Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 896: Eternal shot Qin Feng fiercely


Qin Feng's casting speed was extremely fast, and in a blink of an eye there was an endless divine thunder falling from the sky, taking the lead in bombarding the opponent.

This mighty figure is three feet tall, with cicada wings on its back, first-born compound eyes, two feet and four arms, and the whole body is azure blue. He doesn't know what creatures in a strange world.

The three-zhang-high body is taller than ordinary human races, but on this battlefield, it can only be regarded as average. If compared with a huge existence such as Henghou, it is not like a small bug. Eye-catching.

But it was this seemingly humble body that contained extremely powerful divine power.

Seeing him wave his hands, an aqua blue barrier appeared outside of him, directly blocking the mighty divine thunder that Qin Feng bombed, and then flipped his palms out, and the aqua barrier turned into waves and swept away. , Which offsets each other with the golden wind blowing from Qin Feng's mouth.

And his other two hands, one condensed a huge energy arm, punched Henghou, and a manipulating technique used thousands of water blades to sweep Henghou.

In an instant, he not only resisted Qin Feng's and Henghou's joint attack, but also counterattacked back tyrannically.

However, his face is not pretty.

Because these two people shot at this moment, in all likelihood, it was mainly temptation to test his strength. Although he cracked the opponent's offensive, no matter the strength of the power or the power of the spell, he did not win too much. .

Moreover, this ghost place didn't have the slightest aura, so he could only use his own power when fighting.

That's all, the power accumulated in his body is huge, and it consumes some supernatural power, and he is not too concerned about it.

However, his dignified immortal king was reduced to a competitive consumption with two high-level gods who had not yet proven the way. If this were to be spread out, no one would believe it!

Moreover, as Qin Feng and Henghou started their hands, the other strong men were already unable to restrain themselves. The few strong men who were closer to them were unwilling to risk going deeper to deal with those powers that hadn't moved their bodies, so Just flew over here.

The fluctuating demon's body made the same constantly changing voice: "Henghou, the two of you alone may not be able to win this immortal, it is better for us to join hands to kill it!"

A sentence contains different tones of old people, children, men, women, monsters, monsters, gods, demons, etc. It is extremely uncomfortable to hear!

Of course, what he said was not a discussion, but a notice. Before Henghou could speak, the Mind Demon Lord and a few uncontrollable guys had already swarmed, and they all rushed toward this mighty power with brutality.

Moreover, they didn't choose the spell confrontation like Qin Feng.

Although no one would care about the energy in the body at this time, he was willing to do his best in order to kill the mighty energy and seize the immortal energy in the opponent's body.

However, long-range attack has a great flaw. If you are too far away from the opponent when you defeat the opponent, not only will it be easy for the opponent to flee, but it will also be easy to fall behind when snatching the immortality, and you may not even be able to get the leftovers.

When the confusing demon masters also slayed aggressively, this **** king suddenly couldn't hold it.

Although he is a mighty power of the Immortal Realm, his strength is tyrannical, and he has been promoted for a long time, and the accumulated divine power is extremely strong, but he can't hold the offense of so many super powers.

These guys who are cultivating in the deserted land, maybe many of them have survived longer than him. Not only are they powerful, but they have developed incomparable attack methods during these countless years!

The tyrannical power alone is nothing, after all, it is difficult to take advantage of the power from the power alone. What really allows them to leapfrog and challenge the power is their incomparable offensive power!

At this moment, all the powerhouses were offensive and undefended. With his tyrannical offensive, the mighty power fell into the wind in an instant, and even a little messy. Even if he had four arms, it was difficult to resist the attacks of these powerhouses.

Fortunately, he didn't come here alone, otherwise these mighty powers would definitely tear him to pieces, and there would be no trace of bones and flesh left!

Because in the immortal realm powerhouses, apart from the place where their energy gathers, there is a lot of immortal aura. Every bit of flesh and bone contains a lot of immortal aura. Otherwise, how can their bodies remain immortal in the endless years?


Seeing that this **** king fell to the wind so quickly, the powerful and powerful people behind were also shocked. Only then did they know how tyrannical the powerful people who survived the desperate situation and became stronger in the deserted land!

But even though they were a little surprised, they couldn't helply watch their companions be killed by them, so a few Immortal Realm powers immediately yelled, flew out, and cast a spell to rescue!

It's just that their move has also affected the minds of the other super powers.

The other super powers saw that Henghou had already taken action, and they wished to launch a storm immediately, leapfrogging the immortal powers, and robbing them of the immortal energy.

It's just that the **** king is only alone after all. Being besieged by Henghou and the others seems a bit crowded. If you participate in it again, even if you finally kill the **** king, so many powerful people will not be strong enough for immortality.

That's why he couldn't bear it, intending to see the strength of the immortal power through the battle of Henghou and the others, so that he would know how to fight later.

After all, the boundaries of their so-called super power are very vague. Except for a few ancient existences, they have never fought with the power of immortality. I just take this opportunity to observe and compare with their own strength!

