Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 383: Unlovable monster

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Qifeng Mountain has a radius of hundreds of miles. Although the scope of this mountain is not too large in the practice world, it is a little inconspicuous compared to the mountains that stretch for thousands of miles, but in the eyes of the surrounding people, it is still an insurmountable mountain. .

The mountains are full of vegetation and wild beasts are rampant, and it is not uncommon for monsters to become weather beasts.

If it weren't for the surrounding monk families who often encircled the ordinary monsters that came out of the mountains, I am afraid that many people would die every year!

Therefore, even if some monk families acted more publicly, it was not unacceptable in the eyes of the people. After all, these monks protected their side.

Qin Feng was driving a two-legged dragon, flying over Qifeng Mountain.

Since there is a mount available, he doesn't bother to use the escape method by himself.

The wings of the two-footed flying dragon are wide, and it can stir up a huge gust of wind while flapping, and the speed of flying with the help of wind magic is not slow.

This is the second time Qin Feng has set foot in the depths of Qifeng Mountain.

It’s just that his cultivation base was low when he came last time. He only had the strength in the late stage of foundation building. It was not enough to subdue the monster beasts in the mountain that had formed a demon pill. He didn't even dare to arouse the idea of ​​those monsters. After seeing the movement in the mountain, he left Qifeng Mountain after knowing the situation of the monster beast in the mountain.

Coming again this time, there are already two different mentalities from the beginning.

At this time, not only had he formed a golden core, his cultivation base was much more tyrannical than before, and there were also two spirit beasts capable of reaching the realm of the Purple Mansion.

With such a powerful strength, Qin Feng no longer paid attention to the monsters in the mountains.

So he drove the two-footed flying dragon and headed straight to the area where the monster beast closest to the Qin family was located.

Because Qin Feng didn't want to alarm the monster beasts on the other two sides, lest they would hide after they noticed something wrong or temporarily escape from Qifeng Mountain, leaving hidden dangers for the family, so he didn't exude his own breath.

He has already integrated the supernatural power of Longwei, and he really wants to give out his breath. I am afraid that all the monsters in the mountain will be chaotically, and it may even attract the attention of the Huang family's sword repairers. Maybe it will What caused Jiang Yinghong's accident.

However, it is not a problem to let the two-footed dragon release its breath. Anyway, this guy doesn't know how to constrain his breath, just let it attract the attention of the monster beast, so that the other two monster beasts think it is a battle between the monster race.

After receiving the master's order, the two-footed flying dragon summoned its strength and flew aggressively towards the valley where the monster beast in front was located.


Feeling the unbridled provocation of the two-footed dragon, a sharp cry suddenly came from the valley.

Then I saw a huge monster with brown scales suddenly drilled out of a small cave.

This monster is three feet long, and its scales are glowing with metallic color. It looks very hard. The slender claws on the limbs are sharp and terrifying. It is as if it is on the rotten ground when it is grasped on the stone. Among the hard stones.

It has a long head and a small body, sturdy limbs, and a pair of round, small eyes that are brilliant, revealing a ferocious and violent breath, and glaring angrily at the wyvern above with two feet.

Obviously, it also regarded the two-footed wyvern above it as a monster that came to **** its spiritual veins.

This kind of struggle is very common in Yaozu.

If it can't fight back the enemy in the future, it can only flee in a desperate manner, letting the spirit veins it occupy to become a cultivation cave for other powerful monsters.

"Hey, it is actually a pangolin demon who has cultivated the route of the wild beast?"

Above, Qin Feng's divine consciousness swept away, and instantly distinguished the identity of this monster beast and the direction of cultivation, he couldn't help being a little surprised.

After all, monsters that cultivate the way of wild beasts are relatively rare, and most monster races like to transform their human form whether it is for better enlightenment and cultivation or to facilitate their mixing with human races.

To say that the way to cultivate wild beasts is the most, it is the subdued spirit beasts in the Royal Beast Sect. After all, the untransformed spirit beasts are more convenient for the disciples of the Royal Beast Sect.

But Qin Feng was just a little startled, and soon stopped taking this matter to heart.

For him, it doesn't matter what direction the monster is practicing, since he has already arrived, he won't let the monster still occupy the place.

What's more, from the perspective of breath, this pangolin monster is only equivalent to the monster beast in the middle of the monster pill. With the power of the flesh, Qin Feng can win this guy.

