Reverend Insanity

Chapter 660: I regret it

"Fate..." Duke Long sighed, with depth and complexity on his face. Biquge" He walked a few steps and reached a rock. He patted the place next to him and motioned for Hong Ting to sit down.

Hong Ting also followed Duke Long's example and sat down with his legs crossed.

"Look." Duke Long pointed at the rock he was sitting on.

Hong Ting quickly looked around and saw a small group of ants next to the rock. They were lining up, carrying food and returning it to their nest.

"This is fate." Duke Long continued.


"Look again." Duke Long pointed his finger to the sky again.

Hong Ting looked up at the sky and saw white clouds floating in the sky with different shapes.

"This is also fate." Duke Long said again.

Hong Ting's heart moved, as if he had some realization: "Master, what do you mean..." He couldn't continue. He had some realization in his heart, but he couldn't express it in words for a while.

"Ants move food, bees collect honey, the breeze blows, and white clouds float. At this time, everything has its own route. In our view, they may have no rules, but in fact they all move according to the laws of heaven and earth."

"Look at the sun and the moon. Every day the sun rises and the moon sets, and the moon rises and sets. Look at human life and death. No matter what kind of person they are, even if they are immortals or demons, they all have to die. They all go from life to death."

"All of this is fate."

"Every one of us, every life, even every rock, every drop of water, every fire, since they exist in this world, they must have the meaning and value of existence. The same is true for good and evil. Without goodness, where would it come from? Evil? If there is no evil, why talk about good?"

"You are in a hurry to eradicate Xue Tu Dao, but you have not clearly seen the value of him. Since heaven and earth want him to exist, there must be a reason for him to live. This is fate. Fate has already made arrangements for everything in the world, but this arrangement We are all blind and cannot see clearly."

"It's normal to not be able to see clearly. The laws of heaven and earth, the avenues of the universe, even immortals who spend their entire lives cannot understand them all. We are too weak, and the world is too vast. We should respect heaven and earth, follow the arrangements of fate, and follow our own paths in order to obey the heavens. Do as you are told and bring blessings to the world.”

"The union of your parents is an arrangement of fate, and the greatest significance is to bring you into this world."

"You will become an Immortal Lord in the future. This is also the arrangement of fate. You must accept it, step by step to the top, and eventually lead the heaven and devote your life to the righteous path of the world."

"As for you, master, and I, the greatest meaning of this life is to teach you, guide you, and walk on the right path. I am your... protector."

"You have to believe in fate and accept it. All the arrangements it makes have their own reasons. If we forcefully interfere and change, we will inevitably get tragedy and regret. Just like you wanted to take Xue Butuo's life in advance, but you killed him Did you kill him?"

Duke Long shook his head: "No. Although you are far stronger than him, you will encounter various unexpected situations, so in the end, not only did you fail to get rid of him, but you also implicated innocent people."

"Now if you think about it again, if you had obeyed fate and eradicated Xue Tu Dao when he was at his weakest, would you still have encountered these accidents?"

"Now let me tell you, the reason why Xue Butu Dao still exists is to start this Gu Immortal inheritance, to be the pioneer of the king, and to bring this inheritance to you."

Hong Ting was stunned. He was as motionless as a stone sculpture.

Two streams of tears flowed silently from his eyes, and then he choked and said: "Master, I was wrong."

"Knowing your mistakes can make a lot of improvements. In fact, the wrong choice you just made was also an arrangement of fate." Long Gong said.

"Master, what do you mean by this?"

"We are all under the arrangement of fate. You think you want to break fate, but in fact, your thoughts are all arranged by fate. You don't have to feel guilty and should understand the intention of fate. You think your wrong choice is worthless Really? No."

"Every mistake is usually of immeasurable value to a young man's growth. If you can learn from this mistake,

If you recognize the existence of fate, accept and recognize it, then this mistake will show its value. The destruction of that mountain village has the meaning of destruction! "

After saying this, Duke Long looked deeply at Hong Ting: "My disciple, you are a good and well-behaved boy with a lot of talent, but one thing that worries you as a teacher is that you are too emotional. Now you have reached the fifth level of cultivation. My master asked you to consider which path to choose to ascend to immortality, I’m afraid you will choose the path of wisdom, right?”

"Master, your Dharma vision is as bright as a torch. This is what my disciple thinks. I feel that Zhidao is very suitable for me." Hong Ting said truthfully.

Duke Long shook his head slowly: "The Tao of Wisdom pays attention to thoughts, intentions, and emotions. You attach too much importance to emotions, and studying emotions exclusively will do you more harm than good. If you listen to me as a teacher, choose the Tao of Time. When you look at the rise and fall of the past and the present, all kinds of honors and disgrace, You will understand that all emotions and romances will be washed away by time. I have learned from Fate Gu as my teacher that the Tao of Time is the most suitable Tao for you."

Hong Ting opened his mouth slightly, wanting to say something, but finally nodded and said: "Disciple, I will follow Master's teachings and choose the Way of Time."

