Reverend Insanity

Chapter 843: Omniscient and omnipotent

Fang Yuan attached great importance to this premonition.

In his last life, he accidentally witnessed the opening of Tao Zhu's true inheritance in the Five Realms Mountains, but he failed to succeed. I had a similar feeling afterwards, knowing secretly that I had missed a major opportunity. And missing it this time will make you very regretful in the future.

as expected!

In the subsequent Central Continent War, the Five Worlds Great Limitation Formation played a very critical role. If Fang Yuan mastered this method, he would not only be able to deal with Xingxu Immortal Lord's long-term continuous formation, but also the killing moves of Hero among Men, using the Five Forbidden Mysterious Light Qi.

But this time, facing the Bean God Palace, this feeling came again.

"But it's different from the premonition in the last life. This time I felt it before I made the decision. In the previous life, I felt it after the incident happened and I had already missed Tao Zhu's true biography."

"Is this also progress?"

"If this is progress, what is the cause of this progress?"

Fang Yuan fell into deep thought.

Fang Yuan was very interested in the premonition itself. But he was more interested in what caused this premonition.

After calculation, Fang Yuan found out the answer: genre realm!

"My realm of Wisdom and Dao should be the main reason. Masters of Wisdom and Dao can produce intuition, and Masters of Wisdom and Dao can understand by analogy. Wisdom and Dao Gu Immortal cultivates thoughts, intentions, and emotions. The occurrence of any kind of emotion is an omen, which is of great significance, and is different from other schools. The Gu Immortals are different."

"The second is luck. Luck lies in changes and changes. My luck has the realm of a master, and I also have an intuitive response."

"Then there is the Time Dao. In the last life, when I had a premonition that Tao Zhu's true biography was missed, the Time Dao realm had already played a role. In this life, the Time Dao realm is quasi-supreme, so I can sense certain scenes in the future. Because of this, The change has caused me to have a premonition in advance and know the importance of this choice!"

The sudden increase in the realm of Time Dao has reversed the relationship between premonition and events. This is a qualitative improvement!

"Finally, there is the Mu Dao realm. Because it is related to the Bean God Palace, my Mu Dao realm was extremely ordinary before, so my premonitions were not very sensitive. When I became a Mu Dao master, my premonitions finally made up the last piece and condensed into shape."

The realm of wisdom, the realm of luck, the realm of time, the realm of wood...

These four realms complement each other and form a miraculous premonition.

It would be extremely difficult for ordinary Gu Immortals to achieve this. Fang Yuan is probably the only one who has mastered various schools so far.

To be more precise, in Fang Yuan's five hundred years ago, the Ghost Demon Lord refined the Supreme Immortal Fetus Gu, which was also the Supreme Immortal Body.

It’s hard to say in the future.

In the future, dreams will appear everywhere, and through dreams, Gu Immortals can also gain rapid advancement in the realms of various schools.

By combining these realms, you might be able to get a premonition.

Fang Yuan continued to analyze carefully: "The basis of premonition is the realm of wisdom. The level of the realm of time determines whether it is a premonition beforehand or a premonition afterward. The realm of luck can make me more sensitive to certain changing trends. And the realm of Mu Dao and others The realm of genre is the realm of premonition.”

"My premonition this time is that I have a clear perception after my Mu Dao realm has improved. In the future, if I complete other schools, I will be able to have a premonition of all aspects of things. What kind of realm is this? "

One word flashed in Fang Yuan's mind instantly: omniscience and omnipotence!

"No, omnipotence is not considered at all, but omniscience can be achieved." Fang Yuan's face was full of solemnity.

When all genres reach a certain level, they can have a premonition that encompasses everything. This level of premonition is almost omniscience.

"If one develops outstanding cultivation in all schools on the basis of the Supreme Immortal Body, then it would be almost omnipotent, right?"

"Omniscient and omnipotent..." Fang Yuan murmured, his heart was excited and his eyes were shining brightly, "If I reach such a level and pursue the path of eternal life, I must be able to see it clearly!"

Fang Yuan was secretly excited.

Although he has rich experience and has been reborn many times, his past experience has long been of little help to him.

Many times, many things require him to explore and practice.

For example, taking the cultivation level of the Nine-Rank Master, the Dao marks on Fang Yuan's body have already broken through the limitations of the Eighth-Rank. After annexing the Qi Phase Cave Heaven, the calamity jumps forward and should also jump out of the Eighth-Rank range.

But he was not promoted to rank nine.

How to become the ninth rank is what he needs to explore.

Now, from this premonition, he has figured out the mysteries of various realms, and has been pleasantly surprised by the unexpected gains of concurrent cultivation.

Ordinary Gu Immortals may stop here, but Fang Yuan explored the fundamentals and discovered the hope of eternal life!

None of the sages of the past could live forever, and Fang Yuan only had a goal of eternal life. He didn't have any concept or feasible idea on how to achieve this goal.

Finally today, he figured out a possible path to eternal life from a small premonition!

"Although it is not yet clear how to live forever, omniscience and omnipotence are the cornerstone. Next, we must first destroy the fate Gu to make immortality possible. Then we must work hard to achieve omniscience and omnipotence!"

"To achieve omniscience, we must work hard to explore dreams and raise the realm of the major schools."

"To achieve omnipotence, you must rely on the Supreme Immortal Body to practice all schools and firmly master all methods."

