There is nothing to see about the broken pile, and even if it once contained unparalleled power, it is now just a useless pile.

"Inform, I have obtained the ultimate skill Yin Yang King. Elemental magic has been incorporated into the branch of the King of Yin and Yang. "It was the King of Rulers who pulled Geist out of the words of Yin and Yang as he was leaving.

"The King of Yin and Yang?" said Geist, as he began to check the skills of the King of Yin and Yang.

Primordial: Return energy to its origins.

Tai Chi: Guiding the source into energy.

Liangyi: The yang is strong and strong, and the yin knows the heavens and the earth.

Four Elephants: It is for the sun, the yin, the yang, the yin, the two poles are born and restrained, and the harmony can give birth to all things and destroy all things.

Gossip: Those who make good use of the fundamentals of the world can seek good fortune and avoid evil, lead the way of heaven and earth, and lead the way to their own use.

Obviously, this is the ultimate skill that Geist has seen the most described, and the King of Domination is a setting similar to the King of Wisdom, responsible for the regulation and use of the magic element in Geist's body.

The King of All Phases is in charge of all the skills that Geist can use, but they are basically easy to understand.

The King of Souls is very simple and crude, and it is completely specialized in this aspect of the soul consciousness body.

But now the newly obtained King of Yin and Yang not only describes the skills of his subordinates, but even the description is incomprehensible to Geist.

But despite this, Geist hurriedly increased his strength a lot, and it seemed that even his body had become... It's more robust.

Without thinking too much, Geist walked back in the direction he had come.

As for why he didn't test the use of this skill that he didn't understand at all, it was because this was in another country after all, just like Miriam just smashed a hole in the territory of the Demon Kingdom at that time.

If Geist showed force at will, Miriam might not say anything, but what about the rest of the Dragon City if Milim was like a child?


Maybe it's because the food doesn't suit Geist's appetite, or maybe it's because Miriam wants to run out with Geist every day, and Geist plans to slip away before he becomes a sinner who abducts and sells children.

"Is Mistress Geist staying a little longer? The bald brother said with a little regret.

Geist was right, it made sense that Miriam didn't stay in the Dragon Capital, and at least Miriam's enthusiasm for eating was much higher in the days he started cooking.

Now, he has formed a culinary learning relationship with Geist.

"I've been in the Dragon Capital long enough, and my brother has urged me several times. And it's just a barbecue, and I believe you can handle it. Geist patted the bald man on the shoulder.

"Well, I look forward to your next visit to the Dragon Capital. The bald brother didn't stop much, after all, he was just a guest, and he didn't want to say much if the other party wanted to leave.

As Geist walked towards the Great Forest of Guela and disappeared in the shadows, the bald man turned and went back.

The special shadow movement made Geist's itinerary very convenient, and he had already arrived in the territory of the Demon Federation in the blink of an eye.

Suddenly, a dangerous aura struck Geist, who turned sideways slightly, and the sharp blade slashed in front of Geist's body.

Geist pressed one hand on the head of the attacker: "Soul annihilation... What would happen to you if I did? "

Geist was in his unit's training grounds, the cave.

"Lord Geist, you came back so suddenly, I surprised you, and you actually wanted to kill me?" Zangyue smiled helplessly.

"After two days in the Dragon Capital, you will naturally come back if you are not used to eating, and besides, can you be considered a surprise?" Geist said with a smile as he pushed Zangyue away.

"Well, why don't you count?" Zangyue said and waved her hand: "Brothers, surprise the boss." "

As the fire lit up from the depths of the cave, countless bullets were fired towards Geist.

"Hey~" Geist snorted with amusement: "Just try the ability of the King of Yin and Yang

!" "Four Elephants, Taiyin!" Another extremely black disc appeared in front of Geist.

And all these bullets flying towards Geist were like mud cows into the sea.

The pitch-black disc shrank into a fist-sized ball in Geist's hand.

