Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 860: Rigid Aquaman Elemental Tides

As a former king, Arthur is undoubtedly very proud. Even though he is no longer in the waters of the world he rules, the crown on his head has never been taken off.

   This crown is not only a symbol of his status as a sea king, but also a powerful artifact. It not only possesses various amplification capabilities, but also possesses extremely powerful defense.

Hearing Qin Fengyu’s words to subdue him, Sea King Arthur suddenly became furious. With a wave of the trident, there was a vague sound of waves. Qin Feng cut away.

   This blow was obviously an attack he launched against Qin Feng in rage, but it was actually a temptation.

   is not only to test Qin Feng's strength, but also to test whether the demon gods beside Qin Feng are real.

After all, there are more than 800 powerful monsters, monsters and gods, even if they are placed in the entire gathering place, even if they are not comparable to those of the top powerhouses, they are almost the same. He has never heard of the gathering place. There is such a big strange force.

   Arthur, as a king, is not without a bit of a city, while he is proud, or else he would not be able to rule the sea for so many years, and it is impossible to gather most of the sea clan powerhouses in the gathering place.

   Therefore, with the excuse of anger, he personally tried to test Qin Feng's reality.


   Qin Feng hummed coldly, his body was still, and the tortoise next to him suddenly took a step forward, and his figure fell down, instantly transforming into its original form, becoming a huge mountain-like body of the tortoise.


   The azure blue light blade slashed the turtle's shell behind the **** tortoise.

   The gossip divine pattern on the tortoise shell circulates, and in a blink of an eye this light blade is broken down into countless small energy fragments, and then disappears.

   As for its body, it only shook a little, as if shaking off the dust from its body, other than that, the attack never caused it any more trouble.

   Sea King narrowed his eyes slightly when he saw this.

   I had already seen the power of this supernatural turtle when he was outside the door. It was able to severely inflict a blow to his gods. I had already looked at this old tortoise as high as possible, but I didn't expect this guy to be even better at defense.

Arthur knew how tyrannical his strength was. Although he didn't use his full force with this attack, the big turtle was a whole lower than him, and his attack didn't even shake its figure. Quite outrageous!


   Sea King rushed to the strong behind him and waved his hands, signalling the strong sea clan under his command to start the charge.

  Since he didn't test out the other party's reality, let him come down and try.

If the opponent really has 800 demon gods, then these sea races under his command are not opponents anyway, and they are still trapped in the opponent's formation restriction, trapped in an independent space, unless the opponent's formation is broken. Forcibly cut through this void, otherwise even if you want to escape, you won't be able to escape.

  Since this battle is unavoidable whether it is true or false, let's fight the opponent honestly, only in this way can he find a chance to break this independent space!

  It's just that Sea King Arthur can understand this, but it doesn't mean that all the strong sea people under his command understand it!

   To put it bluntly, the reason why these sea races follow Sea King Arthur, apart from being moved by the prospects described by him, more importantly, they want to shelter under his command and be protected by this strong man.

   But now this strong man can't protect them, but instead lets them go to death, which is a bit unreasonable.

   Although their strength is not bad, but where are so many monsters and gods opponents?

   The most important thing is that now the two Orca whales in the realm of upper gods have disappeared and disappeared, making these sea clan powerhouses more frightened.

  If the two ora whales are still there, join forces with the sea king, the three upper gods still have the courage to fight each other, but now, they are really a little timid.

Therefore, Sea King Arthur quickly realized that when he waved his hand to indicate that his subordinates would initiate a charge, most of the sea races, except for the dozens of sea races loyal to him, rushed out. The ground did not move.

   There are even some sea people who have rushed out to find that something is wrong. After running for a few steps, they stopped one after another, looking around, feeling a little at a loss.

"Ha ha……"

   Qin Feng chuckled.

   This is the end of having no control over his subordinates, and it also shows that the time for this Sea King to subdue these sea clan powerhouses is too short, and these sea clan powerhouses have not completely surrendered to him.

   He raised his head and glanced at the dozens of fast-moving guys who were about to rush in front of him, and smiled and waved behind him.

Then a hundred demon gods flew out directly behind him, the number was exactly double that of the opponent, two to one, and they were all high-levels suppressing low-levels, so they quickly knocked down all these strong men who were loyal to the sea king to the ground. .

   Except for a few that were swallowed by the sky-swallowing toad, the rest were all captured alive.

   Qin Feng didn't care about the sky swallowing toad's movements.

   In this deserted land, all creatures need to kill and plunder if they want to survive. There has been no restriction from the outside world for a long time, and the **** rule of eating the weak by force is performed to the extreme.

Therefore, Qin Feng thinks this place is more suitable for the survival of the Sky-Swallowing Toad. Anyway, here is either you kill me or I kill you. Then let the Sky-Swallowing Toad devour other creatures. In this ghost place, you can die early and get free. Big toad saves more energy for future promotion.

