Reincarnation Paradise

Chapter 3553 Blood Shadow

In the Void Library, Su Xiao put the ancient book back to its original place, and picked up another ancient book nearby to read, although he was not very interested in this ancient book.

The reason for this is to prevent the Arcane Eternal Star from knowing his general preferences through the ancient books he reads.

The sky darkened unknowingly. Prince Feng and Huge had already said hello before leaving. The faction behind them was not eager to win over the Holy Flame Medicine Master.

Among the remaining Greene Wei and Lu En, one of them had slept on the single sofa all afternoon, while the other went to the first floor of the big library to flirt with girls.

Su Xiao put an "Illustrated Book of Extraordinary Plants" back into its place. He gained a lot this afternoon, but the travel mission 2 "Ocean of Knowledge" was not completed. The content of this mission is:

"Travel Mission: Ocean of Knowledge: Obtain more than three types of high-level knowledge stored in the Arcane Eternal Star Void Library through non-stealing methods."

Su Xiao guessed that the so-called acquisition of high-level knowledge requires that it be obtained together with the carrier that records the knowledge. Many of the knowledge in ancient books can only be mastered by matching the seals on it.

For example, "Soulology" and "Mysterious Energy Science", there is a lot of knowledge in the ancient books of these two, which is difficult to record in words. At this time, "printing" must be used, and the reader only needs to put a small amount of The spiritual energy is injected into the seals on the ancient books. According to the guidance of the seals, one can quickly master this part of knowledge.

This method of recording has been used a long time ago. For example, what is recorded in the Alchemy Secret Book is not words, but a large number of seals interpreted with spiritual energy.

Because of this, it has led to a situation where these ancient books that record high-level knowledge have become particularly precious. This is why Su Xiao and Caesar teamed up to empty out the library of Dragon Academy, and they were extremely angry.

It is quite difficult to get three such ancient books in the fifth floor of the Void Library, and it must be done in a proper way. Fortunately, Su Xiao already has a countermeasure. At the latest, he will be able to enter the big library the day after tomorrow. The library is on the fifth floor. Not only can you go there to read ancient books, but you can also take a few books with you openly before leaving.


Su Xiao opened his mouth. He was calling Green Wei, who was sleeping soundly beside him. But after blurting out the word Green, his heart suddenly throbbed. To be precise, it was more like a vague resonance. This feeling was fleeting. It was fleeting, as if it had never appeared. If Su Xiao hadn't captured it with the powerful sense derived from the master of swordsmanship, he would have ignored this fleeting feeling.

This made Su Xiao carefully observe Green Wei. At this moment, Green Wei was lying on the seat in a very unladylike posture, and her sleep was drooling. Compared with other female spell casters, Green Wei was not cold and arrogant. Absolutely beautiful, without any sense of noble dignity, only full of vitality like a sand sculpture girl.

Su Xiao dragged a chair over and sat in front of Greene Wei. He was very concerned about the 'thrilling' moment just now. It felt like meeting a 'same kind'.

Su Xiao began to think about the categories of "same kind". First of all, he was a hunter. He had encountered other hunters, but he had never had such a momentary throbbing feeling. In other words, there should not be such a momentary feeling. Resonance fluctuates.

Excluding this, only exterminators are left. To be precise, Su Xiao has never seen a living exterminator except himself. The unscrupulous teacher Marvin Waltz, the old exterminator, etc. are all remnant souls. That is a state that can be achieved after the soul is powerful enough to carry consciousness after death.

Except for a few ancestor annihilators and the black mist figure in the Starry Sky Constellation, Su Xiao has never seen anyone else with this ability.

Su Xiao's guess was that the brief and weak throbbing in his heart just now was the resonance between the law destroyers? Or could it be that he inadvertently sensed something special about Green Way, and that’s why he had this perception? This perception is not two-way.

When he first arrived at the Arcane Eternal Star and learned that the girl's name was Green Wei, and that she was Sefilia's disciple, Su Xiao felt something was wrong.

For Sefilia, even if the word Green is not taboo, it is definitely not what she wants to hear. It is absolutely impossible to accept a girl named Green Wei as a disciple. Therefore, if Green... Wei was introduced by others, which was no different from adding salt to Sefilia's wounds.

This couldn't be Sefilia's chosen disciple. That would be the same as exposing her own scars.

After ruling out many possibilities, Su Xiao came to two results. 1. Greenway was Sefilia's biological daughter, 2. Greenway was cultivated by Sefilia using someone's cells.

The first possibility should be ruled out first. Sefilia's sexual orientation can be called a mysophobia level. Even as a representative of the Arcane Eternal Star, when welcoming the Holy Flame Medicine Master, she kept a distance of about 2 meters from Su Xiao.

With Su Xiao's sensitivity as a master of swordsmanship, he could clearly feel that when he was less than 2 meters away from Sefilia, the other party seemed to have displeasure in every pore, even if his face was still full of displeasure. It's a polite smile, but the thought from the bottom of my heart must be: 'Stay away from where I started, keep your distance. ’

Su Xiao also discovered that Sefilia's character is not directed at herself, but is true for all members of the opposite sex. Based on Sefilia's personal habits, saying that Green Wei is the other party's biological daughter, That is absolutely impossible.

Apart from this, there is only one possibility left. Greenway was cultivated by Sefilia, or in other words, artificially cultivated using a certain person's genes or cells, using extraordinary knowledge + biology, etc.

If so, the situation is very interesting. A girl cultivated by Sephilia was named Green Wei. The meaning contained in this is that we know Sephilia and Green Gillian. Anyone who knows the story can guess a thing or two.

Su Xiao's guess is that Greene Wei and most likely Sefilia secretly hid Greene Gillian's cells when she killed Greene Gillian and kept them for many years.

This should have nothing to do with personal emotions. According to Su Xiao's understanding, apart from her hatred for the law destroyer, Sefilia is very sensible in other matters.

From many years ago, Sefilia had a worry, that is, the annihilation method cannot be completely eradicated. As long as there are still people who gain powerful power by devouring natural elements, the annihilation method will appear sooner or later. It is only a matter of time.

Because of this, Sefilia developed "Li Element" in order to deal with the possible destruction method. Facts have proved that although "Li Element" cannot defeat the destruction method, this kind of power can be used against the destruction method. The thumpers, unlike the pure magic faction, can only be thumped or the crowd tactics.

It can be guessed that when Sefilia artificially cultivated Green Wei, her idea was most likely to use magic to defeat magic and use destruction to prevent destruction.

Unexpectedly, the more Greenway grew up, the more he resembled a person. In the end, Sephilia named him Greenway out of nowhere.

Different from that person, Greenway does not have a bad character and has a strong sense of dependence on Sefilia. Who can refuse a disciple who is 90% similar to his old lover but does not have a bad character? .

