not answer. What does fame mean to him? What Fang Yuan cares about is whether Fairy Ziwei really figured it out? Or was Ghost deliberately deceiving himself, and even his hesitation just now was just an act, a test of Fang Yuan?

The Qihai clone has left there, and Fang Yuan doesn't know the specific situation.

"Even at this moment, the Zhidao formation over there is still operating. We cannot rule out the possibility that Fairy Ziwei is using this to delay Heavenly Court and Changsheng Heaven, and secretly inform the ghosts of the calculation results in advance. Alas, I can't care about this anymore." Fang Yuan sighed. , and quickly put this problem behind him.

It's not that he found the truth, but that the current situation of Dragon Palace is in danger, and he has to take action.

Fang Yuan opened a crack in the Immortal Aperture portal and released the ancient Nian Beast that had been prepared!

Several ancient beasts roared and rushed out of the Dragon Palace. Some tried to break through the black air vortex, while others went to kill the demon king's ghost.

"These are all useless efforts." Demon Lord Ghost took action, and black smoke flew from his body, setting off a bleak wind that enveloped a thousand miles in radius.

He clicked his fingers together, and each strike was just a plume of black smoke. However, it was extremely fast and powerful. The black smoke hit the Ancient Nian Beast, and immediately expanded, turning into thick smoke chains like thick vines, imprisoning the Ancient Nian Beast.

The ancient beast struggled, but the black smoke chain was amplified by the black smoke vortex, becoming stronger and tighter. The ancient Nian Beast could still struggle at first, but soon became unable to move and became a target, before being swept away by the vortex.

"These are all little tricks. You really disappoint me, Fang Yuan." The Demon Lord's ghost flew high in the sky, looking down at the vortex of black smoke beneath his feet.

The dignified Level 8 Immortal Gu House Dragon Palace seemed like a toy. Once he found out the details, he could only let it be played with and manipulated.

Wu Shuai gritted his teeth and activated the killing move of Qingyan in his dream.

Demon Lord Ghost sneered, opened his mouth and spat out several balls of souls. The soul ball has a tail and looks like a tadpole. It throws a dark phantom in the air and quickly plunges into the body of the ancient beast.

A thin layer of black energy quickly appeared on the ancient Nian Beast. The black smoke chains melted rapidly in the black air, making the black air more than ten times richer in the blink of an eye.

The ancient Nian Beast regained its freedom, but roared and charged towards the Dragon Palace!

One of the ancient beasts even aimed a killing move directly at Mengli Qingyan.

These ancient beasts were actually instigated by Demon Lord Ghost to rebel on the spot.

In the dream, the light smoke swept away the ancient beast, and Wu Shuai felt deeply powerless. Now that Ghost is in control of the battle, with plenty of spare time and initiative, Mengli Qingyan's ultimate move no longer poses a threat to him and has become nothing more than a minor nuisance.

Demon Lord Ghost now displayed these several soul-killing moves, all of which were methods that Fang Yuan and Wu Shuai had never seen or even heard of.

The background of the Nine-turn Master is bottomless!

High in the sky, the Zhidao formation is still in operation.

Fairy Ziwei sat in the center, still looking like she was doing her best to make calculations.

Immortals from the Immortal Heaven and Heavenly Court surround the Zhidao Formation.

Qin Dingling looked at the Zhidao Formation in silence. Just now, news came from the Heavenly Court that the few Gu Immortals left behind had successfully suppressed Di Zangsheng.

Di Zang was struck by Yuanshi Qi Dao's ultimate move, and his condition had already hit rock bottom. When Fang Yuan escaped, he directly abandoned it and didn't care about it. It is not surprising that he was captured and suppressed by the Heavenly Court Gu Immortal this time.

From this point, we can also see Fang Yuan's panic. There is such a being as Emperor Zangsheng,

Not being able to take it into consideration just shows his weakness at the moment.

It was precisely this fact that made Qin Dingling murderous towards Fang Yuan.

Such a good opportunity is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

After suppressing the evil dragon, the Gu Immortals who stayed behind began to actively repair the Tianting Cave. The leaks were quickly made up, and most of the disaster in heaven has been solved.

This situation made Qin Dingling relieved, but there were other worries.

"The Ancestor Qihai left not long ago. According to the speed and direction of the Dragon Palace, he has already reached the intestinal corridor by now, right?" Qin Dingling secretly estimated.

Fang Yuan fled, drove the Dragon Palace out of Taikoo Baitian, and headed directly to Central Continent. This made the Heavenly Court anxious and angry, as they were worried that their territory would suffer the aftermath of the battle and suffer heavy losses.

The Intestinal Corridor is the northern exit of the Beifeng Mountains. It was formed by combining the mountains of the earth after the death of a strong orc in ancient times. It is controlled by Black Sky Temple, one of the ten ancient sects in Central Continent.

Qin Dingling had already informed Heitian Temple of the situation and asked them to dispatch the Immortal Gu House and move freely around the intestinal corridor. If there is an advantage, take action. If the enemy is too strong, just abandon the corridor. Preserving your own strength is the most important.

Black Sky Temple received the order from heaven, and as if facing a formidable enemy, it quickly mobilized almost all its forces to launch operations.