   Sea King Arthur turned his head and glared fiercely at those hesitating subordinates.

   These **** guys, if they are swarming up, even if they are not against the opponent, they can at least disrupt the opponent's formation and buy him some time to break this independent space.

   As a result, they were shocked by the fact that the number of strong men in the other party was far more than them.

   A group of fools, since they are already trapped in other people's space, how can you run fast before breaking this space?

   Can it still escape this space?

Annoyed, Sea King yelled at his subordinates, then waved the trident to kill the few escaping guys, and pointed in the direction Qin Feng was in. He shouted, "Give me all, give this king a delay. There is no such king. Shooting to break the space, do you still want to hope that the other party will spare your lives?

  The Abandoned Land lacks resources. There are already so many powerful people under that human race. Apart from your flesh and blood being able to be admired by the other party, what else is worthy of the other party's admiration? "

  As soon as he said this, he immediately broke off the minds of some sea races who originally wanted to surrender.

They all know the conditions of the deserted land. Looking at the monsters and gods under Qin Feng's command, most of them are terrifying existences with cruel looks. I don't believe it!

   Therefore, although these sea races are frightened, they also know that following the orders of the Sea King is their only way to survive, otherwise it would be really difficult for them to break the space and escape under the entanglement of so many monsters and gods.

   Boom boom boom...

   In an instant, the battle broke out in the most intense way!

   In order to survive, these sea clan powerhouses did not care about reserving their power. They exploded their own combat power one by one, not only showed all kinds of spells and talent skills.

   There are even a few strong people who have used their divine power to join forces to evolve into a long river, and without caring about the energy in the body, they abruptly evolved into a boundless wave in this space.

   Obviously, they are desperate!

   Now I just want to do my best to entangle the many powerful opponents and let Aquaman break this independent space as soon as possible.

  Of course, the ordinary space cannot withstand the power of Neptune's one blow, and even the space inside the ordinary world can be directly penetrated by him.

   But here is different. This space is not only within a space magic weapon, but also restricted by layers of Qin Feng with the help of space laws, and multiple formations are used to assist.

   Therefore, if you want to break the space here, you need to break through the void. You also need to break the layers of forbidden formations, and finally break the space magic weapon, in order to open up a passage to the outside.

Qin Feng didn’t pay much attention to the momentum of these Sea Clan’s desperate efforts. Even if they were desperate, what would it do? At most, they would hurt a few monsters under his command. Under the crushing of more than 800 monsters, monsters and gods, these The Sea Clan can't turn over at all!

   It is the Sea King that really cares about him!

   This guy is worthy of the once master of the sea, and his body is full of supernatural power.

   He unexpectedly relied on his tyrannical water system divine power to evolve into boundless waves, carrying an extremely violent momentum towards the heights of the void, wanting to smash this space in one fell swoop and regain his freedom!

   However, how could Qin Feng let him continue.

   After all, he is a monk of the Royal Beast Sect. Although he has studied the tactics prohibition because of his interest, but to be honest, he didn't put much energy on it, and he just used his free time to study one or two.

   In addition to the low-level formations that can innovate, the high-level formations and powerful immortal formations can only be arranged step by step. As for the power, it is very good to be able to display seven or eight achievements.

The formation mage of the same level can use one enemy, and the formation master is able to leapfrog down the strong enemy. If he sets up an unstoppable killing array, he may suffer a big loss even if he is a little bit careless. Dangerous.

   But Qin Feng couldn't do it. Not long after his formation was deployed, he stumbled a bit when manipulating it, quite unfamiliar.

   There is no way, after all, he rarely relies on formations to fight!

   At this moment, seeing the sea king using his own supernatural power to interpret that the tide wants to break through his formation, thereby breaking this space, Qin Feng hastily manipulated the formation and strengthened his defense.

At the same time, under his shout, twenty or thirty demon gods under his command of eight hundred demon gods majoring in the ice system roared, venting endless cold air together, and jointly used the law of ice, actually frozen Sea King Arthur forcibly. The tide evolved from its own divine power.

Sea King’s heart shook, but after all, he was a powerful man, and soon roared, his figure suddenly soared, turning into a giant of blue water hundreds of feet high, and in his hands, he also turned into a trident of hundreds of feet long and swung one after another. Huge divine power gushes out, and waves continue to appear one after another.

   He is superbly powerful. If he fights head-on, he can surely defeat these ice-type monster gods if he is given a certain amount of time. The price is only his own injury, and most of his strength is consumed.

   This is the confidence of his upper late god!

   The ordinary and low-ranking gods, if they don't have particularly tyrannical skills, and do not have a skillful way of fighting together, these numbers really can't beat him when they are fighting separately!

   At this moment, he burst out with all his strength, and displayed his power regardless of the consumption, and even suppressed the demon gods of the Ice Element.