But there is a law, the more powerful the life, the more difficult it is to cultivate. What Sefilia did was to use the cells of the destruction method to cultivate a new life. The difficulty and risk can be imagined.

There is no doubt that Green Gillian was once a strong person in the top echelon of the void. The worse her character was, the stronger she was. If she were not strong enough, she would have been beaten to death.

Therefore, in Su Xiao's view, the new life cultivated with Green Gillian's cells will definitely face many problems. Even if it succeeds in the end, the life cultivated will also have certain flaws due to its natural strength.

Looking at the sleeping Green Wei lying there, Su Xiao had a feeling that the other person's aura was getting stronger at a weak speed.

Looking at it from another perspective, this girl will gradually become stronger even if she lies down and sleeps, which shows how powerful Green Gillian's cells are.

With such heaven-defying potential, the corresponding price must be very high. Judging from previous contacts, Greene Wei did not show anything unusual.

If you speculate like this, the most likely possibility is that Greene Wei's life cycle will not be long. Ordinary spell casters can live for hundreds, thousands of years, or even longer, but she may only live for thirty or forty years. Ordinary people live shorter lives.

Thinking of this, Su Xiao finally knew why Sefilia was so enthusiastic when she received the Holy Flame Medicine Master this time. As one of the four leaders of the Arcane Eternal Star, she actually went to the Gate of Law to greet him in person. It turned out that it was Ask for help on this matter.

Sefilia most likely did not do these things for herself. To be precise, the existence of Green Wei is of great significance to the entire Arcane Eternal Star.

Spell destroyers are elemental guardians, while spellcasters are elemental devourers. Judging from the current situation, Arcane Eternal Star most likely wants Green Wei to also become an elemental guardian.

The reason is that the chain reaction caused by self-defense and robbery will definitely be smaller than that caused by robbery. At least it will not lead to frequent abyss passages in the void.


Su Xiao spoke again, and Greene Wei, who was sleeping soundly, opened her eyes. She sat up straight and wiped the saliva from the corner of her mouth, saying: "Are you ready to eat? Time flies when you are immersed in the ocean of knowledge. "


Su Xiao didn't say anything. She glanced at the replica book with tooth marks on the side table. She could only say that Green Wei's way of absorbing knowledge was relatively direct.

"gone back."

Su Xiao picked up a few ancient books, put them back in their original places along the way, and walked towards the elevator.


Green Wei followed behind in a huff. She was trying hard to suppress her anger when getting up. She didn't know why. Ever since she was sensible, she had been very angry when getting up, and she knew that it shouldn't be like this, but every time The first time she was woken up while sleeping, she couldn't control herself from getting up and was so angry.

What makes her feel even more ridiculous is that every time she holds back her anger, she has a feeling that she is really great. In the past, she would definitely not be able to help it, but this past is very difficult for her. Strange, as if it doesn't exist at all.

Walking out of the elevator, Su Xiao saw Lu En joking with several girls from the Ful tribe on the first floor of the big library. As a representative sent by the "Magic Faction", that is, "Zhongshi Academy", compared to Winning over the Holy Flame Medicine Master, this guy is more interested in picking up girls and is more active.

Thinking about it, it is unlikely that the four factions of the Arcane Eternal Star will compete with each other to win over the Holy Flame Pharmacist. That will cause the Holy Flame Pharmacist to raise the price, and the ultimate loser will be the Arcane Eternal Star.

The leaders of these four factions should have had secret discussions long ago and decided that this time the "Arcane Faction", that is, the faction led by the mage Sage Sefilia, will win over the Holy Flame Medicine Master, and the other three factions will The arrival of people is more of a manifestation of the importance that the Arcane Eternal Star attaches to the Holy Flame Medicine Master, commonly known as giving face.

"Lu En, stop flirting and go eat."

Greene Wei's shout made Lu En, who was flirting with a girl, his expression darken. Just as he was about to let Greene Wei cool off, he saw Su Xiao standing next to Greene Wei. Lu En said sternly:

"Mr. Shengyan, what are you going to have for dinner? Should we go to the college's restaurant or go to Liguang Manor?" At this time, the food street in Star Square must also be very busy. "

"A quieter place."

"Well, let's go to the college's lakeside restaurant. There shouldn't be anyone there."

Lu En snapped his fingers as he spoke, and the surrounding space fluctuations suddenly gathered. The next moment, the three of them appeared in front of a building, which was the lakeside restaurant.

Walking into it, the mixed aroma of various foods wafted in, making people even hungrier. After a while, the three of them sat down by the window. Outside the window was "Yinyue Lake". Under the evening sun, "Yinyue Lake" "The scenery is picturesque.

Su Xiao gained a lot from this visit to the Great Library of the Void. He has always believed that he can achieve what he has today not only because he dares to fight with powerful enemies, but more importantly, because of his attitude towards knowledge, no matter where he is. , Knowledge is a precious thing. It is the warning about failure recorded by the predecessors after paying unimaginable price and pain, and the shortcut to success.

In addition to the knowledge of various pharmacies and extraordinary tendencies, there are two kinds of information that are equally valuable. The first is about the "Awakening Monument".

Su Xiao has always felt that there are very few magic-killing abilities. From the first level to the ninth level, he has only mastered a few magic-killing abilities.

Now Su Xiao finally knows why this is the case. It's not that he has less skills in the magic-killing system, but that he lacks the means to learn the magic-killing system's abilities. First, he masters the shadow-hunting talent, and after being able to obtain the "magic-killing skill points", this skill point can not only By improving the abilities of Qinggang Shadow and Qingying King, you can also master the magic-killing abilities engraved on the "Awakening Monument".

In addition, it is the correct way to open the [Chapter of Greed]. Su Xiao is ready to test it after returning to the room in the "Lakeside Dormitory". The reason is that the [Chapter of Greed] is not It is unique. Someone has obtained it before. Even now, he has not collected all the [Chapter of Greed], only a large piece.

As a Holy Flame Medicine Master, it is normal to have some treasures with you. More importantly, the probability of Arcane Eternal Star installing surveillance means in that temporary residence is lower than imagined.

Su Xiao came to Arcane Eternal Star this time as the Holy Flame Pharmacist, and was a distinguished guest here. As the overlord of the void, Arcane Eternal Star, when receiving an honored guest, it is reasonable for people to test, and both parties understand this matter. It goes without saying that surveillance methods can be used in the guest's residence. That would not be a solicitation, but an attempt to exert unilateral forceful control.

Su Xiao had already taken precautions against this. Although he had not met the old pharmacists of the Void Pharmacist Guild before, he had achieved a great deal with the older generation of pharmacists by a method that greatly exceeded the level of Void medicine preparation. A deep, but relatively reliable friendship.

