Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 788: Scope changes

Marshall's room is full of rusty and decayed items, but this decayed force has not affected the structure of the room. The mysterious comer has very fine control of his "mystery". It is estimated that it is also a good hand at the level of a file. People in other near-side rooms should not have happened in this room, because recently no guests have voluntarily moved out of this apartment. Although people living in this apartment have some financial difficulties, if something strange happens However, it is unlikely that no one family will move away at all. The data displayed on the retina screen proves that these people sleep very peacefully, not like weird and worried.

Although most of the clues have been erased by the enemy, it is impossible to confirm whether Marceau's current situation is good or bad, but Gao Chuan will not fluctuate because of this, he is already fussing. Think about it rationally, even in the worst case, Marceau's own particularity determines that she will not die there. Moreover, there are **** in the residual traces found by Saya, and the data on the retina screen confirms that it is not a female finger. Therefore, the physically disabled person is not Marceau, but the enemy or other motives. Unknown person-in the current situation, there is indeed the possibility of third parties involved. In the last world line, Marceau did not have any mysterious powers, just an ordinary person. In this world line, even if her fate arises There is a deviation, but from the perspective of the Eight Scenery and Saki Ye, she is also very likely to be an ordinary person.

Bajing has the power of a prophet, but his physical qualities are still ordinary people. If Sakuya hadn't got the bear puppet left by Dorothy, she was also an ordinary person, even before she turned into an emissary. She is still an ordinary person. As a patient with the same situation and the same symptoms as Marshall, it is unlikely that there will be much difference between them. In short, Marceau himself should have no combat power and be able to break the **** off the other side of the room, not the enemy. It is the existence of third parties.

The remaining 10% possibility is that Marceau suddenly gained some abilities due to some changes, and succeeded in causing damage to the enemy in the process of resisting the enemy. Even so, Marceau will not die because of the enemy's anger and anger. If she does not show a special place in her body, she is unlikely to be involved in this incident. Obviously, no matter who the other person is. For the time being, she just took her away.

Prostitute Gao Chuan smoked his cigarette and used his brain to analyze the current clues. There were no more things worth noting in the room. Saki wrapped her fingers in a plastic bag and sealed it. "It's not the wizard's finger." Miyaki said: "However, whether it is a superpower, a graystone fortifier, or a paradise eater, or other mysterious users. Further analysis of the wreckage is required. Confirm. The changes in touch, odor, and body tissues are currently seen. They are similar to ordinary people, but the wounds are too smooth and completely bloodless, which is very abnormal. "

"The time when the finger was cut off, at least 16 hours ago. We still did not catch up, although, this is expected." The prosthetic body Gao Chuan pinched the remaining half of the cigarette butt, rubbing it in the palm of his hand, and throwing it away. Out of the window. The night wind blew in through the gap in the window. Let his heavy clothes float a little.

"Although it can be confirmed that Marceau is okay for the time being, she may not be able to do where she wants to judge from the current clues." Miyaki looked around again, and her voice was very calm. In the past actions, she began to compare At this time, more difficult events have been tried, and the days when you feel upset when you encounter unsatisfactory conditions have long passed.

"Our intelligence network is still very fragile, but since the Cyber ​​Ball dared to hold the note in this city, it means that they must have a very strong control over this city." Yichuan Gaochuan said: "You can ask for their assistance, At this critical moment, their energy may not be able to take care of all anomalies, but if it is a targeted goal, it should be much faster than our own search. "

Miyaki understood the judgment of Takagawa, the prostitute. To host such a major conference in this city, as the host of the online ball, the monitoring of the city will of course be strengthened, but as the date approaches, more mysterious power holders will enter this city, those weird and strange The ability, and the number of comers, may reduce the power of the online ball to control the city. It is conceivable that the cyber ball distributes the alert capabilities it can equip in key areas, and ignore other less important defense areas. However, as a mysterious organization with a special status and a good cooperative relationship and willingness to continue to cooperate with them in the past, it is not difficult for the whisperer to mobilize intelligence for a certain target.

