Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 591: Negotiation

After confronting Father Sissen, Novsky's emotions suddenly fell, and he should have known that he could not get the results he wanted in this place. www. dyzw8. m (无. 弹. 窗. 小. 说. 网) .. A lot of things happened to him, and he is not a fool, whether he thinks about himself or communicates with other survivors, even after we arrived at the wooden house, The situation was analyzed. In this case, he still had expectations, and the conversation with Father Sisen proved that this was simply a mistake. After all the luck was shattered, Novsky's face was not very good. The struggle in the whirlpool of the lake made him exhausted, and in a short time, his emotions fluctuated and suddenly made him look like he had won. Seriously ill patients.

I do n’t know what Novsky thought at this time, and what emotions are hidden in his gloomy eyes, will he take unexpected actions, and can he really become a deciding "fate"? Key figures. However, after Father Xisen showed a tough attitude, he still obeyed the other party's instructions. Father Sisen recruited a female officer who specialized in personnel affairs and asked her to leave Novowski.

Including Novsky, there are three survivors. Although Novsky looks more surviving than everyone else, the performance of "ordinary people" from the beginning to the end is a bit abrupt, but this base The principal did not treat him as a special being, at least not in his attitude and handling. If it were not for them that they really value the so-called "son of destiny" and are unwilling to make a hasty decision before they get a clearer proof, it is that they don't care about the "son of destiny" and just use this title as a cover.

"Children of destiny ..." I watched Novsky leave and could not help asking: "I heard that it was the result of the prophecy?"

"Yes, there is indeed such a person, which will have a great influence on what we will do next." Father Sisen gave a positive answer. "It was prophesied by an old friend, and I believe her very much, and it is precisely because of the prophecy she released that these people are gathered here. We need to integrate any persuasive combat power in a short time to face a terrible Of war. "

"Old friend?" The file noticed Father Sisen's words. "who is it?"

"Maybe you've seen her before, she's not here. I'm sorry, unless she decides to disclose your identity to you, I won't tell you in private." Father Sisen very directly blocked the topic about this prophet, "Come on Let me see where you should be arranged ... Do you want to know more people? I can introduce you. "

"No," I said quietly: "I want to know the causes and consequences before I can make a decision. Father Sisen, although we are friends, I am a" whisperer's vice president. It is impossible to participate at will The actions of others. "I paused and deliberately emphasized:" Especially the actions organized by the zhèng government in Europe and the United States. You sent a letter for help and I came to Las Vegas. This is what I represent to you This friend made a sincere move, but I hope you can understand that the whisperer has his own principle of action. "

Father Sisen and I looked at each other for a while, and I didn't know what he saw in my eyes and what he wanted to see. However, I know that I am very calm at this time. The brain hardware regulates the operation of this body in a mechanically cold, rational and logical mode. I don't think he can rely on the window to observe the soul to speculate on my ideas. However, like him, I also analyzed the information revealed in his words and attitude through observation on the retina screen.

"Your left eye ..." Father Sisen asked, breaking the silence.

I subconsciously held my left eye, and after losing this eyeball, there has always been a pain. Sometimes there is an illusion that the left eye is not blind and seems to see something. There is always a sense of swelling in the orbit, as if the eyeball that no longer exists, from time to time agitates like a heart in the orbit, and the left eye changes that are felt deep in the night of Valpus. There is still a clear feeling that still remains, so I even feel that this left eye that caused Youjiang to alienate is not completely separated from my body. There is some unexplainable connection between us. If this feeling is True and correct, "Jiang" did not make me completely lose this left eye, then I will definitely encounter alienated Youjiang again.

The hole in the left eye socket and the pain of losing my eyes made me never feel that I was far away from the turbulent core of Las Vegas.

"Temporarily put it in someone, I will get it back." I said to Father Sisen.

"Okay." Father Sisen saw that I refused to talk about this topic and paused again. There is a gap between us. In the past cooperation, this gap has always existed, but it is now clearer. I know that this is due to the direct and tough attitude I showed at this time, although it is a pity that the cooperation between the last Gaochuan and Father Xi Sen was quite happy. After I took over the identity of Gaochuan, it was also in the ruling bureau. I had a life-and-death comradeship experience with him, but even in the memory of the last Gaochuan, I have already made a good relationship with each other. Now I am ready to fight. When I first met him, I just put him As the guide who introduced the whisperer into the real mysterious world, when he saw his first glance, he already understood that in the end, the whisperer and him will only be a simple cooperative relationship, and will not become an intimate heart. friend.