The current situation is that the eyes of the older generation of pharmacists are also staring at Su Xiao, just to see how Arcane Eternal Star receives this Holy Flame pharmacist. To be more precise, they are staring at Arcane Eternal Star. How did Eternal Star, the overlord of the void, receive and treat a master of pharmacy.

This situation was naturally brought about by Su Xiao deliberately. He gave up the method of raising the reputation of the older generation of pharmacists based on his own pharmacy skills. After giving each other face with the older generation of pharmacists, the two sides vaguely felt the same hatred. , the feeling of being connected to fame and fortune.

In other words, this is indeed the case. If the Arcane Eternal Star adopts a strong and rude control method to attract the Holy Flame pharmacists, it will definitely be more rough and harsh when dealing with other pharmacists who are far inferior to the Holy Flame. So at this moment, the Arcane Magic All the older and younger generations of pharmacists on the Eternal Star are staring here.

As the representative who received the Holy Flame Medicine Master this time, Sefilia was already aware of this. She had a headache and felt a little tricky. She really didn't expect that things would develop into the arcane Eternal Star's treatment of the Holy Flame. The attitude of a pharmacist is equivalent to the attitude towards pharmacists.

This made Sefilia keenly aware that the Holy Flame Medicine Master was not as casual and kind as he seemed, but this made her feel more at ease. If the Holy Flame was really as casual and kind as he seemed, How could He Shan cooperate with the White Bull forces, and then stay on his own after the cooperation, so that the group of hungry wolves under White Bull would not pounce on him and bite him.

After the meal, Su Xiao walked out of the lakeside restaurant. On a dimly moonlit night, half of the rooms in the lakeside dormitory diagonally across the street were lit with lights. Together with the "Silver Moon Lake" reflecting the blue-silver moonlight on the water surface, the beauty of the night view and the slightly cool breeze The fresh air makes people feel refreshed.

"Mr. Shengyan, see you later."

Rune's ability to activate space disappeared. Seeing this, Su Xiao walked towards the lakeside dormitory. After a while, he stopped in the corridor with red carpet and windows on one side, looking at a door.

The room is very quiet, presumably. The goddess who lives here temporarily has been hiding in a friend's house to avoid various traps of the exterminator. Now that she has come to the Arcane Eternal Star, she is sure that the extinguisher does not dare to come here, so she naturally wants to go. Visit "Laiguang Manor" or "Star Square" to your heart's content.

Pushing open the door of the next door, Su Xiao walked in, sat on the single sofa, and said, "What a coincidence, it turns out you live here too."

While Su Xiao was speaking, she picked up the hot tea brought by Penny, took a sip, and looked sideways at Green Wei who was standing aside. The girl had been following behind her since she came out of the lakeside restaurant.


Green Wei looked embarrassed, and she scratched her head. Even she herself didn't know why she came here. She seemed to be sleepwalking just now, and she followed naturally.

"Well, well, oh! By the way, I am here to ensure the safety of Mr. Sheng Yan."

Greene Wei smiled heartily, showing her neat little white teeth, and she was already giving herself a thumbs up for her ability to adapt to situations.


Su Xiao glanced at Green Wei again, which meant that Baha was not there. If Baha was there, he would have made two slanderous remarks.

"Mr. Sheng Yan, I live next door. To be honest, I was hiding my aura before. I am actually very good at fighting. Rune can't even beat me, otherwise he would have beaten me long ago."

After saying this, Greenway showed a cheerful smile. This was most likely because during the "Zhongshi Academy" period, she and her friends often tricked Lu En, who was a top student in the legal system.

"It's getting late, go back to sleep."


Green Willow reluctantly left the room. Before closing the door, he specifically said that he must go to the next door to wake her up when he left in the morning.

After Green Wei left, Su Xiao's brows gradually furrowed. He had discovered that Green Wei's existence was a hidden danger for him. What was even more troublesome was that this risk could not be eliminated at this stage.

At this moment, he has determined that Green Wei was cultivated by Sephilia using the cells of her old friend, the female annihilator, Green Gillian.

Because of this, Greene Wei behaved just now. She was subconsciously willing to follow Su Xiao because the power of both parties came from the same source. This caused Greene Wei to have a natural affinity for Su Xiao without even realizing it. sense of recognition.

Don't forget, this is the Arcane Eternal Star. A large number of spellcasters are here, and the power of magic is shrouded here. This also results in Greene Wei, who is closely related to the Spell Destroyer, always in the 'enemy camp', and she has no clue about it. Unknowingly, he was in the enemy's base camp.

Under the influence of this external environment, after Greene Wei met Su Xiao, she instinctively felt close to Su Xiao, so she was subconsciously willing to follow Su Xiao, and she was reluctant to leave this room. This has nothing to do with emotions, emotions, etc., but she feels that staying here has an indescribable sense of relaxation.

In Su Xiao's view, this is a risk. Once Sefilia asks Green Wei about this, with Sefilia's sensitivity, she will immediately notice that something is wrong.

Don't forget, this woman has participated in the final battle with the Destruction Law. Except for the occasional confrontation with Green Gillian, under normal circumstances, this woman is a particularly difficult and powerful enemy.

After thinking for a while, Su Xiao decided that not only could Greenway not be driven away for various reasons, but she should always be her guide in the Arcane Eternal Star. She must keep the other party so busy that she would not have time to see Sefilia. .

Su Xiao's idea is to say that Green Wei has the qualifications to become a top pharmacist. As a master of medicine, it is normal for Shengyan Medicine Master to have the habit of cherishing talents.

In this regard, both Arcane Eternal Star and Sefilia will feel gratified and will strongly support Greenway's study of pharmacy. In any case, the pharmacists recruited have not trained their own family members to become top pharmacists. good.

As for whether Greene Wei really has a talent for pharmacy, it doesn't matter. The pharmacy system that Su Xiao masters is different from other pharmacists in the void. In addition, his pharmacy level can hang up and beat those void pharmacists.

Of course, this plan is not without its shortcomings. It can only be effective in the short term. In addition, it will make Greenway herself particularly confused. Presumably, this energetic girl will not only become a doctor after seeing a large number of pharmacological patterns in the book He looked confused, had to put on a mask of pain, and doubted himself all the time, for example: 'Am I really a genius in pharmacy? Why can't I understand it at all? What on earth is Teacher Shengyan talking about? I can obviously understand every word, but when they are put together, I can’t understand it at all? ’

Having made up her mind, Su Xiao looked at Beni who was lazing aside: "Go next door and find Greene Wei."


Penny raised the tip of her tail, stood up lazily, stretched, and went to the next room to find Green Way.

After a while, the sleepy Green Wei stood in front, her hair a little scattered, and she said: "Mr. Sheng Yan, do you have anything to do with me?"

"Going to bed so early?"

While Lidya Su was speaking, he glanced at the clock. It was only half past seven.

"Well, that's right. My mentor told me to practice diligently. I can't live up to her high expectations."

