Release that Witch

Chapter 1337: Aortic transport line

Three days later, the Shenchiwan defenders rushed out of the encirclement before the devil collapsed.

At this point, the 80% of the territory of the Wolfheart Kingdom fell into the hands of the devil.

The first army was concentrated in the west and the central pass of the cage, which is the only natural passage between the wolf heart and the morning sun.

On the same day, the first trunk line of the north and south artery was finally penetrated, and the cement road extending from both sides was integrated in the middle gate of the cage mountain. This means that there is no special road to the wolf heart in the winter city.

When the first "Hump" team slowly appeared at the end of the horizon, there was a burst of exclamation in the crowd.

"What is that? It's just like a hill!"

"There are wheels, I think it should be a car..."

"Even the shell is cast iron, how much does it cost?"

"If you change to Malayan, I am afraid that ten of them will not move?"

Hey, guy who didn’t know. Sweeping around the conversation, and White's disdainful expression, this can make a big fuss. If you let the iron birds fly in the air, it is estimated that the eyes will be scared.

He came here naturally not to celebrate the opening of the roads of the Grey Fort, but like most drivers, in order to receive a good commission, since he encountered the devil in the wolf, he no longer dared to step into the control of the Grey Fort. A step outside the region, after all, the Iron Bird rescues this kind of thing and can be blessed by the gods. He does not think that his luck can be good enough to be bumped into by the Grey Fortress every time.

The logistics transport team organized by the refugees inspired White, although the income was not as good as the transport personnel, but it was safer, not to mention his horse was thin and the car was worn out, which was stronger than the refugees’ trolleys.

However, it is obvious that this is not only one person. With the approach of the devil and the evacuation of the urban residents, many drivers have turned to the rear like him. The team that was originally formed spontaneously has grown a lot. It has hidden the trend of the industry. .

At the thought of this, White was somewhat embarrassed, obviously he came first, but he had to grab the young guys. If the clever ghost is here, it is estimated that you have already drawn up your own transportation team.

For a moment, those giants have been driving in front of everyone.

Although they look heavy and clumsy, they are not much slower than a carriage. Especially when its body is fully displayed, even if it is a self-seeing white, it feels the pressure from the face.

Without him, these vehicles are really too big.

The light is a wheel that is half a person high, the width is thicker than the body, and the outer edge of the steel wheel is covered with a layer of dark gelatin, which is unspeakable on the road. Looking back at the carriage that he had originally regarded as a treasure, White even gave birth to a sense of self-defeating.

This feeling is even more apparent when the glass window that is transparent through the front of the car looks at the "coachman" looking down at the top.

White couldn't help but think, if you use it to pull a shipment, how many times can you pull your own carriage? How do you say it is ten times? According to the way that the gray castle people are pricing, that is ten times the income...

"They posted the commission!"

I don't know who swears, people suddenly stop talking and rush to the camp. Although these unprecedented wheeled vehicles have much higher carrying capacity than carriages and carts, they have to rely on them to deliver the goods to various camps and mountains.

White is no exception.

Only he had a lingering thought in his heart.

If you can have such a steel wheeler, how good.


Farina pulled up the handbrake and jumped out of the cockpit.

She did not expect that she would eventually return to the wolf in such a way. Although she made up her mind, she was once a member of the church. Even if she passed the screening, the Executive Office would not necessarily allow her to go to the front.

However, no one has reminded that Farina has been a sinner, and the driver's route is based on results. It took her only a week to master the driving skills of the steam truck. The final test was also a perfect score. When she proposed to take the transportation route from the windward to the flash river, the responsible official promised on the spot.

She is not the first time to pass this level, although the surrounding scenery is still similar to the impression in memory, but the overall appearance has been quite different from the number of temporary houses and tents near the checkpoint, dark hard roads can be seen everywhere, roadblocks The tower and the barbed wire divide the camp into several distinct areas, and no matter which camp area you can see, many people are busy.

Even if you don't have to ask, you can feel that the air here is filled with the taste of war.

This taste is so familiar to Farina that she is slightly disoriented.

"What's wrong?" Joe's voice interrupted her flustered thoughts.

"No, nothing," Farina shook her head. "I think I have got the answer."

As a member of the Judgment Army, her feelings about the power of the Grey Fortress are deeper than most people. If the opponent is only a nobleman, the First Army does not have to make such a battle. If all of this is an illusion created to deceive her, it would be too high to look at myself.

Only the legendary devil can make Roland all right.

"Then we are next..."

"First help the king of the Grey Fortress win," Farina hung down. "This is the beginning of my atonement."

"I will accompany you to the end." Joe gently held her hands.

"Is Farina and Joe in the second car group?" The sound that suddenly sounded behind him interrupted the confrontation between the two.

"Exactly, is there anything?" Farina coughed twice and turned back to some guilty conscience.

The man with the officer’s appearance first stood up and said, “The chief commander of the first army, the iron axe, wants to see all the “Hump” drivers. He is now in the cage headquarters, please follow me. Go."

As early as during the training, the team members have been told that logistics transportation is also part of the military operations, and they should give priority to the deployment of the military than the scheduled transportation plan.

Farina and Joe looked at each other and nodded.


Entering the Cangshan Command and seeing the first sight of everyone present, Farina found that the meeting might not be that simple.

At least it won't be a simple condolence and welcome.

Because the woman standing in the middle of the crowd has a beautiful gray hair, and that is the symbol of the blood of the royal family of the gray castle.

After someone came out to introduce it, she confirmed her judgment.

His Royal Highness Princess Tilly, the First Army Chief Commander Axe, the Artillery Battalion Commander Fanner, the Firearms Battalion Commander Brian, and the Witch Alliance Operations Commander Ai Gesha, it can be said that all the top officials of the entire front line have gathered here. In the hall.

"Welcome to the cage mountain," the iron axe opened the door to see the mountain. "I have a mission to give to you."

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