Chapter 5 gun fire

Mia nodded, but immediately shook his head.

At Gray Terminal, there is one of the most scarce things, that is, food, those who do not think about production only rely on scavenging for a living, are basically on the brink of hunger.

Su Xiao took out a few compressed biscuits in his arms, which was the emergency food he carried with him.

He observed that there was a forest in the distance to the ‘Gray Terminal’. He had a gun in his hand and would not worry about food.

Mia had some fear of taking a compressed biscuit, she had never seen this food.

Under the guidance of Su Xiao’s, Mia peeled off the compressed biscuits and took a bite carefully.

“It’s delicious~.”

The girl who had been hungry for a day, ate and ate.

“You call Mia, take me out of here, these cookies are yours.”

Mia, who ate the compressed biscuits in his hand, stared straight at the few compressed biscuits in Su Xiao’s hand and swallowed.

“Yes, but you can’t hurt me.”

Su Xiao did not answer the other person, but turned out from the dilapidated house and restored some of Mia follow closely from behind.

“Where are you going? You are not a resident of ‘Gray Terminal’?”

Su Xiao’s footsteps suddenly stopped, and a cold glow appeared in his eyes. He threw a compressed biscuit in his hand on the ground and then smashed it.

“Take me out of here, don’t ask others.”

If the girl Mia shows any abnormality, Su Xiao’s hand that is tightly shot will point to Mia’s forehead.

Mia was shocked by Su Xiao’s move and took a few steps back.

“Good~, ok.”

Mia didn’t dare to say it, and walked quickly.

“Take me to the entrance of ‘Goa Kingdom’.”

Su Xiao looked at all around with vigilance. From time to time, she could see the murderous sluts. When the displaced people noticed the gun in Su Xiao’s hand, they immediately put away their greedy eyes.

Recalling the information obtained in the anime, Su Xiao began to think about the next countermeasures.

The so-called ‘Gray Terminal’ is actually a large garbage dump. Because ‘Goa Kingdom’ dumped a lot of domestic garbage outside the city, it has the present scene.

Those who were exposed to the murderous were originally residents of ‘Goa Kingdom’ who were either felony guilty or offended by the nobility.

After the garbage is corrupted, a kind of blue smoke with toxins is generated, which spreads in the ‘Gray Terminal’ and always erodes the lives of the displaced people.

The most obvious manifestation is that Su Xiao’s HP has dropped from 100% to 98%.

There is no doctor in the ‘Recycled Key Station’, there is no food, crime and disease are spreading here. It is impossible to bring here. Everything is based on the strength of strength.

Through Mia’s lead, Su Xiao quickly stepped out of ‘Gray Terminal’ and came to a high wall.

The high walls of Blackrock piled up, and a small city gate appeared in Su Xiao’s line of sight.

“Only here, ‘Goa Kingdom’ has laws, and the displaced cannot enter the city and will be executed if found.”

Mia is talking to Su Xiao, but her eyes are always on the compressed biscuits in Su Xiao’s hands.

Throw the compressed biscuits to Mia, Su Xiao no longer cares about each other, Mia also runs away, leading Su Xiao just because of the temptation of food, no other reason.

‘Goa Kingdom ‘city gate is wide open, with several guards standing on either side of the city gate.

This is just a side door, which is convenient for dumping garbage.

Although the guards seem to be lazy, but the eyes are flashing from time to time, these guards should often kill people and kill those who intend to break into the city.

Su Xiao is hiding aside and is not in a hurry to enter the city, he is waiting for the opportunity.

It’s impossible to fight with the guards. One Piece World’s resident physique is extremely powerful. After the girl Mia was hit by him, she could return to normal in a short time, which made Su Xiao vigilant.

Su Xiao guesses that the guard’s attributes are at least 10 points or even higher.

One hour, two hours, until three hours later, it was already at noon, the temperature increased rapidly, the weather was hot, and Su Xiao’s waiting opportunity finally appeared.

A carriage filled with household garbage drove out of the city, and the pungent rancid smell spread far and wide. The guards did not go to see the carriage at all, but subconsciously stepped back.

