Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 340: 1 big wave

[The Fourth Evil Night Monster] 340 Big Wave


340 big wave

The petite girl is Gregia. She is of Mexican descent. She was born at the University of California for three years. Other students are also students of this well-known university, but except for the strong male students who are second-year students, the rest are annual students. Cui Di is not a security guard directly hired by the university, and belongs to a human resources company that focuses on providing security services for schools. Gregor's sobbing touched everyone else, except for Tracy and the burgundy-haired girl, the other students all showed a moving look.

Although this experience has left them alive and dead, it is also brilliant in a sense. For the curious and energetic boys, everyone has the desire to experience this extraordinary life in the depths of their hearts Right. Going back to the normal world, will this stimulating experience come to an end, or will you continue to dive into this adventure and use it as a great job to save the world? Because of Grega's words, they began to think about their future.

I try to figure out their ideas. However, even if they are willing to join, and want to do some business with passion, I will not agree to let everyone join. The whisperer has not been an organization that anyone can enter from the beginning, and it will not become such an organization in the future. So far, there are only six formal members of Whisperer, and we have similar qualities to some extent. The whisperer is just a small world that accommodates "similar", if Gregia really wants to join, she must be observed until she is confirmed as "similar".

The prerequisite for all of this is that she must leave this ruling area alive. However, as the first girl to take the initiative to join the whisperer, I will do my best to protect her. Although I am kind to people and do not be stingy to help everyone within my ability, I know that I will still give everyone a level of importance in my heart and strictly abide by this level. I once talked about this with a friend. "No wonder you are usually kind, but sometimes your eyes seem indifferent." He asked me in amazement: "are you divided so carefully, not tired?" Blurring, or treating others fairly and enthusiastically, is more helpful in my life.

But I do n’t find it tiring. I keep everyone in mind according to the level. Whenever I touch them, I call up this file and follow the attitudes and rules set in advance to get along with them. This is like instinct. I do n’t think there is anything special about this kind of person. There must be many people like me, but they do n’t say it clearly, or do n’t realize it so clearly.

Therefore, I will try my best to help everyone, and will make a similar decision to cover the retreat of students and put myself in danger, but this does not mean that I am a good person. I never felt that I was a good person, but just habitually followed my instincts to live. When it is irreversible or emotional, I will still make cruel choices, and will still abandon those unimportant people, and even treat them as ants or baits. Just as I was fighting a wizard, I knew I might accidentally injure innocent people, but I still ignited the fire.

I used to think it did n’t seem like I would do this kind of thing, but after the incident, whenever I analyzed myself carefully, I found that I would do such a swearing thing, but I did n’t care about it either. People who do not regret it. The reason why I long for justice and become a hero may be because I perceive that I am a happy criminal in my bones. When I discovered my essence, I did not fall into panic and denial. I feel good. I have never seen myself so clearly. I think it is because I see who I am that I do n’t regret my choice.

Whispering participants, mechanical attitudes to deal with people ’s attitudes, killings that spread to innocent people, or putting themselves in danger in order to save people, the choices made in the past have no place to regret, The same is true for the future.

In this way, I carefully observed the girl in front of her. Her eyes were very clear. She knew what she was talking about, and she was full of firmness. At this moment, she was serious about joining the whisperer. However, if she returns to the normal world and appreciates the very different lives of the two worlds, will this will be so firm? Does this will come from the so-called sense of justice, or is it immersed in the happiness brought about by it? These are one of the observations in the future. If you just uphold the concept of justice and heroes, and cannot enjoy the excitement and happiness brought by the event itself, then it will definitely collapse at some point in the future?

Because the whisperer is a mystic organization, in our opinion, all things and phenomena that cannot be explained by modern science are "mystery". In this mysterious and dangerous world, no matter how noble the purpose is, the road to it There must be darkness. This is exactly the profound lesson I learned from the impact of ideas after the wizard event. No matter how much you want to be a hero of justice, it is the goal after all, and the behavior itself is neither legal nor even humane, so it is not justice.

I did not directly answer her plea, and took out a business card from the pocket of the shirt and gave it to her. This business card is a whisperer ’s standard business card with a green olive pattern around the edge of the card and a symbolic pattern representing the meaning of "listening", but without the names of the community and members, or even the phone number, only one copy email address.

In the past four years, we have distributed many of these business cards through various channels, and then communicated with people who intend to become customers by email, and undertake their entrustment. We don't care whether it will reach the hands of people who need it, or whether it will be thrown away as trash. If someone contacts us for that, it must be because we are destined to meet.

