Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1188: Good mount, demon holy grievance

The strength of this monster clan's great saint can not be said to be tyrannical, especially his divine power, which is even more outrageous.

At this moment, as he made his move, he immediately saw that the mixed iron rod in his hand became thicker and longer, like a giant pillar, swept across the void. Although it was thousands of miles away, the long rod in his hand extended directly to the front of Taixuan ancestors.

The sound of the violent wind brought by the long stick actually caused cracks in the void, leaving a fan-shaped sky above the ghost world.

With such a violent blow, even the Wheel-turning Ghost Emperor, who was the strongest, was a little surprised, and he muttered to himself.

The strength of this demon saint can be said to be tyrannical, but before the stick was implemented, he saw a crutch stick out out of thin air and click on the back end of the stick. Obviously, the strength does not seem to be strong, but he just let it go. His stick is hard to fall!

"You bull-headed, after the hardships of the year, your temperament has not become stable, but you have become more and more violent. Could it be that something went wrong in your cultivation?"

Taixuan ancestors flicked the crutch of truth a few times at will, and then lifted the mixed iron rod of Pingtian Yaosheng like a giant pillar to the sky, and then manipulated the yin and yang into a dragon and snake, and moved towards the opponent. Coiled away.

At the same time, he said: "I want to imitate the master, to seek the fruit of the Primordial Dao, and to achieve the true body of immortality, but now there is still a lack of a mount beside me, you old cow still have some skills, why don't you Follow Pindao's side as my mount.

In this way, the poor road can not only guide you to practice, let you embark on the right path, and will not continue on the detour.

When the catastrophe comes in the future, when the universe is shattered, there is also the protection of the poor, and you can protect your life from worry! "


Pingtian Yaosheng roared angrily, his eyes were like copper bells, and there was a scarlet color in them, and the two white air spewed out of his nostrils split the void like sharp swords, slashing the yin and yang dragons and snakes around him. Break most of it!

The two white qi that spewed out of his nostrils were not ordinary things, but two extremely sharp and extremely white gold qi, otherwise it would not have such a tyrannical power.

He cut off most of the dragons and snakes around his body, swept across the void with a stick, and swept away all the dragons and snakes. He said angrily: "The universe is destroyed? The ghost knows how many billions of years later, let alone the original star field, even if it is a big thousand. How many of the billions of worlds in the universe can survive for so long?

At the beginning, the cultivation base of the ancestors of the Great Wilderness was more tyrannical than this king, but how many times did the heaven and earth robbery fall?

Although this king thinks he has some strength, he doesn't think he will be able to survive until the universe is destroyed! "

"Furthermore, your master and apprentice can't change other mounts. There are too many powerful mythical beast races in the heavens and the world. How can I bully my bull demon clan, what else do we owe you?

Back then, when your teacher took advantage of the chaos of the Lich Tribulation, it was enough to grab the Blue Ox, but now you, your apprentice, dare to pay attention to me!

Is it easy for our bull demon clan to produce a demon saint, but your master and apprentice have to see one and accept one, really think that our bull demon clan is easy to bully! "

The more he spoke, the angrier he became, and the offensive in his hands became more and more fierce, and he shot out afterimages all over the sky!


Ancestor Taixuan chuckled lightly, the Nine Dragon Bell of the Great Dao rose above his head, and the yin and yang qi circled outside him, blocking all attacks of the Pingtian Yaosheng, and said in his mouth: "Don't know what's good or bad, the green ox follows me. Master, I have gained countless benefits over the years. Not only has my cultivation embarked on the right path, but I have also gained a lot of merit and extended my qi!

Otherwise, based on the murders he made in the past, and the karma he planted, whether he can still live to this day is still open to debate!

You old cow was also a hero back then. The reason why your temperament is so irritable at this time is obviously because of the damage to the Dao and the heart of the past. In addition, under the guidance of the demon emperor over the years, although you have great combat power Advance, but also make your practice path more and more deviated!

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When your sins are all over your body, you are entangled in karma, and your Dao Heart is completely filled with the violent desire to kill and fight, it will be difficult to think about it again!