The problem is--

"The person who took Marceau may also be a netball person. No, it should be said that if it is not the doomsday truth, then the netball is more likely." Miyaki said with a deep voice: "Can be noticed by Achuan The person predicted by the Eight Scenes cannot be an insignificant small character. Before the whisperer ’s attention, it is highly likely that it has been followed by other mysterious organizations. After all, we do not have a foundation in Europe and the United States. Locals do Things are easier. In the mysterious world, there is nothing that can be kept secret. Marceau ’s life before was normal. These times are enough to let her existence and particularity spread out. Let ’s not mention any secrets in Marceau ’s body. Among the followers, there are the first and second mysterious organizations in Europe and the United States. It is difficult to imagine that other mysterious organizations can cut the hoodlum, and it is still in London at this time. "

"Yes, your judgment is very likely." Takakawa nodded his head. "There is no trace of the gray fog spell here. If it is really a shaman of the doomsday truth, it is necessary to keep the room intact during the battle. It is a very difficult thing to be noticed by others. Moreover, this corrosive power should not be caused by the gray fog spell. The user's control of this power is too fine, and the gray fog spells displayed by the wizard are all It's partial. In addition, regardless of whether there is a third-party shot, whether Marceau has resisted, judging from the situation in this room, even if there is a battle, the scene is an overwhelming advantage for the side. In line with the above situation, it still happened on the 16th. It was an hour ago. The possibility of online ball hands-on is indeed very high. But-"the prosthetic body paused and said:" No matter whether the online ball is involved in this matter, apply for assistance from them, this is a kind of temptation, no matter Whether they agree, do their best or perfunctory. They will reveal more clues in speech and actions, even if these clues are not related to Marceau, they will come to the whisperer ’s actions. , Also it is beneficial. "

"Since Achuan said so." Sakuya nodded.

"Let's go, tonight's actions will stop here." The prosthetic body Gao Chuan blocked Misaki's waist and exited the room like a night ghost, reinserting the door lock into its original position. The two did not worry that they would leave clues and were approached. It is difficult to track down the "mystery" through normal scientific and technological means, otherwise the mysterious organization will not be banned by the governments of all countries by hard means. The extraordinary power makes people have extraordinary freedom. This has always been one of the important reasons for the holder of "mystery".

What's more, even if someone came to the door and was entangled in the situation about Marceau's room, it was not entirely a bad thing. That at least proves. The other party knew the existence of Marceau, and. She cares a lot about her existence, which itself is concerned about one side of Marceau.

After leaving the less glamorous apartment building, the prosthetic Gaochuan and Saki Ye no longer rely on their own strength to walk under the night, just like ordinary tourists, walking in the noisy night market, observing the city's customs and customs. Inquire about rumors in the city, and many nightclub bars provide this service, as long as you choose the right person, ask them to drink a bottle of good wine in most places. You can get general intelligence-of course, if you do n’t want to expose yourself, you must be careful that the other party is the local ground snake and intelligence broker. These people who are familiar with intelligence are also good experts at getting information.

Until the darkest period before dawn, the prostitutes Gao Chuan and Saki Ye returned to the hotel side by side, and Gregia had already fallen asleep in bed.

On the other side of the earth, in the whisperer ’s city, as judged by the prostitute Gao Chuan, after he traveled to London, the number of nightmare anomalies immediately dropped significantly, even though it was just over ten hours, but, After monitoring the network and counting the status of people with abnormal nightmares who are undergoing psychotherapy, the government department has confirmed this phenomenon and threw the problem into the hands of the whisperer headquarters.

For the question of the government department, Ba Jing's answer, at least on the surface, took out the whisperer's suspicion, and the government department also remained silent.

During this period, not only the Central Guild, not only the whisperers, but also more countries and mysterious organizations, all fell into a state of repressive fluctuation. It was as if the invitation to the netball was like throwing a big rock in the pond, the ripples spread all the way to the wider surface. Regardless of whether this kind of wave is aimed at the convening of the online photo shoot, at least there is the meaning of taking advantage of this period.

The malice of the world, like boiling blisters, spreads irresistibly. From the moon to the ground, from the deep sea to the high mountains, from the remote land to the prosperous city, from the mysterious organization to the normal social organization, from one political district to another political district, from one country to another country ...

The Special Zone of Japan, commonly known as the Eleventh District of the Central Duchy, is undergoing the most drastic changes since World War II, and the atmosphere of war surrounding the sea and islands has become more intense. The huge fleets coming from the Americas and Asia maintained the last restraint and stared at each other.

In the United States, three states have fallen under the Nazi airship group. The worst ghost of half a century ago, after proclaiming the return, has perfectly obtained its own foothold, and the more rapid war is about to go to Canada. Stretch out. The Las Vegas District 51 base, as expected, became the only nail nailed to the Nazi site and was also the frontline against the Nazis. Even though their respective fleets were deadlocked in the offshore area, the Central Principality still dispatched special combat troops to the United States as scheduled to participate in this continuation of World War II, and the United States effectively provided the best treatment for this unit. Perhaps the existence of this Central Duchy force is currently the most important buffer to prevent a sea battle between the two countries.

