Release That Demonic Pet

Chapter 616: Dou Yuanbin

The rules of the finals are similar to the preliminary rounds, but the track is much more complicated, which greatly increases the difficulty of the game.

In addition, the level of the players has also been significantly improved by a level, and the competition between them will inevitably be more intense.

As the finals were about to begin, 90 players stepped on their mounts and stood in a straight line.

On the roads on both sides, many staff members are maintaining order. Compared with the group stage, the atmosphere on the scene is obviously richer.

The scene was noisy, and many spectators shouted loudly to cheer for the supporting players.

Among them, the audience supporting Li Changsheng, Ning Bizhen and Dou Yuanbin is the most. Although Li Changsheng is not yet a pseudo-king, he is the most famous among the three.

However, although there are many spectators supporting Li Changsheng, most people believe that the champion of the race will be produced between Ning Bizhen and Dou Yuanbin.

Due to the influence of the audience, some finalists and their mounts became more or less nervous.

Li Changsheng was not affected at all. Compared with the academic exchange competition, this kind of momentum is nothing.

"Everyone is in place, get ready!"

At four o'clock exactly, the referee's voice finally sounded, raising the small flag in his hand.

All players and their mounts are ready to go, ready to charge at any time.

When the flag falls, it means the start of the game.

Ashe bent her forelegs slightly, her ears trembling unceasingly, ready to establish a starting advantage in the first place.

Just when the referee was about to put down the flag, suddenly, a player's mount rushed out. Li Changsheng turned his head and found that it was the unknown Tier 6 player.

This guy wants to build an advantage first by rushing.

Unfortunately, his rush strategy failed miserably!


The referee's whistle sounded, and then warned the player once that if the rush occurs again, no matter who it is, will be eliminated directly.

However, this was also an episode. Li Changsheng patted Ashe under his crotch to get it right and not to be affected.


The referee's voice sounded again, and the mounts were ready to start and sprint.

This time, no one rushed, for fear of being disqualified from the competition.

As the flag in the hands of the referee fell, 90 mounts of various shapes rushed out.

Relying on the abnormal reaction, Ashe was almost the first to rush out, together with the mounts of Ning Bizhen and Dou Yuanbin.

The three mounts go hand in hand, and all the movements can only be described in one go.

The final is different from the preliminary. Not only has the distance increased a lot, but the terrain is even more complicated. For such a long distance, a reasonable distribution of physical strength is imperative.

If you keep sprinting, it will inevitably consume the physical strength of the mount quickly, and the subsequent fatigue will be weak.

However, not all players would think about it this way. As the road ahead began to narrow, some runners who were behind at the start were anxious and hurriedly let the mounts under the hips display their acceleration skills.

Three thousand choose ninety, the players who can advance to the finals naturally have a few brushes, most of which are Tier 4 and above.

After the mounts used their acceleration skills, some players began to catch up, but they desperately discovered that even if their sitting activated the acceleration skills, they were still inferior to the top three players. Not only did they not shorten the distance, they were overtaken. far.

In just two or three seconds, Ashe was at his best.

Among the three, Zhanqing Fengsheng Beast was slightly ahead, and began to move away from Ai Xi and Blue Eyed Golden Eye Beast.

Before the wind speed feature was fully activated, there was a certain gap between Ashe's speed and the Zhanqing Fengsheng Beast.

However, neither Li Changsheng nor Ning Bizhen was affected, and the two looked at each other.

The blue-eyed golden-eyed beast under Ning Bizhen's crotch was generating wind with four hooves. The speed was significantly faster than before. In the blink of an eye, it appeared to the side of the Zhanqing Wind-born Beast and ran straight into it.

In the rules of the race, a reasonable collision can only be carried out from the side.


Zhanqing Fengsheng Beast staggered slightly, and then stabilized, but its speed was inevitably affected.

Dou Yuanbin's eyes were gloomy, and he felt bad in his heart.

It was also at this time that the road ahead began to narrow, and could only accommodate a few mounts to pass through in parallel.

"Bump it!"

Under Dou Yuanbin's command, the Zhanqing Fengsheng Beast crashed into the blue-eyed golden-eyed beast outside.

It is a pity that Ning Bizhen had expected it a long time ago, and also directed the blue-eyed golden-eyed beast to hit it again.


Under a reasonable collision, the Zhanqingfengsheng beast suffered more or less and collided with the mountain wall of the internal test.

Due to the difference in quality, the impact strength of the blue-eyed golden-eyed beast is going to be stronger.

Under the entanglement of the blue-eyed and golden-eyed beast, the speed of the azure blue wind beast could not be guaranteed for a while.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ashe rushed to catch up and was about to finish catching up.

Fast wind!

At this moment, the blue-eyed wind-born beast under Dou Yuanbin's crotch roared, and its body surface was instantly covered by the dark blue wind energy, which made its speed increase and avoided the impact of the blue-eyed golden-eyed beast. Start to re-establish advantages.

Compared with Qifeng, the explosive power of the fast wind skill is stronger, but it can only last for ten seconds at most.

Riptide Charge!

After the blue-eyed golden-eyed beast stabilized its posture, under the command of Ning Bizhen, he once again used his acceleration skills at any cost.