At the end of the speech, Greenway breathed a sigh of relief.


Su Xiao didn't say anything, but then she thought about it and realized that what the other party said was actually right. In Greene Wei's case, after the other party falls asleep, the body cells will be more stable, which will lead to the body's potential being fully stimulated and the elemental affinity to skyrocket.

As a result, the opponent's speed of getting stronger while sleeping is indeed faster than that of practicing hard. Therefore, for Green Wei, practicing diligently = sleeping well.

Su Xiao took out a scroll, unfolded it, and placed it on the small table in front of him. The parchment was all gray and white, with cracks in some places, giving it a simple sense of history, as if it had existed for more than ten thousand years.

The main body of this parchment is a circular array with a complex structure. Above it, there are six transparent gems the size of rice grains.

"Greene Wei, in your opinion, what does it take to become a pharmacist?"


"not enough."


"not enough."



Su Xiao looked at Green Wei up and down, and nodded with satisfaction.

"I, I won't be..."

As Greene Wei spoke, there was a bit of surprise and surprise in her eyes.

"Well, you are very talented. Put your hand on it."

Hearing Su Xiao's words, Greene Wei hesitated for a few seconds, then raised his hand to press the array pattern in the center of the parchment. The next moment, the light shone brightly, and the six gems on the parchment not only completely lit up, but also Exploded to pieces one after another.

Green Wei took a half step back, looked down at the broken parchment, then looked up at Su Xiao, and said: "This is... expensive."

"It's not expensive, just tens of thousands of soul coins."

While Su Xiao was talking, he asked Beini to pack up all the gray parchment scattered on the carpet. The actual value of this thing is about a hundred soul coins. It is used when signing the contract. However, this thing is rare and is used to deceive. Greenway, that's totally fine.


Green Wei took a breath. Although she was Sefilia's disciple, due to her personality, every time she had money, she almost spent it all the next day. Tens of thousands of soul coins were a huge sum for her. A huge amount of money that I would never be able to repay without asking for help from my mentor.

It is worth mentioning that this prodigal talent is most likely 'inherited' from Green Gillian.

Knowing that the parchment she had destroyed was worth tens of thousands of soul coins, Greene Wei's eyes began to dodge. If he whistled again, people would exclaim, holy shit, could it be that the female exterminator was resurrected?


The cat Penny on the side screamed, attracting Greene Wei's attention. At some point, an IOU was drawn up, waiting for Greene Wei to sign it, which made Greene Wei's face full of doubts about life.

After Su Xiao raised his hand to signal Penny to stop teasing Greene Wei, he said: "Same as my observation, you are very talented in pharmacy."


Greenway said in a long voice? She made a sound, her eyes were confused and confused, and she pointed at herself with suspicion, with an expression that almost said: 'Just me? Have a talent for pharmacy? ’

It’s no wonder that Greenway was like this. When she was sick, she took the wrong medicine and almost died. However, her cells and her mentor invited famous doctors to save her.

Ignoring Green Wei's confused mood, Su Xiao continued: "Contact your instructor and ask her to come. I have something to discuss with her."

Hearing this, Greene Wei asked tentatively: "Is it a matter of compensation?"


Lidya Su said nothing, which made Green Wei feel a little guilty.

Ten minutes later, there was a knock on the door, and immediately, Sefilia, wearing a golden and white robe, walked into the room. At this moment, she could see a bit of sternness in her eyebrows.

"Mr. Sheng Yan, what trouble did my disciple get into?"

While Sefilia was speaking, she stared at Greene Wei calmly. Greene Wei, who subconsciously wanted to quibble, lowered her head in timidity. It could be said that tilting her head to the side showed her final stubbornness.

After Sefilia sat down, Benny served hot tea, and after smiling and nodding to Benny, Sefilia's eyes focused on Su Xiao again.

"It's not like getting into trouble. I discovered that your disciple Green Wei is very talented in pharmacy. With a little training, he can become a pharmacist..."

Just when Su Xiao was speaking halfway, Sefilia, who was drinking tea, stopped. She looked at Su Xiao who was sitting on the single sofa across from her with suspicion. After putting down the tea cup, she said: "Mr. Shengyan, this kind of joke It’s better not to open it…”

"It's not a joke. The potion science I master is somewhat special. It depends on the talent in soul perception. Greene Wei's talent in this area may be better than mine."

As Su Xiao spoke, she looked at Green Wei.

The reason why Su Xiao said this was both well-founded and nonsense. The pharmacy he mastered certainly did not depend on his talent in soul sensing. As for Greene Wei's talent in this area, it was a guess.

The "Soul-Breaking Shadow" ability that Su Xiao mastered was developed by Green Jillian. Will a person who can develop the "Soul-Breaking Shadow" ability be less talented in soul characteristics? To be precise, it is very likely to be ranked among the top in the entire void.

Greene Way was cultivated from Greene Gillian's cells, and everyone knew from the heel that Greene Way's talent in the soul must be extraordinary.

As expected, after hearing what Su Xiao said, Sefilia was slightly moved, and she turned her head to look at her disciple.

"Mr. Shengyan, are you going to teach Greene about pharmacy? Or are you going to accept her as a disciple?"

Sefilia's tone was calm, but actually a little tentative.

"Forget about being a disciple, I can teach her pharmacy."


Sefilia couldn't figure out Su Xiao's purpose for a while. She pondered for a moment and said, "The pharmacist's knowledge is kept secret..."

Hearing this, Su Xiao interrupted Sefilia and asked: "Who said that?"

As soon as Su Xiao said this, Sefilia couldn't answer the question. She couldn't say that all the pharmacists in the Medicine Guild were like this.

Regarding this aspect, Su Xiao will not teach Green Wei pharmacy for a long time, and will teach the basics first. Moreover, after a period of contact, Su Xiao has a certain degree of confidence in Green Wei, that is, this character is somewhat A young girl who is out of touch will most likely not learn anything. This can be seen from how directly the other party 'ingests' knowledge in the Void Library.

Therefore, Su Xiao is not worried about cultivating pharmacists for the Arcane Eternal Star, thereby making enemies possible. In addition, he has also solved the hidden danger of Greene Wei, so that the opponent will be madly 'tortured' by the vast pharmacy science in the recent period, thus avoiding the possibility of co-operation. The source of power resonates again, exposing Su Xiao's identity as a destroyer.

Of course, teaching Green Wei Pharmacy is not without cost. Su Xiao proposed to think of the "Black Maple Courtyard" of Arcane Eternal Star to see with her own eyes what the rumored black maple tree looked like.

In this regard, Sefilia declined, but Su Xiao discovered that the other party was not firm in refusing, and seemed to have absolute confidence in the defensive strength of the "Black Maple Courtyard".