   But how could Qin Feng really let this guy break the space, seeing that the demon gods under his command were not strong, he was not prepared to send more demon gods to embrace him.

   Qin Feng could see that the strength of this sea king is absolutely tyrannical, he has a divine power that I don’t know how many years he has cultivated, and it is terrifying. If the demon **** of the ordinary and lower realm fights against him, it is very likely to be injured.

   Although he didn't feel distressed about the deaths and injuries, but now his heart is rising, and he wants to subdue the opponent and let this guy surrender to him, so he plans to personally defeat this sea king.

   Now Qin Feng put down the formation flag in his hand, handed over the control of the formation to the tortoise, and then stepped off the formation.

   As he walked towards the sea king step by step, his figure also swelled rapidly, but only three or five steps, it has become the size of the water giant that the sea king has transformed.

   After using the law of heaven and earth, Qin Feng's strength was tyrannical to the extreme.

   Since he was promoted to Xuanxian, although he has subdued a lot of monsters, monsters and gods, he mostly relied on the spirit beasts under his command to fight, and he has never fought with all his strength.

   Today is a rare opportunity, just to use this powerful Sea King to practice hand skills, familiarize yourself with your current strength!


   Seeing that Qin Feng came off the court in person and turned into a huge giant no less than himself, Sea King was surprised at the same time, but he was also a little excited!

   Originally, this human race was hiding in the camp of many monsters and gods. He still couldn't help him to win the opponent, but now that this guy has walked out by himself, he must seize the opportunity to capture or kill this human race.

  Only in this way can he turn defeat into victory!

   Otherwise, even if you break through this space and escape, you will only be a defeated general, and the strong under his command will lose a lot, and there will be no way to continue to dominate in this gathering place in the future!

   Thinking of this in his heart, with a wave of the trident in the sea king's hand, the sea water that he had evolved with the supernatural power of the water system suddenly had a wave of waves tumbling out of thin air, turned into a water dragon with teeth and claws, and Chao Qin Feng rushed over.

   He didn't expect this water dragon to defeat the opponent, he just wanted to entangle this human race, and then facilitate his next battle.

   It's just that Qin Feng who saw this scene was not surprised, but laughed out loud!

   "Water dragon? Hehe, since you like dragons, I happen to have one here too. Play with you?"

   Before he finished his words, nine dragons chanted suddenly came from behind him, and then nine fierce ghost dragons with dark golden scales came out from behind him, with fierce gazes revealing endless cruelty.

   "Ho Ho Ho Ho..."

   A series of dragon chants came out, loud and shocking, and shocking.

Especially those sea tribes not far away who are fighting with the demon gods under Qin Feng's command, not only those demigod sea tribes who have not been promoted to the gods, but also some of the less powerful sea tribe gods are equally shaken and unconsciously move towards. Take a look here!

   In the sound of dragons, nine dark golden ghost dragons broke away from Qin Feng's body, turning into nine true dragons and rushing towards the sea king.

   Along the way, not only did the water dragon displayed by the sea king explode, but before he came close to the sea king, there were all kinds of magical powers displayed one after another, and the sea king was in a hurry.


   You call this one?

   Sea King was depressed.

   As expected, the human mouth, a deceitful ghost!

   This guy even said this kind of deceit when he was fighting, obviously there are nine evil dragons, but he said it was one!


   Even so, what fear does this king have!

   It’s just that when he really played against each other, he was a little shocked.

   I did not expect that Qin Feng not only evolved so many evil dragons, but also was so tyrannical!

   One by one, it is said that the energy body is biased and the scales are hard. If it is real, it can perform various magical powers alone, and its power is infinite.

   But if they are creatures, there are many differences. With the eyes of Sea King Arthur, it can be seen that these nine ghost dragons are not real living creatures, and they are not the same as the monsters and gods under Qin Feng's command!

   For a while, this Sea King was a little rushed, and was caught off guard by the tyrannical supernatural powers attacked by nine ghost dragons from all directions.

In particular, they even used different systems of magical powers, or light sacred flames, or soul-burning flames, or space turbulence, or disrupting time, and there were several curses in between, and some of them pulled away from his body’s vitality. Weird spells.

   There is even a ghost dragon who turned into a shadow, and the space shuttle merged into his shadow to carry out a sneak attack.

   Under the attack of this kind of magical power, even with the power of the sea king, I feel a big headache.

This is not over yet. After he used his tyrannical power to repel a few ghost dragons forcibly, these ghost dragons found that it was difficult to contend with their own power, and they chose to fit together and turned into a nine-headed ghost fire flame dragon, and then cast the magic sky and the earth. Turned into a huge body of tens of thousands of feet, he was suppressed for a while!

   Haiwang understood that the one in Qin Feng’s mouth originally meant this!

   These evil dragons can only be counted as one!