“You guys, do you need to check it routinely?”

The driver stopped the carriage and was afraid of the guards.

“Hurry and go, stinky.”

The guards were bored and waved their hands, without the slightest check.

Su Xiao in the distance, after seeing this scene, browed and quickly followed the carriage.

Carriage After going deep into the garbage mountain, I found an open space to start dumping garbage. Before I was only a Noun driver, I had a dagger at the waist. The weak are prey to the strong, which is the rule of ‘Gray Terminal’.

I lit a cigarette to cover up the smell, and the driver took the shovel and began to clean the stained carriage.

When the driver was busy with sweat, Su Xiao was like a wild cat, quietly coming behind the driver, and when Su Xiao was ready to stun the driver, he stepped on a half-broken glass.

“Oh, let’s go.” A crisp sound came and the driver’s body shook.

Su Xiao was also amazed. In this messy ‘Gray Terminal’, there was a deep layer of rubbish at the foot. It was very soft to step on, and I could not detect what was under my feet.

But at this time the arrow had to be sent on the string, so Su Xiao rushed forward.

The driver was not a good person. He turned and pulled out his dagger at the waist and stabbed Su Xiao directly.

The ferocious expression of the coachman made Su Xiao understand that the other person wanted his life.

Su Xiao’s eyes began to get cold. In this mission world, it is not that you are dead or that I am dead. The kindness to the enemy is cruel to yourself.

Raising the flintlock in his hand, Su Xiao pointed the gun at the driver’s head.

If the ordinary person is pointed at by the gun, it will definitely stop or retreat immediately. But this driver is different, he actually flies faster.

Su Xiao expressionless buckled the trigger, the hammer behind the gun hit the meteorite, the sparks sputtered out, the gunpowder inside the gun was ignited, and a large amount of gunpowder was ignited in a small space, bursting with powerful kinetic energy. As the fire and smoke overflowed, the projectiles in the barrel erupted.


The smoke rises and a pungent smell of gunpowder spreads. A lead bullet directly falls into the driver’s head. The driver’s body shape is stopped, and he is directly beaten out of the two meter away. The body twitches twice and then dies. .

[Hint: You killed the black market businessman]

[Your innate talent ‘Devourer’ launch, permanently increase 5 point Mana, existing Mana 65 points. 】

[You get the treasure box (white)

[This is your first time killing the enemy, Storage Space is turned on (2 cubic meters), after returning to Reincarnation Paradise, the Storage Space can use the Paradise Coins to upgrade the size. 】

Reincarnation Paradise’s tips let Su Xiao know that this is not a driver, but a black market businessman, who should be using the driver’s identity to do some kind of trading in the Gray Terminal.

After the black market businessman dies, a wooden box floats above the body, and the box is white in color, only the size of the palm.

Su Xiao tried to pick up the wooden box floating in the air, although it was only the size of the palm, but it was heavy.

[treasure box (white), “Yes” “No” Open]

Instead of opening the [treasure box], Su Xiao puts the [treasure box] and the [worn dice gun] into the Storage Space.

As soon as the idea moves, the [worn dice gun] appears in the hand, and Su Xiao is very satisfied with the new Storage Space, which is a very useful feature. If you take advantage of this ability, it will be very helpful for him to complete the mission.

It’s not safe here, so Su Xiao didn’t choose to open [treasure box (white)]. If the treasure box is opened and give him a golden light ten thousand zhang, then he is in danger. Now the first thing is to enter ‘Goa Kingdom. ‘The capital city.

Su Xiao took off his shirt and put on the clothing of the black market trader.

After hesitating, Su Xiao fell directly into the water on the ground, and the stench came. His clothes and cheeks were contaminated with large pieces of sewage, making it impossible for him to see his face.

Sitting in front of the carriage, Su Xiao controlled the horses and traveled to the city.

At this point he had a dagger in his hand, the dagger in the hands of the black market businessman, but this dagger was somewhat different from what he imagined.

(End of this chapter)

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