Reincarnation Paradise

Chapter 3795 Beginning

Sky City, Dingcheng, ancient sacrificial site.

The full moon hangs high in the sky, located in the center of the sacrificial site. The dark chains are becoming more and more solid, turning from a shadow a few days ago into a semi-entity. The black mist slowly disperses on the coiled chains, and a sleeping person The king here is about to awaken.

At the same time, in a dark alley in the bottom city, a young man who was dressed luxuriously but with some dirt on his body and face was walking in the dark alley like he had lost his soul, even if he was surrounded by those fierce people in the dark. His eyes were fixed on him, but he didn't even notice.

This young man in his twenties is named Agye. He was born into a wealthy businessman family. His family runs a luxury fur business. Sky City is located on the west side of the "Dark Marsh Forest", not far away from the largest forest in the Wizarding Continent. Fifty kilometers away, there are three small towns with a population of over 100,000, making it easier for Sky City to enjoy the natural resource treasure trove of the "Anze Forest".

Agye's family is responsible for purchasing and processing high-quality furs, and then transporting these furs to the "City of Eternal Winter, Longloo" more than 300 kilometers away, and selling them to ice-born nobles and royal family members.

The reputation accumulated by the family over many generations and the quality that is far superior to that of its peers have made Agyeh’s family’s luxury furs highly recognized by ice-born nobles or royal families. When Agyeh was sixteen years old, he followed His father traveled between Sky City and Everwinter City.

At his age at the time, Agyeh was of course not interested in the family business. The reason he was willing to travel between the two places was because he could see his ice-born fiancée Mo Staci in the Everwinter City.

This was originally a friendship between families, but after the two boys and girls met, they did have a good impression of each other, so the elders of the two families would naturally try their best to bring them together.

Eight years have passed in the blink of an eye. According to this life trajectory, Agye will marry Mo Staci, give birth to a child, and run the family business with his brother. He will be responsible for dealing with the ice-born nobles and the royal family, while his brother will work with " The leather merchants of Anze Forest are coming and going, and everything is beautiful.

Unfortunately, a strange antique changed Agye's fate. It was an ancient crown. Agye's father had a hobby of collecting antiques. After buying it, he recognized that it was the title of the first royal family of Ice descent. When he came to the throne, he discovered the crown he used when he came to the throne. Agye's father was overjoyed and immediately contacted the closely related ice royal family to return the crown of the Winter King's ancestor to the King of the North.

What Agye's father didn't expect was that the Winter King seemed to have no interest in this ancestral object and was not even prepared to see him. This disappointed Agye's father who had already given away the ancient crown and spent the typical money. , as a result, I didn’t even see the real owner, and there was no chance to flatter him.

In the evening of the same day, the Winter King changed his attitude and sent his trusted ministers. This surprised Agye's father, but also made him feel faintly heartbroken.

That night, the Winter King came to visit with more than a dozen personal guards, which frightened Agye's father. The Winter King's visit to Sky City was no small matter. Although he came to the Middle City, not the Top City, it was enough. Surprising.

The reception at the family manor that night was very grand. When everyone was full of wine and food, the Winter King took out the ancient crown he received in the afternoon, played with it happily, and asked in a casual manner where he got the crown.

Knowing that Agye's father was bought from someone else at a high price, the Winter King nodded with a smile on his face. He was so 'surprised' by this 'gift' that came to his door. With the cooperation of others, he reluctantly gave him some power of destiny. After being devoured by the ancient crown, there was not much left.

More than a dozen of the Winter King's personal guards slaughtered all the living creatures in the family manor. What's puzzling is that Agye, who was so frightened that his liver and gallbladder were broken by hiding in the closet, actually escaped. , this can no longer be explained by coincidence or luck. Under the perception of more than a dozen personal guards and the King of Winter, Agye, whose strength is not even at the third level, was not discovered.

In the early morning of the next day, Agye looked at the family mansion that had been turned into charcoal. After being stunned for nearly an hour, he remembered another thing, that is, he had lost all his relatives, and he could not lose his fiancée again. Mo Staci.

Sky City does prohibit space teleportation. The top city, which is located under the high-altitude clouds, has strict regulations and it is impossible to teleport to Sky City. However, it is still possible to teleport outwards in the middle city, provided that a large amount of money is spent.

