Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1500: Mo Qilin, meteor

The fairy world in ancient times had a pillar supporting the heaven and the earth, but it was destroyed by the fierce beast catastrophe. This was also the earliest catastrophe in the fairy world.

When the Tianzhu broke, Linzu, who had initially entered the peak stage, grabbed half of the Tianzhu in the chaos, but the other half was missing.

The Qilin Seal instantly turned into a large mountain, and a huge shadow struck it, smashing it towards the demon pet in one of its directions.

There are a total of four demon pets shrouded in the seal of a unicorn, namely Dumb, Four-Clawed Yellow Dragon, Kailan and Lei Qilin.

Enveloped by the unicorn seal, the speed of the four demon pets was slightly stagnant, and affected by a huge gravitational force, the speed was far slower than in normal times.

Under this circumstance, the four demon pets did not evade meaninglessly, and chose to unite to resist.

Guardian of the World Tree!

Kailan directly launched a defensive big move, and an illusory world tree projection emerged, supporting the unicorn seal first.

It's just that the power of the Kylin Seal is too strong, and the World Tree projection fluctuates violently, quickly appearing in a state of collapse.

It was also at this time that the four-clawed yellow dragon sprayed out a pillar of wind, and Lei Qilin sprayed out a pillar of thunder, which all landed on the Qilin seal, making the downward trend of the Qilin seal pause, but it still fell at a slow speed.

Up to this moment, Ah-Dai stretched out several arms, firmly supported the Qilin Seal, and barely blocked it.

Dumb's expression was painful, his back bends more and more, obviously it won't last long.

At the critical moment, a huge stick smashed from the side, hitting the Qilin seal in an instant.


The dull voice sounded, and the Qilin printed a tumble and smashed into the open space on the side.

Li Changsheng, who had turned into a giant with a hundred arms, held the deadly pillar and continued to rush towards the unicorn seal.

Mo Qilin wanted to continue to control the unicorn seal, but countless star powers gathered around the unicorn seal and turned into chains of starlight, tying the five flowers of the unicorn seal together.

Click~ Click~

The Kylin Seal trembles, a large number of Star Force Chains are broken, and then there are Star Force Chains condensing and forming, but the destruction speed is obviously higher than the condensing speed. I am afraid that without a breath, the Kylin Seal will break free.


At this moment, Li Changsheng again slammed the Qilin Seal again. However, as before, the Qilin Seal was almost undamaged, and it seemed that it had the same nature as the Fallen Tianzhu that would never be worn away.

Of course, the so-called never wear here means that ordinary external forces cannot be destroyed, but there is still an upper limit, but it is difficult to break, otherwise the Tianzhu of the year will not be damaged.

Although it is difficult to destroy the Qilin Seal, Li Changsheng's main goal is to hold the Qilin Seal. Without the Qilin Seal to mess up, Mo Qilin would not last long.

With the assistance of Xingli Chain, Li Changsheng's stick was drawn on the unicorn seal time and time again, almost completely restricting its movement.

Mo Qilin wanted to take back the Qilin seal, but where did he still have this chance? At this moment, Mo Qilin was very embarrassed and was besieged by more than a dozen demon pets, and his injuries rapidly increased.

Suddenly, the ear-piercing wind and thunder sounded, and Ah-Dai rushed over and grabbed it with one claw.

Mo Qilin evaded urgently. Instead of being hit by other demon pets, he didn't want to be caught by Duan. Otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable.

As Mo Qilin avoided, suddenly, an eight-clawed golden dragon suddenly appeared under Mo Qilin, and the four dragon claws clasped Mo Qilin's forelimbs.

Mo Qilin wanted to break free, but the eight-clawed golden dragon activated Liba Shanxi, and his power was above Mo Qilin.

In this situation, Mo Qilin's hind limbs slammed on the body of the eight-clawed golden dragon. The eight-clawed golden dragon snorted and vomited blood at the corners of his mouth. The dragon's body was smashed into two dents, but he still held on.

Without waiting for Mo Qilin to continue to smash the eight-clawed golden dragon, a long nose stretched out and wrapped Mo Qilin's two hind limbs. This time it was the elephant's trunk.

Mo Qilin hurriedly lowered his head, his mouth was full of brilliance, and he wanted to attack the eight-clawed golden dragon again.


Exactly at this moment, Yuan Zhunkun slammed into it, smashing Mo Qilin's head directly, causing Mo Qilin's spit to fall into the empty space.

Without waiting for Mo Qilin to continue his actions, his chubby big hands strongly supported Mo Qilin's head.


Mo Qilin's bull's tail drew fiercely on Yuankuun's body, drawing a **** blood mark on its back, but without waiting to continue to slap, Ashe bit its tail with one bite, and bite it fiercely.

Suddenly, Mo Qilin's body surfaced with a fierce water blue thunder light, and the few demon pets who bound him felt numb all over, and Mo Qilin was about to break free.

At the critical moment, when two apertures were released during the day and night, Kailan summoned countless vines to prevent Mo Qilin from breaking free.

Suddenly, Hong Luan plunged into the open belly of Mo Qilin's empty door. With a sharp beak pecked, it was a big bird pecking at the chicken, accurately hitting Mo Qilin's vitals. Mo Qilin was struck by lightning. Under the intense pain, the thunder light on the body suddenly dissipated.

Until this time, Ah-Dai rushed in front of Mo Qilin again, and under Mo Qilin's horrified eyes, several giant claws attacked frantically, constantly grabbing the abdomen of Mo Qilin's empty door.

That is to say, Mo Qilin has the guardian of the avenue, which makes it impossible for Duan to make a contribution with one blow.

Not only dumb, the remaining demon pets also added wounds to Mo Qilin, especially the eyes, nostrils, ear holes, chrysanthemums, and crotch are the most popular.

Mo Qilin struggled fiercely, but under the combined forces of several powerful monster pets, he could not break free of the restraints at all, and could only withstand the attacks of the other monster pets abruptly.


Under the crazy catch of Dumb, the tough fur of Mo Qilin's abdomen was finally torn apart, revealing blood-red flesh and blood.

"Do not!"

Mo Qilin let out a scream, and watched dumb's giant claws penetrate his abdomen, grabbing a huge heart out.

Even if Mo Qilin is powerful and chasing Lin ancestor, but without a heart, it may be difficult to escape the fate of death.

To be on the safe side Ah Dai continued to attack, and soon took out Mo Qilin's demon core.

Mo Qilin, without the heart and demon core, was naturally not far from death, and even lost the opportunity to fight to the death. He stared at Li Changsheng extremely unwillingly, and his bright eyes finally lost their brilliance.

The patriarch of the Kylin clan, fallen!

Without the patriarch and the two elders, the Qilin Clan’s top-level strength will be greatly damaged. It is probably less than 1/3 of the peak level. Unless the Qilin Clan reappears in a short period of time like a strong man like Mo Qilin, the decline of the Qilin Clan will be impossible. avoid.

No way, Li Changsheng had already targeted the Qilin tribe. In addition to the collection of the unicorn tribe, it was mainly for the corpse and materials of the ancestor Lin.

With the death of Mo Qilin, the Qilin Seal never moved and was taken away by Li Changsheng.

As for the inner space of Mo Qilin, it is not far from the collapse. It turns out that Mo Qilin wanted to destroy the inner space before he died, but the eight-clawed golden dragon entwining him forced a large amount of space energy into Mo Qilin's body, which greatly delayed the inner space. Crash.

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