After watching the battle for a while, they had done it in their hearts. Although this **** king was tyrannical, it was impossible to defeat them in an instant, and even if they joined forces with their companions to launch a siege, they might not have the opportunity to seize what they needed.

Of course, there are bound to be many dangers, the opponent is an immortal power after all, they don't necessarily have to pay much for the desperate battle!

But who cares about these?

If they can't capture a sufficient amount of Immortal Qi, they can only silently endure the erosion of the power of time here, and they will die sooner or later until the lifespan is exhausted!

So at this moment, seeing a few powerful people flying from the opposite side, his eyes lit up, and immediately there were more super powers greeted them.

"Hahaha... everyone, your opponent is here!"

A super-powerful man with a wild personality laughed loudly, and he raised the axe in his hand and slashed towards a mighty bear who was huge in size and resembling a giant bear.

Although it's not that the size is huge and the strength is bound to be stronger, but if such a huge body is divided into flesh and blood, it will definitely make them all gain, and it will not be like the **** king who besieged by Henghou and others. How about a three-foot-sized body Enough for them to divide up?

With these great powers being blocked, their rescue operations will of course not follow.

After all, they are only the realm of immortality. Everyone faces several strong men who can leapfrog. It is not bad to be able to remain undefeated. Where else can they be divided to rescue others!


Suddenly, Henghou burst out with an extremely powerful yellow divine light. This yellow divine light was not only heavy as a mountain, but also confined the space, sealing the void around the **** king like a copper wall and an iron wall.

Although it was not enough to restrict the opponent's actions, it also suppressed the opponent's speed.

Taking this opportunity, Qin Feng joined his hands together, and a touch of water and fire emerged from his hands. He manipulated the two powers of water and fire with the "Heaven and Earth Crossing the Yin and Yang Great Compassion Poem", and instantly increased the attack power to an astonishing level, turning them into one. The red and blue streamers rushed to the chest of the **** king, and forcibly cracked the opponent's external defense.

When the other powerful men saw this, they were all overjoyed, and they hurriedly used various methods to directly break the defense of the King of God and slaughtered him.

Especially the Confused Demon Lord, who didn't know what spell he had cast, even separated a ray of mind and sneaked into the sea of ​​knowledge of the **** king, trying to stir up the various desires and thoughts in the other's heart.

Although the **** king relied on his tyrannical realm cultivation to suppress the distracting thoughts in his heart and erased the mind of the devil, but with this insignificant delay, the other super powers rushed forward, all fierce. Incomparably greeted him everywhere, wanting to burst his body on the spot!

"Great Lord Burning, save me..."

This middle-class **** king immediately felt that his life was in great danger. In such a short period of time, it was impossible for him to resist the attack of these superpowers. Once these brutal guys touched his body, I'm afraid they will be divided into several parts in an instant, and the flesh and blood of the body will be robbed by them!

He couldn't care about regrets, and hurriedly yelled out, asking for help from the strong man in the big world he was attached to.


In the distance, in the core area where a group of great abilities are fighting, there are two eternal realm great abilities that are so powerful that they are unpredictable.

Hearing the divine king's call for help, one of the eternal realm great powers turned his head and glanced over there.

He is a hundred meters tall, his body is covered with scarlet scales, his beard is like a fire, and he releases the surging firepower like burning the sky and boiling the sea.


Great Senior Fentian snorted coldly.

But after all, the one who called for help was the master of the middle world who vassed him. Since he had already asked for help, he could not turn a blind eye to it, otherwise, wouldn't it have chilled the hearts of other vassal world powers!

So he still slapped him in his busy schedule, and immediately saw a huge-sized Fentian hand slapped towards Henghou and the others.

Even though many of the people are all huge generations, when the burning hand came over, they only felt as small as a worm. Deep in my heart, I felt like I could be slapped to death by the other person's slap. .

It wasn't that the power contained in this burning sky hand was too tyrannical, but that they had no resistance at all under the suppression of the law of the eternal realm's mighty power.

To deal with the power of the immortal realm, these so-called super powers can use their vigorous accumulation of strength and powerful offensive power to smooth out the suppression of the realm, but the strong of the eternal realm is much higher than them, and it is no longer a simple power. And fighting skills can smooth the gap!

Fortunately, this was only a casual blow from the opponent, and the purpose was only to save the **** king.

Therefore, Henghou and the others saw that it was difficult to evade, so they tried their best to continuously bombard with powerful attacks, delaying the time for Fen Tian's hand to fall. I don't know how many times after the bombardment, Fen Tian's hand revealed a few cracks, which gave everyone. An opportunity to escape.

Qin Feng was in the shape of electricity, and in an instant he fled through the void.

Henghou is huge, but his feet are fast, one step is thousands of miles away, and he barely escaped.

However, the Confused Demon Lord and another super powerhouse were wiped to the body by Burning Sky's big hands. Although they were not killed by this, they also vomited blood and were injured!

With a bang, the big hand fell to the ground, directly burning the unknown number of bones below into ashes, leaving a big handprint on the bones ground that was still braving hot flames!

"Senior, if we take action to deal with these immortal powers, it can be regarded as helping you in the battle. Please also help us to stop each other. Don't intervene in the battle between us!"

