Release That Demonic Pet

Chapter 621: 3 Prince revenge is not overnight

As soon as he heard the news, Li Changsheng's heart sank, and he hurriedly said, "It should not be too late, I will pass now!"

Li Changsheng was also depressed. It was a coincidence that he had just made a breakthrough, and it happened that the enemy took the initiative to come to him.

The enemy's luck is too bad!

Without waiting for Li Jingyi's reply, Li Changsheng's figure suddenly disappeared, appeared in the backyard, and recovered most of the demon pets, only the day and night remained in his arms.

"Day and night, foresee misfortune and good fortune!"

Although Li Changsheng's strength is definitely in the top ten ranks of Langya Kingdom, he still ordered the day and night to use the ability to predict bad and fortune.

The two cats were shining with different colors, their pupils changed and they began to become sluggish.

In an instant, the two cats radiated brilliance of different colors, forming a black and white "Ji" on the top of their heads.

Although there is a certain deviation, two cats make the same prediction, and the possibility of deviation can be described as minimal.

This means that when Li Changsheng goes to the family this time, he will hardly encounter any danger, at least he can retreat completely.

In an instant, Li Changsheng appeared at the place where the teleportation formation was established.

At the moment it appeared, a ring in Li Changsheng's hand was shining with brilliance, and the powerful aura that had escaped soon after the breakthrough was suddenly reduced.

Li Changsheng didn't worry about giving himself a secret method of restraining breath. Unless he possessed a treasure or secret method of exploration, it would be difficult for even a pseudo-king to see his disguise.

Where the Teleportation Array exists, Li Wanru is walking around anxiously in front of the Teleportation Array. Today it is just her turn to be "on duty" with Li Jingyi here.

After seeing Li Changsheng, Li Wanru seemed to have found the backbone and hurriedly greeted him.

Li Changsheng waved his hand, ignoring Li Wanru, took out the female snail from the mother and child golden snails, transmitted a piece of information to Ning Bizhen, and walked straight into the transmission array.

Taking advantage of the teleportation array, Li Changsheng appeared in the Li's manor nearly a thousand miles away.

The tranquility of Li's Manor has long been broken, the alarm bells ringing long, there are blazing footsteps and shouts of killing from all around, the original restrictions surrounding the manor are even more unstable, showing a bleak color, fearing that it will be broken by the enemy soon .

Since being promoted to the Junwang family, the Li family has spent a lot of resources to upgrade the manor prohibition, and even arranged a large-scale prohibition around the entire manor.

This large-scale prohibition can be regarded as a great achievement, otherwise, if a large number of enemies directly invade the manor, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Before the restrictions surrounding the manor are broken, the safety of the tribe can be guaranteed temporarily.

The one who greeted Li Changsheng was Li Sheng, who had just graduated from Yuanling Academy, and he still only had a third-order level.

"Changsheng, you are here!"

After seeing Li Changsheng, Li Sheng was obviously relieved, and his anxiety calmed down a lot.

Li Changsheng nodded. Suddenly, his figure disappeared and appeared at the gate of Li's Manor.

Now is not the time for small talk, every minute and every second is crucial.

At this time, a total of two to three hundred tribesmen gathered at the gate of Li's Manor. While replenishing energy for the large-scale prohibition, they launched a counterattack to the invading enemy.

However, although there are many people here, it is not the main battlefield, because regardless of the enemy or the enemy, the strongest is only the fourth-order level.

In order to avoid the large-scale prohibition being easily broken by the opponent, the four Tier 5 existences of the Li family had to take the initiative to take the initiative to attract the strong offender.

Their battlefield is in the small woods a few miles away from Li's Manor.

In the small woods under the night, Li Xinming, Li Wenbo, Li Haoqiong, and He Yan were driving their demon pets, and they were in a decisive battle with the three powerful enemies who had come.

Although the opponent's number is not as good as their own, they not only did not fall into the disadvantaged, but completely suppressed the four members of the Li family.

Without him, one of these three is a pseudo-king!

Elder Li Xinming and He Yan have vomited blood at the corners of their mouths, and their faces were as pale as paper. In the previous duel, they each lost a main demon pet, and the situation is already precarious.

Even so, the four of them are still supporting them, and they can only pin their hopes on the reinforcements.

At the gate of the manor, Li Changsheng flicked the demon pet bag and summoned the Black Dragon, Red Dragon, Spirit Devouring Rat, and Bright Double Eyed Bird to assist Li's children to deal with the offending enemy together.

Their opponents are at the leader level at the highest level, which can be said to be more than enough. The dragon power of the two giant dragons alone is enough to scare most of the invading demon pets into a cowering state and directly lose their fighting ability.

At the next moment, Li Changsheng disappeared suddenly. His identity token had the maximum authority of the family and would not be restricted by a wide range of restrictions.

When Li Changsheng reappeared, he was only a few hundred meters away from the small forest.

After being promoted to the Pseudo King, Li Changsheng's teleportation distance has been greatly increased. The longest distance can reach two kilometers, and the range of his spiritual power is as high as five kilometers.

