Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 678: furnace

From the core of the battlefield to the raging winds in all directions, this distance is more clearly targeted than when we encountered it before. For a large number of soldiers, but individual small soldiers also play a role, but the restrictions on flying units are more Obviously, and the flying units are bigger than the soldiers, and the power to block them is naturally stronger. The number of enemies is too much. I do n’t think the power of level 3 and half magic lines can be reduced to every unit. The attack of the fighter group cannot reach the target in the violent airflow, but the attack of the airship can do it. Countless flying meteor-like ammunition advances with a parabola, or a more flexible round trajectory, under the blessing of a mysterious force The obstruction, burst into flames on the battlefield.

These airships were coming from all directions when the file and I were approaching the same destination. Father Sisen was slow to destroy them with the superb violent air current. The accumulation of these airships minus the constant The number of destructions will probably increase to an overall size of more than 50 ships within an hour and a half. The hostility shown by such reinforcements also reflects from the side, what a great thing Father Sisen and others have done in that battlefield.

The response of this ideological world is really too intense. However, even with such tremendous pressure, the people at the core of the battlefield still persevered, and it is indeed conceivable how powerful the people present are.

The file and I galloped past the edge of these airships and fighter jets, immediately attracting more violent attacks, and even soldiers jumped directly from the high-altitude platform, trying to bury us with dense human bodies. For a time, in addition to the intersecting firepower lines chasing us, there were huge waves formed by the human body, which rolled up towards us both. The front face pierced through such layers of human bodies. With the weapons in hand alone, it is simply impossible to do, chasing our firepower line, it is inevitable to shoot into this crowd of people by mistake, no. It is not very accurate to describe it by "misshot". Soldiers and flying units that fired did not care about their companions. I held the file and dashed towards the edge of this wave of people with an arc, so this piece of people kept rolling down from high altitude. It will continue to follow our trajectory of action. If it is just to avoid being buried by these crowds, it is possible to continue to fly in this way. However, if you want to continue to be closer to the core of the battlefield, you must break through this block of crowds.

We are close enough to the core of the battlefield that Father Sisen should be able to detect our arrival. We know the situation we need to face, but since they have n’t reached out by this time, no matter what the reasons are, whether they are passive or active, it means that they ca n’t put faith on them. I am not dissatisfied with this, nor are there files. From the beginning, we have not hoped for their cooperation. Since entering this base, we have conflicted with their goals at the beginning. Even for various reasons, this conflict has not expanded to the surface. However, no Will fall into the rock, does not mean that will send carbon in the snow.

We first came to Las Vegas to save Father Sissen. But now the relationship with each other is diametrically opposed to the original purpose, and people have to lament the rapid changes in the world. However, for this sharp relationship reversal, whether we whisper or file. I have already been psychologically prepared. We came to Las Vegas to support Father Sissen, not to let him thank him, not just to show him good, just to do what he thinks he should do.

The relationship between our whisperer and Father Sissen has been an exchange of interests from the beginning. This has been the case in the past, it is now the same, and it will be the same in the future. The momentary relationship opposition does not mean anything. It does not need to resent the other party or accuse the other party of betraying yourself, because that is meaningless and has no basis for establishment. The file is clearer than ours. In this mysterious world, the rules of dealing with other people or organizations will naturally not produce excessive emotions. and--

"I didn't expect to be able to participate in such a mystery on this scale when I came to Las Vegas this time. It's really worthwhile." The file appeared very excited and did not care about the dangers encountered during this trip. But to be honest, this is also the first time I have encountered an enemy of this size. Fighting alone against a group army? Under normal circumstances, this experience is simply unimaginable. Even if this army of unknown numbers is only a product of the ideological world, the combat effectiveness of a group army is tangible. If we die here, the normal world must bear the danger of death.

Danger, excitement, is simply writing your own hero story and mysterious epic. This feeling becomes even stronger when we travel through the seemingly endless lines of fire and the sea of ​​people, jumping in the shadows of airships, fighter jets, people and mechanical gears.

I held the file, and the gray cloaks like wings covered the bodies of the two of us, as if losing the power to fly, and planted one end into the shadow of the side. In an instant, the pressure disappeared, and the body seemed to float in a vacuum, surrounded by only gray. After a blink of an eye, a firm touch came from the soles of the feet.