Below, the pangolin demon initially thought that the two-footed flying dragon above was a monster beast that came to grab territory from it. Although it had never seen monsters like the two-footed flying dragon before, it was not afraid.

More importantly, it felt that the aura of the two-footed dragon was not as powerful as its own. Even if the opponent was a flying monster, it did not look at it.

As long as this big guy dared to fall into the valley, it would be sure to keep the opponent here forever, which would become its merit to intimidate other monsters.

However, when it saw clearly that there was a figure on the back of the two-footed dragon, it was suddenly shocked.

In this way, this time it was not a battle for territory between the monster races.

Perhaps this human race had a murderous intent on it and wanted to kill demons and eliminate demons, or kill demons to obtain pill to refine magic pill.

It's not that such a monk has never encountered it, but most of them have been buried in its belly, so it can safely cultivate here for so many years.

But this time was different. Since that human monk was able to surrender the flying beast, he was obviously also an extraordinary man. If this man and beast joined forces, I am afraid it would not be an opponent.

The pangolin's unintelligible mind turned a bit, but it was never afraid.

Because these monsters that have cultivated the path of wild beasts are existences with powerful and powerful bodies, and they are best at fighting. As long as they are not too much stronger than their opponents, they have always been fearless.

Besides, even if it is really lost, it has a way to get out.

So this pangolin screamed towards Qin Feng in midair with grinning teeth, and a fierce light was revealed in his eyes, trying to scare Qin Feng away.

And as the pangolin monster screamed, seven or eight pangolin monsters of various sizes and sizes emerged in the cave behind.

Obviously, this is a small group of monsters and beasts, most of which have the cultivation base of building a foundation.

The line of wild beasts is too strong, so it is relatively difficult for them to give birth to offspring. This pangolin can have several descendants of the same race is considered quite good, it is because they are not too strong now, otherwise if they are promoted. After a higher level, it will be ten times more difficult to give birth to an offspring than it is now.

Qin Feng knew that for these monster beasts who practiced the wild beast route, it was impossible to make any sense before they had defeated them.

So he didn't talk nonsense, and directly took out the Zhan Tian Halberd from the back of the two-footed flying dragon, and went straight to the pangolin demon killing.

The two-footed flying dragon is good at poison and wind magic, and is good at fighting in the air. If it is allowed to land on the ground, its combat power will be directly reduced by more than half. Therefore, Qin Feng did not let this two-footed flying dragon go to the pangolin with a particularly short head. Monster fighting.


With a loud noise, the entire valley seemed to sway twice.

This is Qin Feng directly smashing towards the pangolin demon with the help of the falling momentum, but the pangolin demon is not stupid. Seeing Qin Feng's great momentum, he dodges and avoids it, causing Qin Feng to hit the ground with this halberd.

Then, without waiting for Qin Feng to change his tricks, the pangolin demon jumped and rushed towards Qin Feng.

Its claws are sharp, and when it traverses the boulder, it feels like nothing, apparently trying to scratch Qin Feng with its sharp offensive.

"Hmph, little trick, dare to be fierce in front of me!"

Qin Fengshan didn't even flash, and directly prodded the halberd forward, and directly hit the pangolin demon's claws with a soft sound, and the pangolin demon was knocked to the ground by him.

But to Qin Feng’s surprise, the pangolin demon’s physique was very powerful, and he was not injured by a single blow. Instead, it quickly made a creak of scales on its body, turning its entire body into a ball, quickly. Slammed into him.

On the surface of its spherical body, the sharp scales continued to rotate along with its body, unexpectedly uttered the sound of cutting the void. Obviously, under the blessing of its strong monster energy, the sharpness of each scale armor The level is not inferior to the ordinary spirit weapon flying sword.

Qin Feng's halberd swept across, and with a bang, the pangolin demon grouped into a ball flew out and hit the cliff not far away.

But then, the pangolin demon looked like a ball, and hit it back again at a faster speed.

After doing so many times, Qin Feng can understand that after this guy has made his body into a ball, every piece of scales on his body can share the strength of his hitting it, and as it rotates, it can be unloaded greatly. Lost his own strength, so he was not injured by his tyrannical strength.


Qin Feng chuckled lightly. When the ball formed by the pangolin demon group hit it again, he didn't draw it out again. Instead, he shook the halberd in his hand and turned it into a sea dragon.

