Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1508: Blood Sacrifice Imperial City

After processing, Li Changsheng withdrew from the Zhou Tian Xing Dou forbidden formation, and Qi Qi, who constituted the forbidden formation, breathed a sigh of relief. Although it was only for a while, the pseudo-kings felt that they were about to be hollowed out. .

As for those puppets, the energy in their bodies has even reached a critical point. If the Profound Emperor can hold on for a while, there is really a possibility of escape.

Li Changsheng did not check the spoils for the time being, but instead set his gaze to the sky. The Emperor Wen, Emperor Wu, and Sihailong King, etc., made the same actions with him.

The others who reacted slowly also looked up at the sky. Although this place was covered by the forbidden formation of the Profound Emperor's Mausoleum, it was not completely closed, and the strong could still see some scenes from the outside world.

"God, I'm afraid it's going to change!"

Emperor Wen muttered to himself, from his point of view, a scarlet beam of light could be seen faintly reaching into the sky.

Li Changsheng's eyes exude strange light, and through the clouds and mists, you can see that the beam of light is already close to the nine heavens, and above it is the closed heaven.

From the distance point of view, the position of the beam of light was thousands of miles away from Emperor Xuan's mausoleum, which shows how big this dark green beam of light is.

What is certain is that the beam of light is in the central area. More accurately, it should be the Mu Cang Empire.

Li Changsheng pondered for a moment, and said, "It seems that our Majesty Human Emperor has a way to break the barrier of the heavens. No wonder that he did not come to the Profound Emperor Mausoleum. Compared with the heavens, the Profound Emperor Mausoleum is nothing."

"This is probably related to the fall of Emperor Feng!"

Emperor Wu followed.

"According to Xiaolong's simple opinion, the emperor is probably trying to forcefully break through the heavenly entrance by offering sacrifices to the Emperor Feng!"

The Dragon King of Nanhai then spoke. The celestial entrance in his mouth refers to the checkpoint after the heaven was blocked by the emperor.

As long as you break the celestial hall, you can enter the celestial realm.

Xihai Dragon King said hesitantly: "I'm afraid it's not enough to sacrifice to an emperor, otherwise the heavenly entrance will be broken long ago."

"If you add the people of the Mucang Empire? The quality is not enough, the quantity is enough, how strong is the heavenly entrance, but after so many years, it will definitely not be as good as the heyday. If the blood sacrifices to the Emperor Feng and a large number of lives, plus the Emperor's Weili, it may not be impossible to break open, the Emperor would definitely do so with certainty, otherwise it would not have been'sacrificing' the Emperor Feng in vain."

The Beihai Dragon King said abruptly, his expression was very serious, which was related to his experience.

During the Three Clan Wars, the North Sea Dragon King had seen a wide range of blood sacrifices, and at that time he almost became the target of blood sacrifices. If the ancestor dragon hadn't arrived in time, I'm afraid the North Sea Dragon King would have changed dragons long ago.

"These are just speculations. The top priority is that we must speed up our pace to explore the tomb of the Profound Emperor, and first pass on the inheritance of the Profound Emperor."

"It can only be this way!"

"Why not, we are divided into two teams, a human team and a Sihailong team. We will explore separately. If there is an unsolvable crisis, we will crush this jade."

Li Changsheng took out a few pieces of jade jue, these jade jue was obtained from the star emperor, compared with the transmission jade piece, the biggest advantage of this jade jue is that it can communicate with each other regardless of the forbidden array.

"Okay, just do it!"

Everyone agreed. Without the Profound Emperor, Emperor Decadent, and Qilin clan, only the Blood Emperor and the Phoenix clan could pose a threat to them in the Profound Emperor’s Tomb. Eliminate them in time.

After being temporarily divided into two teams, Li Changsheng directly opened the secret realm and brought everyone into the fringe zone of the secret realm. Only then did he come to the crystal wall and proceed to the next random area.

In the midst of the world, Li Changsheng randomly arrived at a central area of ​​the area.

After observation, this area has been explored by him.

In desperation, Li Changsheng came to the crystal wall again and continued to send randomly.

In the following time, Li Changsheng's figure appeared in various areas, and once he found an area that had never been explored, he would search for it.

Using the feedback of his mental power, he almost bought a batch of the highest quality treasures.

Of course, this process is very hidden and will not be discovered by anyone.

In this process, Li Changsheng encountered the Blood Emperor and his party by chance, but both sides were more sensible, so they took a look from a distance and did not cause war.

It took a while before Li Changsheng had explored the eight areas of the Emperor Xuan Emperor's Mausoleum, but found no trace of Emperor Xuan Emperor's inheritance and demon refining pot.

According to Li Changsheng's estimation, it is possible that the lucky ones will be taken first, or it may be in the eye.

In terms of probability, the latter is significantly more likely.

During this period, taking advantage of the speciality of the Wanwang Palace, Li Changsheng learned from other kings what happened in the Mu Cang Empire.

Just as the Beihai Dragon King was worried, the Mu Cang Empire's capital had been reduced to ashes, and the vicinity was uninhabited for thousands of miles, with the birds and beasts extinct, leaving only the rich **** aura.

Not long ago, there was a strong roar in the sky, and the sky seemed to be higher.

In addition, the Human Sovereign is even missing. The Human Sovereign may have broken through the celestial entrance and stepped into the celestial realm that has been closed for thousands of years.

Although the Star Emperor Legacy had been won by Li Changsheng, it was still inferior by three points compared with the Heaven Emperor Legacy.

In addition, there were countless powerhouses in the heavens, not only these two great inheritances, but also many important inheritances, and maybe there are ten surviving monsters and their descendants.

Once the Heavenly Emperor's inheritance is obtained, not only will the human emperor's strength be greatly increased, but it will also be possible to obtain the allegiance of the top ten demon commanders.

These are all speculations, and the specifics depend on the situation, but in any case, Li Changsheng will try his best to prevent the Emperor from winning the inheritance of the Emperor.

The most urgent matter is to break the forbidden formation of Emperor Xuan's Mausoleum first.

Li Changsheng has some understanding of the forbidden formation of the Emperor Xuan's Mausoleum. This gated formation is related to the eight-door golden lock formation. It is only an advanced version, and its power is much stronger than the original version.

If you want to break the formation, you must either find the birthplace, break the formation with force, and break the formation with the formation.

Due to the urgency of time Li Changsheng decided to break the formation and use Zhou Tianxing to break the forbidden formation forcefully. The puppets who had replaced their energy cores landed on the corresponding positions with the stars. They waved the star pans and resonated with the ancient stars in the sky.

The next moment, a whole area turned into a starry sky.

Zhou Tianxing fights the forbidden formation, success!

Li Changsheng waved the crape myrtle star pan, and Ning Bizhen and Luo Yuanjun supported him. Instead of attacking immediately, he gathered the star power as much as possible and tried to break it all at once.

After a few breaths, the entire area was filled with extremely strong star power.

After the star power became strong to the extreme, the 365 stars shook, and most of the star power gathered madly, and finally turned into 365 huge ‘planets’ of various sizes, smashing towards the crystal wall in front of them madly.


An extremely strong roar resounded throughout the world, and for a while, the front was filled with unusually dazzling white light, accompanied by endless wind pressure.

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