Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 2192: Invisible Xisen

The London repeater is suspended in a physical state in a certain area of ​​the ruling ruins. It is guided in a certain direction under the guidance of a clear will. Where it travels, all the things that are being twisted are in Since Chao is different from its distorted image, another form of change. In the spirally intertwined landscape that resembles activation, centered on the route of the London Repeater, there is a long, completely different trace from the surrounding things, which is deeply imprinted in this area. If it is said that things that are distorted by inexplicable power and become contrary to human aesthetics are a vicious change-as long as someone sees these things, they will never leave any good impressions, and the repulsion in the heart is still slight , Serious or even make people's physiological activities become disordered-then, the change caused by the power emitted by the London repeater itself will eliminate its viciousness to a certain extent, and changes in the shape of things cannot be avoided. , But at least it won't make people sick.

However, the spontaneous power release of the London repeater can change the place, compared with the vast area where it is located, it is undoubtedly a lot of money. Over a thousand kilometers, it spreads out to the end of the field of vision. Those uncomfortable distortion anomalies are like drawing a more detailed outline with a thin hook line in a stick figure. The more detailed, full of all kinds of details, makes people dizzy. Smell, composition, structure, shape, texture ... all the factors used to describe the nature of a thing are undergoing a change that can be clearly felt, as if it is expanding, the quantity is expanding, the volume is expanding, condensing into a mass, Just like huge tumors.

Language cannot fully describe such a landscape, and all descriptions can only find analogies from as similar things as possible. However, even such analogies are not enough to fully express the extent to which these twisted things have deteriorated. . The only thing that can be assured is that normal people can never survive in this abnormal environment, neither psychologically nor physically acceptable, as if even just breathing a breath of air will also cause their own changes.

Although at this time, no one has been exposed to such an abnormal environment.

There was only silence in the place where the London Repeater traveled.

However, in this dead space, a gust of wind suddenly rolled up.

The wind is getting bigger and bigger, and the pressure value that can be detected becomes fluctuating, just like the entire space has fallen into an invisible stormy wave. This invisible but surging wave hit these twisted things, tearing them into pieces, and then turning into visible dust in a kind of abrasive sound. It seems that the invisible and invisible thing is biting, swallowing, and digesting, and in the process, itself is becoming larger.

The sudden change is like the monsoon blowing across the grassland, forming a wave of grass. Only by the change of the wave can we judge what really is flowing, but we can't confirm where the main body and source of this flow are. .

An alarm sounded in the London repeater, and with the advent of a huge wind, a certain kind of strong consciousness was becoming more and more clear.

"Look, he's here." Dorothy smiled happily. "Don't forget, Omi, the London repeater is the property of NOG, and the repeater itself will never refuse the ally with authority. Just You have not completed the adjustments for the London repeater and cannot exclude the permissions of these people. Otherwise, you will not be able to close the gates to and from the London repeater. Now, you are not enough. "

"—Father Sisen?" Jin Jiang seemed to have confirmed the identity of the attackers.

The wind converging on the exterior of the London repeater forms a human-shaped silhouette, and when its face is clear, most mysterious experts can recognize where this image comes from: the direct manager of the mysterious organization "Black Nest" is also earlier Father Sisen himself was missing on some battlefields.

"Is the final disguise in disguise?" Omi's eyes seemed to penetrate the shell of the London repeater directly, confirming the invisible and intangible flowing things. No one knows what the silhouette of Father Sissen looks like, but a false shell. The blowing wind is not the body of Father Sissen. The flow that seems to be formed by the change of air pressure is only one of the superficial features. To say what the invisible and intangible thing is: it can only be described by "flow".

This "flow" is a dynamic that goes deep into the foundation of things, and is a characteristic movement-the recognition of Omi, which directly gives such an answer. However, any of her existing detection technologies cannot capture all the characteristics of this "flow".

"It's really a surprise. Father Sisen was hidden by you?" Omi used the description "you". When she looked at Dorothy, her eyes were not focused on the body of Dorothy in front of her eyes.

Dorothy met her gaze, only to feel that her consciousness was forced to retreat by a powerful sense of oppression, to rise back from this doomsday illusion to the reality of the hospital, from the existing final weapon Dorothy The form of the rose to the form of Super Dorothy. So, she determined that what Omi said was "Super Dorothy" and "Colour Center". Although she claimed that she did not care about the difference between the reality of the hospital and the end of the illusion, and did not care about the difference in identity caused by it, now, it seems that she has not completely ignored these things.

Dorothy can now be affirmed that the existence of the "color center" and "Super Dorothy" has a certain weight in Omi ’s heart, and, in her cognition, the existence of both has been determined Sex.

——As long as we consciously observe us and establish existence in our cognition, it means that she still can't get rid of the influence of our "script".

Dorothy finally felt the existence of a turning point in this battle. If Omi ’s consciousness does not really exist in the "color center" and "Super Dorothy", but she completely recognizes the two of them from other angles, then maybe she can really get rid of their influence completely. Right. But now it seems that the facts about the reality of the hospital that he and Jiang talked about before, the perspective of observations presented to her in these descriptions, has actually had a profound impact on her.

After all, the subjective nature of a person who consciously recognizes the world is the core part of the interaction between his internal and external things.

Dorothy knew that when Omi recognized Super Dorothy and the color center, they included the part they gave. When she began to accept, and at a certain moment, began to try to think from a similar angle, Its cognitive behavior itself is its most powerful counter-attack weapon.