Duke Long nodded happily: "That's good. I am your guardian, and guiding you to the right path is the meaning of my existence."

Time continues to flow forward.

Hong Ting chose the Way of Time, and under the protection of Duke Long, he successfully survived the catastrophe of immortality and became a Gu Immortal of the Way of Time.

"Shang Immortal Hong Ting, that devil threatened to massacre the entire city unless I marry my daughter to him as a concubine. He is a high-ranking Gu Immortal, and we are just a group of mortals. We really have no other choice, so please keep this in mind. I need to take action to eliminate the demon in my relationship with your father!" An old city lord came to the door, knelt on the ground, and begged Hong Ting to take action.

Hong Ting could recognize that this city lord's city was very close to Maple Leaf City, and they often visited each other frequently. They were indeed close friends.

He had even met the city lord's daughter and played with her when they were children.

"Old man, get up quickly. I will definitely help you with this, but..." Hong Ting paused, "The time has not come yet."

The old city lord was overjoyed: "Since the Immortal has agreed, I am relieved. I believe that the Immortal will never break his promise!"

Hong Ting waited for a good opportunity, and finally waited for the moment when the demonic Gu Immortal should die.

He took action decisively and eradicated the demon easily.

However, the old city lord knelt on the ground, looking at the ruins and corpses all over the city, and cried sadly: "This god damned devil, you are finally dead! Boo hoo hoo, my good daughter, my citizens, you Go in peace, your revenge has been avenged!!"

"Disciple pays homage to the master. I wonder what the master is calling the disciple for?" Hong Ting came to Duke Long.

"Disciple, I have noticed my fate. The Piaohua River will flood at this moment and the river will change its course. I order you to go rescue people. Remember, you are not allowed to take action in advance. You must wait three days and three nights before taking action." Duke Long warned carefully.

"Yes, Master."

Hong Ting came to the Piaohua River and watched the river spread, countless lives displaced, and drowned corpses floating on the flooded water.

He suppressed his emotions and waited for three days and three nights. As a result, he found that there was no need for him to take action. The river water had receded on its own and the muddy ground was exposed in many places.

The aura of wild Immortal Gu rose up, and it was not far below Hong Ting.

The moon near the water tower came first, and Hong Ting easily subdued the wild immortal Gu: "What a good Gu, it turned out to be a seventh-level Eternal Dao Gu, which is just right for me to use."


Two ancient wild beasts were attracted by the scent of wild fairy Gu.

Hong Ting looked solemn and hid his figure. After the two ancient wild beasts killed each other and injured one, he took action and killed the two ancient wild beasts in one fell swoop.

"Wonderful, wonderful." Looking at the traces of the battlefield, Hong Ting suddenly realized.

"It turns out that this is the ingenious arrangement of fate. After the fierce battle between these two ancient wild beasts, the Piaohua River widened several times. At the same time, the river was soaked with the blood of the ancient wild beasts and became thick and solid. From then on, the Piaohua River's I’m afraid there won’t be any more floods.”

"And these lands by the Piaohua River, soaked in river water and sand, soaked with the essence and blood of countless living creatures, will become extremely fertile. The mortals who will move here to live in the future will be really blessed."

"Tauren, you let my parents go, otherwise I will make you unable to live or die!" Hong Ting glared at the Minotaur, his eyes almost spitting fire.

The Bull-headed Demon Immortal grabbed Hong Ting's parents one by one and laughed loudly: "Boy, why are you so arrogant and want to get rid of me? When I became a Gu Immortal, you didn't know where to feed me! Are you afraid now? ?”

Hong Ting threw a rat weapon and shouted angrily.

The bull-headed barbarian demon quickly shouted: "Don't come here, don't be impulsive! Don't you want the lives of your parents? If you come here again, I will crush your parents' heads directly!"

"What do you want?!" Hong Ting yelled.

The bull-headed beast laughed ferociously: "Easy to say, easy to say. As long as you return my longevity Gu, I will return your parents. Otherwise, I don't have a few days left to live, so I'll take your parents and die together." .”

Hong Ting was stunned on the spot.

According to the arrangement of fate, those two wild longevity Gu should be the creatures of the bull-headed barbarian demon. But Hong Ting thought that his parents were old and near the end of their lives, so he took away the two longevity gu without telling Duke Long. Unexpectedly, the bull-headed barbarian demon came to the door and brought disaster to his parents!

For a moment, Hong Ting's face turned pale and he was covered in cold sweat: "I have already used both of your longevity Gu."

"I know, it's for your parents!" The Bull-headed Barbarian Demon was not surprised, "But you are Duke Long's apprentice, the future Immortal Lord, and you will be the master of Heaven. I don't believe there is no longevity Gu in the treasure of Heaven. You get it Three hundred years, no, three thousand years of longevity Gu, I will let your parents go!"

"This..." Hong Ting suddenly fell into a dilemma.

Finally, after a lot of twists and turns, he finally beat the bull-headed beast away. But both of his parents were seriously injured, and even with the immortal methods, they could not be cured.