The kindness provided by the whisperer has a clear purpose, so that Father Sisen led us into a reign, and this exchange was over at this time. Although for Gao Chuan, the experience of entering the "." "Out of the ruling bureau brought too much information and made people think it was a very long story, but for whispers in this world, this It is just a short-term and temporary cooperation plan, and the original intention has been completely reached in less than two months today. For others of the whisperer, this time does not even allow them to leave deep feelings and impressions on Father Sissen.

If it is just a lonely adventurer, I may be able to make more promises and help in order to maintain my personal relationship with Father Sissen, but as the whisperer ’s deputy president and the strongest fighting force, every decision I make will Have a major impact on whisperers. Before clarifying what a collaboration will bring to the whisperer, of course, I can't promise anything casually, nor can I be dragged down by Father Sisen just because of friendship.

I have personally experienced the changes in Las Vegas. There is speculation about the purpose of Father Sisen, the major mysterious organizations, and the 51st District move, but this does not mean that we whisperers must participate in these people's plans to cooperate with their actions. Whether it is a group of whispers, or personally, there is a strong sense of dúlì. Have your own mode of action. It is not our style to participate in a mysterious war, led by institutions from other countries far away from other states. Whether it is voluntary or forced.

Perhaps, for the mysterious organizations in Europe and the United States, the situation is so bad that they have to abandon the dúlì nature, join together, and participate in the plan led by the American government. In order to obtain a chance to survive or change. However, for the whisperers who are far away in Asia, they have more choices and enough power to protect the right to choose. What's more, as far as I am concerned, I don't care about the "greatness" and "strength" condensed in this base, if these things really exist.

"Father Sisen, if you want to persuade me. You must give reasons for the hearts of our whisperers." I said clearly to Father Sisen. Then, glanced at other acquaintances. He stayed on the three magical girls and Chubby for half a second and said to them: "I'm glad you are still alive."

The three magical girls quickly bowed and returned the gift, and Chubby still had that innocent expression, his eyes rolling dizzily, and said to me: "Mr. Gao Chuan, maybe. We will meet in Asia soon." It seems to be hinting The next night of Valpuss will appear in Asia, and it seems to be recalled that the Nazis will also suddenly appear in a city in the Principality of the Principality, just as they entered Las Vegas. I don't know the purpose of it. Whether to act as a lobbyist for the plan of the 51st district, or just to elaborate on a fact, but I do n’t care at all, because even if the Nazis appeared in the city where the whisperers were, their enemies first started to breed in the city. The doomsday truth forces.

I just smiled calmly.

"Restricted Level Doomsday Syndrome 591 Negotiations" "I have many reasons to convince Mr. Gao Chuan, but now I think you may need a little more time to understand our plan." The fire finally opened, this man represents Europe and the United States. The most powerful mysterious organization besides Doomsday Truth, "We have had a great time of cooperation, and I believe this time is no exception."

"Maybe." I said.

"I also hope that the whisperer will consider it carefully." Jung also interjected: "This plan is about the transformation of the entire world. If we fail, then it will be difficult for the world to have a second chance. Although Asia is very It is far away and has been living in peace, but it also means that Asia does not have enough mysterious power. What we are going to fight is the enemy of the world, and we also hope that Asia can provide its own strength as a member of United International . "

"Should such a political topic be the job of the zhèng government agency?" I said to Jung: "The whisperer cannot represent Asia and has nothing to do with the zhèng government agency."

"Even if it is a mysterious organization, it is also a part of this world, and it has an inescapable responsibility for the safety of this world." Although the tone of Jung was harsh, his expression was still the same as he saw in the ruling bureau Face open, and the voice is not loud. Judging from his attitude, it seems to be closer to the zhèng government department than the organization to which the fire escapes, and may itself be the staff of the zhèng government department.

"Yes, you are right, Mr. Jung, but we whisperers have their own judgments and practices." I said.

"What if your judgment is wrong? In the past, everyone had a chance to make mistakes, but now, we are gone." Jung said again seriously.