Now that Gregia has the business card, will she be the one destined? Not only me, they will also be interested in Bajing.

Without getting my exact answer, Gregia did not show a frustrated expression, instead her eyes were brighter. Other students also gathered around to observe the business card in her hand, and they all felt that "there is only one e-mail box, it is a mysterious organization." She seemed very determined. She seemed to know that to join the organization, she had to go through a "test" because it was written in movies, novels, and various stories, and everyone agreed with this mechanism.

"Give me a copy, too, Mr. Gao Chuan." The boy in Fa Fu said excitedly, "I will definitely pass the test."

I just smiled and shook my head. Among these students, business cards are only issued to the first person who expresses their attitude. This is the decision I just made. Of course, although other students showed disappointed expressions, I felt that they were actually hesitant about their choices.

We trimmed in the house for about fifteen minutes. I took the chocolate out of my backpack and gave it to everyone. When I opened the thermos, the tea inside was still hot. They all came to see what I prepared in my backpack. In fact, there was nothing. They were all things needed for survival in the wild, such as hook ropes, tents, thick clothes, gas masks, food and water, etc., but in the students In my eyes, I thought it was a remarkable act, and regarded me as a perennial adventurous expert.

I did n’t tell them, in fact, I was just an ordinary college student preparing for graduation, and the university I went to was not as good as theirs in terms of fame, hardware or software.

There were guns and several daggers in the backpack. They blamed me for not allocating these weapons to them, but I thought it would be useless even if they were given to them. Omi provided materials to help them prepare incendiary incendiary bombs that were more lethal than daggers. Did n’t they end up panicking? On the contrary, if you have a real fighting heart, even if you do n’t have a weapon, you will find ways to arm yourself. At this time, the power of a dagger and a metal tube is actually the same.

I did n’t say this, I did n’t want to attack them here, but Gregia thought of it, and blamed the other party without regard: “What ’s the use of holding a gun? Anyway, I do n’t have the courage to shoot. "The atmosphere was very stiff for a while, and the burgundy-haired girl hid far away, and seemed afraid to participate in these arguments. The muscular boys were sullen and the blessed boys had a blank expression. They didn't speak. Instead, the thin boys looked sneered: "Aren't you the same?"

"Yes, I'm the same. I just wanted to escape at all." Gregia said quietly, then tore the skirt, stringed the burning flask with a cloth strip, and hung it on the body with a self-defense metal stick, she said : "I don't know if I will run next time, so it's enough to have these things." She looked at the female security officer Cui Di and said to me in a requested tone: "Can Miss Cui Di be given bullets? ? "

"Of course." I said. Even if she doesn't say it, I plan to do the same. Although Tracy is only a security guard, she has a warrior's heart, which can be seen from the fact that she actively chose to break the students. She was also very scared of those strange and powerful enemies, and she knew that her weapons could not help those guys, but in battle, she still tried her best and survived. In spirit and will, she possesses enviable and convincing power.

I feel very happy to be able to meet such a woman and provide her with ammunition.

I always feel that I can always meet such a different person, and always get their help directly and indirectly, so that I will not feel lonely when I am different from others. I was able to grow up so calmly, and feel the beauty, warmth, and colorfulness of this world, so as not to become a murderer early, and then die miserably, it must be because I can always see these in action or thought different people.

I am different, but it is very common among people who are different. There are many people who are more peculiar and better than me, and embellish this world like stars. If you think about it like this, when you look up at the starry sky at night, you will always be moved by the profoundness and broadness.

This touch is also a force that supports me to remain silent and move forward in the landscape of thorns.

I gave all the pistol bullets to Tracy. For me, a folding knife is enough, because ordinary firearms are just a burden in this place.

Cui Di is very happy. She also knows that her pistol won't work, but she can still give her a sense of security, and she keeps thanking me. After everyone enjoyed chocolate and hot tea, we set off again.

I do n’t know if it ’s an illusion, the gray mist seems to be showing signs of subside. Father Xi Sen did not re-connect to the safety network during the repair, fearing that he would be locked by the other party, so we still ran along the originally planned route. Fortunately, the terrain did not change much where we passed. Several high-rise buildings collapsed on the ground. Obviously, they were only recently affected by high-intensity fighting, probably the same as the security guards of the ruling bureau and the devil. In short, when we climbed hard from the ruins of the road, There was faint heat coming from under my feet, and there was a smell of suffocation in the gray mist. There was probably exhaust gas or poisonous gas generated by the battle dispersed in the air, but the color of the dense fog and mist was not visible. Everyone had to put on the gas mask I prepared in advance.