Qinglong's body whirled, circled around the pangolin's body a few times, entwining the pangolin's round body tightly, and then fell in front of Qin Feng.


Seeing this, the pangolin demon, who was originally confident, suddenly panicked, no longer able to maintain the circular shape, and began to struggle.

Otherwise, once trapped by the opponent, it will not even have a chance to escape.

A crisp sound of scaly clashing came out, and Qin Feng could clearly feel that a huge force was transmitted from the pangolin body to Qinglong, and there were signs of breaking free from it.

Qin Feng was trying to completely surrender the pangolin demon while it was trapped, and suddenly felt a few breaths around him rushing towards him.

It turned out to be the slightly smaller pangolins at the rear.

Seeing that their leader encountered difficulties, they immediately jumped out and attacked Qin Feng, trying to help their leader escape.

Of course, these pangolins, which were only in the late stage of foundation building, were not taken seriously by Qin Feng. With his tyrannical body, he didn't care how sharp the scales of these pangolins were. He directly punched a group of small pangolins with two kicks. Get out.

But with this moment's time, the pangolin demon has also broken free from the shackles of the blue dragon and landed on the ground.

Seeing that the human race in front of him knocked its subordinates to the ground, the pangolin demon was furious, his body shook, and dozens of elliptical sharp scales flew out of his body, making a whining sound, rotating towards Qin Feng. Cut off.

"not bad."

Qin Feng nodded, feeling that the strength of this monster beast was not bad, but he could stay in the clan to protect the safety of the clan.

He stretched out his hand and called Zhan Tianji back to his hand. After a few swings, he flew all the scales.

As a result, the pangolin monster on the opposite side saw him, and his body swayed again. This time there were more scales flying out. Thousands of scales rotated towards him from all directions, and each scale was controlled by the pangolin monster. The flight trajectory is constantly changing, making it difficult to figure out the specific attack position.

However, Qin Feng didn't pay attention to these attacks, but looked at the pangolin's already bald fleshy body, feeling a little speechless.

Why does this guy like to take off his clothes when fighting against people?

The key point is that you are a monster who takes the route of the wild beast, and you are not a beautiful banshee who can transform into a human form. What is the use of being so clean?

Do you still want to show your fat body is strong, suitable for boiling?

Qin Feng waved the Zhantian Halberd to resist for a moment, and saw that the pangolin demon kept manipulating the scales to attack, and he didn't bother to follow it with ink.

With his supernatural powers running in size and size, his stature suddenly became shorter and became more than half a foot tall. He pressed against the ground to avoid the attack of the scales, then stretched his feet to an inch, stepped forward, and came to the body of the pangolin demon. before.

Then, under the little confused eyes of the pangolin demon, he became a huge body more than three feet tall, stretched out his big hand and grabbed the body of the pangolin that was soft because of the loss of its scales, and lifted it to his body. Before, he smiled and asked: "Well, now are you willing to surrender to me?"

Of course, along with this sentence passed along with the extremely sharp Zhan Tianji.


Because it lost the protection of the scale armor, the pangolin demon could clearly feel the sharp edge that could cut its body at any time from the sword blade of the war, and immediately screamed twice in fright, even when he was panicked, he did not care about Qin Fenghui. Will not kill it, manipulate many scales to fly towards the body.

It's just that there are too many scales, and the flying directions of many scales also envelop Qin Feng's body.

Qin Feng frowned and waved Zhan Tianji behind him several times, opening the scales.

There was a soft sound, thousands of scales returned to the pangolin monster.

Because of the tyrannical defense, the pangolin demon became courageous, and with a sudden force, he broke free from Qin Feng's hand, and then stretched out his sharp claws to scratch him.


Qin Feng snorted coldly, and instantly merged with the Ruyi Golden Snake, with dark golden fine scales directly appearing on his body.

These scales are several times tougher than the scales on the pangolin monster. With a stab, the pangolin monster's claws slashed across Qin Feng's body, and they only tore his robe, and did not hurt him. Cent.

The pangolin demon was suddenly horrified. What is the situation of this human monk? How can his body be stronger than his own scale armor?

But before it could react, Qin Feng's somewhat annoyed voice was already in his ears: "You fellow, you broke my robe, can you afford it?"

His robe was still configured by the sect when he was building the base realm. Now there are some repairs that do not meet his golden core realm, but after returning to the sect, he has not thought of going to the internal affairs hall to replace it.