After noticing this kind of information, Su Xiao felt relieved. The stronger the defense force of "Black Maple Courtyard", the higher the probability that he can go there openly, thus completing the travel mission "Visit here to destroy the law." .

"Travel mission: Extermination is here: After arriving at the Arcane Eternal Star, you need to go to Zhongshi Academy, Clock Tower, Void Library, Black Maple Courtyard, and Elemental Wetland.

Mission reward: The permission to randomly draw team skill cards (the lower limit to the upper limit of the draw is team skill card Lv.30~Lv.EX). "

Going to the "Black Maple Courtyard" is one of Su Xiao's main purposes for coming to the Arcane Eternal Star as the Holy Flame Medicine Master. This is not only to complete the travel mission, but there is also a more important point.

Su Xiao also has a black maple tree of his own. Although due to the incomparable environment in Samsara Paradise and the use of [World Core (Fragment)] as 'fertilizer' regardless of cost, the quality of the output of his black maple tree is, Significantly above average.

But even so, Su Xiao still wanted to see how the Arcane Eternal Star cultivates black maple trees in the "Black Maple Courtyard". In any case, black maple trees have been cultivated here for thousands of years. In many ways, it will Have unique understanding and experience.

Su Xiao was never so arrogant that she thought she had cultivated the black maple trees to the best of her ability, so it was still necessary to go to the "Black Maple Courtyard" to have a look.


Beini jumped on Su Xiao's lap, curled up in a ball, and prepared to sleep for a while. On the single sofa, Su Xiao started to rub Beanie, and she was also thinking about one thing in her mind, that is, Sefilia told outsiders to go to "Black Maple" courtyard" attitude.

Judging from the attitude of the other party just now, although she refused, it was not a particularly firm refusal. This is undoubtedly a good sign. Most things or things in this world are valuable. The attitude of Sefilia just now, It can only be said that Su Xiao's bid is not high enough, rather than fundamentally rejecting the transaction.

Considering the importance Sefilia attaches to Green Way and the short-lived physique caused by Green Way's own cells, it is quite obvious what kind of offer they want.

However, Su Xiao cannot take the initiative to propose this matter. He has to wait for it to be found over there, and then he chooses to accept the deal with a somewhat embarrassing and tricky attitude. Only in this way can the "Arcane Celebration" officially begin. , successfully went to "Black Maple Garden".

After being confident, Su Xiao began to think about another thing, which was how to obtain three ancient books on the fifth floor of the Void Library without stealing.

Prince Tingfeng said that although there are many ancient books on the fifth floor of the Great Library of the Void, they are all precious. Only the Howling Wind King and the Supreme Being are qualified to lead this matter.

Su Xiao would never meet the latter, and judging from the attitude of the senior officials of Arcane Eternal Star, it seemed that they were not prepared to let him, as the Holy Flame Medicine Master, meet the Supreme Being. For Su Xiao, this was a good thing. Being in the Arcane Eternal Star with the Supreme Being, he felt uneasy. If he talked after meeting, he might not know what would happen.

In other words, as long as the Howling King is defeated, it is entirely possible to use the other party's authority to retrieve three ancient books on the fifth floor of the Void Library for trade.

But one thing is that this transaction must not only satisfy the personal interests of King Howling Wind and the factions under his command, but also satisfy the interests of all factions in the entire Arcane Eternal Star. Only in this way can the mouths of all spellcasters be blocked. After all, the Great Library of the Void belongs to the Arcane Eternal Star, not to King Howling, who is only responsible for its jurisdiction.

After weighing for a moment, Su Xiao decided to take out one of his trump cards, which was the high-level permanent gain potion [Ocean Liquid].

The effect of [Ocean Original Liquid] is to increase the strength and toughness of mental power, which is an irresistible temptation for spellcasters. When he cooperated with Bainiu to sell potions, [Ocean Original Liquid] was among them, but it was a weakening effect. A weakened version of the version.

Even so, Arcane Eternal Star still has a strong interest in that version of [Ocean Liquid].

What Su Xiao is going to take out now is an enhanced version of the enhanced version. The so-called normal version of [Ocean Liquid] is the finished medicine prepared by Su Xiao in his normal state.

The enhanced version is a perfect level achieved by relying on the ability "Luck of Robbery" derived from the luck attribute.

What Su Xiao is preparing to prepare at this time is the pinnacle that can be achieved by wearing the seven-star title [Miracle Maker]. This title was obtained by him in the dead world, and its characteristics are:

【Miracle Maker】

Origin: Tree of Void

Quality: ★★★★★★★

Category: title

Title effect: When manufacturing, you will have a chance to enter the peak state of manufacturing you can achieve, thereby creating a "miracle" grade that surpasses the "perfect" grade.

Introduction: Is this a miracle? No, this is the pinnacle you can reach. Breaking through perfection is what a maker should pursue.

Selling price: Not for sale.

Although it is necessary to prepare an enhanced version of [Ocean Essence], there is one thing to avoid, that is, the positioning of this potion must not be oriented towards the high-level combat power of the Arcane Eternal Star.

Therefore, Su Xiao needs to prepare a permanent buff potion that is strong enough but only suitable for use by middle and low-level spellcasters to avoid increasing the strength of Arcane Eternal Star's high-level combat power, which will lead to subsequent conflicts with Arcane Eternal Star. suffered a loss in the game.

In this case, the characteristics of [Ocean Liquid] alone are not enough. It is best to not only greatly improve the mental strength and toughness, but also enhance the potential in this area, so that this can become a spellcasting genius among the younger generation. Potion qualified to drink.

Overlord forces like Arcane Eternal Star, of course, give top priority to the training of the younger generation.

In this way, the value of this potion in the Arcane Eternal Star is guaranteed, and the enemy is avoided.

When these caster geniuses who drink [Ocean Liquid] grow up, it will be the year of the monkey and the moon. Before that, either Su Xiao will be defeated by the Arcane Eternal Star, or the Arcane Eternal Star will be destroyed by Su Xiao's hands.

Thinking of this, Su Xiao paid more attention to the preparation of the improved + enhanced version of [Ocean Liquid]. After all, this was to be exchanged for ancient books, and the quality must be excellent.

Pushing open the door of the study room, Su Xiao began to transform the place into a pharmaceutical preparation room.

At twelve o'clock that night, Su Xiao sat in front of the mixing table and began to mix the potion.

After wearing the title of [Miracle Maker], he usually didn't feel much. But after Su Xiao raised his hand and picked up the mixing vessel, everything around him seemed to have changed in just an instant. It was like the whole world, except for the mixing table and the various items on it. The utensils, materials, etc., and other surrounding objects no longer existed, and became completely white. All his efforts and energy were focused on preparing the medicine.

Time passed by repeated preparations and trials. Unknowingly, the light of the early morning sun came through the gaps in the curtains. Su Xiao took off the title of [Miracle Maker] and broke away from the state of full concentration on the preparation of potions. Although this state is powerful, it puts a heavy burden on the spirit and soul. Fortunately, he is very strong in both aspects.