The same pitch black: "You have all given me such a surprise, so wouldn't it be rude if I didn't surprise you?" Geist said with a flip of his hand, and the pitch-black sphere in his hand turned white as if by magic, occupying a part of the position for a while

, "Four Elephants, Shaoyang!" Yin and Yang rotate with each other, and energy cannot disappear for no reason, so the bullets absorbed by Yin will also be released with Yang.

The pure white bullets struck back from the sun to the side that sent them out as they had done when they entered the yin.

Of course, Geist had no intention of putting them to death, so the nature released by Shaoyang was only a part of it.

As for the rest... Geist smiled and looked at Zangyue.

"You're leading the way, aren't you?" asked Geist with a laugh.

It's just that this smile doesn't seem to be very friendly.

All in all, when Kurgetsu finally came out of the cave, he was carried out by his subordinates.

Geist naturally grasped the proportions, and what Zangyue suffered was nothing more than some skin injuries.

After Rimuru finished handling affairs, he was quietly enjoying the good afternoon in the hut But this kind of time is somewhat boring, which makes Rimuru think of Geist for no reason: "Well... What is Geist doing now?"

"I'm watching my brother enjoy a good afternoon. Geist squatted on the tatami mat at this time, smiling at Rimuru.

"Geist, you're back?" Rimuru was surprised by Geist's sudden return.

"I'm bored in the Dragon City, so I'm naturally coming back. Geist thought for a moment and explained.

"Look at you, there should be a new skill slot, right?" It was clear that Geist's change wouldn't escape the eyes of Rimuru or the Lord of Wisdom.

"Well, a little bit of an adventure. "Geist naturally won't confess yin and yang, after all, he has already been admonished.

"Well, congratulations. Rimuru said.

"Isn't my brother curious about where I got my skills?" Geist was actually a little dissatisfied with Rimuru's reaction, after all, he had already thought of the wording, but the other party didn't ask.

"I'm not curious, although you've restrained a lot these days, but I haven't forgotten that you used to get some new skills every once in a while, and now... I'm already relieved that there is no difference. "

6" is the highest rating from the younger generation.

"What new skills are being developed so far. Rimuru asked, leaning against Geist.

"At present, it has evolved into the king of yin and yang, mainly yin and yang, and at present, it can only absorb damage, and then transform energy to occur, similar to... Suck, spit. Geist said truthfully.

"Is it similar to the ancient cultural ability of Shenzhou in the previous life?" asked Rimuru.


" "Doesn't that mean that if you know something about it, you can learn a lot of new abilities?" exclaimed Rimuru.

"I used to watch some movies in Shenzhou, and I watched those things that were used in the power of yin and yang gossip, a powerful horse, the key is that it is handsome, really, Thai pants are spicy!"

"I probably know all the relevant knowledge, and then.... It's practice that makes sense. Geist said weakly, "It's so troublesome!" "It's

okay to take your time." Rimuru said softly, "Are you hungry, do I want to take you to eat?"

"Let's go!" Geist, who has been "busy" for a long time, is probably hungry early, and even if he is not hungry, he can't resist the temptation of food.

On the snack street

, "Isn't that Ziwan, why is he here?" Rimuru said suspiciously.

"It looks like there's a shop, let's go, go over and have a look," Geist said, then took Rimuru's hand and walked towards the shop.

"Welcome~Pro~" Ziwan's excited voice came, "Welcome, Lord Rimuru and Lord Geist." "

Ziwan, you are.... A nesting doll shop?" asked Rimuru.

"Oh, I have nothing to do, and I opened a shop. Ziwan asked Rimuru and Geist expectantly, "Are you coming, are you coming!"

"Okay, but why is the prize food?" Geist asked.

Zi Wan didn't answer, but looked at him expectantly.