Regardless of whether it is omniscience or omnipotence, if you can do just one thing, you have surpassed all the sages of the past!

Even those venerables only cultivate two or three paths at the same time and cannot reach the state of omniscience. Although his abilities are extraordinary and difficult for Fang Yuan to understand, he is not a supreme immortal and cannot be omnipotent.

If Fang Yuan could achieve omniscience and omnipotence, he would definitely surpass all the sages. By that time, the Venerable Master will not be able to achieve eternal life, but it may not be impossible for him!

"Wait a minute, the prophecy spoken by the three saints clearly states that Dameng Immortal Lord will become the strongest among the Lords. Is it because she will reach the state of omniscience?"

This is very possible.

The Great Dream Immortal must be a great master in dream exploration, and the realms of the major schools must be extraordinary and of very high standards. It is not surprising to achieve omniscience.

Fang Yuan's heart skipped a beat, he had a new and more in-depth understanding of the Three Lords and the context of the future!

He is now at level eight cultivation, his combat power is comparable to Duke Long, and he is already the pinnacle figure in the world. However, for this world and the future, he is still small. There are still many things he needs to learn and understand, and there are countless aspects he needs to grow in.

A spiritual goal like omniscience and omnipotence is too lofty and can scare people to death. Most people would probably suffocate with despair after seeing it, and would not even have the slightest idea of ​​trying.

But Fang Yuan was aroused with endless fighting spirit!

"In this way, all the disputes and all the efforts will make my life colorful."

A few days later.

Langya blessed land.

"Quick, quick, increase the heat!" Langya white-haired earth spirit urged while presiding over the long-haired Tao refining formation.

Mao Min Gu Immortal, who was in charge of the fire, immediately tried his best to mobilize the firepower.

But Langya Earth Spirit felt it was not enough and still shouted loudly: "The fire needs to be bigger, bigger!"

"But sir, this is already the biggest fire." Maomin Gu Immortal shouted.

Langya Earth Spirit has rich experience. With a roll of his eyes, he thought of a method and immediately ordered: "Mao Liu, come and activate the wind formation in the big formation. We will use the wind to stir up the fire! Mao Ba, you use the refining path killing move. Wait. Will quickly pull out the residual wind and purify the prototype of Immortal Gu!"

With wind, there is pollution caused by wind channels and traces. Therefore, it must be purified before the refining of Immortal Gu can proceed smoothly.

Langya Earth Spirit made accurate arrangements, and was busy but not in a hurry. In a moment, the Dao Refining Formation shook violently, and a rainbow light burst out, shooting straight into the sky, and then quickly dissipated.

The formation slowly stopped operating, and a brand new Mu Dao Immortal Gu was refined.

"It worked again this time!"

"You are truly worthy of being Lord Langya Earth Spirit."

The Maomin Gu Immortals were delighted and full of admiration.

Langya Earth Spirit was full of emotion: "Thanks to the master's Gu recipe!"

Fang Yuan has the quasi-supreme realm of refining the Tao, and also has the realm of the Mu Dao Grandmaster. The improved Mu Dao Immortal Gu recipe has reached an extremely high level.

Coupled with Langya Earth Spirit's peak level of Tao refining attainments, it is natural to get twice the result with half the effort and the success rate is very high.

Other Mao Min Gu Immortals also felt the same way.

"Lord Earth Spirit said so!"

"For a long time, the success rate of Immortal Gu refining has been too low, and it has been limited to Tao refining attainments and Gu prescriptions. The vast majority of Gu Immortals do not specialize in Tao cultivation. Refining Tao cannot even be considered as concurrent cultivation. Refining Tao The attainments can be imagined. The improvement of Gu prescription not only requires the realm of the corresponding school, but also the realm of refining the Tao, as well as the attainment of wisdom and calculation."

Refining Immortal Gu has always been a huge pit, but here in Fang Yuan, it has gradually become a common thing.

All because Fang Yuan possesses wisdom halo and other wisdom methods, and has a quasi-supreme realm of refining, and the realms of other schools are also very important.

Therefore, the major obstacles that have always restricted the refining of Immortal Gu have disappeared for Fang Yuan.

Time flows very fast in the Supreme Immortal Aperture. After so many days, Fang Yuan harvested several Wood Dao Immortal Gu.

After all, he chose Mu Dao and refined it himself.

In fact, there are quite a lot of Wood Way Gu Immortals in Southern Xinjiang, and there are also quite a few Wood Way Immortal Gus, but Fang Yuan did not try to blackmail them.

The South Xinjiang Righteous Path has now begun to lay out beacon towers, and at the same time, it is gradually integrating, cooperating with Heavenly Court, and curbing Fang Yuan's various businesses in Baohuang Heaven.

This situation also occurred in the previous life, indicating that Wu Yong was gradually exerting his efforts to unify the entire southern Xinjiang righteousness.

If Fang Yuan blackmails the Southern Xinjiang Righteous Path Wood Dao Immortal Gu, the Heavenly Court will definitely know about it.

Fairy Ziwei will have doubts: "Fang Yuan collects Wood Way Immortal materials, does he want to develop in Wood Way? He wants to refine Wood Way Immortal Gu? What does he want to do?"

Because of Dou Shen Palace, Heaven pays special attention to the Fang family.

It is very easy to connect the two.

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