Press the last crystal bottle into the stable semi-fluid of the wooden box, and a total of 20 improved + enhanced versions of [Ocean Liquid] are prepared.

【Ocean Liquid (Miracle)】

Origin: Holy Flame Apothecary

Quality: Immortal level

Type: permanent gain potion

Effect: After drinking, the strength and toughness of mental power will be greatly improved, and within the following 30 to 40 natural days, the potential for mental power growth will be increased to a certain extent.

Miracle level bonus: After drinking, a total of 15 points of real intelligence attributes will be increased within the next 50 natural days.

Tip: This potion is effective when the real intelligence attribute is below 130 points, and will be invalid if it is used repeatedly.

Score: 1493 points (the score of immortal quality medicine is 1000~1500 points)

Introduction: To be determined.

Price: TBD.

It would be difficult for the senior officials of the four Arcane Eternal Star factions to refuse potions with such effects.

Among the four factions here, the arcane faction led by Sefilia has the richest resources, the elemental faction of King Howling is the most united internally, and the magic faction of Dean Guya is the academy of "Nakatoki Academy" The faction has the widest connections, and the soul faction led by Mr. Soul is the most special.

Su Xiao had met other people from the Soul Faction in the Void Library before, and what impressed him most was the other person's imagination.

This is not a metaphor, but a description of the appearance. On the right side of the soul faction member's forehead and on both sides of his head, there are holes as thick as an index finger. The inside is dark, and no brain tissue can be seen, but there is some leakage. .

Seeing this appearance, Su Xiao immediately thought of a force called the Soul Clock Tower in the Dark Star World. At the moment, it seemed that that force was simply imitating the Soul Faction of the Arcane Eternal Star.

It is very likely that the introductory secret method of the Arcane Eternal Star Soul Faction was accidentally obtained by the indigenous people of the Dark Star World, and they followed suit and established the Soul Clock Tower. The "soul" represents ability, and the word "clock tower" comes from The Great Clock Tower on the Arcane Eternal.

However, the Soul Clock Tower in the Dark Star World has only learned how to use their imaginations to release the soul power in a more comprehensive way. The essence of the Arcane Eternal Star Soul Faction and soul spells have not been learned at all. Otherwise, the Soul Clock Tower would have ruled the entire Dark Star World.

But one thing is that not all members of the Arcane Eternal Star Soul Faction can use their imagination. For example, Sugar, with his soul talent, does not need to use his imagination to release the soul power more thoroughly.

One sentence to describe the soul faction of Arcane Eternal Star is very accurate, that is, the soul talent is not enough, you have to use your imagination to make up. There is a secret method here. The more you use your imagination, the stronger the talent potential of the soul. On the contrary, when the brain is After the number of holes exceeds 2, the person concerned will become more extreme and paranoid as the number of holes increases.

Because of this, compared to the other three factions, people from the soul faction generally do not appear in too public places, and their number of members is small. The total number of members is only a few hundred.

This relatively extreme ability characteristic makes them naturally responsible for the management of the underground prisons and other areas of the Arcane Eternal Star. Not to mention outsiders, even the casters of the Arcane Eternal Star and those who mention the soul faction are all An expression that is hard to describe.

Su Xiao picked up the wooden box containing 20 bottles of [Ocean Liquid]. Although these potions were precious, they were not as valuable as the three ancient books on the fifth floor of the Void Library.

In this case, some measures must be taken. For example, these 20 bottles of [Ocean Original Liquid] are just a deposit, and 50 bottles can be provided later. No, 80 bottles can be provided. Anyway, Su Xiao is not prepared to honor it. As long as it does not appear to be too exaggerated, the promised Of course the more the better.

As one of the four leaders of the Arcane Eternal Star, Howling King is naturally an old man. He cannot be fooled by purely verbal checks, but Su Xiao can sign the contract. To be precise, it is the Holy Flame Medicine Master who signs the contract.

A contract with a heavy price for breaking the contract + a deposit of 20 bottles of [Ocean Liquid]. Even if Howling King hesitates, Sefilia will definitely make a statement. After all, Sefilia is this time Winning over the main person in charge of the Holy Flame Pharmacist and asking the Holy Flame Pharmacist to sign a contract with the Arcane Eternal Star will secure the win.

As for the contract signed, this is the contract signed by the Holy Flame Medicine Master. The binding force is on this disguised identity. Don't forget that even Wood, a devil, recognizes Su Xiao as the 'contract master'.


Su Xiao handed the wooden box containing 20 bottles of [Ocean Liquid] to Beni, and added: "Send it to the elemental faction, give it to Prince Feng or his father."


Beni pretended to put the wooden box containing 20 bottles of [Ocean Liquid] into her small storage space, but after thinking about it, she chose to put it on the flying carpet in case she met people from the other three factions on the way. Cutting off, that would be better. The more chaotic the relationship with the four factions of Arcane Eternal Star is now, the lower the risk of being here.

On the flying carpet, Penny looked up at the simplified map on the wall and began to plan the delivery route.

After Beini went out, Su Xiao looked at the time. Not only did he not sleep last night, he had basically not rested since leaving Samsara Paradise except for the occasional nap. A moment later, he was lying on the bed in the bedroom, as if before going to bed. As if bored, I took out the [Chapter of Greed] and played with it.

From a previous record in the Void Library, Su Xiao learned the correct way to open the [Chapter of Greed].

First of all, this thing is not played naked with mental power. After the mental body enters it, it must first build its own "soul image".

Every time you fight, you can make your "soul image" have four different characteristics that can be switched, namely: soul of strength, soul of agility, soul of body, and soul of wisdom.

To be more precise, it is to focus on choosing a suitable characteristic to deal with different "soul embodiments".

For example, when fighting against "Soul Embodiment - Dark Crow", it would be better to switch your own "Soul Embodiment" to the Soul of Wisdom, so that you can use a wide range of mental characteristics to limit the crows flying in the sky, and avoid being attacked by crows. After the swarm is enveloped, it will cause a continuous vitality intake effect.

Thinking of this, Su Xiao put a small amount of his mental power into the [Chapter of Greed] in his hand. The next second, the scene in front of him blurred, followed by a dragging feeling in his mental body.

When the vision returned, there was a hazy gray fog around it, and in front of it was an ancient but solid metal door. Just push this door open, and you can enter the battle site where you will fight the Dark Crow. Su Xiao is very familiar with this. , after all, I have been here dozens of times.

Although Su Xiao has always maintained a "normal mind" regarding the first "Soul Avatar - Dark Crow" that he could not defeat, he still had the feeling that he might not be able to defeat the "Chapter of Greed" in this life. You must know that every " The combat power of "Soul Embodiment" will increase incrementally.

