Reverend Insanity

Chapter 55: The blue sky is broken

Soon, Xiao Hejian received a response. He flew into the ground in person and faced the master of the Forest Thunder Cave: "The alliance leader said that you can let you go, but the Forest Thunder Cave must belong to the alliance. Of course, the alliance will not do anything to the cave. The fruit of qigong and the adventurous attempt.”

"No!" The attitude of the master of Senlei Cave is very resolute, "This cave is my home, and I will never give it up! The cave must not change hands. This is our territory. What qualifications does the alliance have to invade and rob it? Thunder and Lightning Gu I will temporarily take care of you. If you withdraw, you will not make any intrusion in the future. I can sign a contract with the alliance and will never covet or get involved in thunder and lightning Gu. If the alliance wants ninth-level thunder and lightning Gu, they can provide resources and cultivate it. The thunder forest here.”

Xiao Hejian was silent and had no choice but to send the request from the master of Senlei Cave to Wu Shuai for reading.

Wu Shuai pondered for a moment and was a little undecided.

Then he informed the main body of this information through secret means and let the main body make a decision.

Fang Yuan fell into deep thought.

"The power of the ninth-level immortal Gu is extraordinary, and it is indeed worthy of concession. But this wild lightning Gu is only the eighth-level. To become the ninth-level, I don't know how many resources will be consumed and how much price will be paid. In the process, there will be How many accidents have occurred!”

"There is another crucial point. The news about the thunder and lightning Gu can no longer be concealed. The spread of the influence will definitely lead to war. No matter other forces such as Tianting or Changshengtian intervene, Wu Shuai and Qihai Ancestor alone will definitely win. All-out war.”

Fang Yuan has profound attainments in wisdom and can immediately calculate the future change trend.

The master of Forest Thunder Cave has been hiding the secret of thunder and lightning Gu because he wants to keep it to himself. But now he couldn't keep it all for himself, so he had to use this bargaining chip to negotiate terms.

Since he can secretly collaborate with the enemy, of course he will not only negotiate with Wu Shuai Alliance, but will definitely contact Qihai Ancestor.

The Qi Sea Ancestor disguised by Fang Yuan adheres to the position of the human race and forms an alliance with Heaven. He will never allow an alien force like Wu Shuai Alliance to obtain the ninth-level thunder and lightning Gu!

Therefore, Qihai Ancestor will definitely raise troops to attack.

At that time, the master of Senlei Cave will definitely seek to gain some respite from both sides. It has to be said that this Forest Thunder Cave Master also has a lot of wisdom and is well versed in the survival of the weak.

But this will inevitably increase the friction between Qihai Patriarch and Wu Shuai. This is exactly the situation that Fang Yuan has been trying his best to avoid.

However, by then, Heavenly Court will definitely add fuel to the flames, and even forces such as Changshengtian, Qijue Demon Fairy, and Five Realms will secretly instigate.

Although Fang Yuan is the leader of both parties, he cannot restrain every subordinate. When these subordinates fight and someone dies, both Wu Shuai and Qi Hai Ancestor must take action to protect their own interests and face. As a result, the situation escalated and became increasingly uncontrollable, eventually leading to an all-out war.

But if Fang Yuan suppresses the situation, this is not in line with the consistent behavior of Wu Shuai and Ancestor Qi Hai. If it falls into the eyes of the Zhi Dao Gu Immortal, there will definitely be a huge flaw, which will also cause great suspicion in the heaven, thus making the whole situation more dangerous.

Therefore, this is by no means as simple as a thunder and lightning Gu.

Instead, it affects the whole body and involves the overall situation of the world such as alien races, human races, two days, five domains, etc.!

Fang Yuan couldn't make a decision on such a big matter for a while.

After all, there are too many factors to consider. The most important thing is that his combat power is declining now, which is the moment when he is weakest and most in need of recuperation.

"I remember that thunder and lightning Gu was also recorded in "The Biography of Human Ancestors", and its power was quite powerful..."

Fang Yuan flipped through "The Biography of Human Ancestors".

"The Biography of Human Ancestors" contains Chapter 4, Section 30 -

It is said that Yanhuang Leize and Wanjin Miaohua were thrown away by the fate Gu, and were forced to leave Human Ancestor and come to the ancient blue sky.


The thunder here is endless. Lightning strikes one after another, marking the sky and forming a forest of thunder and lightning.

"I'm angry! I'm angry!" The source of the thunder forest is a thunder and lightning Gu, which keeps roaring.

Yanhuang Leize and Wanjin Miaohua were both extremely frightened. The power of thunder and lightning is too strong,

As long as a bolt of lightning hits them, they can be seriously injured or even killed.

The two of them remained motionless, for fear that the thunder and lightning Gu would find them and blast them to death.

They waited patiently, hoping to wait until the thunder and lightning Gu dissipated and stopped getting angry before taking action.

But Thunder and Lightning Gu was very angry, and his anger showed no sign of stopping. The forest of thunder and lightning became more and more vast.

"What should we do?" Wan Jin Miaohua was very worried, "How should we return to our father? Brother, do you have any good ideas?"

Yanhuang Leize shook his head and frowned: "It's all the fault of Fate Gu! It was the one who tore us apart from my father. I will definitely take revenge on it in the future. Oops, every time I think of Fate Gu, my heart aches."

Yanhuang Leize covered his heart and found that his heart was getting more and more painful.

How did that happen?

He quickly opened his heart and saw the depths of his heart.

"Oh, why is there a Gu in my heart?" Yanhuang Leize was very surprised. "No wonder I have been heartbroken. It turns out that this Gu has been gnawing at my heart."

Wan Jin Miaohua also saw this Gu: "Isn't this a love Gu? I once heard my father talk about what it looks like."