"I guess there are no prizes, so let's take it away directly from the food. Rimuru guessed, turned to Ziwan and asked, "What are the rules of the game?" "

1. Each person can only play it once

; 2. Before playing this game, it must be outside the specified line

; 3. Each person will receive 15 plastic ferrules each time, and the target will receive a gift;

4. The event will end after the gift is distributed."

"It seems that it's similar to the previous life, except that everyone plays it once. Rimuru said to Geist, "Come on, come on, you and I at once, and compare and match who is more than the other." "Obviously, Rimuru is on the verge of victory.

"Okay, come on, the loser accepts a request, how.

"Okay, I'll go first, Ziwan, come to the circle!" At

this time, the voice of the King of Wisdom came, "Improve the accuracy of the ferrule, ensure a correct posture, and the hand can be properly stretched forward, so that you can get closer to the target." When ferrule, try to avoid excessive force and learn to use dexterity. When setting items, you should maintain a correct gesture, try not to use throwing, throwing, and exert force from the wrist. When throwing, be sure to keep your eyes on the target and find the right throwing angle. "

Take over or not" the voice of the King of Wisdom came again.

"No, it's not looking down on me, I'm on my own!" Rimuru said reluctantly.

The King of Wisdom stopped talking.


"Mistress Rimuru has 14 and Mistress Geist has 15, and it is Mistress Geist who wins. Ziwan said beside him.

Limulu was speechless.

"Hehe, brother~ You can't play, I'm using a bow~ This is a professional player. Geist's cheap voice came, "Brother~You owe me a request~

" "Got it-" Limulu's speechless voice came, and then said to Ziwan, "Ziwan, you can keep the prize, let's go first." "

Slow down, Lord Rimuru. Zi Wan said excitedly, "I have to make the dishes in the set into ingredients before I can leave~

" "Huh?" The two brothers said in unison, "You didn't say this condition before."

Ziwan pointed to an inconspicuous sign, "The prizes of the routine are all cooked by the owner himself." "


"Two adults, sit down and wait slowly~" Zi Wan happily pressed them onto the chair.

“。。。。。 "

Geist, dish, why does it make people fly. "

Because.... Ziwan will let him fly.

...""Brother, don't you owe me conditions, come on, help me eat." "

Lord Geist~What are you talking about~" Zi Wan's faint voice came.

"No.... It's nothing. Geist replied in a panic.


"Brother, you start talking first...."Geist said, although Zi Wan has evolved and has the skill of [Great Chef], but how can he look good... , at the time of the ruling.

"No, you come first, it's just unpalatable. Rimuru retorted.

“..... Come on!" Geist said silently in his heart: this is happy water, this is happy water... , all in one breath, "It's delicious, it's not good-looking"

Then Rimuru also closed his eyes and ate it all, and Ziwan was willing to let it go.

When I got home, it was already evening

in the bathhouse

, "Brother, promise me a request, help me massage it" Geist said, after a few days of busy work, he was also a little tired.

"Good. With that, Rimuru massaged Geist, and after a while, Rimuru said, "Geist, turn over, and I'll help you press the front."

Geist didn't respond

, "Geist?" Limuru shouted again, only to find that Geist was asleep.

"This kid.," Rimuru said helplessly, and helped Geist drape a bath towel, carried him to the bed, and lay down next to Geist.

"Good night," Limuru kissed Geist on the forehead.

Early in the morning

, "Hmm, it's so comfortable to sleep ~ Geist is so soft" (has a habit of sleeping with things) Rimuru said to himself, and turned his head to look.

"???" saw that what caught her eye was a woman with a graceful figure, and the bath towel covered the important parts of her body.

"No, who is she, and I'm Geist, and I'm a big guy?" Rimuru was visibly panicked, first he checked the sheets, and there was nothing wrong, he woke up and remembered the events of the previous night.

"I remember.... I didn't drink, I couldn't have been drunk, and besides, I came back to sleep last night with Geist, so it's hard to be .... Impossible, I can still sense it when someone approaches. Rimuru paced back and forth in the room.

"Hmm, ahhh~" A sweet girlish voice sounded in Limuru's ear, "Good morning, brother." "


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