Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 393: Jiangdongliu's unwillingness to hope for Taiyi Mountain

Taiyi Mountain, Xingjiantang.

"what did you say?"

In a palace, Jiang Dongliu looked at the disciple in front of him with a cold expression, with a cold tone: "You say it again, what happened?"

He was thin and thin, with slender eyes. Because he was the elder in charge of the criminal law, he was quite majestic with cold face for many years.

But at this moment, he is no longer majestic, his expression changes, and his sword intent is blooming. Even the disciple who was very familiar with him at this moment is a little frightened.

"Return to Master."

Although the disciple was a little confused, he couldn't avoid it. He could only repeat the previous words again: "Master Jiang Yinghong was beheaded in public by the disciple of the Royal Beast Sect Qin Feng in Kuncheng of Chu State."


Jiang Dongliu shouted angrily and raised his hand to smash the case before him.

He suddenly got up and asked, "Where is Elder Chu? She just looked at my sister being killed by that junior?

No, what is Qin Feng's ability to kill my sister? "


The disciple said: "This is the news from Zhuo Feifan. He said that he saw Qin Feng possessing a spirit beast comparable to the realm of the Purple Mansion. Later, although the Red Lotus Sword Master appeared, he was taken by the spirit beast of the Purple Mansion. In the end, he failed to save Master Jiang, but was broken by that Qin Feng, beheaded, and died on the spot!"


After Jiang Dongliu heard this, he no longer cared that Chu Youhong's status was higher than that of him, and directly angrily cursed: "Chu Youhong has been healed for so many years, is it true that he has cultivated himself? Waste, actually let my sister die in the hands of a junior who has just become a golden pill?

Her dignified Red Lotus Sword Master, could it be that she couldn't even deal with an ordinary spirit beast in the Purple Mansion realm? No wonder that the Red Lotus line had fallen here! "

First, the only descendant of blood was killed. At this time, even his younger sister was beheaded by Qin Feng. Under the successive blows, Jiang Dongliu was suddenly furious, and his unsmiling calmness and calmness for many years were gone. At this time, Chu Youhong was caught. Scolded.

The disciple who had reported the matter to him was so frightened that he did not dare to speak, and stood quietly, lest Master vent his anger on him.

After a long while, Jiang Dongliu recovered a bit of calmness, and asked, "Did Chu Youhong avenge my sister by cutting that Qin Feng a thousand times?"


The disciple hesitated.

Jiang Dongliu said angrily: "Why, is Chu Youhong still afraid of being a true disciple of Qin Feng's Royal Beast Sect, and dare not attack him?"

"That's not it."

The disciple said: "In Zhuo Feixian's transmission talisman, it was mentioned that Elder Chu sacrificed the Red Lotus Sword in his anger, trying to kill Qin Feng, but Qin Feng fled into the mountains, and there is no news yet."

"Trash, trash! After offering the Red Lotus Sword, I couldn't kill a junior, and I was run away. I feel ashamed for the ancestors of the Red Lotus line!"

Jiang Dongliu snorted angrily and walked out after raising his leg.

"Master, where are you going?"

"I will go to Chu State to see if Qin Feng is dead. If he is not dead, I will kill him personally. If he is already dead, I will thwart him. Only in this way can I dispel my hatred."

However, before Jiang Dongliu left the mountain where Xingjiantang was located, a monk's sword suddenly flew outside.

When the visitor saw Jiang Dongliu, he hurriedly called: "Elder Jiang, the head has called you to the conference hall!"

"Why, the boss already knows about my sister. This is to dissuade me from being impulsive and not to act on that Qin Feng personally?"

Jiang Dongliu snorted coldly. Although he was dissatisfied, he did not dare to ignore the call of the headmaster. Before the disciple could finish speaking, he directly used his sword to escape, turning into a sword light to fly towards the main peak of Taiyi Mountain in the distance. .


The monk wanted to say something but stopped, but seeing that Jiang Dongliu had already left in an instant, he had to stop talking.

After a while, Jiang Dongliu's sword light fell in front of the main hall of the mountain gate and walked into the main hall, only to realize that it was a little different from what he had imagined.

In addition to the head of the temple, most of the sword masters of the other veins and the elders of the hall masters also came.

This made his brows wrinkled slightly, and he felt a little strange. If it was just to discourage him from going to Chu Kingdom in person, there is no need for such a big battle, right?

Before he could understand, the master of Xing Jiantang waved at him and motioned him to pass.

"I have seen the head, I have seen all sword masters."

After Jiang Dongliu arrived at Xingjiantang's side, he first bowed to everyone.