When Agyeh arrived at the main entrance of his fiancée's family manor in Everwinter City, he saw the head of his future father-in-law hanging in front of the door. All kinds of rare and exotic treasures were packed in boxes and piled in the courtyard, each one headless. The corpses fell on the snow, and some servants or relatives were guarded by the soldiers. Everyone's eyes were hesitant.

What made Agye even more stunned was that his fiancée was taken away by a man wearing silver armor with sharp eyes. This was the second son of the Winter King, Doom, the Sword of Winter.

Although Agye's fiancée was not shackled or injured, her eyes were dim, as if she had turned into a puppet. However, when she saw Agye in her peripheral vision, she did not dare to When she looked at her with confidence, Mo Staci's eyes regained their vitality.

Her helplessness and grievance made her tears overflow. But as a descendant of a nobleman and a royal family, her experiences from childhood to adulthood made her force herself to look away and no longer look at her fiancé, so as not to bring harm to the person she loved. Disaster.

At that moment, Agye wanted to rush forward desperately, but his remaining reason prevented him from doing so. He knew that his fiancée's mother was from the Ice Royal Family. Even if his fiancée had a felony, he would have to go through a tedious and long process. Process will be judged.

Agye turned around and disappeared into the crowd watching the excitement, swearing in his heart that no matter what, he would rescue his fiancée, so he needed power and strength. Considering that the enemy was the King of Winter, it was really a foolish dream to gain the power to suppress the opponent. , then only strength is left. Although hope is still slim, there is at least a glimmer of a chance.

Agye would not have thought that if he followed the normal fate line, his fate would not be simple. He would not experience the pain of losing all his relatives until he was 30 years old, and would have to deal with the Sword of Winter Doom, whom he now hates. , became brothers as close as brothers, and even took responsibility for the future of Longlu, the city of eternal winter, to a great extent. Unfortunately, all this was forcibly changed.

Yes, Agye is one of the three children of the pseudo-world in this era of this world. There will be no real children of the world in the witch world, but there will be about three children of the pseudo-world in every era. Don’t underestimate their luck. The power is stronger than the genuine son of the world in the ninth level world.

In the dark alley of the bottom city, Agye walked forward with a dull look. He was looking for a black shop whose main business was selling stolen goods. At a certain banquet, he heard about this black shop. At the time, he only thought it was an anecdote, but He did not expect that today, with little money left, he could only gain power at a low price by taking huge risks.

Based on his memory and speculation, Agye actually found the black shop. He knocked on the thick wooden door with some anxiety. After knocking twice, the wooden door creaked open.

The store is not big, about 30 square meters. The walls are lined with shelves and even block the windows. All kinds of strange objects are hung unevenly everywhere. The dark environment makes people feel nervous.

Agye turned his head to avoid a hanging glass bottle. The greasy eyeballs inside made his hair stand on end. At this moment, candlelight lit up behind the old wooden counter. A man with a wrinkled face and hands like dead trees The skinny old man was looking at Agye with a pair of cloudy and yellow eyes.

"Young man, you are here to seek strength."

The weird old man spoke, and when he smiled, he vaguely showed the few remaining teeth.

"how do you know."

"Hehehe, you look like a loser and your whole family is dead. What else can you do if you come to my place besides pursuing power?"

The weird old man took the goods list and began to count it.

"So, what do I have to pay, money?"

Hearing this, the weird old man mocked mercilessly: "You are so unlucky, do you still have money?"


Agye's eyes dimmed a bit, then he thought of something and said: "I can sacrifice my soul to you, or something similar..."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The weird old man smiled with his mouth wide open, which was quite exaggerated. He said with a sarcastic smile: "Why does everyone feel that their souls are valuable? Now even the lowest corruptors are not willing to be with them. A creature has signed a soul contract, and what is truly precious is the soul stone, which is a natural resource of the world and has nothing to do with the soul of the creature."

"Then...I have nothing."

Agye gradually lowered his head, his expression numb.

"No, no, no, you actually have something more valuable."

The weird old man smiled meaningfully.


Agye seemed to be grasping at the last straw.

"Your...destiny, look at this destiny contract. If you sign it, then the power is right in front of you."

