Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1200: Destruction 3 corpse proves Taoist ghost ancestors become Xeon

Qin Feng's heart was tense, and he felt that the situation of the ghost ancestors was not good, or he would fall in the process of opening up the underworld and reshaping the avenue of reincarnation.

After all, although Ghost Ancestor has inflated his body to a larger height, holding the sky with his hands on the ground, and using his own supreme ghost body to support the underworld world, he still needs to allocate his strength to make the Samsara Heavenly Disc completely integrate into the underworld and become a The source of the Dao of this subordinate world!

Therefore, Ghost Ancestor couldn't concentrate on supporting the heaven and earth at all, so that the sky still had a tendency to sink, and the earth also showed signs of splitting.


At this moment, I suddenly heard a light drink from the ghost ancestor's mouth, and then I saw three huge figures appearing in the sky, and then walked to different corners of the world, raising their arms to form a horn with the ghost ancestor. Raise the sky!

In the sound of clicking, the pressing action of the sky stopped immediately. Although the power of the heaven and earth is strong, but supported by these huge figures, there is no possibility of re-closing at all!

When Qin Feng saw this scene, he breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, he also recognized the three giant-like figures, namely Wu Zu's flesh body and two other good-fortune zombies!

He shook his head and smiled bitterly, because he was too nervous before, he forgot about them!

With the presence of these three good-fortune zombies, it is enough to help the ghost ancestors support the underworld.

Even if two of the fortune-telling zombies are a little weaker, they are worth a complete fortune-telling powerhouse. Besides, there is no need for them to fight against other powerhouses here. They only need to use their brute force to support the world, but they can play a role. Take advantage of their physical and tyrannical advantages as zombie bodies.

Besides, besides them, there is also the tyrannical existence of Wu Zu, who has been promoted to the realm of powerhouses.

Just relying on Wu Zu's physical strength, it is not weaker than the power of Gui Zu's heyday. With their help at this moment, Gui Zu's pressure was greatly reduced, and he slowly pulled his arm away from the sky and focused his energy on it. Reincarnation on the sky plate.

He also needs to spend a lot of effort to completely integrate the reincarnation heaven and earth into this world and become the foundation of the underworld. Only in this way can the reincarnation avenue run all the time and bring the soul into reincarnation on his own!

Otherwise, he really had to rely on his disciples to arrange for all the souls to enter the reincarnation one by one, which would require a huge amount of manpower!

Even in the underworld of the ancestral realm, the Heavenly Court has only consecrated the Ten Temples of Yama, and let them lead the underworld to control hundreds of millions of ghosts, interrogate and punish the souls of all evils, and praise the great and those who have made contributions to the world. As for ordinary creatures, they are reincarnated. It's impossible to ask about all the things!


Suddenly, there was a roar from outside the sky, followed by endless thunder explosions, instantly awakening the great powers who were paying attention to Ghost Ancestor!


"What happened?"

Qin Feng and others raised their heads and looked in the direction from which the sound came.

The divine light flickered in his eyes, and he immediately saw what was going on over there.

Then, one by one, their faces turned gloomy!

Because, at this time, there are more than ten figures standing outside the boundary wall, each of them is either tall and boundless, or imposing, or surging with demonic energy, which is terrifying.

These powerhouses are impressively the masters of creation of the three races of demons and gods!

Except for the three gods of good fortune from the Heavenly Demon Realm and the two from the Heavenly God Realm, all the other five are great saints of the demon race!

The powerhouses of these three worlds are using powerful Taoist magical powers to bombard the Biluo Boundary Wall.


Ancestor Taixuan put the crutch of truth in his hand to his feet, and immediately there were invisible waves emitting, and in an instant it spread to the boundary wall along the void. The big shot flew out.

Although it is impossible to break the boundary wall of Bi Luo in a short period of time with only these more than ten great powers, and if they are really broken, Bi Luo's current strength will not be afraid of them, even if they take the initiative to let go of the boundary wall, this Nine times out of ten, the more than ten hostile creatures did not dare to attack them seriously.

Gu Otherwise, once Bi Luo came to catch a turtle in a urn and beat the dog, it would be difficult for them to escape!

But now the Spring and Autumn Old Ancestor is mobilizing the power of heaven to help the ghost ancestor stabilize the underworld world, and he is still at the most critical moment when the reincarnation sky plate merges into the underworld. Where can I be disturbed by these guys?

