Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 595: Traction

After all the members of the file squad arrived, we once walked along the circular corridor at the speed of normal people for twenty minutes, but did not find the leisure facilities mentioned by Father Sisen. In front of us, it was still like a meeting. The corridor that extends indefinitely-quiet, monotonous, no one but us. шШщ.dyzww. This may be because the site is too large, or perhaps because the ring corridor has a certain peculiarity, but we decided not to investigate. I do n’t know what they think about this situation, and I do n’t plan to think about it. I do n’t even plan to investigate how much truth is said by Father Sissen. Because I think that no matter what this circular corridor is all about, it will not become an obstacle at a critical moment. The people in the 51st district, whether it is the government or a mysterious organization, ca n’t just take us Detained here. As Father Sissen said before, what we need now is rest, waiting for the negotiation to start further.

After deciding not to explore further, we each returned to our room. Although the landscape of the corridor is so monotonous, no difference is felt everywhere. They are silver-grey smooth walls, floors and ceilings, and there is nothing more, which sometimes makes us stand still. The illusion also makes it impossible to identify one's origin with the naked eye. However, as long as we press our palms against the wall, we can always open the door to the room.

"They are guarding us." The file moved a dozen cans of beer from the refrigerator. She was still very energetic and didn't sleep at all, but the other mercenaries had clearly shown a tired look. Since the log house incident, they have been under considerable pressure. Although for me, Sakuya and the file. Those seemingly dangerous encounters are like playing wine, but for other mercenaries, including three greystone fortifiers, it is still a life-and-death danger. Moreover, no matter the environment of the wooden house incident or the environment of the fifty-one district circular corridor, there is strong mental depression.

Do not continue to advance on the circular corridor, although there are also indifferent factors, but I have to admit. Considering the status of the entire team, the other people really can't go on. Although District 51 seems to be friendly, at least a neutral site, we must consider the worst.

As for why the guest lounge should be arranged in such a depressing environment, or why we should be allocated to such a place, if it is said that there is no other intention. There is simply no place to arrange, or no consideration, it must be a lie that no one will believe.

"How? They gave us a dismounted horse and wanted us to cooperate well." The file naturally vented its dissatisfaction, slurped a can of beer, and then squeezed the cans into a ball. It seems to be casually thrown behind him. The trash bin resting on the corner suddenly slipped towards this side, and the trash dropped from the air was loaded into his stomach.

"Oh--" The file was aware of this scene and could not help making a whimper, "This is really good."

"So, what do you think we should do? Make a protest statement when we meet again?" I asked calmly.

"It's the same thing. They won't take it easy. I said, how about using this knife to give them a shot?" The file looked at the critical weapon lying aside. A strange smile appeared on his face.

"It doesn't matter." I really said indifferently: "If you really want to do that. But then, we have no cards."

"Do you think Father Sisen knows we brought this thing?" The file's expression was a little more serious, and he took out a cigarette from his pocket, threw one to me, and lit one himself.

"I don't think they will let anyone know." I just replied. Today there are not many critical weapons leaked out of the ruling bureau. Each piece can be regarded as a strategic deterrent, but we carry it close to us. This intelligence may play a reversing force at a critical time.

The file was silent for a while, and suddenly said to me: "I am not optimistic about joining them. Although I don't know what their plan is and what they have, I believe in the phrase" the greater the benefit, the greater the risk. " The goal they want to achieve through the plan is too large. Even if the risk has been shared, it still makes me feel uneasy. "After all, she threw away half of her cigarettes, and the automatic trash can arrived again in time to bring the cigarette In the arms.

The file has clearly expressed her opinion, but she still puts the choice in my hands, and my attention at this moment is not on the plans of Father Sissen and others. I was more concerned about Sakuya ’s anomaly than the obscured plan-after she turned into the Ashbringer, the previous feeling that brought her huge negative emotions completely disappeared, but this does not mean , The factor that caused her anomaly has disappeared, to a greater extent, just being cut off from the induction. The abnormal state of affairs that can cause Sakuya to have such great emotional fluctuations, forcing the mask left by Super Dorothy to run automatically, is certainly not something simple. According to Misaki's description, and Misaki's own peculiarities, and the origin of Luo Xia's ink mask, I have considered this anomaly and "Jiang" in charge, and anything related to "Jiang" must not use common sense. See it.