In the past, when there were only fragments of the [Chapter of Greed], he used it to challenge the Holy Cultivator, the Butcher of Creatures, and the tenth generation Tianba Qin's daughter.

I have long forgotten the specific number of times I was beheaded during the battle with the Holy Cultivator, and I might as well not mention the battle against the stronger Creature Butcher.

As for the tenth generation Tianba Qin's daughter, Su Xiao had never beaten her until the [Chapter of Greed] was completed. Although Qin's daughter's sword skills are as delicate as water, they are full of toughness, soft yet powerful, and have needles hidden in the cotton.

Especially when you are very close, the opponent throws away his knife and fights. Although he is hugged by the beauty, once the opponent's throat is tied up, within 0.5 seconds, everything in front of you will become dark, and any escape technique will be useless. Once restrained, you will immediately be trapped. Nope.

In the gray mist, Su Xiao raised his hand and found that his hand was translucent. This time he entered the [Chapter of Greed] with his spiritual body. It was different from the past. There was no longer that sense of entity, but a bit more of what a spiritual body should have. Illusion and translucency.

This is a change brought about by building a special "soul seal" inside the spiritual body. It is precisely because of this soul seal that Su Xiao can build his own "soul image" here.

Su Xiao stretched one hand forward, and traces of soul energy spread out from his hand, gradually forming a human shape in the gray mist in front. As more and more soul energy was released, the vague human shape began to gradually solidify, and the body, facial features, etc. , all began to feel similar to Su Xiao himself.

Su Xiao stopped releasing soul energy, and the prototype of the "soul image" has been constructed. Next is the selection of characteristics. After choosing one from the soul of power, the soul of agility, the soul of body, and the soul of wisdom, he can use his spirit to body, enter this "soul image", and use it as the body in the [Chapter of Greed] to defeat the Dark Crow.

When Su Xiao was in the "naked" stage of his spiritual body, he was almost able to defeat the Dark Crow. If he put on a suit of equipment and had a "soul image" to support his basic attributes, he would definitely win against the Dark Crow.

However, when Su Xiao tried to choose the characteristics of this "soul image", he found that, unlike what was recorded in that book, although he sensed the soul of strength, the soul of agility, the soul of body, and the soul of wisdom, this body The four characteristics within the "soul image" are all in a state of silence.

Not only that, in addition to these four soul characteristics, this soul body actually has a fifth soul characteristic, which is a blood-red soul characteristic, and its name is the blood soul.

To be more precise, Su Xiao could not choose to give this "soul image" the soul of power, the soul of agility, the soul of body, the soul of wisdom, nor even its unique soul of blood.

Although it could not be given, Su Xiao discovered that he could enhance the blood soul of this "soul statue". Realizing this, he pressed one hand on the "soul statue", and after the blood energy spread from his hand, It turns into a thread of flesh and blood and pierces into this "soul image".

As the blood energy submerged into the "soul image", the blood soul inside it immediately absorbed the blood energy and began to grow. At the same time, a prompt appeared.

[You have activated the soul image·Nightmare Blood Shadow]

[Soul Embodiment·Nightmare Blood Shadow]

Affiliation: The hunter's special clone/incarnation.

Soul of Power: C (E-~S+ level).

Soul of Sensitivity: C+

Body Soul: D

Soul of Wisdom: D

Soul of Luck: E-

Skill 1: Master of Sword Skills (Passive, Lv.55), the highest level of this ability does not exceed the hunter himself (that is, the highest level does not exceed Lv.70).

Tip: If the Hunter's sword master ability is increased, the upper limit of Nightmare Blood Shadow's sword skill level will also be increased.

Skill 2: Frenzy Blood Nightmare (Passive, Lv.EX), all melee attacks carry blood erosion damage, and subsequent real bleeding damage.

Skill 3: Soul-Blood Resonance (Passive, Lv. EX). After absorbing the blood of the hunter, Nightmare Blood Shadow's strength, agility, body, and intelligence will all be improved, and will be awakened at each stage. ability.

Seeing the information about Nightmare Blood Shadow, Su Xiao felt suspicious. No matter how he looked at the current situation, his spiritual body could not enter this "soul image". This "soul image" was obviously about to become An independent individual.

Judging from the data, as long as Su Xiao infuses blood into this "soul image", its overall combat power will increase.

Regarding blood, Su Xiao naturally had no shortage of it. After the blood in his body was consumed, it could be restored at a very fast speed. He simply released one-third of the blood in his body and injected it into "Soul Embodiment·Nightmare Blood Shadow" Inside.

The next moment, the blood energy wrapped the "soul image·nightmare blood shadow" in it, forming a giant cocoon of blood energy several meters high. The blood energy threads as thin as hair were tightly coiled to form a pointed cone shape.

After a few seconds, the blood color of this giant cocoon of blood began to fade, showing signs of exhaustion. The nightmare blood shadow inside became more and more erratic, and seemed to be about to collapse.

Su Xiao didn't know why the "soul image" he built after getting the special soul mark was not without characteristics, but a nightmare blood shadow. He estimated that this might be because of his 650-point soul strength, and also because of the His own aura was created by absorbing the blood from the ancient battlefield. These two key factors led to the appearance of the nightmare blood shadow.

It is unknown whether there is such an opportunity to let the nightmare blood shadow dissipate and then form a "soul image" later. Thinking of this, he injected the remaining blood energy in his body into the giant cocoon of blood energy.

With a large amount of blood, the faded blood cocoon immediately turned dark red. Time passed by, and about ten minutes later, the blood cocoon exploded, and a figure nearly two and a half meters tall stood in the mix. In the blood-soaked gray mist, this is the blood shadow of a nightmare.

The nightmare blood shadow at this moment is holding a 1.3 meter long black knife. The image is shirtless and the lower body is a tattered black cloth like a skirt. The face is wearing a bone mask, and the long black hair is messy.

Threads of blood were connected between Su Xiao and Nightmare Blood Shadow. Seeing this, Su Xiao used mental fluctuations as instructions and gave the first command to Nightmare Blood Shadow to move forward.

A burst of chaotic mental fluctuations came over. This mental fluctuation was violent, crazy, and murderous, but it was also fleeting.

If you are not good at dealing with fleshy people, this one blow alone is enough to make people fall into madness for a period of time. However, for Su Xiao, this mental fluctuation is just a drizzle and cannot affect his mind at all.

Even so, in Su Xiao's view, this is also a wake-up call. The appearance of the nightmare blood shadow has many coincidences and randomness.

According to the records he knew, the [Chapter of Greed] has existed for many years, and many people have obtained it. However, those who have defeated all the "soul images" inside it are very rare. At least those who wrote personal biographies in famous books, I have never been able to defeat the 10 "Soul Statues" in the [Chapter of Greed].