On several occasions, the blessed boys stepped on the floating stepping stones and almost fell into a pothole six or seven meters deep. The pit looked like it was made up of several rooms where walls were broken through when it collapsed, and underneath exposed metal strips with sharp fractures. It was Gregia who caught him in time, and she was almost taken down by the opponent's weight. After being lucky to be rescued, the boy who had a crush on Gregia was silent, and from time to time there was a complex look in Gregia's eyes that was not there.

I really do n’t know what he thought, his feelings seemed awkward.

After turning over this blocked street, the front becomes wider.

"The fog has weakened." Jin Jiang raised his head and looked at the sky, which was low and depressed because of the dense fog.

"This is a good thing, indicating that the most dangerous time is about to pass." Father Sisen's expression also eased a bit. "When the fog is thick, it is the time when security guards and demons appear most frequently. We have not encountered large-scale security guards and Demon ... "He said here, suddenly stopped his mouth and made a listening gesture.

Omi and I were keenly aware of some strange movements in the air. The direction of the sound came very far, behind our side, but the frequency was extremely high, and gradually joined together.

"The number is huge!" Omi asserted that although her voice was still calm, I noticed that her pupils shrank.

"Damn it!" Father Sisen seemed to think of something, his face suddenly turned pale, and he yelled: "Quick! All run! A big wave of security guards is coming!"

Before his words fell, he ran away. Omi and I followed Father Sisen without hesitation and ran forward. Gregia and Tracy who were behind also quickly set off. The remaining students looked at each other for a while before they pulled their feet to keep up. Therefore, this team is clearly divided into three levels.

After running about the length of a street, the students began to fall behind. But this time, Father Sissen didn't mean to stop at all, and Omi and I also understood what “a big wave of security guards” meant. I do n’t know why these terrible weapons come together. Is it for us? I turned around to carry Gregia, she didn't struggle, and Omi also came to Choi Di, beckoning her to grab the corner of the dress, and then I shouted to the remaining students: "If you don't want to die, run in the other direction. "At this time, everyone felt unnatural vibration on the ground.

I didn't pay any attention to them, and carried Gregor to catch up with Father Sissen, when he was faster. I think he can be faster if he uses super powers, but he doesn't mean to use super powers at all. I guess, maybe using the power of Mageweave at this time will attract the attention of the safety network system.

Soon, the students behind disappeared into the mist. But at this time, the well-meaning Cui Di did not plan to stay and face the big wave of security guards himself. That kind of behavior was to find his own way.

"Are they coming to us?" Omi asked briskly next to Father Sisen. Even the female security guard Cui Di, who appeared to be refined in regular exercise, began to gasp. If she pulled Jin Jiang ’s clothes, she would seem to fall, but Jin Jiang himself did n’t even seep a sweat. Of course, it is also an anomaly.

Omi and I haven't known each other for a long time, and I don't know anything about what happened to her. I think the mystery that exists in Omi is also one of the reasons that attracts me. After all, I am the vice president of the mystic organization, and I am interested in any "mysterious" things.

"Hope is not." Father Sisen said: "Even if we kill four security guards, the safety network should not raise our danger level to this point ~ ~ There are at least dozens of security guards behind ! "

Immediately afterwards, we heard a fierce fighting sound from the direction of the security guard brigade. The sounds of building collapse, explosions, footsteps, motor sounds, as well as the sounds of gunfire, artillery and shouting, screaming sounds, like a boiling porridge. And this porridge is always rolling towards us. We turned several directions in a row, but as if we had a magnet-like attraction, the center of the battle approached us from beginning to end.

We realized this unnaturalness, so we stopped and made plans.

"Who are the people fighting?" I said, "They don't seem to be wizards, they don't need guns. Are they other Apocalyptic people?"

"Maybe, however, not all of the people in the church can discover and enter the ruling bureau, although the Mar Jones family has always wanted them to become believers." Father Sissen said.

"They brought heavy weapons." Jin Jiang narrowed her eyes like an illusion. The corners of her mouth seemed to hang in an instant. "But it was obviously a flock of sheep. The safety network system still locked our position. Father Sisen, reconnect to the secure network. The trick is useless for it. "


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