"No, I am a hatred Gu." Gu answered, "Although I look very similar to a love Gu on the surface."

Wanjin Miaohua advised: "Hate Gu, why are you trying to eat my brother's heart? Stop it quickly."

But Hatred Gu said: "I don't! I want to make a nest here and change your brother's heart into a heart of hatred."

Yanhuang Leize was very angry: "Who allowed you to make a nest in my heart? Get out of here quickly, I don't welcome you at all. If you don't get out again, I will crush you to death!"

Hatred Gu laughed: "I was attracted by the anger of thunder and lightning, but unexpectedly found that your heart is more suitable for my nest. I will not go out."

Yanhuang Leize was angry. He really reached into his heart and pinched the hatred Gu.

The hatred Gu seemed to be a curved blade without a handle. As soon as Yanhuang Leize pinched it, his hand was cut and bleeding began.

Yanhuang Leize gritted his teeth and squeezed the hatred Gu to death.

But the next moment, the hatred Gu resurrected from the blood and became bigger.

Yanhuang Leize crushed it to death again, and the hatred Gu came to life again, and its size became larger again.

"It's useless." Hatred Gu said, "Hate cannot kill. How long will it take to retaliate? If you treat me like this, the hatred in your heart will only get stronger and stronger."

Wanjin Miaohua was dumbfounded and helpless against the hatred Gu.

"It hurts, it hurts!" Yanhuang Leize covered his heart, his face turning pale from the pain.

The hatred Gu burrowed around in his heart, drilling holes one after another, turning his heart into a heart of hatred.

Now Yanhuang Leize hates Fate Gu even more.

"If I hadn't been thrown here by the Fate Gu, how could I have encountered the Hatred Gu? How could I have been drilled into my heart by the Hatred Gu?"

"I must destroy Fate Gu, and I must take revenge."

The more Yanhuang Leize thought about it, the more hatred he felt. He was no longer afraid of the angry thunder and lightning, and stood up suddenly.

"Sister, let's go, I don't want to stay here anymore." Yanhuang Leize took Wanjin Miaohua's hand.

But Wanjin Miaohua hesitated: "Brother, there are thunder and lightning all around us now. We don't know when they will strike. It's too dangerous."

Yanhuang Leize said: "Sister, don't be afraid. The hatred in my heart made me see a road, which is the road of revenge. There is no thunder and lightning on this road. As long as I follow this road, I can find the fate Gu. , take revenge on it. Come with me!"

Yanhuang Leize dragged the Wanjin Miaohua and flew away.

Miraculously, despite the thunder and lightning roaring all around, it failed to hit Yanhuang Leize and Wanjin Miaohua.

The two of them ran and ran when they suddenly bumped into something and were knocked down.

"What's in front?" Wan Jin Miaohua touched the air in front of her, and she found that there seemed to be a transparent wall.

"This is the Tiangang Qi Wall, the boundary of the Ancient Nine Heavens." Hatred Gu explained.

"Brother, there is a wall in front of us. We can't get out." Wan Jin Miaohua said helplessly.

But Yanhuang Leize didn't think so: "Where is the wall in front of me? I only saw the road. As long as I follow the road, I will be able to go out and find the fate Gu!"

Yanhuang Leize stood up again and again, flew forward, and hit the Tiangang Qi wall again and again. His head was bruised and bleeding, and he fell to the ground. Then, he got up again and again and charged again.

Wanjin Miaohua wanted to stop it, but Yanhuang Leize didn't listen to her at all.

Hatred Gu smiled and said: "It's useless. I have made a nest in his heart. Although he has his eyes open, he can only see the path I guided him, and can't see anything else at all. Hahaha."

At this time, the thunder and lightning Gu also noticed the Yanhuang Leize and Wanjin Miaohua, and the terrifying thunder and lightning forest also spread rapidly towards this side.

With no way to advance or retreat, Wan Jin Miao Hua was extremely anxious, but had no other solution: "It would be great if the wealth Gu was still there!"

Yanhuang Leize turned a deaf ear and still banged his head against the Tiangang Qi wall again and again, causing blood to flow all over the ground.

The thunder and lightning Gu finally approached, and Wanjin Miaohua cried out: "Am I going to die here today?"

But the thunder and lightning Gu put away its power and slowly approached. It made a loud rumbling sound: "Don't worry, people, I will not harm you or hurt you. On the contrary, I need your help."

Wanjin Miaohua stopped crying and asked curiously: "Thunder and Lightning Gu, you are so powerful, is there anything else we can do to help you?"

Thunder Gu said: "I have been trapped here. Although the ancient blue sky is big, I am tired of it. I want to go out, but I can't find a way out. So I am very angry and getting angrier. Anger often leads to hatred. , so the hatred Gu was attracted."

"But from your brother, I see a way out. So, people, let's cooperate. I'll help you break through the Tiangang Qi wall, and then you take me out of here, okay?" Thunder and Lightning Gu suggested.

Wanjin Miaohua and Yanhuang Leize were very happy after hearing this suggestion.

"I promise you. It's really great to have your help." Yanhuang Leize replied.

As a result, the thunder and lightning Gu fell into Yanhuang Leize's hands and began to shine with terrifying light.

Hatred Gu laughed loudly: "Let me help you too."

Thunder Gu gained the power of Hatred Gu and became very, very powerful.

Boom boom boom——

The thunder and lightning Gu burst out with extremely powerful power, not only destroying the Tiangang Qi wall in front of everyone, but also shattering the entire ancient blue sky!

"Quickly leave!" Yanhuang Leize was startled, knowing that he had caused a big disaster, so he quickly grabbed his sister and evacuated quickly with the lightning Gu and hatred Gu.

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