The situation around the world is entangled with each other. In theory, in general imagination, it is extremely ridiculous and contradictory. However, it is these things that make people think it is impossible to happen, so it is a tension that moves the whole body. Even people who are not sensitive to the current situation, in the era when the Internet is popular and the information explosion, you can smell the turbulent taste between the lines.

quickly. Some people preached the beginning of the Third World War, proclaiming that the nuclear weapons of various powers have been put on the launcher, and all kinds of tempting, ulterior motives, or pure rumors are rumored on the Internet. The physical media in most capitalist countries are also fuelling. Only the Central Duchy that implements "capitalism with the characteristics of a Central Duchy". In a short period of time, the intelligence blockade and media restrictions against the people of the country were completed. Even if their warships were triggered off the coast, the domestic sentiment remained stable.

As the strongest country in Asia and one of the most powerful countries in the world, the Central Principality has a self-confident self-confidence for the situation that has begun to be chaotic. As a collaborator of the government department, Bajing was able to know the current government department's attitude to the current offshore situation-no matter what turmoil occurred in the 11th district, even if the American Pacific Fleet was confronting the East China Sea Fleet in the Central Duchy. It is impossible to prevent the Central Principality from clearing the special zone of Japan, and the war between the two great powers is unlikely to erupt because of this tough move.

When the strongest powers in Asia and the Americas seem to be caught in the quagmire of war and will spread to the whole world, the situation in Europe is quite calm. As if they were more concerned about their lives, such as the unemployment rate and financial crisis in their own country.

in London. This is a city that can use the world situation as a joke, a camera. High-altitude satellites and various mysterious monitoring forces cover the prosperous center to the outskirts. The defense deployment from the network ball is more rigorous and powerful than the whisperer guessed. Just like the three people of the prostitute Gao Chuan, they waited for the actions of others. When they set foot on the land of this city, they have received special attention. As they expected, the host of the online ball does not intend to adopt a more proactive attitude.

There are many large and small mysterious organizations and independent actors, at the same time as the whisperer. On this evening, enter the city and lurk. Soon, in the large-scale monitoring network of the network ball, more monitoring networks were constructed, and their time was roughly the same as the time when the prostitutes Gaochuan and Sakuya visited Masuo.

However, no one is aware of it, there is a ghost of consciousness, walking in their dreams, or subconscious networks.

Gao Chuan, a teenager, dressed in a **** trench coat, stood in a twisted and changing street scene, surrounded by too many weird tigers, but it was hampered by the initial killing, and the bloody, unknown blood from the woman around the teenager The smell more distorted than them can only growl in a low voice. In the direction of the two people traveling together, a lot of dust and ash were scattered, like the wind and the snow, making the vision blurred.

"It turns out that this is not to reconstruct the boundary, but to integrate the scenery into one?" Teenager Gao Chuan took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it. Because the prosthetic body Gaochuan came to London, the scene of the city in front of it also wriggled more violently. However, the structure of the city based on the whisperer did not disappear, but the scene of London, like a tumor, squeezing the original The scenery gives people a feeling of cannibalizing each other.

The prosperity of Gaochuan and others crossed the long coastline and many national cities, but the boundary line did not incorporate this linear scenery, just the combination of the starting and ending scenery. Speaking of which, the scenery of London has a slight upper hand in this kind of twisted confrontation. Most of the outlines are gradually dominated by the scenery of the City of London. And the nightmare anomaly in the city where the whisperer is located ~ ~ is no longer at this level.

It was still a night full of malice and cold wind, but in the gloomy and depressed sky of the boundary line, a full moon appeared quietly. The lunar wheel is much larger than normal, and appears heavier. It seems to use all its strength to be suspended not far from the top of the tall building, which is lower than the general lead-colored dark cloud. However, no matter where you stand in this city view, as long as you can look at the sky, you will never see this huge and heavy moon-it is quietly stained with blood like red.

The plausible, unexplained taste of the different world is more intense. The weird people seemed to be more excited, the structure of the building wriggled more violently, and the monsters cried out one after another. If the nightmare anomalies in the Whisperer City still stay in this state of the world, they might be scared to pee their pants. Even the specially developed shelter has become slightly unreliable in such intense agitation.

"Zhenjiang?" The young Gaochuan looked at the woman step by step, nervously talking about something. The woman lifted her head, and a monster finally rushed out, but before she bit the woman, she grabbed her forehead. The body was four times larger than the woman. At the next moment, the woman pressed the hand on the monster's forehead and turned it into a spitting **** liquid, and the **** liquid formed a huge mouth, biting off the monster's body in two and swallowing it. (To be continued ...)

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