Release that Witch

Chapter 942: New Witch Group (on)

After receiving the news that the rescue operation was a complete success, Roland was finally relieved.

Despite the deviation from the original plan, the failure to sweep the morning as a conqueror, but neighboring countries eventually overthrew the rule of the Moya family and maintained basic stability. The new Quin family will be the most loyal ally of the Grey Fortress before they stand firm.

What's more, there is an Alexandria on the side of Wintertown. As long as there is no accident, the relationship with the morning ally is enough to last until this generation.

He does not believe that the third war of gods will last for a hundred years.

Andrea and the expeditionary witch of the expedition are expected to take about a month to return to the West. He intends to take advantage of this time to plan the future development of the Grey Fort.

After all, with the demise of the Tiffa's remaining party, the opposition forces temporarily disappeared, and the kingdom was nominally unified. Although it will take some time to wait until the secondary city halls in various places to play a role in completely turning Grey Castle into an efficient centralized state, he can start preparing now. When that day comes, the strength of the Grey Fort will inevitably lead to an unprecedented leap, which will open the gap with the other three countries.

The most important thing in development planning is how to make good use of the witch's ability.

After all, they are the primary productive forces.

In the past half-month after Anna’s return, the city has undergone a series of changes – the most obvious is Roland’s castle: his mahogany desk has doubled and is filled with more than ten hand-cranked phones. The machine will lead to the Witch Building Office, the City Hall, the Military Camp, the Third Side of the City, and the Changge District. When there is an emergency, it is no longer necessary to rely on the legs of the guards.

In addition, the first public telephone appeared on the central square, which connects the city with the fascinating forest and extends with the progress of the railroad construction to meet the needs of long-term unreachable workers to contact their families.

Of course, this line is charged on time, and the number of callers per day is limited and needs to be applied in advance. If you don't want to spend too much money, you can choose a cheaper flight messenger and rail transport delivery. Thanks to the popularity of primary education, text communication has become more and more common for the city without the winter city.

The department responsible for the operation of these systems is a newly established department of the City Hall: the Ministry of Communications.

Because its work covers everything from caring for messengers to sending letters to the door, its subordinate organizations instantly become the behemoth next to the Ministry of Construction, providing about one thousand jobs for the Winter City, almost newly graduated. The residents of a session were swept away.

In the department, Roland has faintly seen the outline of a super-giant group in later generations.

This is just the power of Anna alone.

So after solving the devil attack, he put most of his energy into the statistics of the ability of the sleeping island witch.

With the arrival of the second group of migrants, the number of members of the Sleeping Curse has increased to 96. It is only the ability to test them that Wendy and the book are too busy, plus the individual uncooperative witch, first The steps are quite difficult. Fortunately, under Tilly’s personal prestige and Wendy’s Huairou offensive, the registration part was finally passed.

The black book now in front of Roland is the result of the initial investigation of the power of all witches.

He has been reviewing it for several days and planning the destination for most of his abilities.

It must be said that the previous classification methods of reinforcement, summoning and enchanting are too general and are not suitable for intuitively expressing the scope of their ability to use, so he simply reclassified the witches according to the job category. For example, if you are good at processing, you will be able to return to the manufacturing capacity; if you are close to the animal, you will be assigned to the breeding ability; if you are unable to find the use, you will be placed in the pending column. In this way, the City Hall can clearly see the number of witches available for employment in the major categories.

In addition, the nearly 100 witches also let Roland see how amazing their ability is.

They are all awakened, some can only make flowers grow in the cracks of the stones, but some can create a burly magic servant - no wonder the federation can not withstand a long-lasting war, once the fighting witches die, want to find People who can replace her don't know how long it will take.

Obviously, it is the safest way to place the witch in the factory.

In the list of 100 people, Roland has four people.

They are No. 26 Black Cloud, No. 43 Aqima, No. 44 Doris, and No. 89.

The ability of the dark clouds is "dyeing", which can dye the objects in contact with any color without changing the original nature of the object.

In theory, this should be regarded as an enchanting ability, with limited duration, and the consumption of magic is greatly affected by the target volume, and is not affected by the stone of punishment after completion. However, her power is that the effective time of dyeing can be horrible - probably because the color change has little effect on the material itself, she only needs a little magic to maintain for several years. In other words, if the dark clouds do their best, it is enough to keep the color for hundreds of years.

However, the target volume limit still exists, and she has no way to achieve the instant release ability like a hummingbird, and at the same time compress the effective time as much as possible, so once a large object exceeding her magic limit is encountered, the performance result is invalid. It’s too hard for her to want to change the color of the sea in one breath.

In fact, after Wendy's test, she can affect up to no more than the range of arms open, that is, about one meter and five squares.

For Roland, such a large staining area is sufficient.

After all, objects are able to split and combine.

It can be said that the ability of the black cloud makes up for a blank in the absence of winter city - the development of dye technology. The dyeing method of this era comes from natural extraction, and it is definitely a big selling point in advertising, but the fact is that the performance of naturally extracted dyes is too bad. There are many impurities, fading, anti-oxidation, and so few kinds of colors, so that the colorful clothes can only be afforded by nobles, and the latter's effects are mostly made by inlaid gold.

The use of dyes is extremely extensive. Apart from the traditional textile industry, education, printing, chemicals, and biology are inseparable from its support. And the dark clouds can also alleviate the burden of Soroya to a certain extent, which is a versatile one.

However, the next 43 and 44 made Roland feel a little headache.

Ajima and Doris are one of the witches who are not so willing to cooperate in Wendy's mouth. They have expressed their dissatisfaction with Tilly when they first met and wanted to leave the Winter City as soon as possible. Although this difference has been temporarily dispelled by the book, the cracks have always existed, and it is still unknown whether the two are willing to accept recruitment and work in the work.

But their ability is very unique - Ajima's ability to "trace the origin" is a little better, not irreplaceable, and Doris's "magicization" makes Roland see the possibility of using magic on a large scale.

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