"Nephew Jiang is here."

The head of Taiyi Mountain, Ling Yun, has a higher generation, a generation higher than Jiang Dongliu. He stroked the white beard under his jaw and nodded: "Sit first."


Jiang Dongliu Yiyan sat on the futon behind the master of Xingjiantang.

After another long while, after all the elders arrived, Ling Yun said, "I am calling you here this time. There is a major event to be announced."

His face was heavy, and his tone revealed a sorrow: "Previously received news that the Red Lotus Sword Master was killed outside. Not only has he died, but even the Red Lotus Sword, the treasure of the Red Lotus line, has also been lost. "


As soon as this remark came out, everyone in the palace was shocked.

Even more, people's vitality is bewildered by words, and the sword intent on the body suddenly comes out, the sword in the void screams, and the killing intent rises!

Although Honglian’s line has changed, and the strength of Chu Youhong has plummeted in the past two hundred years. Chu Youhong has exhausted his fundamental potential because of injury, but in other words, he is also the leader of the line of Taiyi Mountain, so he was beheaded. How are they not angry!

Even after Jiang Dongliu heard the news, he was still shocked.

Before, he yelled and said that Chu Youhong was wasteful, but it was purely because his sister was so angry and out of control after she was killed.

But in fact, he knew Chu Youhong's strength. If he was in his heyday, even he might not be an opponent. Even now Chu Youhong is wounded and can't perform half of the strength of his heyday, but she still has the Red Lotus Sword. Hand, waiting for Xian Zifu does not say that you can kill easily, but it is impossible to hurt her.

Jiang Dongliu knew where Chu Youhong had gone. After all, Chu Youhong used Qin Feng to stimulate Jiang Yinghong. It was originally determined after Chu Youhong came to him to discuss with him. Before his sister left the mountain to find Qin Feng for revenge, he originally planned to secretly Followed to see, lest there be any accidents, but Chu Youhong took the initiative to ask Ying, and he stayed at the mountain gate.

As a result, the head now said that Chu Youhong was dead.

Who killed it?

Qin Feng?


Jiang Dongliu shook his head.

It is said that only Qin Feng possesses a spirit beast of the Purple Mansion realm, even if there are two, it is still not Chu Youhong's opponent.

As soon as the Red Lotus Sword came out, it was absolutely impossible for Chu Youhong to be injured by one or two spirit beasts in the realm of Purple Mansion!

"Brother head, who killed Junior Sister Chu?"

Ahead, the evil spirit sword master asked aloud.

The sword master looks handsome and evil, with white eyebrows like snow, white hair like frost, and the skin on his face is as delicate as a girl.

His voice when speaking is even more feminine than male and female.

However, none of the elders here dared to underestimate him, because this is a great monk at the pinnacle of the soul, so strong, even if the head of the head Lingyun does not use the fairy sword, Shiyou is not his opponent.

"The news was passed back by Zhuo Feifei through Lingxiao Tower."

Ling Yun Zhen said: "It is said that Junior Sister Chu followed Jiang Yinghong to the Kingdom of Chu secretly, preparing to kill Qin Feng, the true disciple of the Royal Beast Sect. However, Qin Feng did not expect that there was a spirit beast in the Purple Mansion Realm beside Qin Feng. She took the opportunity to kill Jiang Yinghong. .

After that, Junior Sister Chu was furious, and personally prepared to kill that Qin Feng, but she didn't realize that there was a monk from the Primordial Divine Realm who was secretly defending the way for him.

The result is conceivable. Sister Chu bullied the small by the big, of course the other party would not let Sister Chu go. This secretly shot, which directly led to the recurrence of Sister Chu’s old injuries. She couldn’t show 10% of her strength, and eventually died in Qin Feng. In the hands of the beast! "

"Why is the Red Lotus Sword Master so unwise, personally shot at the junior, does this mean handing over the handle to the opponent?"

The elders looked at each other when they heard the words. Although their faces were angry, they also showed embarrassment.

If it was Chu Youhong who was killed for other reasons, they all had a good reason to kill each other to avenge Chu Youhong.

But Chu Youhong bullied the younger in front of the parents, blatantly breaking the rules and attacking the juniors. They can't say anything if they are killed, otherwise they will only have more trouble in the future.

What's more, the great cultivator of the Primordial God Realm had not come forward directly, but secretly made Chu Youhong's wounds erupt, and it was Qin Feng who killed her in the end, which made these Taiyi Mountain elders helpless.