Deep in my heart, there is a feeling that is getting clearer and clearer. This anomalous factor that does not know what will come to me soon. As for what it is, the brain hardware has made several possibilities, but I can't judge what form it will appear in front of me, and whether it will cause further confusion in the 51st district.

Misaki in the gray transformation looks no problem, but I still don't want to let her stay alone, even if we are in the same dormitory room. I told her that I planned to sleep with her, and she had no objection. In fact, I inherited the relationship from the last Gaochuan, and she was a very intimate lover relationship, even though I have been born for more than a month, even After marrying Jinjiang, this relationship did not change alienated. Misaki, who claims to be the Ashbringer, is not the same as Misaki under normal conditions. When I hugged her from behind, the different feeling was clearer-although I couldn't describe it clearly. It ’s not alienation, it ’s not a barrier, it ’s a vague description. It ’s like embracing different thoughts and emotions, even the body feels different, but subtly two people with the same “core”.

Saki Ye's body exudes a unique taste, probably the taste of this gray dress. It also has the softness of a woman, but it does not have the same taste as she usually exudes. If I close my eyes, I feel like I am holding her, and I am holding another woman.

Is this feeling mixed with the taste of Dorothy? I thought so, but the consciousness slipped out of the brain hardware involuntarily. Although, this process gives a natural feeling. It's like gradually falling into sleep, the consciousness goes involuntarily, but before the complete fall, I have already reacted, which is not a natural state at all. Because when the brain hardware is the main control body, consciousness will be locked, which is like an active defense measure of computer protection software to ensure that it will not be affected by consciousness attacks such as hallucinations. However, the locked consciousness slipped uncontrollably. The presence of brain hardware is also far away.

--what exactly is it?

My consciousness was blurred, and it seemed to disappear for a moment. But again, he came to the surface ignorantly. I am in an uncontrolled half-dream and half-wake state, and I vaguely know this, and I also understand that this is not normal, however, it is like being under the nightmare, unable to make any changes. I heard strange sounds, sometimes like the sound of running water, sometimes like a group of people being noisy, and sometimes like a broken radio, but it was annoyingly rustling. I couldn't move, but after trying to open my eyes, from the blurred vision, I saw shaking shadows, like people and ghosts. I shook my head and wanted to keep myself awake, but my vision suddenly moved forward, yet I didn't feel any walking.

I seemed to have become a ghost. When I drifted forward, a phantom of linear images flashed away. In the impression of a glimpse, it seemed to be a door, or a hatch. I went out like a real ghost. Although it was a bit slow, it did penetrate something and floated out in front. A large number of complicated lines, textures and veins are intertwined in the hazy field of vision. Because it is too complicated, it is impossible to distinguish what is in the end. The same complex sound still echoes in the ear, and those like other people, But there was only one living creature with a blurred shadow, who saw me walking through nothing. I don't know who they are and what they are doing, but, in a state of ignorance, there is still a very firm idea-this place is not the 51st district.

After a while, the complex voices seem to become clearer, and I feel that I have distinguished some words: "Melting ...", "Injecting ...", "Number Three ...", "Data ...", etc. , But they cannot be spliced ​​into a complete content. It's just that these obviously suggestive words occupy a unique position in my memory. I was thinking about a vacation in the hazy, because of some factor, I temporarily returned to reality in an inexplicable state, as I see it. The things I heard, and the words I heard, revolved around the research dynamics that occurred in Gao Chuan, who is connecting to the illusion of doomsday. However, the situation is more complicated than I thought, because I heard a pronunciation similar to German. Not only did the researchers in the real hospital have no Germans, but the experiment never used German. More complicated pictures squeeze into the field of vision, as if rising to a wide-angle lens, more ghost-like human-shaped shadows are in motion, and the video continues to spread to wider and deeper places. The convergence of sounds turned into a huge and noisy workshop, instead of a quiet and efficient research institute.

Soon after, the extremely deep picture changed again, and the complex line segment that outlined the scene was changing like a kaleidoscope. The final outline of the scene was still hazy and blurry, but it was still recognizable and not happening. Things in the same place. I floated forward involuntarily, as if crossing three-dimensional pictures one by one. I was like a ghost, just a traveler who could not affect these pictures. I did n’t even have time to figure out what these pictures are demonstrating. What's wrong.

