Waking up I suddenly heard a ding.

[NEW!]Transformation: (Gives you a human form)

Sans: Wow how convenient.

Choosing the option I suddenly was covered in a bright light. When it was over I was taller with red eyes and white hair with fingerless gloves. I had grown a little bit taller but I had on a collar with a gold chain.

Sans: Weird, I don't want people to think I'm owned or some shit.

Trying to pull it off but it wouldn't budge.

For some reason I still didn't mind, like I was used to it. I had it on in my monster form but couldn't feel it, since when did I feel anything except pain and tiredness.

Sans: Well fuċk it, not like I care.

Getting out the bed I walked down stairs. Seeing the owner at the front, I walked out of the inn. When walking out I saw plenty of things, lizard people, elves, and other things.

I saw people staring at my hair and the chain on my neck, but I didn't mind.

I walked around exploring until I heard people talking.

Extra 1: You know, I've been thinking that I wanna be an adventurer.

Extra 2: No way man, that's to dangerous! You know people can die for nothing.

Extra 1: Well you can't change my mind man it cool to me.

Extra 2: Your choice man,your choice.

I should be looking a place to get a adventures card right? Standing in place for a second I said-

Sans: But where should I go tho, fuċk. Should probably ask someone.

Walking up to a cat girl? I ask-

Sans: Hey girly, do you know where i can find somewhere to sign up as a adventurer?

Looking at me weirdly she said-

Cat girl: My names (Random name), and just go straight to the middle of the kingdom.

Sans: In the middle aye...

Concentrating I disappeared from her sight appearing in front of a giant building. Walking in I saw people lining up in a line in front of young girls at the desks putting their hands on a blue orb, knowing what that was I thought

'Wait if I'm overpowered what will that shit show?'

Author Note: I'm not good at names so if my names sounds silly in the future pls ignore it


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