Even they can be sure that afterwards the Royal Beast Sect will definitely put the killing of Chu Youhong on Qin Feng, and achieve Qin Feng's reputation as the sword master of the Taiyi Mountain line.

This makes them even more embarrassed.

And because of their bad identity, they went to Qin Feng to avenge themselves.

"It is said that Jiang Yinghong broke through the shackles when he was fighting Qin Feng. As long as he returns to the sect, he can advance to the Purple Mansion."

The head Ling Yun sighed: "Sister Chu is angrily thinking about coming to her. Finally, she has a heir who can take the burden on her. She was killed in a blink of an eye, and she didn't hold back her personal end for a while."


The evil spirit sword master snorted coldly: "The guys from the Royal Beast Sect really don't want to be skinny. They even sent a great monk from the Primordial Divine Realm to protect the way to a true disciple of the Golden Core Realm, and they are not afraid of being laughed at!

According to common sense, shouldn't it be sending the monks of the Purple Mansion? "

The other elders are also a little depressed.

If the Royal Beast Sect dispatched ordinary Zifu monks to protect Qin Feng's path, Chu Youhong would definitely not make such a big oolong!

"I don't know if it was the great cultivator of the Royal Beast Sect who accepted the job of protecting the road despite his face?"

Xingjiantang hall master asked.

"It's Yu Hualong in the line of the spirit snake."

Ling Yun said humanely: "He showed up later, but he apparently disdained Zhuo Feifan's juniors who had just entered the Golden Core, so he allowed Zhuo Feifei to leave safely and passed the news back."

"It's him."

Next to him, another old-fashioned sword master sneered: "The old guy didn't want to practice in retreat, and he actually ran to protect the way with the Jindan junior. I really don't know what to say.

Hmph, did Yu Hualong have self-knowledge and completely gave up the path of longevity? "


Real person Ling Yun sighed: "The path of immortality is impossible. Perhaps he thinks that instead of wasting the last time in his life in the retreat in the cave, he might as well put it on other more meaningful things."

"Does it make sense to protect the way for juniors in the Golden Core Realm?"

"This is hard to say."

Real person Ling Yun pondered for a while, and then continued: "I was only concerned about telling you about Junior Sister Chu, but I forgot to tell you about Qin Feng."

"He? A junior, even if there is some chance, with the help of the elders of the division, to conquer a spirit beast in the Purple Mansion realm, what can it represent?"

The evil spirit sword master has a feminine tone, and his slender white fingers gently brushed his silky white hair, and said disdainfully: "If my true disciple of Taiyi Mountain has cultivated to the peak of the golden core, I will reward him with a powerful enough spirit. The sword fights against it, even if it faces the spirit beasts of the Purple Mansion Realm, it may not lose. If you are ready to lay down the sword formation, it is still unknown who will lose and who will win."

"Junior Brother knows something."

The real person Ling Yun is more solemn: "If it was just a spirit beast in the Purple Mansion Realm, perhaps it would not have received such attention from the Royal Beast Sect, but then Qin Feng himself could transform into a rock giant, and he would also have the battle of the Purple Mansion Realm after his transformation. force.

And whether it is the spirit beast of his Purple Mansion realm or the rock giant he transformed into, they are not like the creatures of our big world of Biluo. I guess it should be the chance he got when he fought in another world.

It is also for this reason that Yu Hualong is so valued by the Royal Beast Sect, that makes Yu Hualong think that he has great potential, and then put down his body to protect him. "

"What, you can turn into a giant rock, and your combat power can rival the cultivator of the Purple Mansion?"

The elders were shocked when they heard this.

You must know that most of the Inner Sect elders present here are only in the Zifu realm. After all, the great monks in the Faxiang realm and Yuanshen realm are few.

But now, a young disciple of the hostile sect not only has a spirit beast that can contend with the Purple Mansion Realm, but he also has the power of the Purple Mansion Realm. This is terrifying.

"Then Qin Feng hasn't practiced for a long time? If all these opportunities are his own, then it really deserves the Royal Beast Sect's attention."

Jiang Dongliu listened to the discussion among the elders, and his heart was mixed.

No wonder the younger sister would die in the hands of that Qin Feng, such strength is indeed not something that the Golden Core cultivator can contend.

After a long silence, he stood up and said to the headmaster: "Enjoy the headmaster, the disciple has something to say."

Real person Ling Yun glanced at him, seeming to know what he was going to say, and sighed imperceptibly, "Say it."

"Head, I want to go and find Qin Feng for a match, and divide life and death!"

"I'm afraid the people of Royal Beast Sect will not agree."