"Father, mother, it was me who harmed you! If I hadn't found the longevity Gu for my parents, they would still have several years to live according to their age!" Hong Ting cried, kneeling on the ground, extremely helpless.

Hong Zhu said with a smile: "My son, life and death are determined by fate, wealth and honor in heaven. People are bound to die. There is immortality in this world, but who can live forever? No! We are destined to die. There is no need to feel sad for us. On the contrary, you should be happy for us. It is such a great honor for our couple to have a son like you, the future Immortal Lord, and you will definitely be famous in history in the future."

Mrs. Hong followed: "My son, listen carefully to your master's words. To be a good person, you must be upright."

The two old men held each other's hands and lost their breath together.

"Father, mother——!" Hong Ting threw his head back and howled at the top of his lungs.

Time has accumulated brilliance in Hong Ting's eyes, and vicissitudes of life and maturity have made him more and more charming as a man.

The green mountains are green and the setting sun is shining.

Under the sunset, he and Liu Shuxian met for the first time.

With four pairs of eyes, they both felt the throbbing of each other's hearts, and an indescribable atmosphere quickly spread around them.

love at first sight.

Liu Shuxian had a strange look on her face, opened her lips lightly and asked, "Who are you?"

Hong Ting showed no surprise. He smiled and replied: "I am the destined husband, and my name is Hong Ting."

Liu Shuxian was shocked: "Are you the future immortal?"

"Don't be surprised. It's fate that you and I meet here."

Love makes Hong Ting feel an unprecedented sense of satisfaction and happiness!

He and Liu Shuxian stayed together and flew together, and they fell in love with each other. It was as if they were made for each other, like a lock and key, made for each other.

They traveled all over the world, chatting and drinking under the bright moon. They have such a tacit understanding that one look can express their hearts and convey all their thoughts to each other's hearts. They are a true couple of gods and immortals who have lived together for hundreds of thousands of years. They supported each other on the road of spiritual practice, and there was never a single quarrel or anger.

Liu Shuxian accompanied Hong Ting all the way, becoming the eighth rank, becoming the pinnacle of the eighth rank, and finally sprinting to the realm of the ninth rank supreme!

The disaster was unimaginable, but Hong Ting succeeded in the end.

Duke Long was seriously injured as a result, and several heavenly Gu Immortals died. Hong Ting hugged Liu Shuxian's cold body and shed tears.

He hugged Liu Shuxian tightly and kept saying: "Don't leave me, don't leave me, please, I beg you to survive!"

"It's useless. I've suffered a disaster, but I'm so lucky to have a trace of my soul left at this moment to see you for the last time. How can I ask for too much." Liu Shuxian said with a smile.

"It's me who's useless, it's me who's useless! I came to save you from this calamity, but I hurt you!" Hong Ting hung down with tears rolling down his face.

"No, Hong Ting. Only a special physique like mine can stop such a disaster. Even if you sacrifice all your wealth and life, you will only end up with failure. I can be born with ten unique bodies, and when I meet you, it's all The arrangement of fate. At the moment when you narrowly escaped death, I suddenly understood that the greatest meaning of my life is to protect you, prevent disasters for you, and help you ascend to the position of Immortal Lord! Now... I have done it. "

"No, no! Xian'er, I would rather not be the Immortal Lord. I just want you to live. I just want you to live!" Hong Ting roared helplessly, with tears streaming down his face and his whole body shaking.

"Everything has its own fate. Hong Ting, you can't think like this. You have to live well. Your destiny is to become an immortal, lead the heaven, and shine the light of the right path on the five realms... Do you know , I have been looking forward to this scene, looking forward to standing by your side, accompanying you invincibly, and benefiting the world. Unfortunately, I can’t see it..."

Liu Shuxian's breath gradually disappeared and she died completely.

Hong Ting slumped, his back was deeply bent, like an old man, and a thick shadow enveloped his face.

At this moment, he seemed to have lost all the breath of life.

He was as frozen as a stone statue, motionless.

In his Immortal Aperture, the remaining Qi of Heaven and Earth continued to gather, and according to his current state of mind, he refined an eighth-level Immortal Gu.

This Gu is shaped like a centipede, and its body is pale, as if made of paper. A centipede has centipedes, but its centipedes are replaced by centipedes. Each beard is translucent, floating leisurely, tickling people's hearts, and constantly stirring up the deepest regret in people's hearts.

Level 8 Regret Gu!

"Cough cough cough." Duke Long spit out a few mouthfuls of blood, reluctantly stood up, and came to Hong Ting's side.

"Liu Shuxian died a well-deserved death, so put away your sorrow, disciple. This is all fate's arrangement. Now you have become an immortal, a ninth-turn venerable, and you are one of the few in the long history. Your fate It’s still a long time, your mission has just begun, I will abdicate, and Heaven still needs you in the five domains for two days. Hong Ting, Hong Ting?” Duke Long called softly.

Hong Ting slowly raised his head. He did not look at Duke Long, his eyes still stayed on Liu Shuxian's cold face.

He said softly: "I regret it."

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