To make an analogy, I feel like Alice in Wonderland, just. I was far less aware of what I was like in Alice. It is also like the traveler who passes through the space and plane as described in the fantasy works. Leaving his own small footprint in different worlds, only because he only stayed for a while on the very smallest site in each world.

The originally complicated line gradually became scarce, and finally there was only a rectangle of equal height, and my vision glanced down involuntarily at this time, and I immediately knew where my consciousness is. It ’s not your own body—it ’s a body with obvious female sexual characteristics.

So, who is she? Why am I in her body? Obviously, everything I saw before was her activity, not my intention. In addition, what are the pictures I have seen? I am in this female body. Where did you arrive?

There was a blank space around it, as if it were completely made of white paper. I seemed to be standing in an infinitely wide space. The only difference was the rectangular line image in the pale front.

So, the field of vision gradually moved up. As the image approached, the rectangular pattern became more and more complicated, the structure became more and more complicated, and the objects it represented became more and more clear-soon, it became a mirror of equal height. however. In the reflection in the mirror, I couldn't see the appearance of the woman I attached to. There was only one eye that seemed to be burning.

Blood red, like blood flowing, like blood burning like fire oil, in the deep pupil of this dry mouth, like glass, reflected my face.

And beside my face is-

I seemed to see what it was, but I couldn't remember it, because at that moment, a strong wave made me suddenly wake up, and all the seemingly phantom scenes disappeared. Nevertheless, I still cannot be sure that I have returned to reality from that nightmare world, because I feel as top-heavy as drunk, and I still do not feel the presence of brain hardware, as if I have recovered The human body.

In the dizzy field of vision, the scene was clear and blurry at once, pulling away and approaching for a while, but my consciousness was clearer than before. I barely stood up against the floor, but when my feet were soft, I had to hold on to the wall next to me. The wall was also hard and soft at once. Then, even the feeling from the floor became so ambiguous.

Although the state is very bad, it can be said that it is terrible. The only energy left on the body is enough to support himself to stand up, and reluctant to take a few steps. No weapons can be fumbled on his body, and chain judgment and pseudo-swift sweeping cannot be started. I do n’t know whether it is because the retinal screen and brain hardware have lost their sense of existence. I was like a weak normal person. Although I soon realized that I was not in the room, I had no clue. This is a circular corridor, which looks like the one where our dormitory is located.

The inexplicable encounter and the inexplicable sense of strangeness made me think that I was still dreaming, but the shaking scene in front of me was quite real. When I faced the wall and wanted to look at my face with the help of a smooth and translucent metal surface, I suddenly saw a pair of eyes without face support-the left eye was bloody, the right eye was bicolor, a strong familiarity It is mine, no, to be precise, it is the form of the eye with the strongest sense of existence stored in the memory information of Gaochuan. Although the origin of the shape of these eyes is not clear, it seems to exist in the part of Gaochuan information that has not been integrated. However, there is no doubt that from the bottom of my heart, this is the eye of Gaochuan, and it is also my eye.

Is it really a dream? I think so, because, I have lost my left eye ~ ~ Something is calling me, there is an emotion that is urging me, such a emotional state of emotion, since the brain hardware is deeply operated , It never appeared again. I think it's a bit novel, and I think it's the only thing that makes people happier in this bad dream-like world.

I leaned on the wall and moved forward according to the call in my heart. My pace is not fast, my body has a strong sense of weakness, and it is not as tenacious as the prosthetic body. At this moment, I really feel that I have recovered to an adult, although, perhaps, just an ordinary person with a serious illness. This feeling made me in a trance, doubting that I had returned to reality. Unconsciously, I escaped from the computer room in the illusion of doomsday and dragged the severely deteriorated disease into the black tower.

At this time, I realized that I could no longer distinguish between reality and illusion, but whether reality or illusion seemed to become less important. What is important is what calls me in my heart. I don't know what that is, but I know that it is like a mission to myself.

I have difficulty breathing, and every time I breathe, I can hear my own "hissing" sound like oxygen. My steps are difficult and I move slowly, but at every step, the change of scenery in the field of vision makes me feel shrinking into an inch and moving a long distance forward.

♂m net--♂

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