Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1197: Open up the underworld and reincarnate

This battle is a great victory, all the immortals return to the world!

When the news of breaking through the ghost realm, beheading many ghost emperors, and knocking down this great world came out, the world was suddenly boiling, and countless cultivators cheered in ecstasy.

The heavy feeling that had always been in the hearts of all the monks because of the failure of the ancient catastrophe was also eliminated.

Although all the pressure has not been completely eliminated, it has also made the cultivators in the entire cultivation world feel a lot less stressed!

Bi Zhu really needed a big victory against the demons and gods to boost her morale.

After all, after the ancient catastrophe, not only was the world broken, but its heritage was almost plundered. In tens of thousands of years, there were not even a few immortal golden immortals. This kind of thing is simply appalling in the big world!

In addition, the ancestors of Taixuan and the others continued to spread the misery of the ancient catastrophe in the cultivation world. They planted the seeds of revenge in the hearts of generations of monks, and virtually all the monks in the entire cultivation world were burdened with heavy pressure.

Regardless of whether it is high or low, whether it is a great master of good fortune or a little cultivator in the Qi refining realm, all are no exception.

Although this pressure made the monks feel ashamed and courageous, giving them a little more motivation to practice, but the invisible pressure became heavier as Bi Luo returned to the original star field.

Although they attacked the four world expedition forces in the Chaos Xinghai before, killed several masters of creation, and killed countless armies of the four worlds, but after all, they were only the troops sent by a few worlds, and those who captured one world. The concept is quite different.

In the current battle, the entire ghost world has been completely destroyed. This is not only as simple as taking a breath, but also lifts the spirits of all the cultivators in Bi Luo!

Especially when one thinks of the four great worlds that were the most suitable for Bi Luo, and now there is one less, and there are only three great worlds left, how can they not make them feel happy.

What makes all the cultivators even more happy is that several ancestors have even completely seized all the origins of the ghost world!

The benefits of the origin of the world are self-evident.

Although it is said that more than 90% of the monks in the entire cultivation world don't even know what the origin of the world is, and they don't understand the magic use of it, but they only need to know that the power of the origin can enhance the background of the world, make up for the wear and tear of the heaven, and strengthen the laws of the world. enough.

As long as the world's background is deep enough, then the monks will have more opportunities to succeed in their cultivation in the future, and after cultivating to the Xuanxian realm, they will have a greater possibility of breaking through the realm and becoming a golden immortal!

The most important thing is that the strength of the origin of the world is also related to the number of the strongest at the top.

The more powerful the world is, the more powerful people will be able to prove the way!

Just like the Great World of Heavenly Demons, they took a lot of source power from Bi Luo back then, and as a result, they have created several more creations in the past tens of thousands of years.

Although I don't know if they are still hiding in the dark, there are already nineteen demon saints of good fortune on the bright side.

Such a quantity can support two big worlds in other star fields!

And this is not the limit of the demon race!

Bi Luo has already accumulated a solid background in the battle against all realms in that star field a few years ago, making the strength of the entire cultivation world stronger than before the expedition.

Now that we have all the roots of the Netherworld, even if it is not enough to double the background of Bi Luo, how can the cultivators think that they can increase it by about 40 to 50%?

Adding so many details is enough to make Bi Luo's strength greatly improved again.

Of course, the premise is that Bi Luo's enemies will give them enough time to digest!

But obviously this is just an extravagant hope, no matter the demon clan, the demon clan, or the **** clan will not watch Bi Luo gradually become stronger.

So they will definitely take action to stifle Bi Luo's growth.

Before that, it was only a matter of how Bi Luo digested the origin of the Netherworld, how much he could digest, and how much growth he gained.

Valley …………

In fact, the actions of the fortune-telling ancestors at the top of Biluo exceeded the expectations of many monks!

When the entire cultivation world was still cheering for the great victory in this battle and the complete defeat of the Netherworld, the extreme north of the Northern Territory was connected by different connections.

The sky was covered with dark clouds and thunderous thunder bursts, like a monster roaring, shocking people's hearts, showing the majesty of heaven, and making all living beings in this world feel panic in their hearts!

However, this dark cloud covering a radius of hundreds of millions of miles is not the scourge of some heaven-defying existence, nor is it the calamity caused by the intrusion of evil demons and powerhouses into the world.

The reason for all of this is that Bi Luo and a group of strong men took the initiative to pull the power of heaven after offering sacrifices to the sky.

In the dark clouds in the sky, a vague face could be seen.

It was the Spring and Autumn Patriarch who turned his attention.

Those eyes made up of dark and incomparably huge dark cloud vortexes are thousands of miles in size. No matter how far you look, you can't see the slightest emotion from them. You can only see the continuous flashing thunder and lightning and the endless majesty of heaven!

Below, Taixuan Patriarch, Amitabha Buddha, Qin Feng, and other great fortune-telling powers, as well as several fortune-tellers from the Dragon and Phoenix clans are also present, all of them staring at the front with serious expressions!

"It shouldn't be an accident!"

Even though the mountain collapsed in front of the old ancestor Zhantian, he had lost his composure at this moment. His broad and powerful hand became a fist, tightened and loosened. After going back and forth a few times, he realized that he was a little nervous.

However, none of the other fortune-telling ancestors laughed at him. In fact, although everyone was calm on the surface, they were inevitably nervous in their hearts.

After all, what is about to happen is too important to the entire Bi Luo.

The reason for such a big commotion today is because the ghost ancestor Cang Suo wanted to follow the example of Honghuang, open up the underworld for Bi Luo, and create six cycles of reincarnation!

Once successful, it will not only mean that from now on, the whole world will no longer need to look at the faces of other worlds, and there will be no more events of the ancient catastrophe being held hostage and calculated by the ghost world.

Moreover, the monks in the entire cultivation world will have a way back and have the opportunity to reincarnate again, so as not to lose their reincarnation as before, once they die, their souls can only be dissipated in the heavens and the earth!

It also means that the laws of the big world of Biluo will be sound, and there will be more room for growth in the future, and more importantly, it is related to the current situation of Biluo!

Because once Ghost Ancestor can really open up the and establish the six realms of reincarnation, he will not only benefit from this process countless times.

Not only can he elevate his own avenue to a higher level, but he will also gain countless merits from the power of heaven in the Biluo Great World, so that he can use the opportunity to prove that he is the strongest and become the second in the Biluo Great World besides Taixuan ancestors. Respect the strongest!

In this way, Bi Luo will have two supreme beings, and once again face the attack of the three worlds of demons, demons and gods, he will no longer be afraid.

The demon emperor has a special status and will not take action easily. Moreover, he belongs to the fate of hundreds of millions of demon clans and the Heavenly Demon Realm, so he cannot leave easily, lest other powerful enemies take advantage of him. If he is trapped in the starry sky and cannot return, it will be troublesome.

Therefore, when he rescued the ghost realm before, the demon emperor would rather promise many benefits and ask Kunpeng ancestors to rescue him, rather than leave the world to fight in person!

Besides the Lord of the Demons in the Demon Realm, there is no second supreme Demon Lord.

On the other side of the Heavenly God Realm, there is only the Lord of the Heavenly Gods who is the most powerful person in the flesh. In this way, even if the other party makes a big move, there can only be at most three Supreme Powers.

Old Ancestor Taixuan, Cang Suo, Ancestor of Ghosts, and Old Ancestor of Spring and Autumn can also directly manifest avatars at critical moments, which is enough to fight against Xeon.

So once Ghost Ancestor succeeds in opening up the underworld, and after being promoted to the powerhouse, Bi Luo will have no worries!

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