Su Xiao never thought that he could do things that others couldn't do easily. The scenes of being taught how to be a human being by [Chapter of Greed] are still vivid in his memory at this moment. Therefore, he is very self-aware in his heart and uses conventional methods. , I really may not be able to get through [Chapter of Greed].

At present, although Nightmare Blood Shadow is full of evil, it may also be a possibility to get through the [Chapter of Greed]. In other aspects, Su Xiao dare not say that he is better than the owners of the [Chapter of Greed] in the past. But in terms of breath and soul strength, he still has some confidence.

With Su Xiao's control, the nightmare blood shadow moved forward, and the blood and energy threads connecting him and the nightmare blood shadow became thinner and thinner, and finally they were pulled together into one.

After walking about a hundred meters, Su Xiao felt that the blood line connecting him and the blood shadow was stretched to its longest length. If he continued, the blood line would temporarily dissipate. When the nightmare blood shadow was within a hundred meters away from him, it would resume again. Appear.

Su Xiao tried to check the information about Nightmare Blood Shadow, but something he didn't expect happened. He could check all the information just now, but now he could only check the upper part. The information about abilities below were all turned into blurry blood fonts, and he couldn't see it at all. I don’t understand. The information currently available is:

Soul of Power: B- (will be promoted to A- after releasing the Blood Bind)

Soul of Sensitivity: B (will be promoted to A after releasing the blood constraint)

Body Soul: C+ (will be promoted to B after the blood shackle is released)

Soul of Wisdom: C+ (will be promoted to B after releasing the Blood Bind)

Soul of Luck: E-

The so-called blood beam is the blood line between Su Xiao and Nightmare Blood Shadow. Su Xiao can clearly feel that when the blood beam exists, he can completely control the nightmare blood shadow to fight, and when he temporarily removes the blood beam, nightmare blood shadow Will enter 'fully automatic' state.

Su Xiao's various abilities have nothing to do with the control system. Therefore, in his opinion, controlling the nightmare blood shadow in battle is not a good strategy and cannot bring out its full combat power.

Although there may be some risks, fighting in the [Chapter of Greed] and temporarily lifting the blood shackles on the nightmare blood shadow is the best way to fight the enemy.

Su Xiao controlled the nightmare blood shadow. As he controlled it, the nightmare blood shadow gradually disappeared and followed behind him in an invisible state.

Coming to the old metal door, Su Xiao pushed a door with both hands and pushed it open.


As the door opened, a circular battle arena came into view. The area was surrounded by a wall of gray upward flowing fog, the ground was black rock, and above was an oversized chandelier, covered with crows.

As Su Xiao walked into the battle arena, the door behind him slammed shut, locking it and turning into a wall of upward flowing fog.

With a cry, a figure landed from top to bottom. She was wearing a black witch robe, a loose jumpsuit hood on her head, and a ruby ​​pendant hanging around her neck. The cuffs of the witch robe were wide, and she held the long handle in one hand. Holding a war scythe and standing barefoot on the ground, this is the first witch in history, Dark Crow.


Silks of cold mist exhaled from Dark Crow's mouth, and the blade of the war scythe made a sound of cutting through the air. The tip of Dark Crow's index finger brushed against the blade of the war scythe, and the blade made a sharp sound.

At this moment, Dark Crow was staring at Su Xiao with bright red eyes in the center of his pupils, and his half-smiling expression seemed to say: ‘You are here to die again. ’

Of course, Su Xiao didn't come to die this time. The next moment, the nightmare blood shadow appeared behind him, and he also lifted the blood bundle.

Dark red blood suddenly appeared behind Su Xiao, a blood shadow suddenly swept out, and the blade slashed towards Dark Crow's throat.

when! !

Sparks flew, the blades of the long sword and the war scythe collided, the dark red and purple auras dissipated, impacting the crow on the chandelier above to pieces, and the broken crow feathers scattered down.


The sharp sound of the slash spread, and the Dark Crow passed by the blood shadow of Nightmare. However, the Dark Crow's neck was spattered with blood.

Seeing this, Su Xiao knew that the victory over the Dark Crow was already certain. Nightmare Blood Shadow's combat power in the [Chapter of Greed] was not even a bit stronger than the Dark Crow.

The moment this idea appeared, the sound of breaking wind hit him. Although Su Xiao was in a spiritual body at this time and his overall combat power was limited by the Chapter of Greed, he still had combat experience and intuition.

Su Xiao leaned back as much as possible and felt that the blade slashed in front of him and cut off several of his hair.

After leaning back to the limit, Su Xiao put one hand on the ground and used the strength of his arms to make his whole body leap into the sky. But in the next moment, dark red blood energy came towards him.


The blade screamed.


Su Xiao, who was lying on the bed, suddenly opened his eyes. After looking at the ceiling for a few seconds, he raised his hand and looked at the [Chapter of Greed] in his hand. Just a few seconds ago, he was beheaded by the nightmare blood shadow. This The thing is both powerful and very growth-producing, but it does not distinguish between friend and foe. Before defeating Dark Crow, it rushed to Su Xiao.

Su Xiao didn't care about this. His goal was to clear the [Chapter of Greed] and obtain a total of 55 gold skill points, as well as rewards corresponding to the strong ones he defeated.

In terms of improving combat experience with [Chapter of Greed], let alone this kind of immortal battle, which does not improve combat experience much. As a hunter in Samsara Paradise, will Su Xiao lack the opportunity to fight? In the mission world, battles are simply daily life. In each world, one or two battles to the death with strong men are required, sometimes up to three or four battles.

This also leads to the fact that once Su Xiao is unable to defeat the "Soul Image" in the [Chapter of Greed] with his mental state and obtain a reward, then this equipment will be useless to him. As a hunter, he really There is no shortage of fighting opportunities at all.

At this time, Su Xiao wanted to determine one thing, which was whether the battle between Nightmare Blood Shadow and Dark Crow would continue after he was 'killed' in the Chapter of Greed.

If it can continue, then the characteristics of the Chapter of Greed equipment will change from a personal combat equipment to a blood shadow growth equipment.

The characteristic of Nightmare Blood Shadow is that after absorbing the blood energy released by Su Xiao, the comprehensive combat power of Nightmare Blood Shadow will continue to grow, which is equivalent to a substitute fighter that can continuously grow in combat power.

While Su Xiao was thinking, a prompt appeared.

[Reminder: You have defeated the Soul Avatar·Dark Crow. 】

[You gain gold skill points x 1. 】

[You obtain the first witch in history, the Soul of the Crow (this kind of complete strong soul is probabilistically obtained after defeating the soul image). 】

[You obtain the Will Crystal·Wild Hunt (exclusive characteristic material, which can be catalyzed by consuming soul crystals to greatly improve its quality. This item has great gain, exclusivity, and limitations. It is only available for the only one. Equipment has permanent gains and enhancement effects). 】

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