Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 164: Intersection

164 intersection

After the meeting, everyone regrouped into four groups for action. (

Read the net, the fastest novel with wonderful text updates!) Among the main members, only Bach stayed in the villa headquarters, and he can see that he also wanted to appear, but he has the analysis and reasoning skills and experience related to the doomsday phenomenon, and he is also a computer expert As long as he is alone, no one can replace his work.

"Have you seen how the police's on-site forensics team and behavior analysis department work?" Jung asked when he walked a few steps and walked side by side with Bach.

He shook his head in disbelief, not understanding why the sir suddenly mentioned the matter.

"Everyone envy the front-line staff who gather crime evidence and analyze psychology at the scene. They think that those talents are the real main force in fighting crime, but they have forgotten. If there is no DNA expert and intelligence supporter like Ranwen Novel Net At work, the efficiency of the front-line staff will be greatly reduced, and even the case cannot be solved. After all, the evidence of the first-line staff's reasoning depends on the achievements of the supporters. "Jung's footsteps stopped, looking directly at Bach's eyes and saying sincerely : "I want to tell you that your job is very important to us. What you do is something we can't do. I hope you can continue."

Bach was flattered, but he quickly sorted out his emotions and said firmly: "I understand that I will do my best. Although I regret that I can't show up, I like my job now."

Jung patted his shoulder, Bach said nothing more, and turned away.

Fu Jiang and I listened to the conversation between the two, and witnessed Jung's leadership and personality charm. It's not that Jung has never shown considerable leadership ability, but when he appeared in front of everyone, his silence, expression, and movements had always had an impact on the players. This effect was subtle.

Jung didn't mind, and even encouraged his team members to show their personalities. This kind of tight internal and external management did not make the team structure loose. Although his face looks serious and stereotyped, he does not need people to try to figure out his heart. It takes time to compliment, and his elite qualifications make the team members respect and trust. The newly appointed new chief took the players' hearts in only one day.

I also admire him very much. I feel that there are many similarities with him, and even want to become similar to him, so sometimes I can't help learning his expression and tone. Although I have never mentioned it to others, and I do not want people to see the clues, I must admit that Jung is the kind of person I want to be.

It's just that Fu Jiang disagreed. She easily saw my thoughts, and pulled my face hard several times when I tried to stretch my expression.

"You can't be like that." She said dissatisfiedly: "Jung did indeed do a good job, but we don't need a second Jung. No netizen novel is perfect, everyone really thinks that Jung is in the bottom of my heart. Grid is a good sir, but do you know the comments they did not say? "

"What?" I was curious. In my opinion, Jung was indeed not perfect, but it was not too criticized.

"Prideful and rigid. There is always a stinky face, I don't know what to think. I always feel that I am the strongest person in the team. And so on."

"Is it so bad?" I was a little surprised, but since Fu Jiang said, it probably doesn't deviate.

"It's just like listening to bad talk, but it has more positive reviews than bad reviews, so it's a good sir." Fu Jiang blocked the wind and lit cigarettes with a lighter, and the smoke emitted lingered in front of his face. "Although I haven't been to school, Achuan you I said that I did a good job in the student union and is a top student supported by teachers and students. Does n’t it mean that your approach is correct? I know you want to learn from Jung. This cannot be said to be wrong, but, I think I ’m telling you, there ’s not only one right. A Chuan, it ’s enough to keep your original approach. After all, it has been tested by reality, is n’t it? ”

The first time I saw Fu Jiang's serious expression, she always followed me, so I was deeply moved by the long-term warning. When was the last time you were taught like this? I can't remember. Since I was in junior high school, like the cliff, I have converged the unrestrained heart of my childhood, I have never done anything that would be reprimanded by my parents and teachers.

Perhaps in their hearts, I have become a calm and steady person who will not make mistakes. However, I knew I was not as worrying as they thought, but they wanted me to be like that, so I let myself be like that, nothing more.

Only Jiang is different, no matter which personality it is, even if the relationship between the two of us is determined, they never show what kind of man I want to be. When I was with her, I felt incredibly light-hearted. I felt that only with her can I be myself.

"I love you." Fu Jiang's eyes are full of affection. "I don't love Jung, other people, you, Achuan. I don't mind what kind of person you become, I just don't want to see you become other people."

If it were not for the one he loved, who would suppress himself and change himself?

"I am Gao Chuan. Never become someone else." I stared at her eyes and said.

Our task is to continue to monitor Sergeant Engels with Jung. Jung traced one night yesterday, and although there was nothing to gain, this practice of staying on the sidelines is still worth looking forward to. Because the data and reasoning currently collected need time to verify, before we get breakthrough progress and changes in the situation, we have no better way than waiting, except for waiting.