But they waited and waited, but they didn't wait for Dragon Palace and Ghost.

What Qin Dingling didn't know was that the Dragon Palace had been intercepted by the ghost of the Demon Lord halfway, and it was still above the Beifeng Mountains.

The Beifeng Mountains are very vast, stretching for more than 100,000 miles. Generally speaking, the mountains are gentler than other mountain ranges in Central Continent. There are not many resources here, and many peaks are bare. Therefore, even though it is located on the edge of the Black Sky Temple's power, it is not taken seriously by the Black Sky Temple.

The most abundant resources here are the wind channels. A rank seven Gu Immortal from Fengyun Mansion came here to cultivate for many years, and finally broke through and became a rank eight Gu Immortal. This person was none other than Old Man Beifeng. Unfortunately, he had a tragic fate. He was captured by Fang Yuan in the Destiny War, and was then enslaved by Dragon Palace. In the fierce battle just now, Old Man Beifeng had already died.

Not only him, but all four dragons will die in this battle. Even the strongest Emperor Zangsheng is now suppressed and imprisoned by Heaven.

Somewhere on the top of the Biefeng Mountains.

A few teenagers herding sheep were having an argument.

There was only one boy who was bullied, and he was the thinnest. He kept retreating amid the accusations.

"Wang Xiaoer, this hilltop has been taken over by us. There is no place for you."

"Get out of here, as far away as possible."

Several young men were wearing thick leather jackets, with stout bodies and expressions of hatred on their faces.

Wang Xiaoer's clothes were not only patched, but also tattered in many places, like a beggar.

He weakly protested: "But my sheep also need to eat grass. If I don't let the sheep eat enough, I will be beaten by my uncle and aunt when I get home."

Several teenagers laughed, and one of them was the thickest. He struck hard and pushed Wang Xiaoer to the ground.

"You can go graze the sheep on the hill next door. There is still some grass there. Get out! If you don't get out, I will break your legs!" the stout young man threatened viciously.

Wang Xiaoer struggled to get up. He did not dare to protest anymore, so he had to drive his small group of sheep away from the mountain.

He stretched out his young and frail legs and trudged through the harsh mountains and rivers. There was no road at all on the mountain, and Wang Xiaoer often fell down, getting bruises on the hard rocks. On the contrary, the sheep behind him walked freely and leisurely.

Wang Xiaoer finally found a small piece of grass. The sheep ran for a while. They were thirsty and hungry. They didn't need him to drive them away. They just swarmed up and competed for food.

Wang Xiaoer was so tired that he slumped down on a boulder, watching the sheep plundering them, and lamented in his heart: "Recently, the sad wind in the mountains has become stronger and stronger, and the grassland has become less and less. Therefore, they did not miss me when they drove me away. The sheep divided the pasture.”

The grassland was so small that the sheep ate it for a while and then gnawed it all away. The stronger sheep ate the most, while most of the remaining sheep were still moaning with hunger.

Wang Xiaoer shook his head. The grass in this mountain was sparse and scattered in all directions. To feed these sheep, you have to travel over the mountains. Not only is it time consuming, but it is also a waste of energy.

"Sheep, sheep, at least you still have something to eat. I've eaten enough for you today, so you will definitely go back late. You will definitely be beaten and scolded by your uncle and aunt again, and you will have to eat bad rice and bad food."

Even though Central Continent is the most developed place among the five domains, life is still difficult for the majority of mortals. Not having enough to eat is common.

At this moment, there was a sudden rumbling sound.

Wang Xiaoer looked up at the sky and wondered why there was thunder in the clear sky.

Then, he gradually opened his mouth wide and saw a meteor falling from high in the sky.

The meteors were getting bigger and bigger in his field of vision, the wind was pressing hard, the roar was deafening, and the temperature in the air was rising rapidly.

Wang Xiaoer was so frightened that he stood frozen on the spot, while the sheep around him felt the crisis, howling and running around.

Not only the sheep, but also the wild animals on the mountains were running wild. The originally barren hilltop suddenly became lively and noisy.

The meteor was getting closer and closer, and Wang Xiaoer could see it clearly.

This "meteor" turned out to be a huge beast as big as a mountain!

The beast crashed down with a roar. What a coincidence, this is the mountain where Wang Xiaoer lives!

The mountain peaks cracked, rocks flew, the ground shook, and smoke and dust rose everywhere.

The small village on the mountain was torn apart and destroyed in an instant. The screams of humans, mixed with the screams of animals, were faintly transmitted to Wang Xiaoer's ears along with the strong wind and waves.

Boom, boom, boom...

In Wang Xiaoer's horrified eyes, huge cracks spread rapidly to the surroundings. The surrounding mountain peaks also cracked, and then collapsed one after another.

Those young men who had driven Wang Xiaoer away before were all killed as a result!

"Am I going to die too?" Wang Xiaoer sat down on the ground.

He seemed to have been drained of all his strength, and could only watch helplessly as the smoke and dust filled the sky, rushing towards him like a prehistoric giant, trying to swallow him completely.

In the smoke and dust, the wind and waves contained countless gravels.

A piece of gravel hit Wang Xiaoer on the forehead.

His last thought before he passed out was to wonder why a giant beast fell from the sky.

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