Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1202: Miaozhen Proves Taoism and God Soldiers Worship

Remember [] for a second,!

Wild Mountains!

Inside the gate of the Imperial Beast Sect, spirit birds flew up, spirit beasts were everywhere, and sometimes huge spirit beasts passed by, leaving a shadow on the earth!

In the ethereal cave, on a cliff carved like jasper, Li Miao is really practicing cross-legged!

Her body's energy fluctuates, sometimes fierce and terrifying, and sometimes dormant like a dragon, her breath is not obvious!

Suddenly, she seemed to sense something, and her mind was suddenly shocked, and she suddenly opened her eyes!

It's just that the black and white eyes in the past look a little confused today, as if they didn't look at the scenery ahead, but probed into the unknown place!

Li Miaozhen's years of cultivation are similar to Qin Feng's. Although he has been cultivating for thousands of years, he is of course a younger generation compared to the older generation of immortals who survived the ancient catastrophe.

However, just like Qin Feng, all of them are listed as the leaders of the younger generation by the current practice world, and are respected by countless junior monks!

Although Li Miaozhen's Taoism is not as high as Qin Feng's, but in terms of popularity, it is actually more than Qin Feng!

The main reason is her personality!

Li Miaozhen is unruly by nature, outspoken and aggressive by nature.

Throughout her life, she has fought against the sky and the earth, challenging the strong, and when she meets the strong, she is strong, and she has never been afraid!

From the early years when her cultivation base was still low, she was not only invincible among the cultivators of the same level, but she was still able to win many battles when she was challenged by leaps and bounds. Even if a cultivator who is a level higher than her does not lose to her, she may be beaten to a draw by her!

She has practiced all the way, and she has achieved the ultimate in sassy and heroic appearance. She has not only won great praise, but also won countless fans, so that many female cultivators in the cultivation world take her as their goal, and there are also countless male cultivators. sought after!

And she is not like Qin Feng, who disappeared in the Abandoned Land for so long during the Biluo expedition.

On the contrary, in the years when Qin Feng left, he used his own strength to prop up the facade of the entire Beast Sect, and became the most dazzling new star in the younger generation. In terms of more than many veteran Jinxian!

After the rise of the Imperial Beast Sect, Li Miaozhen's cultivation level also rose. As early as hundreds of years before Bi Luo did not return to the original star field, he had already cultivated to a half-step fortune.

With the exception of a few geniuses like Tianxie from the God of War, the fortune-telling powerhouse is not available, not to mention that she cannot be suppressed, and there are not even a few who can compare with her!

At her level, she can be said to be one of Bi Luo's most promising powerhouses!

However, what is needed to prove Taoism is not only cultivation, but also greater opportunities.

Otherwise, there will not be so many old-fashioned eternal powerhouses in the heavens and myriads of worlds who practice hard and fail to advance.

Which of the elders is not the one who has accumulated richness, and which one is not the one who has cultivated in the eternal realm for thousands of years, and it is unknown that the accumulation is deeper than that of Li Miaozhen.

However, in terms of chance and understanding of the Dao, it is not necessarily comparable to her!

Enlightenment is the most mysterious thing. If you can achieve enlightenment, you will be able to directly prove the Tao.

The accumulation of time may allow those older generation powerhouses to accumulate more insights, but it is difficult to say whether they can break through the shackles in one fell swoop.

Li Miaozhen is different from ordinary powerhouses. She not only has excellent understanding, but also has a combative heart that will never turn back. She never backed down when encountering a strong enemy, but tried every means to defeat it. Only by squeezing his own potential can he achieve such a profound Taoism practice in thousands of years of practice.

But even so, she finally stopped moving forward after she reached the half-step fortune realm. Valley

Over the years, although her cultivation has become more and more vigorous, she has not made any progress in Taoism.

It seems that one step further can achieve good luck, but this one step is like the next day!

She naturally also participated in the previous battle of Bi Luo's attack on Netherworld. After returning, she originally planned to follow Qin Feng to see Guizu Kaitian.

These things are secret to others, but Li Miaozhen is already the top group in the entire cultivation world, and he is also Qin Feng's Taoist companion. Of course, he knows much more than usual.

It's just that Qin Feng didn't take her with her, but let her return to the cave to practice with peace of mind!

After all, she can't practice the Tao, and she can't get much insight from watching the ghost ancestors open up the underworld.

This is a talent that belongs only to the strong in the realm of creation. If the realm is not enough, there is not much benefit from reading it, so Li Miaozhen was asked to return to the sect to retreat early to practice, and she also deliberately explained that she would sink her mind into the heavenly way, and she would gain something!

Not only her, but the other powerhouses in the late stage of eternity have also been ordered by many ancestors of good fortune to return to the cave to practice one by one.

At the beginning, Li Miaozhen was still a little puzzled, but soon, she felt that there was a slight difference between heaven and earth.

Especially when Ghost Ancestor used the power of heaven to spread the heaven and earth and announced the establishment of Biluo Samsara, the entire Biluo Tiandao law trembled, causing Li Miao, who was originally observing the avenue, to be truly shocked. shackles!

The successful development of the underworld not only gave Biluo an additional sub-plane, but also added the Great Way of Reincarnation, but also made up for the biggest shortcoming of Biluo's operation of the Heavenly Dao.

So this not only gives all sentient beings the possibility of reincarnation, but also because of this shortcoming, Bi Luo's laws of heaven have been directly strengthened!

It is as strong as the ancestral realm of the prehistoric land. Before the reincarnation of the Empress of Houtu, the way of heaven was still incomplete. After the empress of the Later Earth opened up the reincarnation, the way of the prehistoric heaven was completed.

This is still the case in the prehistoric world. After Bi Luo gets the Reincarnation Avenue, it will naturally have endless benefits, and even the whole world will benefit from it. Li Miaozhen, the eternal peak powerhouses, also feel the mystery of the operation of heaven.

It's a pity that it ended up being a little worse!

Just when Li Miao really felt sorry for not being able to take advantage of this opportunity to directly demonstrate the Dao, suddenly the source of blue sky skyrocketed, the spiritual energy between heaven and earth flourished, and the operation of laws revealed endless mysteries.

In an instant, Li Miaozhen only felt a shock all over his body, and immediately seized the opportunity to integrate his mind into the Avenue of Heaven and Earth, and spread out along the Avenue of Gengjin that he was most familiar with.

Although it is said that many people have practiced the Gengjin Law long before the original Gengjin Avenue has been occupied by people, and many Jinxians and immortals who use the Gengjin Law to prove the way The author's own avenue is inevitably connected with the original Gengjin Avenue, and the original Gengjin Avenue is built like a golden tree.

Although Li Miaozhen has taken a different approach, he still does not break away from the gengjin barrier, which is naturally one of them!

But this doesn't hide her from being the most dazzling existence!

And with the improvement of her Daoism, her Dao Law seems to have overwhelmed the original most fundamental Gengjin Dao, and it may become the strongest Gengjin Dao in the blue sky.

Once successful, she will stand out and become the backbone of the Gengjin Avenue. All other monks above Jinxian who practice the Gengjin Law will become side branches, and it may even happen that all other Gengjin Laws are attached to her Gengjin Avenue. thing!

hum! hum! hum!

A humming sound suddenly sounded between the heavens and the earth, and countless monks suddenly felt that the magic weapon and all the swords and soldiers on their bodies were buzzing and trembling!

There are even some psychic and unowned divine soldiers that fly directly into the sky and worship in one of the directions!

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