The gray that wrapped around me split in front of my eyes, and the light and heat in the ideological space spilled in. At this time, we have come to the top of a fighter plane that we expected. At this moment, a huge airship was flying above our heads, and the shadow it cast was so huge that it wrapped the fighter plane in layers. Our position before the shadow jump was overwhelmed by the crowd of people who rolled down from the sky like a torrent of **** breakout.

We temporarily escaped from the embarrassing situation of inadequate, with the huge airship cover above our heads, the soldiers no longer fell down like a wolf. However, it seemed to realize the existence of the file and me. The fighter quickly tilted my body. I jumped up holding the file and rushed towards the airship above. The file quickly fired down the fighter that was being disengaged. When the arm blade was inserted into the bottom cover of the airship pod, the fighter was crashing into a platform. The heavy body, like a broom, swept down a large area of ​​soldiers on that platform. Of course, many soldiers Already jumped up in time and escaped this disaster of infallibility.

My actions seem to be somewhat unexpected from these enemies, however. After they react, the firepower line will be concentrated more violently here, even if it may destroy the airship we are close to, it will not make them worry. I know they will do this, they are not afraid of casualties at all. If the existence of this ideological world is completely supported by the spiritual integration device in the core area of ​​the tower and the huge energy flow, then what is the loss of just an airship? Even in terms of the status quo of this battlefield, even larger airships than the one we attached to are coming in droves. Why worry about the loss of an airship? These abnormal troops may not be analyzed rationally like I did. Perhaps, they do not have wisdom. They are just a phenomenon of hostility and fighting consciousness. Their choices will not be different from my analysis. Too far.

Before re-targeting, I used the arm blade to quickly cut a large hole in the airship pod floor enough for myself and the file to enter. The moment the firepower line interweaved again, he rushed into the airship with the file. The ammunition hit the floor and a dense impact sounded. Some bullets directly passed through the hole opened by me and directly hit the top of the cabin where we were, bounced and reflected again, and a more powerful explosion directly lifted the floor. stand up. I hold the file. Using the rapid swept super energy to flash through these hot pursuit attacks, with just a few breaths, we turned and dived into this 100-square-square cabin, which has been ruined.

This cabin looks like a living cabin. When the file and I broke in, four heavily armed soldiers were on standby and attacked us as soon as possible. Under the fast-swept state, it is naturally impossible for them to hit me. Their movements are as slow as snails in my eyes. When I took the file between the two soldiers. Their eyes were still on the place where we had entered, and it seemed that even the neck was cut off by the edge of the arm, and there was no time to react. Then, from below, it penetrated the cabin floor from the dense firepower of other soldiers and fighter groups outside the airship. While the entire cabin was torn apart, the soldiers were torn apart. The soldiers who were cut by my throat couldn't resist, and the other two soldiers who were not killed by me in the first time, although they were consciously evasive on the spot, still could not escape the bomb and the violent explosion that even the floor was set off. Magic palm.

In the slow-moving field of vision in my eyes, one of the two soldiers was blown up like a rag bag when rolling, and the other was leaping through the head, shoulders and abdomen in sequence while jumping. , Almost torn apart. The file and I traversed the trajectory of these dangerous bombs and explosive fragments. After arriving at the door, we cut off the door lock with the arm blade and flew a foot to kick the iron door away.

Chain judgement has observed that a soldier is standing outside the door, and within a 50-meter corridor, three teams of 15 soldiers are running hurriedly. The kicked iron door suddenly fanned the soldier standing at the door to the back of the door, and I rushed out, rushing towards the fifteen soldiers running in the corridor. These soldiers naturally did not respond, or that the action could not keep up with the reflex nerve. When I passed between them, the muzzle had not been raised to the appropriate attack position, and the arm blade in my hand had kissed them. Neck.

The file and I stopped after passing through the three groups of soldiers. The file's face was pale. This intensive high-speed movement and shadow shuttle made her not very good. Although she was excited, she couldn't hide the physical load. It's like a person who has motion sickness has done a crazy roller coaster many times. She stuck her waist and her feet seemed to be floating on cotton. The sound of the soldiers plopping behind him made her subconsciously glance there, trying to say something, but she seemed to have no strength to speak. I know that what caused her to be feeble was to a greater extent the pressure generated when the shadow jumped. Although I protected her with the quark-changing gray silk cloak, I still could not completely isolate the impact of this process on her. Coupled with the rapid changes in high-speed movement and sudden stop, she, who is not a quick-sweep superpower holder, even if I take it with her, it is inevitable for a while.

