Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 834: Enchanting No.1

"not good!"

   Li Angel Pavas was suddenly surprised!

   There is an ambush, are they fooled?


   No, this is not the strong man of the Fallen Angel Legion, nor the overbearing demons of the Demon Realm!

   Pavas quickly discovered the clues from the two attacks. Although the power of the two sneak attacks was strong, they did not have the slightest aura of darkness, let alone the slightest devilish energy. They were definitely not the other leaders of the fallen angel family.

   Then, who is this again?

Where did    come from?

   After all, the existence of the realm of their strength is not a Chinese cabbage, and it is not so easy to encounter!

   But this thought passed away in a flash, and Pavas didn't think about it anymore.

   Because of the two sneak attacks, the attack has come close, forcing him to react immediately and cast spells to resist.

   And the timing they chose was too clever, it was precisely when he resisted the attack of the Killing Angel Syrah.

   Needless to ask, although these two guys hiding in the dark are not fallen angels, they are also strong men who have made friends with the fallen angel camp, and they definitely colluded beforehand, otherwise they would definitely not cooperate with Syrah so well.

   The twelve wings behind him flapped frantically. While laying down layers of defensive spells outside his body, he also wrapped himself with wings, round as a ball!

   Obviously, he did not have too much confidence in his defensive spells. After all, the opponent not only came suddenly, but the timing of his choice also happened to be the moment when he resisted the violent attack of the mad woman from Si La.

  Although he is a twelve-winged bright angel with tyrannical strength, there is no such thing as a living from the old power without the new power, but he can't mobilize his whole body strength in a hurry, and can only use his wings to resist attacks in this way.

   Boom! boom! boom!

The glittering fist and the mighty space blade, as well as Syra’s subsequent attacks, all fell on Pavas, causing the layers of light outside him to shatter directly, shattering his wings. The chopped feathers flew around and were instantly injured.

   Fortunately, this guy is a bright angel with strong resilience. As long as he is not beheaded on the spot, a small amount of trauma can be quickly recovered. As for whether there are any hidden dangers in the body, it is not known to outsiders.

   "Asshole, who are you who dare to intervene in our Guangming Protoss to encircle and suppress the traitors?"

   Pavas stabilized his position, and while quickly regaining the dark magic energy on his body, he opened his mouth and shouted!

  Sira's devilish energy is very tyrannical, and it also contains violent killing intentions. If it is not expelled in time, the dark devilish energy will madly burrow into his body and corrode his light body.

   is the other two attacks. Although powerful, they did not contain any special power, so they didn't make him suffer additional injuries.

   This is because the two Bodhisattvas both conceal their own Buddha powers and even transform their power attributes to attack. Of course, their power is far inferior to normal combat.

   Just like the big golden hand of Mingguang Bodhisattva, if it is placed in the past, it will be the Buddha kingdom in the palm. In addition to simple attacks, there is supreme power.

   But now there is only the power of head-to-head hitting. If it weren't for him to turn the power attribute into a golden line, I'm afraid the power would be weaker.

   Void Tibetan Bodhisattva is better. Although he put away the golden body and covered up the Buddha's power, he just pretended to be a strong man who is good at space avenues.

   But the great power of the space system can exert a stronger combat power in the void itself, so the offensive is stronger than the Mingguang Bodhisattva.

   Both Bodhisattvas ignored Pavas' words and continued to attack him.

   And the killing angel Si La, just glanced at the two Bodhisattvas whose faces were blurred in the distance, and even their figures were hidden, and Qin Feng who was following behind the Bodhisattva.

   She nodded at the two Bodhisattvas with a cold face, without saying anything, and turned to kill the two angels who were fighting on the other side.

   Pavas quickly swung his sword and chopped, trying to stop Sira, but was interrupted by the big golden hand of Mingguang Bodhisattva.

   "Hehe, the archangel, let's stay and compete with...Let's compete!"

   As he spoke, he struck out with big hands one after another, without paying attention to any tactics, so he beat Pavas with a powerful force.

   Even though Pavas was injured, he was called an angel of strength among the archangels in the Light God Realm. How could he ever be afraid of such barbaric fighting methods.

   Seeing that he could no longer stop Si La from leaving, he roared and carried infinite power to kill the Mingguang Bodhisattva.

   On the other side, Voidzang Bodhisattva did not participate in the siege of Pavas anymore, but his figure flashed and stood in front of the enchanting angel Cecia and stopped her opponent.

   They had already negotiated with Syrah to help the fallen angels block the two twelve-winged archangels of the Legion of Bright Angels, so that they could separate the two leaders and go to the rear to help the Legion fight and win this war!

   The space outside the Void Tibetan Bodhisattva fluctuates frequently, and countless space spells are cast out, abruptly intercepting the opponent, making the twelve-wing bright angelic scream.

   But even if he swung the Light Sword in his hand like the wind, he couldn't force the Void Tibetan Bodhisattva back. He could only watch the enchanting angel Chezia get away!

   The strong man in the Bright Angel camp was shocked and angry, and at the same time there was a bit of doubt.