Jin Jiang seemed to realize this at the same time, her eyes suddenly shrunk back to Dorothy. However, Omi knew that he was still one step behind. When starting to care, wanting to completely eliminate this consciousness is not something that can be done instantly. The idea of ​​"throwing away from wanting" is nothing but self-deception. When cognition begins, the result of this cognition has left seeds in one's thinking.

In the next moment, she felt that in her own consciousness, the seeds about the "color center" and "Super Dorothy" were sprouting. Some of the information that has never been known, like my own fantasy, is inexplicably born from the heart. Although the degree is not deep, it also means that I can't completely control my thinking. She is also clear that as long as she cannot completely abandon her cognition of "hospital reality", she will also be unable to get rid of this erosion.

Omi originally really didn't care what Dorothy once said to her, but the appearance of Father Sissen shook this kind of carelessness, even if it was only a moment, it was enough to let the opponent take advantage of it. The battle between thought and thought, the battle between consciousness and consciousness, and the battle between cognition and cognition have always been such rapid and thorough. For any conscious and thinking existence, this kind of battle is also more cruel than any kind of physical disintegration of opponents.

From this perspective, Father Sissen is nothing more than an introduction, and Dorothy's real counterattack does not lie with Father Sissen himself.

No, you can't continue thinking like that. For the first time, Omi pressed his head and frowned. She knows that the more she comes up with ideas in this direction, the more she proves how much she has been affected. The deepening of this influence will directly cut a gap in her cognition-when she ca n’t deny herself. When she learned something, she was finished.

People will always deny anything, but people cannot always tell whether they "want to deny" or "have denied". Sometimes, the more you deny, the more it means that what you want to deny is so ingrained in your mind. Even if you pretend to be indifferent and think that you have forgotten, you actually have n’t forgotten and ca n’t care less.

Human subjectivity will deceive yourself.

"Look, you started thinking again." Dorothy's mouth had a sharp smile. "Do you want Marceau to come over and help you to see if she can solve your own problems?"

But, of course, Jin Jiang would not do this, because she knew very well that "Masuo" certainly could not solve this problem, because once "Masuo" solved this problem, it also meant that she was in the existing self-cognition The last death, only the self under another self-cognition can be produced in the end-is it still the self? There is no need to answer this question first. Because, one thing is for sure, that new self-cognition will be a self-cognition that is completely trapped in the "script" of the super Dorothy and the color center.

This new self-cognition will think, understand, and act in accordance with the "script" plan.

Of course, this is actually the "Omi" that Super Dorothy and the color center need. Dorothy's previous mistake was that she mistakenly thought that Jinjiang was like that, but it was not.

The huge sense of flow has begun to approach the London repeater. The human figure made of wind and material fragments is constantly torn, twisted, and destroyed around the London repeater. However, there is a new outline soon. A point in a large area. Its quantity is increasing, its quality is becoming heavier, its image is becoming more and more delicate. When the fragments of different substances are mixed together, the gaps and texture differences that are inevitably produced are also shrinking and unifying. In a blink of an eye, hundreds Father Sissen, who looks like ordinary human beings, was born.

Father Sisen stood on the twisted ground, on the floating material, and stood upside down on the inexplicable objects that danced like tentacles. They continued to be like fleas on some kind of huge creature. When the wind blew, it was like Dandelion spread out. In that surging flow like a tidal storm, they are like spores floating in the water, with everything flowing, seeping into the defensive circle of the London Repeater a little bit.

That was isolated in the corridor inside the London repeater. When Marceau moved again, Dorothy also started to move. The opportunity of the super department allows her to retrieve the appearance position of "Masuo" in the first time, and change the terrain structure in a targeted manner to create conditions for her dodge. It is impossible to defeat "Marceau" inside the London repeater, but conversely, there is no need to consider defeating "Marceau".

The only target is ~ ~ It is not Marceau or near river, but to open an exit to the outside of the repeater in this corridor.

The Super Department is simultaneously restraining Omi and Marceau. The situation will only become more and more serious. Even if the other party cannot really destroy the Super Department, the possible influence of the Super Department inside the repeater is indeed diminishing. Dorothy drove hundreds of thousands of kilometers on this independent corridor in a matter of seconds. However, the structure and nature of the corridor are constantly changing, so that seemingly limited spaces will never repeat, but even if Omi must adjust his consciousness and cognitive foundation, and cannot fully interfere with the influence of the super department, but the frequency of the super department's interference in the corridors continues to decline.

In the battle with the London repeater as the main body, neither Dorothy nor Father Sisson can get involved. No matter which of the two enters the repeater, they will also fall into a passive situation. The phenomenon of Father Sisson outside the London repeater is very striking, but once he enters the London repeater, he will also become a prisoner. Therefore, the appearance of Father Sissen was not to break into the repeater from the beginning, but to create a trap for Omi and to open Dorothy from the outside after the London repeater exit opened.

In the worst possible scenario, once Dorothy escapes from the London repeater, Omi may directly use the power of the repeater to strike it directly. If this really happens, even if Dorothy is the ultimate weapon, it may not be spared. It is irrational to bear the repeater's attack from the front, but the ability of Father Sissen can increase the chance of escape.

Because no one knows so far. What is the "ultimate disguise" that Father Sisen inherited and developed from Father Edward. It is invisible and invisible, and the huge “flow” that is now spreading outside London repeaters is only a part of it.

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