However, another feeling tells me that this is just the reason that the power of Mageweave is not fully exerted. If you really master the power of the magic pattern, although it will produce double the load when carrying the person, it will not have such a violent and passive impact on the person being carried.

However, the power of Magewere was n’t my own power of Gao Chuan. I just used my feelings to do what I thought I could do, as to whether I could do my best. It takes a little luck. Of course, there may be reasons why I resist using the power of Mageweave with all my strength. I simply don't want to completely control this kind of power that is not my own. I always felt that I was suffering from this kind of power.

Even if you cannot fully control this extraordinary power, you have to face the current situation. It is enough. I know very well how powerful this kind of power comes from another Gaochuan, perhaps the strongest one from the past to the present. Even though, the level of Mageweave is half less than that of Father Sisen of this era. However, this kind of powerful feeling has an ambiguous feeling, which is not purely caused by magic lines. I believe this is not an illusion. I have a three-level magic pattern, but I also have a change because of the three-level magic pattern. Definitely has a stronger power than Father Sissen. Even if this kind of power arises from the third-level magic pattern, it is not purely brought by the third-level magic pattern.

"Are you all right?" I asked with concern.

"It's okay." The file breathed and said, "This speed is really crazy. Can you go faster?"

"Of course. If necessary." I said politely.

"I hope this is never necessary, at least, when you take me." The file rolled his eyes.

Although after the killing of these three teams of soldiers, all attacks seem to have stopped because of the disappearance of our target, but beyond the field of vision, there are already more footsteps approaching quickly. I grabbed the file's hand and ran a few steps forward at normal speed to reach a door. I cut the door lock with my arm blade and hit it. I covered the door with my backhand, and the file cleverly pushed the table behind the iron door. Now, we can finally take a break, in this ideological world. It seems that there is no real fatigue. I have been using Mageweaver for a long time without interruption. In the sense, such a long time of use of superpower should bring a very heavy load on the body, but this At this moment, I can't feel the load and loss.

I have always felt that all consumption, damage and exhaustion here is a state of consciousness and spiritual level, but at this moment, the self appearing in the form of this teenager Gao Chuan, I can not feel this state at all. Change is like having a nuclear melting furnace in your body. The boiling blood and will will always be at the peak, and it will be a perpetual motion that will never be exhausted-this is a fatal illusion at all , I believe that the usage requirements and the sense of limitation that come with the power of the magic pattern must continue to be consumed, but the environmental factors at this moment make me not aware of this consumption.

It's just like--

I looked at the wall of the cabin as if I could see the vast world outside through it. I know what I look like now.

"Like those lights and heat."

"What?" The file didn't seem to hear clearly, which was taken for granted, because I was just talking to myself.

"I said, now we are like those things that emit light and heat." I repeated.

"Light and heat?" The file showed an expression of thought, "You are talking about what we saw at first, what looks like the source of light and heat?"

"We, like that thing, have been releasing our energy with high intensity." I nodded and said.

"You think, that thing is just like us, the person who enters this ideological world?" The file asks back, "It's just that they become like that, and we still maintain the human form ... So, we may also become That look? "

"Even if it is an ideological world, fighting purely with spiritual consciousness, it is impossible to lose nothing in this high-intensity, suffocating battle ~ ~ I really didn't notice the loss, as if it had been at its peak. "

"So, do you think you are overdrawing? Excessive burning?" The file nodded, his face a little heavy, and it seemed to me that my guess made sense. "But, we have no choice, do we?"

"I have a feeling that it is not a strange battlefield here, but rather a melting pot with the battlefield as a disguise." I said.

"It's not impossible. If, this ideological world exists for the spiritual integration device-" the file's thoughtful expression said, "From the perspective of the abnormality of this ideological world, it is likely to start from World War II. In a similar way, they have always absorbed people's spiritual consciousness and used it to develop the power of spiritual integration devices. "" They "in the mouth of the file naturally do not simply refer to the Nazis. The World War II army that is now appearing in the ideological world may have taken advantage of the terrible death scale of World War II and absorbed countless spiritual wills to form such a huge scale and profound form. The Nazis were the beginning, but the United States, which had taken this spiritual integration device at the end of World War II, must secretly support the 51st area and continue to develop this spiritual integration device in the same way. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please read at m.)

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