Pan Kai left the off-road vehicle she shared with Jung. Jung got into our car and instructed us to stop by a fast food restaurant twenty meters away from the police station. There are a lot of cars parked here, so it is not very noticeable, and even some are private cars of the police. You don't need tools like telescopes here, you can see people who are going in and out of the police station clearly, and there is a restaurant next to it, and you don't have to worry about hunger.

Jung stayed here until 9 o'clock in the evening before leaving because, for no reason, Sergeant Engels didn't get off work until then. It is not a strange thing for the senior manager to work overtime, but there seems to be no work in this town that requires overtime to complete. Yesterday Jung was not fully prepared and had other concerns, so he did not intend to fight the snake. If Engels is still the same today, he might come to an unannounced visit.

"Have you ever had breakfast? The special burger tastes unique here," Jung said.

Being able to enjoy the surprises brought by small shops that do not pay much attention to this is perhaps the only fun in the boring surveillance work. I even felt that Jung was just to enjoy this fun, so I deliberately skipped breakfast. This vague idea made the rigid face much cute.

Since being an officer, I always have a straight face and seem to have no fun to recommend the food recommended by Jung, I naturally want to try it. Fu Jiang naturally had no objection. She was keen on physical exercise. She had an excellent appetite and had a larger appetite than I did. However, she did n’t have any fat on her. It seemed that all the excess fat had gone to her chest. When it comes to food, I initially thought that Jung was a vegetarian, but it turned out to be a wrong impression.

Jung glanced at the door of the police station. There was no guy in the crowd that was worth mentioning, so he got out of the car and went into the fast food restaurant. I rolled down the window of the car, let in the fresh air, and looked at the environment through the glass wall of the fast food restaurant.

I don't know if it's after the peak time of the business in the morning, or if I don't have any popularity at the time, there are not many people in the store. I think it's probably the former. After all, I looked around for a while and I didn't see more fast food restaurants.

Maybe the police station will order food at this store nearby. But now it is working time, so only four tables in the shop have guests.

There is only one business desk at work, but there are six people waiting in line, and there are four people in front of Jung.

However, there are open-air seats outside the door of the fast food restaurant, each table is accompanied by four chairs and a parasol. Many people take out food and drinks, and there are more people than people in the store.

The warm sunlight scorched the air warmly, and once it flowed, it was burnt out blowing on the body. I didn't sleep well last night. Although noisy sounds kept coming, I felt like I was listening to a lullaby, and my head and eyelids were heavy. Soon, the breeze sent a ringtone, and someone pushed open the door and came out. I forced myself up, and looked over there without any problems, so as not to doze off again.

But when I saw the people out, the sleepy cat suddenly disappeared.

The young man, who looked like a student, had a thin shirt and jeans on his body, and the black-framed glasses on his face showed a weak breath. Similar to Bach, but Bach is more enthusiastic and cheerful, and has the confidence of scholars. Is n’t this anyone else who had accidentally encountered Irene ’s son Marseille at the optician yesterday?

Unexpectedly, he really stayed in this town, was he looking for the phantom of his dead mother? He was still in the store just now, but Jung didn't seem to notice it. I have to talk to him about it, I think.

Marseille came out holding a paper bag for fast food and drinks. There happened to be a tall, gray-haired old man about to enter. The two collided together, and the young man hurriedly stabilized the paper bag while apologizing to each other. I ca n’t see the old man ’s appearance from my place. According to the degree of gray hair, it is estimated that the other person ’s age is about 50 years old. It must also be judged to be older.

Although the old man's physique gives a feeling that he cannot easily be provoked, his attitude is very gentle, as can be seen from the gradually relaxed expression and shoulders of Marseille. However, I always feel that the back is somewhat familiar, maybe it is the illusion produced after seeing Marseille. There was another ring of bells, and the old man disappeared in the shop.

Marseille came to the open-air seat with food, and he was alone on the four-person table. He seemed hungry, biting the burger with a big mouth, and he was so worried that he seemed to be ignorant. I do n’t know what kind of stimuli I have encountered. I guess it ’s about my mother. The face is pale, intertwined with distress and doubt.

No matter what you think, it doesn't look like a bad face.

Although it is speculated that his parents did some terrible human experiments, but he was still a six or seven-year-old child at the time, and he cannot be biasedly judged as a bad guy.

I don't think he knows much about what happened at the time, but I still have to confirm it.

"I will go out for a while." I said to Fu Jiang.

"Where to go?"

I pointed to the direction of Marseille. Fu Jiang looked over and immediately showed a clear look.

I pulled the car door, glanced around, bought a cup of milk tea at the mobile drinks shop, and walked towards Marseille. It was not until I pulled away from the seat opposite him that Marseille suddenly recovered. He raised his head and glanced at me with some confusion and doubt, presumably because I changed my hairstyle and put on my glasses, which I didn't recognize.