   Just understand and understand, the battle will continue.

Qin Feng’s nine-headed ghost fire flame dragon is a symbol of his strength. When taken out to fight alone, it is not weaker than his body. Even with such Pang Tai’s size, it is stronger than Qin Feng’s body in terms of strength alone. .

   And because it is an energy body fused with the primordial spirit, the nine-headed ghost fire flame dragon is more compatible with the four directions of vitality and various laws!

   So at this moment, even though Qin Feng's body is still behind, this nine-headed ghost fire flame dragon has already beaten this sea king into a bit of embarrassment!

   Qin Feng was enough to contend against the upper gods when he was in the heavens.

At this time, he was promoted to Xuanxian, and he was in the same realm as the upper god. Although he was the early stage of the Xuanxian, the sea king was the latter stage of the upper god, and there were two small realms in the middle. However, with Qin Feng's vigorous accumulation, if he can’t even smooth it out. Going beyond these two small realms and defeating each other, then he will be the son of Biluo's luck in vain.

So at this moment, the arrogant Sea King realized that not only was he losing to the opponent, but what made him feel aggrieved is that the opponent's body did not appear, but only summoned the essence of the spirit, similar to the existence of the external incarnation. Can beat him in embarrassment!

   At this time, the Neptune felt more regretful, and he had known that he shouldn't let two groups of subordinates rush in in order to highlight his status.

   Otherwise, if those two ora whales are here now, how can they not be able to contend against each other if they gather the power of their three upper gods!

   No, if you really knew that Qin Feng was so powerful and there were so many demon gods under his command, even if he had a brain attack, he wouldn't come here to die!


   Qin Feng's tone was flat: "I think you still have some skills. If you surrender to me, I can give you better training conditions and make you the deputy commander of my demon soldiers!"

   As for the orthodox leader, of course it is the tortoise!

   After all, that guy is the main spirit beast in the second layer. All the aquatic monsters live in the waters of the North Underworld Immortal Mansion. It is impossible to bypass the **** turtle and take this sea king as the master!

   It's just that he thought he had given enough generous terms, but he didn't know that in the eyes of Haiwang, this was a mockery at all!

   "You are insulting me!"

   The anger in the eyes of Sea King heard this, and it seemed to be turned to the extreme!

   When did he surrender to others?

   Besides, what does this human race say?

   Be the deputy commander of his Shui clan monster soldiers?

   As a proud king, he never thought he would accept this insult!

   How can a sea king who once had hundreds of millions of people and countless soldiers condescend to become a lieutenant of others?

   So the Sea King roared violently, exerting his power to the extreme, and he wanted to fight Qin Feng for a fight!

   It's a pity, the fish didn't die, and the net didn't break!

   Even if the sea king is powerful, it is not equal to the joint power of Qin Feng and the nine-headed ghost fire flame dragon. In the end, he was dull and dragged into the demon refining pot by Qin Feng abruptly.

  It’s just that this sea king is really stubborn, feeling the powerful refining power around him, and when he realizes that he can’t resist at all, he roars: "I am the sea king, how can I subdue to others?

   There is only a sea king who died in battle. How can Arthur kneel and surrender?

  No freedom, I would rather die! "

  The words fell, this sea king, in order not to be refined by the refining demon pot, unexpectedly exploded his godhead and died!


   Qin Feng scolded!

   I didn't expect this guy to be so strong!

   The more important thing is You die when you die. There are many ways to commit suicide, but why do you blew yourself up?

At this time, the Northern Underworld Palace was blew up by the sea king, causing a tide of water system power throughout the cave, which caused frequent tsunamis, which not only affected countless aquariums that thrived in the sea, but even on the shore did not know how many exotic flowers and grasses were affected by the boundless tide. Invaded and suffered heavy losses.

   Even the monster beasts on the shore were swept into the sea. Even these monsters have some strength, but in a hurry, many of the weak monsters born in recent years have been damaged!

   Qin Feng was helpless, so he had to mobilize the town mansion stone tablet in the North Underworld Immortal Mansion to suppress the pressure tide, while instructing his subordinate spirit beasts to end the battle as soon as possible.

   In fact, when the sea people found out that the Sea King had been defeated and captured, they immediately made them desperate.

   Some irritable and irritable directly blew themselves up, planning to pull a few backs before dying, but most of them were not so strong, and chose to surrender instead!

Qin Feng did not immediately subdue these captured and surrendered sea tribes into the refining demon pot, until the waves of the North Underworld Immortal Mansion were completely suppressed, and then they were accepted in, so that the divine turtle would merge these sea tribes into the original aquatic tribe. Among the demon soldiers.

   He discovered that his subordinates are actually the strongest Shui clan monster soldiers.

   This is not enough. After all, most battles are mainly based on land and sky. It seems that we need to focus on the development of other demon soldiers in the future!

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