In an instant, the blue-eyed golden-eyed beast was instantly enveloped by the deep blue water, and a torrent was ejected from behind its ass, and the speed at its feet was significantly increased.

"The ghost will never go away!"

Seeing that the blue-eyed golden-eyed beast rushed up again, Dou Yuanbin's eyes had a yin dove, thinking about the countermeasures.

Although the Zhanqing Fengsheng Beast is in an explosive state, the blue-eyed golden-eyed beast has stronger explosive power, and in the blink of an eye, it once again kept pace with it.

This time, the blue-eyed and golden-eyed beast did not make a reasonable collision, but rushed straight ahead, blocking the front of the Zhanqing Wind Beast.

Due to the restrictions of the rules of the game, the Zhanqing Fengsheng Beast cannot hit from behind and can only choose to detour.

Only under Ning Bizhen's signal, the blue-eyed golden-eyed beast kept moving, not giving the Zhanqing Wind-born Beast a chance to catch up.

After their speed dropped, Ashe caught up again.


Just when Ashe was about to finish catching up, Zhan Qing Fengsheng Beast ran into Ashe outside.

If this is driven out of the road, Ashe is bound to be greatly negatively affected.

Wind hidden!

At the critical juncture, Ashe's eyes narrowed slightly, and the surface of her body flashed with blue light, and her limbs exploded, as if turned into an afterimage. She first avoided the reasonable impact of the azure blue wind beast and appeared in front of it instead.

What made Dou Yuanbin angry is that Ashe did not surpass the blue-eyed golden-eyed beast, but went hand-in-hand with the blue-eyed golden-eyed beast. Because the road is not very wide, they are all large mounts, but they block most of the roads. It is difficult for beasts to catch up in normal ways.

It was also at this time that Ashe's body surface flickered with blue light, she put a second layer of windbreaker on her, which made her speed rise again.

Dou Yuanbin was abnormally awkward, and under unbearable tolerance, once again commanded the Zhanqing Fengsheng Beast to perform its leap skills.


Zhanqing Fengsheng Beast roared, its horsepower was full, and it reached its limit in the blink of an eye, hanging behind them.

Without waiting for the two of Li Changsheng to respond, with the help of powerful impact and speed, Zhanqing Fengsheng Beast jumped high, and at the same time sprayed a wanton wind from under its crotch, faintly with a bit of anger. .

In an instant, the Zhanqing Fengsheng Beast successfully completed the leap, landed steadily ahead, and continued to sprint forward.

In this way, Dou Yuanbin successfully surpassed Li Changsheng's blocking.

However, the distance between the three is extremely short, and they may be overtaken at any time.

In the later time, as soon as Li Changsheng and Ning Bizhen had a tendency to explode, Dou Yuanbin would let the Zhanqing Fengsheng Beast explode at the same time, which was barely overtaken by the two.

Soon, another two minutes passed.

It’s just that Dou Yuanbin’s frown is that Ning Bizhen’s blue-eyed and golden-eyed beasts broke out, and the wild winged tiger under Li Changsheng’s crotch has always been hanging leisurely and being pulled away by the Zhanqing Fengsheng beast. Distance of hundreds of meters.

It was only because of the frequent burst of acceleration skills that the Zhanqing Fengsheng Beast and the Blue Eyed Golden Eye Beast began to gasp, and Li Changsheng's Ashe would be much better.

What worries Dou Yuanbin the most is that the Wild Winged Tiger has just put on the fourth layer of windbreaker, and the speed has surpassed the Zhanqing Wind Beast, and it has begun to continuously shorten the distance between the Zhan Qing Wind Beast.

It was also at this time that the three appeared at the foot of Fulin Mountain.

The Fulin Mountain stands tall and towers into the sky. Due to the rainy days, part of it is blocked by fog, making it difficult to see the whole picture.

Its mountain trails are relatively narrow, allowing only two or three large mounts to run side by side, and some places are wider, but some places are getting narrower.

In addition, the mountain road is rugged and uneven, with a large number of corners and even sharp turns and continuous curves.

Hula la~

At this moment, like a spider spinning silk, the drizzle fell down, as if we were knitting a light yarn covering the world.

The rain is getting bigger and the line of sight is more affected, and the ground becomes slippery.

The mount's vision is naturally excellent, but it will still be affected to a certain extent in such bad weather.

In the race, runners are forbidden to use secret techniques, otherwise Li Changsheng will definitely bless Ashe's secret techniques.

However, Li Changsheng still showed a smile.

He and Ashe are in a state of soul grafting. Not only can the two communicate instantaneously with thoughts, but they can also share vision.

Li Changsheng’s mental power quickly spread towards the surrounding area, and Ashe naturally also'seeed' the scene within a kilometer of a radius, and began to advance in an optimal way, completely unaffected by the environment, and pulled in between Dou Yuanbin and Dou Yuanbin at a faster speed. the distance.

Unlike Li Changsheng, Ning Bizhen and Dou Yuanbin's mounts have been affected to a certain extent, and their speed will inevitably decrease.

When he was about to enter the uphill section, Ashe once again appeared behind Zhanqing Fengsheng Beast.

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