Release that Witch

Chapter 1305: latency

"This is an easy job. You don't have to take any risks. Just put the message in the appointed position, no one knows that you have done these things." The man who wears a silver mask and calls himself the head of money laundering Resounding to my ears again.

"It’s ridiculous! Why should I help the Grey Fortress? They have to be evenly removed from the aristocrats. What good is it for me if I win?" The dispute seems to be still vivid. "I thought that black money is a shrewd businessman. I didn't expect to say this stupid thing! You are not afraid that I will tie you up and hand it over to Ma Weien, in exchange for a great reward?"

"If you really want to do this, then there will be no such scenes in the first place." The tone of the other party has not changed at all, as if they are totally unconcerned about their safety. "I can still sit here and prove that you are The will, because you are a smart person, we are willing to offer this opportunity."

"It's a pity that you have made a mistake. My loyalty to the Duke's adults is beyond doubt. Let's go now, I haven't changed my mind before!"

"Of course, I will leave. But adults, the so-called opportunity is like this. Black money has no intention of forcing you to make choices. How to do it is your freedom." The silver-faced man stood up and bowed to him first. Then a black card was gently placed on the tea table. "In the end, I want to convey that the gray castle will not forget anyone who has worked for it. Then... there will be a period."

Fowler took a deep breath and interrupted the chaotic thoughts, and the room suddenly quieted down.

Will not forget anyone who has worked for the Grey Fort...

It is ironic that he was trying to reinvigorate the glory of the family before the Duke of Marvin, and Roland Wimbledon, who was enemies of all nobles, was the least likely to forgive, but now he finds that he has some uncertain ideas. .

The guy sent by the black money, although mixed, can be said that it is correct. If he really intends to work for the Duke of the North, then he should have torn the card to the powder, instead of carefully hiding it. Under the drawer.

After a long silence, Fowler sighed and sat down at the desk.

He pulled out a white paper and spread it out, then picked up the quill.

What else can you lose?

It has become more and more embarrassing to get back to the territory. He does not seem to have a reason to stick to the scalp.

Anyway, anyway, according to the practice of black money, you will not have any loss, just bet on both sides. If the devil wins the final victory, the status quo will not get worse anyway. If the Grey Fortress wins, he may be able to get compensation in other ways.

Thinking of this, Fowler dropped the pen.


In the evening, he wore a windbreaker and a felt hat and walked into the "Clarion Lane" in the inner city.

It belongs to the site of the Northern Chamber of Commerce. Most of the people who come and go are businessmen. When the sun sets, there are few people.

On a gentle slope, Fowler found the location of the two brick houses in the place mentioned by the silver noodles, with a large silver fir tree.

In fact, the way the other party agreed to deliver is also the reason that prompted him to make a decision.

There are no recipients and no dockers, which greatly reduces the risk. At least he didn't have to worry about the black money holding the information in turn to marry him, or being noticed by others, he had a close relationship with the unidentified person.

Fowler spent a while in the vicinity. After seeing no suspicious people around, he quickly came to the back of the silver fir and touched the tree hole in the center. The hidden hole in the tree hole, but the door was completely ordinary. Wood, it is hard to detect without touching it.

He stuffed the letter into the milge and pushed it back to the wooden baffle. The placement was completed. The content of the letter he deliberately recorded with the original author, even if discovered by a third party, it is impossible to associate him with the handwriting.

Of course, this is not enough.

Then Fowler returned to his residence and put a flower pot on the window sill of the bedroom in the high-end residence in the inner city. Such decorations are everywhere, and no one cares about an inconspicuous potted plant. But for those who secretly observe this place, it is a signal from the news.

From beginning to end, he does not need to contact anyone. As for who will be taken away from this letter, and through which channels will be sent to the hands of the Grey Fortress, those have nothing to do with him.

At the moment the flower pot was put down, Fowler even had a sense of relief.

It’s just that the intelligence gathering is so meticulous and detailed, the gap between the kings is really too big to be added... He stands at the window and looks at the brightly lit castle area under the red fog, thinking that those “victors” are still in high spirits. For the dinner, he has no hope for Ma Weien.

There is only one left of the remaining questions.

Can the Grey Fort really defeat the devil?

The messenger piled a thick stack of paper on a damp, dilapidated wooden table.

“Is this a part of today?” The clever ghost lights, “Working hard.”

The other party did not react.

He sighed and repeated it with gestures.

The messenger nodded at this moment.

This person is the silent person cultivated by the master. He neither listens nor speaks. He can only convey commands or ask questions through simple sign language. Unfortunately, there is no gesture of gratitude.

"Keep outside, don't let anyone come in." After the ghosts let the silent people leave, they began to read the news one by one.

Here is the money used to hold the real estate set up by the underground chambers of commerce. Usually, the invitation system is used. In theory, it may not be big to be broken by outsiders. But the ghosts still choose to process intelligence in the cold basement, in order to get more burn time when the danger occurs.

Although it is not clear why the owner is so concerned about the war in the gray castle, it is not a question he can succumb to. Since the owner ordered to fully assist the Gray Castle, the only thing he could do was to fully implement it.

It is his current main task to rearrange this information and send it to the hands of the Grey Fortress without knowing it.

Although the requirements of the Grey Fortress are all the news should not be let go, the opportunity to sneak out of the city is not always there, so there must be a priority. Considering that the allowed caravans usually travel once a week, he must make the most reliable information in a week into a secret letter, which is mixed into the goods and sent to the wolf heart. As for other news, he can only find another one. The channel is sent out.

Most of the time, this information comes from the dictation of mice, so it seems quite scattered, he often spends a lot of time to screen them. But this time, the clever ghost noticed that there was a significant difference between a letter in the paper and other messages.

Its handwriting is smooth, it is not copied in the pub or the street; it is also used in the ink, there is no wrinkles on the paper, obviously the writing environment is better than the place where the mouse often stays.

He subconsciously held his breath and carefully read the letter from the beginning.

The content on the letter is indeed different.

For the first time, it mentioned the core of the Devil's Army, the Lord of the Scorpio Heikzod.

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