Real person Ling Yun shook his head: "Such an outstanding disciple, how can the elders of the Royal Beast Sect be willing to let him take the risk of fighting with you."

"So I want to do things before Qin Feng returns to the gate of Yu Beast Zong Mountain."

Jiang Dongliu's voice was low: "That junior first killed my beloved daughter, and now ruined my sister's life. If such a grievance is not reported, I will feel uneasy.

I would like to invite an elder from the Primordial Divine Realm to go with me. I don’t ask the elder to take action, just help me stop Yu Hualong.

As for that Qin Feng, doesn't he possess the strength that can compete with the cultivators of the Purple Mansion, plus there is also a spirit beast in the Purple Mansion realm, so he has such strength at a young age, and he is definitely a proud generation.

If I irritate him with words and force him to fight with me, he may not refuse, after all, he is not without hope of winning. "

"This matter may be feasible."

The evil spirit sword master's delicate eyebrows lightly raised: "In this way, this seat will accompany you for a while, and it will happen to be Yu Hualong for a while, or to regain the Red Lotus Sword.

That junior has progressed so fast, and if he advances to the Purple Mansion in the future, he might even cause more trouble. Nephew Jiang, you'd better behead him, so as not to make Taiyi Mountain suffer more losses in the future. "

"Uncle Master, don't worry."

Jiang Dongliu smiled sullenly, showing his white teeth: "I can force him to fight with me."

The evil spirit sword master glanced at him, and a wicked smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. He did not ask what method he planned to use to persecute Qin Feng, because the method Jiang Dongliu wanted to use was obviously not suitable to be put on the bright side.

"In that case, let's go and go back quickly. Let's start, lest the kid leaves and let us take a breath. Maybe we will have to wait for such a good opportunity in the future."

The evil spirit sword master stood up: "In case that kid returns to the mountain gate and retreats for decades, or transmits to another world through the space gate of their Royal Beast Sect to practice, when he reappears, if he has already been promoted to the Purple Mansion As far as the realm is concerned, Nephew Jiang may not be able to beat him."

"Oh, all right."

The head Lingyun sighed, no longer blocking, just said: "After you pass, remember not to act rashly, at least not to leave too much handle, otherwise..."

Before the words fell, a disciple outside the hall suddenly asked to see him urgently.

After coming in, handed over a messenger.

The real person Ling Yun stretched out his hand, and Volley took a look at his hand, and his expression suddenly changed: "You can't do this again. Let's stop for the time being, and make plans in the future!"

"What happened?"

Everyone was surprised and asked quickly.

"Ning Wuxu has proved that Dao has become a fairy!"

Real Ling Yun said in a deep voice.


"Ning Wuxu became a fairy?"

"This... why is it so fast?"

The evil spirit sword master was also taken aback: "He didn't have the slightest movement before, why suddenly he became a fairy?"

He and Ning Wuxu are considered to be monks of the same generation, and they did not fight when they were young. They were both talented disciples of their respective sects. They also stayed in the realm of the soul for many years, trying to find opportunities to prove the way.

Unexpectedly, Ning Wuxu, who hadn't heard anything a few years ago, suddenly proclaimed unexpectedly.

"It must be related to this expedition of Royal Beast Sect."

Real Ling Yun said in a deep voice, "No matter what, the matter against Qin Feng will be set aside for now.

No matter how good the aptitude of that kid is, he is still far away from the Faxiang Yuanshen. He will find opportunities to deal with it in the future, but now he can't do anything to him.

Otherwise, Ning Wuxu had just become an immortal, and we would kill his true disciple. This would be a blatant slap in the face. I am afraid that from now on, Ning Wuxu will continue to die with us. He is a Taoist immortal. Regardless of everything against us, the mountain gate will suffer heavy losses, and even a little carelessness will cause two battles.

If it were in the past, it would be fine, but now the Royal Beast Sect has formed alliances with many sects, and they are very powerful. We are not ready yet, and we must not give them this opportunity.

Otherwise, if they bring the sects of the alliance to deal with us, the Giant Spirit Sect may not be willing to come to this muddy water. With the strength of our family alone, it will definitely be difficult to support it, and it will not be able to compete with so many sects. "

Hearing this, even if Jiang Dongliu felt unwilling to do so, he had to suppress the hatred in his heart.

The evil spirit sword master groaned silently for a while, and suddenly sighed slightly: "No matter, report this matter. Report it to the elders of Jinguang Dongtian, please make up your mind!"

"No need to report, we already know about this."

Suddenly, a cold voice came, and then a handsome young Jianxian suddenly appeared in the hall.

"I have seen the elder Wuji Taishang."

