Restart Spain

Chapter 139: disagreement

In the end, the two parties traded at a price of 6 million, and the transaction of equipment for a total of 25 divisions was officially finalized. A big list totaling 150 million match towers.

The profit that Spain can get from it is at least as high as 120 million match towers!

"Your Excellency Sendström, our country will send our local First Division to the Confederate country to train your army."

"As for the equipment problem, our country will produce it for your country at full speed. The equipment of the existing six divisions in the country can be transported to your country first."

There are probably still the equipment reserves of these 6 divisions in the mainland. It can be said that Spain's reserves are emptied at once, but it is the right way to send the equipment to the Allied countries quickly.

"Then thank you, Your Majesty!"


After the Confederate ambassador Sundström left, only the top three of Spain were left on the field.

"Your Majesty, if you help the Americans equip a regular army of 25 divisions, I think this will greatly enhance the strength of the Americans, and I am worried that this will pose a threat to Cuba."

Canovas ended the excitement just now and began to worry. For the Spaniards, Cuba was the bridgehead and the last colony in the Americas.

The importance of Cuba to Spain is self-evident. The distance between the Confederate countries and Cuba is close at hand. Once the strength of the Confederate countries is strengthened, the threat to Cuba is visible to the naked eye.

"It's okay, at least in the last few years, the Confederate countries cannot fully understand our smokeless powder technology. Before that, the U.S. Army will be restricted by us."

"And what we need to worry about is what happens after they have independent production!"

Alfonso replied that according to the current situation, there is no way for the Americans to complete the replication of military weapons in just a few years.

This also means that all ammunition for the US Army needs to be manufactured by Spaniards.

As long as they don't want the army to fall into a situation where there are no guns and no cannons, then they must not dare to really start a war against the Spanish.

"If they are really ambitious, I think it's okay to strengthen the strength of the north properly!"

Alfonso said that even if it was split into two countries, the strength of the Confederate and the United States was second to none.

And it will be like a life and death enemy, always guarding against each other.

"It's Your Majesty, but what is this money going to be used for now? This is a huge sum of money?? It must be more than enough to support the war against the Moroccans!"

Palaciedes asked, as the finance minister, of course he knew the importance of this money, and this money is definitely a huge sum of money for Spain.

"I think this money is used to stimulate Spain's industrial and economic development. Today, the local industry is always being developed by the government, and private capitalists are always interested in developing industry in Spain."

"But what kind of policy to implement is the key!"

Canovas said that the most important thing for Spain to revive now must be to stimulate the development of industry and economy.

Spain's domestic economy is bound to stagnate. Although there has been a revival trend in individual industries, the lack of government incentives has left private capitalists with a lot less motivation.

But Canovas' words made Alfonso's eyes move. Right now, we are in the period of the second industrial revolution, and all kinds of inventions that lead the times are emerging one after another.

If this opportunity can be used to successfully attract a large number of scientists from abroad to start businesses in Spain, this is definitely an excellent opportunity for Spain.

"Canovas, you're right, I think I should know what the money should be used for!"

Looking straight at Canovas, some of his words reached Alfonso on demand.

"I don't think we should be limited to just Spain. There are now so many scientists in Germany and the US, if we can provide them with start-up capital."

"And the condition is that if a factory is established in Spain, this will not only attract a large number of emerging talents for my country, but also greatly promote the development of my country's emerging industries."

During the Second Industrial Revolution, countless scientists were actually short of start-up capital at the beginning, if anyone was willing to provide such a loan.

Not to mention the flocking, ?? But it will certainly enhance the attractiveness of Spain.

Take Bell, the telephone king who just arrived in Spain. On June 25, 1876, Bell demonstrated his telephone at the Century Fair in Philadelphia.

However, due to lack of investment, it was not until July 9, 1877 that the Bell Telephone Company was truly established.

Before that, Bell had held many speeches and exhibitions, and the ultimate goal was actually to attract investment.

If the Spanish government was willing to provide a loan for the establishment of a telephone company after the telephone was invented, it would not be the best choice in his mind.

But it must be on the list!

"Canovas, I believe you have also discovered that there are endless new inventions from all over the world. Once we capture some of them, it may change the future of Spain!"

Alfonso looked at Canovas and continued:

"Even Maxim and Vieri, their inventions are extremely important to any country. If it weren't for them, Spain would never be able to get out of the embarrassment after the Carlos War so quickly!"

The firearms and gunpowder invented by these two can be said to be one of the most important financial revenues in Spain today, and it is the lifeblood of Spain.

There are also people such as Karl Benz and Daimler. In the future, they will lead the internal combustion engine industry and lead the automobile, aircraft, tractor and other industries.

All are the subject of the second industrial revolution.

"But Your If the effect we want is not achieved, this must be an absolutely huge loss for us. Instead, it is our best choice to revitalize the traditional industry in the country."

Canovas was uncharacteristically and sang against Alfonso. The figure of 120 million game towers is too appalling, and any decision-making mistake may become a sinner for the country.

"But what industry in Spain is worth bragging about right now is nothing more than some basic industries, and if Spain wants to become stronger, it is absolutely impossible to rely on them alone!"

Alfonso retorted that Spain in the 19th century was one step behind, and the domestic industrial development could be said to be extremely mediocre, without any high-end industries.

If you continue to invest in this industry, although Spain can achieve stable development, it will also be considered a disguised abandonment of European hegemony.


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