"We have our own prophet." I said to him without any emotion: "Just like you made this plan based on the judgment of a certain prophet, and have already started this plan, the so-called son of destiny is actually just As far as this plan is concerned, and you think this plan is related to the whole world, did you get that name? Is that true? "Waiting for his answer, I said again:" You believe this prophet very much, but whisper to us For those who believe, they believe in their prophets more, just like you, they believe in their prophets more than those who believe in whispers. "

"The prophecy's prophecy may be one-sided, but the power that we and the whisperer can dispatch is vastly different." Jung Shen said. His meaning is clear, even though the two sides have the same strength at the level of the prophet, at the level of making plans and executing plans, they are more fully prepared and more powerful.

Sounds irrefutable because. The people gathered in the 51st district seem to be "restricted-grade doomsday syndrome" already the elite of all mysterious organizations in Europe and America except for the doomsday truth. However, this power is only for normal mysterious organizations, but the whisperer is not a normal mysterious organization. My own anomalies, as well as the anomalies represented by Misaki, Bajing, and Omi, plus the existence of "Jiang", super-colors, and Dorothy, are destined to whisper even if they count the mysterious organization in the world. Including the ruling bureau, doomsday truth and the Nazis, it is also one of the extremely unique existences.

"We are stronger than you." I said this to them, and then I saw their expressions with confusion, maybe, I just knew it, probably Jin Jiang would agree, and I didn't speak big words at this time. I said powerful. Not on a scale in the ordinary sense, but on a higher level of world architecture. They said it was difficult to understand. And I think I'm bluffing, but I'm not going to explain these things to them. If you tell the reality and what I plan to do, even if they believe it, the resulting chain reaction is more likely to develop in the bad direction than in the good direction. They will fall into chaos. But it is more likely to snipe the entire whisperer in order to protect his beliefs and the world, even if this is meaningless to the "script".

If you don't explain the structure of this world from a practical perspective, and completely smash their world view, it would be meaningless to continue to explain my attitude to them. and. Not only the people here, but I also have the same concerns for the members of the Whisperer. Even Sakuya, Bajing and Omi, in a sense, can be said to be born here, live here, and only in this world To form the foundation of the world view, look at things from the perspective of this world.

If there is no brain hardware, if it is not the newly born Gao Chuan, I will definitely be suffering for the ending of this world that is bound to be destroyed. In the memory left before the last Gao Chuan's "death", he seems to have made up his mind to bear such pain, but who knows what will happen when the time comes? Thinking from this angle, my existence is already inevitable.

It is precisely because of my toughness and stubbornness that the people here cannot understand that they have seen some changes in my eyes, but obviously, they have not given up the idea of ​​persuading me. Moreover, in fact, I did not completely close the doors and windows for this cooperation, but I did not intend to make a promise before I could figure out the changes that the whole plan might bring. I believe that these people will try to understand me from this perspective because past cooperation has proved that I am not a stubborn and arrogant talker. Since I show such an attitude, they will naturally aim at this situation. , Make assumptions, guesses, and make up your own.

I do n’t need everyone to think like I thought, as long as one person thinks so, if we really value the combat effectiveness of our whisperers, it will definitely spread like pollen, and I There is also an opportunity to obtain further information. This time I came to Las Vegas and encountered too many things. These things spread out in a serial form, just like a deep pool. I ca n’t even assess, from the perspective of the whole series of events, where did our whisperer ’s trip to Las Vegas come from ~ ~ whisperers can only be initially monitored in Europe and America The network of a normal society does not have enough intelligence in the mysterious world, so no matter what I want to do or decide not to do anything, if I want to exert influence in the whole series of major events that will shake the world ’s situation, I must do More information may be obtained from these detached former collaborators.

At least, since it has been determined that Father Sisen is safe and sound, and has more intelligence than staying in Asia, and has the opportunity to continue in-depth exchanges with these European and American mysterious organizations, the original intention of this trip to Las Vegas has been exceeded. The rest is the question of how much can be gained. If possible, I certainly hope to use the plan of the 51st district to carry out the recovery plan of the spiritual integration device, left eye and alienated Youjiang again. Although the attitude I showed in front of these people tended to be out of touch, but what they used to persuade our whisperers to join some of the content of the plan, and to collect from the perspective of the whisperers' future development and survival, is quite correct.

The emergence of alienated Youjiang, spiritual integration devices, and pituitary machines, and the Nazis ’activity, although from a practical perspective, it can be said that it is the inevitability of the development of this world, but if it is completely ignored, there may be many What hinders my plan and the survival and development of the whisperer. (To be continued.)

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