It's better to surrender to me now, and only my Taoist practice can lead you back to the right path! "


Pingtian Yaosheng said angrily: "Tai Xuan, you dare to slander the demon emperor in front of this king, do you really think this king can't kill you?"


Ancestor Taixuan shook his head gently: "Although you cast yourselves under the Demon Throne with the intention of repaying your gratitude, he only needs a demon saint who can work for him, and he doesn't want to see an existence that can threaten his status.

When he hid his identity and devoted himself to cultivation, your reputation among the demon clan was booming.

If you are only strong, that’s all, but you have a forthright temperament, you like to make friends with heroes from all over the world, and you have the wealth of a hero. If you let you grow up, once you become the strongest, won’t he worry that you have a different mind and set up a new door, or even go with you He **** the throne of the demon emperor?

You must know that although the current Demon Emperor is strong and he is in the right position, none of this can erase the fact that after the Lich Catastrophe, he disappeared in front of all the monsters in the world for countless years.

Even if there are enough reasons not to show up, but in those years, it was you, not him, who held up the demon clan banner in those years. Do you think he would not hold grudges against you in his heart? "

Pingtian Yaosheng didn't know whether what Taixuan ancestor said was true or not, he just felt agitated for a while, and immediately shook his huge bull's head and said angrily: "Taixuan old man, dare to provoke this king and the demon emperor again and again. You are courting death!"

As he spoke, he roared, and his body suddenly soared, turning into an infinitely tall bull-headed giant. With a wave of his hand, the long stick in his hand directly pierced the sky, and when he fell, he could easily flatten the mountains and shatter the earth!

"Good ability! Good strength, good magic power!"

Ancestor Taixuan looked at the behemoth in front of him and couldn't help but exclaimed in admiration.

Such a tyrannical old cow, it would be a pity if he did not accept it as his mount!

He pointed his finger up, and the Nine Dragon Bell of the Great Road turned into an infinite size, which directly blocked the attack of the Pingtian demon saint. , Wandering in the void, meandering, winding up when the long stick hit, circling towards Pingtian Yaosheng!

The Wheel-turning Ghost Emperor was overjoyed when he saw the Taixuan Patriarch and the Peaceful Heavenly Demon Saint Doufa, and turned around to leave.

The three fortune-telling powerhouses of Biluo alone are enough to make him worry, plus an ancestor of Kunpeng, if they are all gathered in the heart of the the ghost world of the Netherworld is hard to fail!

So he planned to go, with him by his side, even if Kunpeng's ancestor had the intention to seize the origin of the Nether, it is not good to take it seriously, otherwise it would be a blatant tearing of the covenant.

Kunpeng's ancestor is an ancient power that wants to face the face. Unless he can kill the ghost emperor, and at the same time, he can also obliterate all the powerhouses who saw that scene, otherwise he will never do anything to plunder the origin of the allies in the world. !

It's just that he didn't wait for him to fly far, and he felt that the wind behind him was not good. When he looked back, it was the ancestor Taixuan who waved the crutch of truth at him.

"Where is the ghost emperor going? You and I are not divided, so stay and continue to fight!"

Taixuan's ancestors used one enemy to two, and at the same time competed against a ghostly superpower and a tyrannical demon saint in the later stage of creation, but he did not lose in the slightest!

On the other side, Buddha Amitabha saw that the ancestor Kunpeng flew in the direction of the source of the aura, and he couldn't help frowning slightly.

"Little fat man, I haven't seen you for many years, and my cultivation has grown. I didn't expect that he has become the master of Buddhism in a world. It really makes the old man look up to him!"

This is an old demon saint with a tall, thin and strange appearance. He leaned on a hibiscus branch in his hand and stopped in front of Amitabha Buddha with a smile.

"Sang Lao!"

Amitabha Buddha didn't care that the other party called him Little Fatty, because the other party's existence was much older than him.

It's just that he said a little strangely: "I didn't expect that the ancestral realm of Honghuang would be willing to let you go. That demon emperor is really willing. In order to let you leave Honghuang, he paid a lot!" Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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