Without hesitation, Li Changsheng summoned Ah-Dai, Big Tou and the ancestor Leopard Lin Beast, plus the day and night in his arms, they were five lord-level demon pets.

There are many people here, and Li Changsheng still wants to continue to conceal his promotion to the pseudo-king, otherwise, with his cautious personality, once exposed, he would be afraid to stay in Langya country.


When Li Changsheng appeared, the four of Li Haoqiong could be said to be overjoyed, but after discovering that Ning Bizhen was not present, they felt a little more worried.

Although Li Changsheng could beat Dou Yuanhua in the academic exchange competition, Dou Yuanhua was only at the sixth level after all, and there was a big gap between him and the false king.

In addition, Li Changsheng ranked 73rd on the Hundreds of Battles, and even the weakest pseudo-kings were ranked 40th.

The most important thing is that although this strange pseudo-king has only one Demon King-level demon pet, he also has a Lord-level demon pet that is almost not inferior to the ordinary Demon King-level demon pet.

[Fairy name]: Zixiao leopard beast (mature stage)

[Fairy Realm]: Lord Tier 9

[Fairy Race]: High Master

[Fairy Quality]: Supreme

[Fairy Bloodline]: Zixiao Qilin (majestic)

[Fairy attributes]: Thunder

[Fairy State]: Healthy

[Leprechaun Weakness]: Ice

This is an extremely rare top-quality Leopard Lin Beast, but it is not a semi-divine beast, otherwise it would not have broken through the Demon King level until now.

Even so, according to the strength displayed by the unfamiliar pseudo-kings, it can basically be ranked within the 25th of the hundred battles. How can Li Haoqiong and others not worry about it.

"So you are Li Changsheng!"

As soon as he saw Li Changsheng, Fang Qing showed a cruel smile when he was surprised.

"who are you?"

While speaking, Li Changsheng began to command five Lord-level demon pets to assist Li Haoqiong.

Fang Qing showed a perverted smile and said, "It doesn't matter who I am. The important thing is that next year will be your memorial day. The thought of killing a top arrogant like you is really exciting to think about!"

At this time, Li Changsheng suddenly spoke to Li Haoqiong: "Second Uncle, I will lead him away first, and they will leave it to you."


Li Changsheng interrupted Li Haoqiong and said, "Don't worry, Bi Zhen will be here soon. Besides, if I want to run, he can't stop me. That's the decision."

"Then you must be careful!"

What can Li Haoqiong say, he can only choose to agree.

Li Changsheng landed on the big head of the incarnation of the golden-eyed Dapeng bird, and quickly separated from the four Li Haoqiong, commanding the five demon pets to fight and retreat, preparing to lead Fang Qing to places with rare human traces, and then in a unexpected way Kill him.

Although it is difficult for Li Changsheng to kill the pseudo-kings on his own, if Ning Bizhen secretly assists, killing a pseudo-king like Fang Qing can be described as surely.

"When I get rid of this kid, I'll come and find you again!"

Fang Qing didn't know what Li Changsheng's plan was, but he couldn't let go of this opportunity. After admonishing two Tier 5 clansmen, he launched a chase.

Fang Qing is the clan chief of the Fang clan and the only pseudo-king of the Fang clan. As the country is about to fall into the quagmire of Fang Qing decided to move his family to Langya country.

However, the local power of Langya country is stable and there are so many resources. Naturally, it is very unfriendly to the power of other countries.

In order to obtain a place where the family can stand and settle down, Fang Qing chose to rely on Dou Yuanbin, the third prince who has the highest probability of becoming the next emperor of Langya Kingdom, even if he acts as his thug.

When Dou Yuanbin summoned Fang Qing to see Fang Qing today, he didn't know why. Dou Yuanbin's expression was very ugly, and he gave Fang Qing the task of destroying the Li family.

This was the first task given by Dou Yuanbin. Fang Qing naturally did not object, but hoped that it could be successfully completed.

Dou Yuanbin's plan was divided into two aspects. On the one hand, Fang Qing led his tribe to eliminate the Li family.

On the other hand, Dou Yuanbin got in touch with the Liu family in Langya, and lay in ambush with Liu Zongtang and Liu Xuguang in the direction of Pengcheng School District to Los Angeles. He believed that Li Changsheng would probably go to rescue the family immediately after he got the news.

As soon as Li Changsheng appeared, the three pseudo-kings would deliver a thunderous blow. They believed that even if Li Changsheng was evil, he would not be able to escape their attack.

This time, Dou Yuanbin saw that in addition to consciously being severely insulted in the race, and the revenge was not overnight, it was mainly related to Li Changsheng’s rapid progress. This also made them feel full of crisis and fear of passing the game. It was time to hear the news that Li Changsheng was promoted to the sixth rank and even the pseudo-king, and then he decided to kill Li Changsheng at all costs.

As long as they are sufficiently secretive, the possibility of the three being exposed is not very high.

Liu Zongtang and Liu Xuguang also had the same concerns, but their main purpose was to regain the inheritance of Yan Wang Di's Yi.

Unfortunately, they didn't know that Li Changsheng had arranged a teleportation array that could directly reach the family in advance, and was destined to do useless work.


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