The weird old man pressed a contract with his left hand and pushed it out. Then he used his right hand to push forward a sealed bottle the size of a thumb. There was rich darkness inside.

After a while, there was only an empty bottle left on the table, and a destiny contract signed with Agye's name. After picking up the contract, the strange old man rolled it up, threw it into the darkness beside him, and caught the contract with one hand. .

"Father, please keep it safe first. I have to keep an eye on the president, Peryan. I will leave this boy Agye to you later."

As he spoke, the strange old man grabbed the skin under his ears with both hands and pulled off the human skin hood he was wearing. In the process, his voice gradually changed from old to ethereal, like a mixture of multiple tones. This person is, Platinum Apostle.

The luxury cruise ship sailed under the cover of night. It was late at night, and most of the passengers had fallen asleep. In the carpeted corridor, a muscular man stopped in front of a guest room and knocked on the door. A big dog After opening the door, he looked around to make sure there was no one in the corridor before letting the visitor into the guest room.

As soon as the violator Shensu entered the guest room, he saw Su Xiao and Caesar waiting here. Seeing these two people, Shensu felt uncomfortable all over. Due to the situation, he could only sit down.

"Shensu, you have been joining the Dark Cult for some time."

Baha opened his mouth and upon hearing the words, he quickly shrugged his shoulders indifferently. In his opinion, asking this question was nothing more than asking for information about the Dark God Religion or stealing some important items, and he had no pressure to do so.

"I have indeed gained some camp reputation. If you need it, I have no problem with it."

After signing the contract drawn up by Su Xiao, Shensu has no temper at all in this world. On the contrary, after leaving this world, these contracts will become invalid. Well~, at least that is what Shensu thinks, and this is indeed the case in the contract. written.

"It does not need."

After Baha said this, he began to laugh unscrupulously, and continued: "Shensu, now we are all in the same boat, and we are our own people, right?"

"Uh~, right."

Shensu smiled perfunctorily.

Baha didn't care about Shensu's attitude, but continued to say with a smile: "Since we are all our own people, then we have to help you make profits, such as your reputation in the Dark God's camp. After so many days, you have gained Getting more than 10,000 points is too slow.”

Baha's words made Shensu a little unhappy. He narrowed his dead fish eyes and said, "The reputation of the witch world is very valuable. This is already a lot."

"No, this is very little, too little. As one of our own, we should help you gain more camp reputation from the Dark God Religion."

Baha's tone was decisive, which made Shensu feel something bad in his heart. Just as he was about to shirk, he found Su Xiao looking at him expressionlessly, which made him hold back what he said. He really had no doubt at all. The Spellbreaker will chop off his head with one blow.

"Since you agree willingly, let's get started."

Baha turned to look at Caesar with a smile, and winked at Caesar with his right eye. Caesar ate the remaining core, picked his teeth with the stem held between his fingers, and finally chewed the stem to taste it. Then spit it out.

Caesar took out a hood, put it on his head, and began to speak in an unintelligible language. At this moment, he quickly received a large number of prompts.

[Tip (Tree of the Void): Due to your outstanding performance, you were promoted to a direct subordinate by this camp's material manager Nicholas Caesar. 】

[Nicholas Caesar has activated his exclusive ability: Robbery (Lv. EX). 】

[You have lost ring equipment. 】

[You have lost your main weapon. 】

[You have lost detection equipment. 】

[You have lost all equipment. All the equipment currently lost has been seized by Nicholas Caesar. 】

[You have reported this behavior to Void Tree. 】

[Nicholas Caesar’s exclusive ability has been triggered: Shameless (Lv. EX). 】

[Nicholas Caesar has apologized to you and promised to return all your equipment within 999999 natural days, and will pay a penalty of 0.1% per natural day (value of all equipment × 0.1%). 】

[Because Caesar’s unique ability ‘Fees Lv.EX’ has been triggered, you will bear a 3% handling fee for this transaction. 】

[Caesar will pay you a penalty of -2.9% (total equipment value) every natural day, that is, you need to pay Caesar a handling fee of 2.9% (total equipment value) every natural day. 】

After seeing these prompts, his eyes widened quickly, and he subconsciously looked forward, as if to confirm whether he had misread the prompts that appeared in front of him. After confirming that they were correct, he put on the mask of pain, his expression a little distorted. , at this moment, the follow-up prompt appeared.