From the head of the real person Lingyun down, a group of elders got up and bowed to the young sword fairy.

The young Jian Xian is not a stranger, but the Wuji who also held the position of Taiyi Mountain more than ten generations ago.

This sword immortal looked quite tender, with the appearance of a thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy, but he had a lot of hills in his chest. Back then, he squeezed a group of fellow seniors and became the head of Taiyi Mountain. The pinnacle, only to prove that he would live long afterwards, he didn't bother to take care of the general affairs of the sect any more, and focused his energy on kendo practice.

However, in many cases, if the sect encounters difficulties, it usually relies on the supreme elder to make suggestions and guide the direction.

"You don't need to be polite, just get up."

Wujizi's height is a lot shorter than all the elders, but he has the most aura. Even if everyone has been ordered to get up, everyone will wait for him to pass by before standing up.

The young Sword Immortal walked straight to the throne of the master let by Lingyun real person, sat on it, waved at the crowd, motioned everyone to sit down and talk, then said: "The Royal Beast Sect has been very high-spirited recently. , Has obtained countless resources, and the turtle spirit ancestors of their sect have already proclaimed immortality. They returned to the big world of Biluo before and connected their own avenues to the heavens.

Now that junior Ning Wuxu followed the proof to immortal way, according to the news released by the Royal Beast Sect, they still want to expand the recruitment of disciples, expand the mountain gate, hum, it is so bold. "

"Master Wuji, how should I deal with Taiyi Mountain now?"

Real person Ling Yun didn't care about being taken his place by Wujizi. He respectfully asked, "If things go on like this, I am afraid the Royal Beast Sect will become stronger and stronger, and our Taiyi Mountain will fall in the wind, just in case..."

"Don't worry."

Wu Jizi chuckled: "They want to develop. Without a few hundred hours, it is impossible to surpass us in the number of ordinary disciples and inner elders.

As for the existence of Xiandao, it will take a longer time.

But for such a long time, our Taiyi Mountain is not standing still.

The reason why the Royal Beast Sect can have such a big change is entirely because they have obtained enough resources from another world. If they hadn't won the expedition, they would dare to expand the sect power in such a large range. "

Having said this, he glanced at the people in the hall lightly, and gathered all the faces of the elders into his eyes. Then he said: "The Royal Beast Sect can fully develop with the resources of another world, and so can Taiyi Mountain.

Earlier, I was ordered by the ancestor of Qian Yuan to discuss with the Giant Lingzong and Hui Jianmen about forming an alliance and expedition to another world.

The matter was not in a hurry. We expect it will take a few years before we can come up with a clear idea.

But now the Royal Beast Sect has returned from an expedition and has gained countless profits. The sects with which it allied are also full of gains, which immediately aroused the greed of all parties. The two ancestors of the Giant Spirit Sect and the Huijian Sect also directly ordered. Promise us to form an alliance and join an expedition.

As long as we can conquer one world, we can also obtain countless resources to cultivate Why will we be overwhelmed by the Royal Beast Sect! "

"Huh? We have to expedition too?"

The elders were surprised and delighted when they heard this.


Wu Jizi nodded: "Originally, the expedition would not start so soon. I originally expected that it would take another ten or twenty years to start recruiting disciples. In addition to mobilizing other sects, it would take a long time, but now the various factions Being stimulated by the Royal Beast Sect, they were all jealous of the Royal Beast Sect's income, so the progress of this matter was greatly advanced.

This time I come here to tell you, let the disciples under the sect begin to prepare, in a year or two, we will set out for a foreign land expedition. "

"Great. When we return from the expedition, our Taiyi Mountain will also prosper and grow tenfold."

An elder said excitedly.

Looking at the excited faces of elders below, Wuji sighed in his heart.

It seems that these inner sect elders, like the other monks of the sect, were stimulated by the harvest of the Royal Beast Sect, but they forgot that war would kill people.

Wasn’t the ancient catastrophe that other worlds expedition to Biluo ended up losing both?

Now that they Taiyi Mountain united the two major sects and a group of vassal sects expedition to other worlds, they would also face huge risks.

Even if they can win, they don’t know how many people are going to die. These guys only saw the ease of the Royal Beast Sect, but they didn’t know that this easy victory could not be replicated. Otherwise, why the other expedition teams still have no news until now. Send it back.

But of course he will not pour cold water on everyone at this time. On the contrary, he will encourage them as much as possible to mobilize their disciples with the highest mood and persuade other small and medium schools to send as many disciples as possible to participate in the expedition. .

Only by fighting for more manpower will there be more chances of winning!

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