I smiled at him, took a few sips of milk tea, and placed the cup on the table.

"What a coincidence, I saw you yesterday." I said.

"Yesterday? Are you ..."

"Optic shop." I ordered some glasses and reminded: "When my fiancee and I entered the door yesterday, you just left."

"Ah, I remembered it. I'm glad to see you again." Marseille laughed in a trance, and extended his hand friendly, but immediately found that his hands were not clean, covered with bread crumbs, and could not help but retracted awkwardly. Hold that hand and give it a firm grip.

"My name is Crow." I said.

"My name is Marseille." Marseille smiled shyly and asked with some hesitation: "Are you a person ...?"

"My fiancee dumped me." I said.

He naturally knew I was kidding, so he no longer entangled this topic. He opened the food bag to me and asked me if I wanted a little, but I refused, and he did not force it.

"Aunt Bulma's burgers are delicious." He said in a missed tone, "I haven't eaten them in a long time."

"You seem to be familiar with the people in this town." I asked, "Are you in town?"

"It used to be, but I moved to the city on the lake when I was very young." Marseille sighed and said: "It has been ten years since I came back, if not ..." He was obviously paused here before he finished. , "I may never come back."

"What about you? Are you from the town? Or are you here to travel?" Marseille asked.

"I'm here to travel." I said while pulling out a cigarette. "Don't you mind? Do you want one? Camel brand."

Marseille smirked and shook his head and refused. He said that smoking was not allowed in the school. Ah, really a good student different from me. I thought about it while igniting a fire.

"That ... Mr. Crow looks quite young." Marseille said hesitantly.

"It's just that my face is young. I'm getting ready to get married." I said calmly. As long as the speech is half-truth and the attitude is confident enough, it is not easy to doubt.

"Really? I really can't see it." He could not help sighing.

"Just now I saw that your face didn't look very good, would you like to talk about it?" I asked as soon as I opened the door.

Marseille seemed to be caught flat-footed. Even in my own opinion, this kind of questioning is very abrupt. But I experimented in the student union. As long as this abruptness is sincere enough, it can quickly narrow the distance between each other.

"No, it's just that I didn't sleep well." Although he replied in this way, there was depression on his face.

"Really? That's really a coincidence. I didn't sleep well last night." I muttered: "This town has a nice daytime scenery, but I don't know why, it's a bit scary at night. I have been having nightmares for three days. . "

"Nightmare?" Marseille looked at me in shock.

"Yeah, it seems that I saw something that I shouldn't see ..." I pretended to be contemplative, and shook my head after a long laugh, and said to Marseille: "Although everyone is laughing at my superstition, I think it is not nonsense. You must know, there was a fire in this town, many people were burned to death, maybe there are ghosts lingering. Now the apartment on the top of the hill is based on this kind of weird talk, alas, although the business is like this, I I also understand that I just feel a little impersonal and disrespectful to the dead. "

"Ghost ..." Marseille didn't seem to hear much, but whispered the word repeatedly.

"Marseille, hey, Marseille." I shouted a few times, he finally recovered, and repeatedly apologized to me.

"Nothing, but, you said you left the town ten years ago? Then you must be clear about the fire, can you tell me about it?"

"This ... I'm sorry, I was too young at the time, and I wasn't there. I just remembered that the sky was red with fire and that it was still raining heavily." Marseille's mood was a little low, and he smiled and said: " After all, it was ten years ago, and it ’s time to let go. "

I have been staring at him, his mood is very unstable, so it should be a real idea. I did n’t persuade him to persuade him immediately, but just asked, “If that is the case, why did you come back suddenly?”

Marseille looked up at me with some surprise, but I didn't give way to Ranwen Fiction Net and looked at him.

"Because ..." He thought about it and said, "I want to find my mother." Then, he took a picture from his arms and put it on the table, moved it in front of me, and put it at the owner of the optician The photos are exactly the same ~ ~ I am already familiar with the woman above, it is Irene @ 玛尔琼斯.

"I believe she is in the town. If you see her, please be sure to inform me. The phone number is behind the photo."

I picked up the photo and looked at the phone number after the photo.

"Are you not with her?" I asked.

"Without, they were gone when I left the town." Marseille showed a tired smile. "My mother was the victim of the fire. Everyone said she was dead, but I don't believe it. . "

"Why?" I asked in surprise, but not intentionally. I wanted to hear the young man's story. Why are you so sure that your mother is still alive?

"Because I saw him." Marseille said in a weird affirmative tone, but in any case, it gave people a confidence that was not lies and delusions. I have been staring at his eyes all the time, this person's eyes are not scattered, neither calm nor fanatical, like explaining a fact.

[Niu Wen no advertising novel dedication]

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