Qin Feng's eyes flashed in black and white, using the supreme supernatural power of yin and yang and ghost eyes to look at the powerful fighting area in the distance.

Seeing that Great Sovereign Burning Heaven saw that he didn't slap them to death, he immediately frowned and became serious, and he wanted to attack them again. Qin Feng quickly spoke out towards the eternal realm power that was fighting against Great Sovereign Burning. Shouted.

It's just that, how can that eternal realm great power care about him, such a little fairy **** who has not yet proven his way!

Although their super powers showed good strength, they were only good, and they were nothing compared to the eternal realm of the opponent's cultivation base.

Therefore, the eternal realm power just gave Qin Feng a cold look, and didn't pay any attention to it. Instead, he ordered the super powers who had their power to deal with the Abandoned Land because of the opposing faction, so that they could take advantage of their free time. Take action and siege the immortality of the opposing camp.

He is ready to take this opportunity to severely inflict several powers on the other side so that he can gain the upper hand and win this war!


Seeing this, Qin Feng was immediately startled and angry.

Seeing that Fen Tian's divine sense had locked them in, and even displayed an incomparably powerful flame attack, like a shining sun falling from the sky, wanting to burn them into ashes with power, making them all horrified.

Shicai had already suffered, and the injured psychic master took the lead in fleeing, preparing to escape.

The rest of the strong are no exception, they all use their own escape methods, and they want to fly away!

But how can they avoid the lock of the breath of eternal power!

Just as Henghou and others were horrified and ready to fight desperately, Qin Feng gritted his teeth fiercely and shouted again: "Great Lord Burning, the strong man in our deserted land is willing to help you fight with all your strength, and I only ask you to stop it. The opponent's eternal realm power.

We can help you contend with dozens of immortal powers. With our help, we will surely be able to make you a complete victory in this battle. Just let us leave with immortality afterwards! "


The Great Venerable Fen Tian was startled at first when he heard the words, but he was different from the eternal realm powerhouse who was fighting against him. He did not ignore Qin Feng's words, but seriously thought about it, and soon haha. A smile: "Interesting, okay, the deity is as you wish, and I promise that you won't let Gnaruo shoot you.

However, I want to see your record, if there is no credit that satisfies me, the deity would not mind sending you on the road with his own hands! "

"Dare you?"

On the opposite side, the face of the eternal realm magnificent who had fought against the Great Lord Burning suddenly changed drastically.

I originally wanted to take the opportunity to take advantage of it, but I didn't expect things to change dramatically.

If the powerhouses of the Abandoned Land really only attack the powers of their camp, it will not only be as simple as entanglement with dozens of powers on their side, but it will also liberate dozens of immortals from the side of Great Lord Burning Heaven. One plus and one minus can make one's own side completely at a disadvantage.

So he was frightened and deeply regretted in his heart. He shouldn't be so arrogant just now, but he didn't expect that a guy who hadn't been in his eyes would make such a choice, making the good situation so passive. .

Even if such a thing really happens, don't say that you have no chance of winning, you can even say how much strength you can save!

He suddenly turned his head to look at Qin Feng, his eyes revealed endless divine light, he wanted to obliterate this little human race.

A mere guy who hasn't proved himself yet dares to spoil his good Really want to die!

It's just that the divine light in his eyes just flew out, and he saw Fentian laughed: "Junaluo, why bother with a junior?

Besides, you dared to be distracted when fighting with me. Isn't this not putting the deity in your eyes? "

As he spoke, he waved his hand and directly smashed the divine light in Junara's eyes.

In the distance, Qin Feng's mind just mentioned suddenly relaxed. He yelled wildly, saying, "Everyone, I have reached an agreement with Great Lord Fentian to only kill the immortal power who opposes them. There is no need to fight on both sides!"

Everyone is optimistic, don't find the wrong opponent, otherwise not only will the Fentian Great Lord not let you go, but I will also go to the poor blue and fall to the yellow spring, chasing you and so on! "

As he spoke, his figure suddenly soared, using the magic sky and the earth, turning his figure into a height of nearly ten thousand feet, almost breaking through the limit of the profound fairyland physical cultivation.

This was not over yet, and nine-headed ghost dragon appeared behind him, each of which was extremely long and exuded a violent flame.

Showing the strongest form, Qin Feng didn't take the lead in attacking those mighty powers, but suddenly turned the infinite divine power in his body, and slammed into a super power not far away who was still attacking the immortal mighty power under the commander of the Burning Heaven.

With his tyrannical power at this time, and the violent magical powers of the nine-headed ghost dragon behind him, he blasted the super powerhouse on the spot in an instant!

"Asshole thing, didn't you hear my words just now?"

Qin Feng's breath was fierce, revealing the flames of the weather, and his eyes swept over the spot domineeringly: "I have to provoke the two eternal realm powers to attack us and destroy us first?

Whoever shoots indiscriminately, I will kill him first!

Now, all of us are the helpers of the Great Lord Burning Heaven. Don’t you hurry up to besiege your opponents and **** the immortality. What are you waiting for? ?

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