[Because Nicholas Caesar has reported Nicholas Caesar to the Void Tree, this behavior will be punished. 】

[Nicholas Caesar has decided to pay you compensation, and you will receive the following benefits. 】

[The reputation you gain from the Dark God Religion and Faction is increased by 1.5%. 】

[Because of triggering Caesar? ? ? Ability, will the next compensation reward be improved? ? ? . 】

[The reputation you gain from the Dark God's Religion and Faction is increased by 386%. 】

[The reputation you gain from the Dark God's Religion and Faction is increased by 1.6%. 】

[Because of triggering Caesar? ? ? ability……】

[The reputation you gain from the Dark God’s Religion and Faction is increased by 526%. 】

This series of reminders made Shensu feel numb. He pressed his head with one hand and inserted his fingers into his hair. The expression on his face could best be described as "f*ck". However, he didn't know that this was just an appetizer.

[You have triggered various camp tasks, the total is as follows:]

[You have completed the camp mission: Capture the enemy overlord unit Cukulin White Night alive! 】

[You gain 125,000 reputation points. 】

[You have completed the camp mission: obtained important information through the overlord unit Cuculin White Night, and this information has been conveyed to your immediate boss 59*-? . 】

[You gain 83560 reputation points. 】

[You have completed the camp mission: try to capture the unique item of the overlord unit Cuculin White Night, the Book of Original Sin. 】

[You gain 580,000 reputation points. 】

[Your boss Nicholas Caesar has decided to seek greater benefits for you and secretly sell the "Book of Original Sin" to the Dark God's Camp Store on your behalf. 】

[Warning: It is absolutely impossible to purchase this item in the camp store! 】

[Warning: This item can no longer be sold to any camp store notarized by the Void Tree. 】

[It has been verified that this object is indeed a captured object during your camp mission, and you have been compensated with 1,285,000 Dark God Cult reputation points. 】

[Because you are in high danger, you choose to immediately return the "Book of Original Sin" to the overlord unit Cukulin White Night, and you require the Void Tree to notarize this act. 】

[Notarization has been completed, because you have not touched the "Book of Original Sin" in a real sense, and have not obtained the "Book of Original Sin" in a substantial sense. It is only a temporary seizure without ownership, and you have no causal relationship with the "Book of Original Sin" implicated. 】

[You have gained a "huge amount" of reputation points from the Dark God Cult. You are extremely grateful to Commander Nicholas Caesar for his support. In order to repay Commander Caesar for his respect and promotion of you, you voluntarily paid 1,900 soul coins as a thank you. 】

[You will pay 1900 soul coins. 】

[You try to terminate this payment. 】

[Because of your treacherous behavior, Nicholas Caesar's camp bully (Lv. EX) ability was triggered. 】

[You have paid Caesar 9100 soul coins, and you have received a "receipt". 】

[If you have any objections to this transaction, you can bring this "receipt" to Samsara Paradise to lodge a complaint and report. 】

Shenshu looked at these reminders with a doubtful look on his face. He suddenly felt that he, the violator, was feeling aggrieved. Compared with the guy in front of him, his methods as a violator were nothing.

Soon, he quickly thought of something. With so much camp reputation from the Dark God Religion, of course he had to go to the camp store to redeem it. Unfortunately, all his equipment was now with Caesar, which made him dare not Move even a little reputation point.

"Shensu, you should have thought of what to do next. You account for 10% of it."

Hearing Baha's words, Shenshu's face looked better, but he didn't know that the reason why he was given 10% was not to bribe him, but because someone had to take the blame.

"Are the coordinates confirmed?"

Su Xiao said, although his "Extinguishing Teleportation Array" can go wherever he wants, but the noise is too loud, so Caesar's teleportation array is suitable for quietly going to the destination.

Putting on the jar of the abyss, Caesar, who merged into a human jar, began to lay out the formation. After a while, Su Xiao, Caesar, Shensu, Bubo Wang, and Baha were all standing on it. Eminem stayed behind to avoid the formation on the way back. Something went wrong.