Therefore, not only the ancestor Taixuan was furious, but the rest of the powerhouses were also furious.

If Guizu fails because of these guys, Bi Luo's loss will be huge!

Especially the old ancestor Zhantian, his temper is even hotter, his eyes are round, and he shouts angrily: "Bold monster, I didn't wait for a counterattack to the world, but I dared to take the initiative to come to the door, you are courting death!"

As he spoke, he pulled out the innate divine axe stuck behind his waist, and when his body swayed, he rushed out into the sky.

The most powerful combat skills of the ancestors of Zhantian are the three axes to open the sky, which are to open the sky, open up the earth, and fix the universe!

Originally, he only used the artistic conception left in an inheritance acquired in his early years to simulate the martial arts will to open up the world, but watching Ghost Ancestor open up the underworld before made him realize something else.

This made him feel a little unbearable, eager to find someone to try his skills, so as not to lose his understanding after a long time, at this moment it happened that the demon was attacking, and he was also a little happy in the rage, so he immediately stepped forward and prepared Take these lords of creation as opponents to verify your own understanding.

With this axe, he immediately evolved the power of opening the sky to a higher level, three points stronger than when he was in the ghost world before!

This is unusual. Martial Dao cultivation has reached his level, and it is very difficult to even think about it. However, he had a feeling when he watched Ghost Ancestor open up the underworld, and he even directly increased his combat power by three points. Has a stronger charm.

The demon saint on the opposite side had already seen the strength of the ancestors of Zhantian when he was in the ghost world. As a result, when he parried, he was surprised to find that the ancestors of Zhantian had increased in combat power, which was a lot stronger than before. Immediately, he was caught off guard, and he was almost cut to pieces!

Seeing that the situation is not good, the companion next to him wanted to come to help, but was blocked by a golden light!

Qin Feng snorted coldly and emerged from nothingness: "With so many people like you, do you still want to fight more and less outside my Biluo Realm?"

As he spoke, more than a dozen figures flashed behind him, and each of them attacked the powerful enemy opposite him with a vicious spirit.

The powerhouses of the Biluo camp were angry. They were watching the ghost ancestors open up the underworld, hoping to gain more insights from it. But they were disturbed by these guys, and they almost destroyed the great event of ghost ancestors reincarnation. Why not? angry.

The powerhouses from the three realms of the demon gods and gods came to Biluo this time. Obviously, they had other plans. When they saw a large number of powerhouses coming out of Biluo, they fled to the depths of the starry sky. Biluo side is a real challenge!

"It's weird!"

Qin Feng and others were secretly surprised that these guys were neither opponents nor retreated. Could it be that they had already noticed the changes in Bi Luo and knew that Ghost Ancestor was opening up the underworld?

This time, they simply didn't want to give them time to digest the origin of the While holding them back, they summoned the army of the Three Realms to attack and kill, or did they have other plans?

Outside the world, Bi Luo went all out to chase after more than ten masters of creation from the three tribes of demons and gods, but he was unable to deal with these guys.

In the world, Ghost Ancestor is also worried that he will go out after a long delay, but the world is unstable, making it difficult for him to completely integrate the Dao of Samsara into the underworld in a short period of time!

A ruthless look flashed in the eyes of Cang Su, the ancestor of the ghost, and he shouted suddenly, and then saw the three fortune-telling zombies shake, and then all the flesh and bones of the whole body were stripped out together with the law of power, and they melted into this world. Let this newly opened underworld become stronger, and the surrounding walls will take shape in an instant. The world is stable and there is no possibility of closing.

Afterwards, Ghost Ancestor, regardless of consumption, stimulated the power of the ten great Dao laws, and the endless talisman culture used as a chain to completely link the reincarnation sky plate with the underworld world. It is also one of the foundation avenues of the entire blue sky!


The Great Way of Reincarnation was completed, and the energy of countless merits and virtues descended, causing the ghost ancestors to wander for a while, and the heaven and earth vaguely remembered a sound of praising merits!

Ghost Ancestor's consciousness extended with the way of heaven, not only covering every corner of the entire underworld world, but also extending to all parts of the five regions along the blue sky, sensing the joy of countless ghosts between heaven and earth!

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