   Where did these guys come from? Why did they wait until now?

  The Fallen Angel Legion has been under the wind for so long. Under the siege of the Bright Angel Legion, there have been many deaths and injuries. If the Fallen Angels had arranged a backhand in advance, they should have come out to fight back.

   But if they weren't the strong ones arranged in advance by the fallen angels, how could they come to this chaotic and remote star field?

   Because I don’t know how many tens of thousands of years ago, the world of this star field was exploded because of the war. As a result, there were not a few creature worlds nearby, and there were very few strong people passing here!

   Before they could figure it out, there had been turmoil on the other side of the battlefield.

   When the killing angel Sira suddenly came to the chaotic battlefield with an incomparably violent murderous aura, he slashed out with a single sword, and an army of one hundred thousand bright angels collapsed directly, causing many casualties.

   Just when she wielded the sword one after another and was about to make persistent efforts to expand the results, she suddenly heard an outrage from the Light Legion camp, and then there was a huge figure appeared, and the twelve wings behind it set off the holiness of it.

   "Sira, you are bold!"

   The moment this archangel appeared, he screamed, and there was an endless bright sacred flame spreading over Xi La!

   "Hmph, Seraphim, if Archangel Gabriel is here, I would still be a little bit jealous, but you are not qualified as a replacement Seraphim!"

   As he spoke, Xila also spread endless dark magic energy, not weaker than the bright sacred flame of the other side's blazing angel, and even seemed to be faintly overwhelming.

   In an instant, these two powerful beings fought together.

   However, after this blazing angel left the army, he immediately lost the strongest command to the army. Although the ten-winged angel immediately took over the position of the blazing angel and continued to command the bright angel to attack, the strength was obviously weaker.

   Moreover, before the ten-winged angel took over the command, I saw another fallen angel heading in the distance.

Cesia flew to the top of the bright camp, and did not directly attack and kill the army below. Instead, she turned her body and raised her arms, and immediately radiated endless charm, attracting countless bright angels below. It is difficult to concentrate on fighting.

   Charm Angel Cecia was originally not a powerhouse who was good at frontal assault, but her role on the battlefield was not inferior to the killing angel of Syrah.

  Sira is too strong to kill Wushuang. Even though many strong people in the Fallen Angels camp are terrified of her, it is a deterrent to all worlds during the war, making hundreds of millions of people from all walks of life fear her!

Although Cesia’s combat power is not as good as Syrah, her abilities are more suitable for display at this time, but for a moment, countless bright angels are absent-minded. They only feel that Cesia is the most beautiful existence in the world, and she can’t wait to rush to surrender. In front of her.

   In this way, it greatly affected their military spirit, causing chaos in the original army, and it was difficult to concentrate on killing the opponent.

   On the contrary, the fallen angels of the dark camp on the opposite side are energetic, and have burst out powerful combat power to start counterattacks!

   Although their number on one side is far less than the other, but with Cesia's restraint, the opponent can't fight with all their strength, so their momentum is like a rainbow, and it won't take a long time to reverse the situation.

   They are no longer blindly beaten, but gathered together under the greet of a powerful fallen angel, and began a full counterattack.

   "Hurry up and stop her!"

   A twelve-winged archangel roared, trying to stop Cecia and interrupt her charm.

   Even if it is replaced by a twelve-wing fallen angel, as long as it is not Syrah, with their huge number, it may not be afraid of each other.

But Cecía is different. Although she may not be greatly affected by the powerful angels when she uses her charm power on a large scale, ordinary angels can't hold her charm power. If this continues, Not only will they lose out, but they will also suffer heavy casualties.

   After going back and forth like this, they will not only be punished by the God of, they may also become the laughingstock of the God Realm of Light.

   After all, they used two or three times the strength of the opponent to set up the trap, but in the end they lost heavily and failed, which would make it difficult for them to raise their heads in the future.

   It's a pity that the twelve-winged angel has a heart and powerlessness. Although he shouts with anger, he can't fight back the Void Tibetan Bodhisattva standing in front of him.

   The other archangels were also entangled by their opponents, unable to pull their hands to rescue.

   In this way, the battle situation quickly turned over. The previously miserable fallen angels were like a rainbow, madly beheading those opponents who were greatly damaged by the charm of Cesia, and beheading countless bright angels on the spot!

   "Damn it!"

   Parvas swung a sword of light into the rays of light, and retreated the Mingguang Bodhisattva who had not fully used it, but he was still unable to break through his barrier.

   Seeing this, Pavas was so angry that he could no longer suppress his inner rage, and he roared: "You forced me!"

   After saying this, he suddenly slashed out with a sword, slashing Mingguang Bodhisattva back thousands of feet, and then reached out and took out a simple and weird pendulum clock from his body!

   The pendulum clock emerges, like a mountain, it seems to have stood in this void for hundreds of millions of years, covered with traces of time and mottled time, the whole body is broken and cracked, as if it would break when touched.

   Click, click...

   There was a sound of toothy gears turning, and the pendulum clock shook, suddenly exuding a strange breath of power, enveloped the audience!

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