When the space fluctuations subsided, Su Xiao had arrived at a storage room. Caesar opened the door with a stern look, and found that no one was in the material exchange room. He made a small gesture, walked slowly to the wooden counter, and activated the material manager of the Dark God Religion. Permissions, and then quickly received various prompts.

[Because you are a direct subordinate of Nicholas Caesar, the material manager, and in view of your outstanding performance, he has applied to temporarily open the Dark God’s camp store to you. 】

[The total judging parties for this exchange/transaction are: yourself, Nicholas Caesar, and Cuculin White Night. 】

[Warning: Nicholas Caesar and Cuculin White Night are both extremely low credibility targets of the Void Tree. Please be extra cautious in this cooperation exchange/transaction. 】

Seeing this warning, Shensu's always stern gaze gradually became clear. As a violator, this was really the first time he had received such a warning to act with caution, and he felt very uncomfortable.

Before I could quickly figure out what was going on, a follow-up prompt appeared.

[Because your reputation level is insufficient, you will not be able to redeem more than 60% of the items in the camp store. 】

Seeing this prompt, Shenshu was secretly disappointed, and he was 10% involved. Of course, the more he gained, the happier he would be. However, he was disappointed too early. Because his reputation level was not enough, he could not complete the "restocking" situation. Su Xiao Having met Caesar several times, the two began to deal with it and quickly received follow-up prompts.

[Tip: In view of your outstanding performance, Caesar has decided to inherit the identity of material administrator from you. This behavior has been approved by the superior of material administrator Nicholas Caesar, the fraudster Nicholas Caesar. 】

[You have become the Dark God's Material Manager, and you have obtained the Lv.10 exchange authority (the highest level exchange authority) owned by this identity. 】

[You can exchange items with your existing reputation in the following list. 】

[Automatic exchange has been turned on, and the items you exchange will be distributed according to the ratio of Nicholas Caesar getting 45%, Hunter White Night getting 45%, and you getting 10%. 】

[If you check the above behavior, the credibility of the Void Tree of you and the other two parties will be deducted. 】

[Your Void Tree credibility will be deducted by 4150 points. 】

[Nicholas Caesar's Void Tree credibility deducts 8650 points (so the unit's Void Tree credibility is too low, and 0 credibility points are actually deducted). 】

[Hunter·Bai Ye’s Void Tree credibility deducts 9553 points (so the unit’s Void Tree credibility is too low, and 0 credibility points are actually deducted). 】

After seeing these reminders, Shensu suddenly made a decision in his heart, that is, he would not be a violator in the future, and must find a way to abandon evil and do good. It was not that he suddenly realized his conscience, but that he had experienced the above operations that had broken his mentality. Finally, he felt that being a violator was too frustrating.

Shensu's heart is bleeding at the moment. Compared with the 10% profit that he has not received this time, he is more concerned about the more than 4,000 points of the Void Tree's credibility. It is true that he is a violator, but the Void Tree His reputation has always been pretty good, staying above 120 points. Now it's all gone this time, and he's still down 4,000 points. What makes his blood pressure soar even more is that the two accomplices who conspired this time have no credibility at all in the Void Tree. deduct.

Su Xiao ignored the rapid collapse of his mentality. He came to the teleportation array in the storage room. Just when he was about to check the income, he suddenly received a message notarized by the Void Tree and the other party paid 500 soul coins. Seeing that the sender was Mo Lei, there was no doubt about this extravagant behavior.

After checking the content of the news, Su Xiao's eyes narrowed a bit. Mo Lei, Yue Apostle, and Hao Mei were attacked by a five-person team from Death Paradise. A large box was waiting for the end of this world's progress to be notarized. One of the top minerals "Moon Stone" that can be stored in the storage space later has been robbed.

According to the pre-arranged agreement, Su Xiao accounted for 30% of the top-grade ore "Moon Stone" harvested by Mo Lei and the others this time, and Mo Lei, Haomei, and Moon Apostle shared the remaining 70%. In other words, the five-person team in this Death Paradise, Robbed Lidya Su.

In Mo Lei's words, it doesn't matter if they beat me up, but they took away your "moon stone". Can you bear this?

In the past, Su Xiao used the extermination formula to rob the enemy... ahem~ and allocate the enemy's resources reasonably. This time someone actually robbed him. Of course, he couldn't bear it.

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