After many battles in the Demon Realm, the robes were a bit damaged, so this was not able to withstand the sharp claws of the pangolin demon in the middle of the demon pill.

Although the restrictions in the robe were already somewhat broken, in any case, this pangolin demon broke his robe, and this guy's unwillingness to surrender immediately annoyed Qin Feng.

The golden light on Qin Feng's hand flickered, the gold hole pointed out, and with a soft click, it directly shattered the scale in the middle of the pangolin demon's forehead.

If it hadn't sensed the danger and dodge frantically, maybe even the skull could be penetrated by Qin Feng's finger.

Only then did he know that the powerful pangolin monster immediately knew that the powerful enemy in front of him was beyond his ability to contend, and his body flashed with a yellow light, and he fled into the ground directly, trying to use his earthen power to escape.

Qin Feng snorted coldly, raised his leg and stomped fiercely on the ground.

The mountain shook suddenly and the rocks rolled. The pangolin demon who had just escaped into the ground only felt a huge and incomparable force squeezed towards it, and almost didn't squeeze it into meatloaf.

This is a supernatural power that shakes the earth. It is the talent skill of the earth dragon dragon after Qin Feng swallowed the earth dragon spirit fruit.

Because Qin Feng himself was particularly proficient in the magical powers of the earthen escape, so he had a very thorough understanding of the magical powers of the earthshaking.

Later, he combined the rock giant's earth-shaking technique with the earth-shaking technique in the practice world, which has once again increased the power of this magical power. At this moment, it is extremely effective against the pangolin monster that has escaped underground.

The pangolin demon came out from the ground in horror.

There was blood hanging from the corner of its mouth, which was hurt by Qin Feng's unceasing magical power.

Panicked, the pangolin demon turned and drilled into the original cave. Seven or eight pangolins, large and small, also fled with them.

This group of guys have been entrenched in Qifeng Mountain for many years. In the deep caves of this valley, dozens of tunnels leading to different directions have been dug densely, and the tunnels are narrow, only suitable for their pangolins to pass, plus their body type. It is long, but quite short, so other monster beasts with a huge body can't get in at all.

Obviously, they escaped from other passages.

However, the pangolin demon had forgotten that Qin Feng had previously used the supernatural power of the size of Ruyi, which can change the body.

So when the pangolin demon fled to the nest deep in the cave, just about to relax his nervous mind, he heard Qin Feng's voice behind him: "You haven't compensated for my robe, so you want to leave? "


The pangolin demon suddenly turned his head, and saw Qin Feng in the back shortening his body a bit, and he swiftly shrank and followed behind.

The horrified pangolin demon figured upwards, directly using the earth escape supernatural power to get into the rocks above.

It doesn't believe it anymore, this human monk can use the earth-shaking magical powers on the earth, can he still use the earth-shaking magical powers on the mountain above his head?

Qin Feng did not use the earth-shaking magical powers at the top, otherwise this mountain would definitely collapse, burying all the caves here.

Although it is impossible to trap him even if he is buried underneath, there is no need for him. Besides, the power of using the earth-shaking magical powers upward is limited, and it is impossible to force the pangolin monster out.

So he also displayed the supernatural power of the earth escape, still following this guy leisurely.

Soon, after realizing that Qin Feng is also proficient in the magical powers of the earth escape, and the speed of using the earth escape is a few minutes faster than it, the pangolin demon is desperate.

What kind of freak is this human monk, how can he go to heaven and earth to be omnipotent, and all his escape methods are useless in front of still unwilling pangolin escaped from the back peak and tried Fly away.

It wanted to try if it could escape before Qin Feng's mount came.

It's a pity that even its best at Tu Dun is no match for Qin Feng, so how can it be able to get rid of Qin Feng with the least proficient flight!

So soon, the pangolin demon who had just flown into the air was firmly trapped by Qin Feng's ropes formed by the golden light, waiting for his hair loss with a look of hopelessness.

At this time, the pangolin demon has no thoughts of resistance. Its best at scale attacks are useless to Qin Feng. On the contrary, after taking off the vest, it will be easily grabbed and kneaded by Qin Feng, even its sharpest claws. Do not break Qin Feng's defense.

In the face of such an opponent that cannot be beaten and cannot escape, it seems that it can do nothing but surrender obediently.

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