Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1182: The wheel is arrogant from Taixuan

The Wufang Ghost Emperor knew in his heart that if this continued, the Nether Ghost Realm would definitely be destroyed in one fell swoop!

So they fought to the death!

Originally, they thought about delaying the time, waiting for the help of the demons and gods from the three realms.

But now, it has come to the point where it is impossible to do anything.

If only the immortal golden immortals and eternal powerhouses from the various factions of Bi Luo were raging in the ghost world, it would not be a problem. After all, the ghost realm did not lack strong men like ghost kings and ghost kings who could compete with them.

Even if the battle between them is shattered, it doesn't matter if they harm several ghost realms, with the background of the ghost realm, it will not be unbearable so soon.

However, as the ghost ancestors took away the entire Huangquan, completely touching the foundation of the ghost world, which is equivalent to pulling out a law of the heavenly way, and suddenly there were loopholes in the original strict heavenly way, and the origin of the world was inevitably exposed. come out.

At this time, the three fortune-telling ancestors forcibly broke into the secret space where the Heart of Netherworld was located regardless of the will of the world, and even started to collect the Heart of Netherworld.

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At this moment, it was impossible for them to stop working hard.

Otherwise, once Ghost Ancestors and the others take away the entire Nether Heart, the Nether Ghost Realm will definitely fall from the rank of the Great World, which also means cutting off their way forward!

Especially the ghost kings who migrated from the underworld of the primordial ancestral realm, the ghost kings, in order to improve their strength, they all linked their destiny to the ghost realm, so that the moment when the ghost realm was promoted to the big world , to improve their strength, and then make them advance by leaps and bounds, and the Taoism progresses rapidly!

Otherwise, if you simply rely on your own cultivation, how can there be so many powerful people in the middle and late stages of the ghost world?

It's a pity that success is also Xiao He and Xiao He is also Xiao He. They were promoted because of the improvement of the ghost realm, and now they will lose their strength due to the decline of the ghost realm!

Just like the Ghost Emperor of Huangquan, this guy became strong because of his understanding of the Law of Huangquan. Later, in order to advance to good fortune, he did not hesitate to bind his own Dao and Huangquan together. After proving the Dao, he relied on Huangquan's strength to advance by leaps and bounds.

If he were to stand above Huangquan, his strength would not even be much weaker than that of the Wheel-turning Ghost Emperor, who is the number one powerhouse in the ghost world!

But as the Huangquan Changhe was stripped and taken away by the ghost ancestors from the nether world, the Huangquan Ghost Emperor lost his greatest support. Not only did the power of the law of dependence disappear, but his own strength also plummeted.

Although the strong mana accumulated over the years still exists, but the strength of the strong fortune is never the strength of the power, but the mastery of the law!

Without the support of the Dao Law, it cannot play its due role in a powerful force.

The loss of Huangquan not only made the ghost world of the ghost world missing a link, but also caused the ghost emperor of Huangquan to lose his goal of attaching to the avenue.

Previously, he could barely support under the attack of Buddha Amitabha and Patriarch Qingfeng. Although he fell behind, it was not impossible to hold on.

But now, Huangquan Ghost Emperor's Taoist cultivation base is not necessarily stronger than Qingfeng Patriarch, who has just realized Taoism.

This is also because he relied too much on Huang Quan to cause the current result.

As for the runner ghost emperor and the others, the situation is actually very similar to the ghost emperor Huangquan, but they are not attached to Huangquan, but the entire ghost world!

Now Qin Feng and the three have entered the depths of the ground to capture the Nether's Heart. Once they are succeeded by the powerful Bi Luo, their fate will not be much better than that of the Huangquan Ghost Emperor.

The only thing that is better than Huangquan Ghost Emperor is that even if he loses the Netherworld Heart and the world is downgraded, the Netherworld Ghost Realm is still there, and it is extremely powerful even in the higher world.

After all, there is still the foundation and resources of the big world, and it will not decline rapidly, so the Ghost Emperor and the others will not be like Huangquan Ghost Emperor, whose cultivation base will not drop so much because of the complete disappearance of Huangquan River.

However, without the support of the big world, while their strength is damaged, they will completely lose the possibility of going further!

Especially the Wheel-turning Ghost Emperor, as a supreme powerhouse, he clearly already has the possibility of detachment, how could he be willing to be cut off from hope in life!

For the existence of his realm, there is nothing to ask for other than the Great Way!

In order to seek the Tao, he would even risk his life!

Because the powerhouses in this realm have basically seen life and death, not to mention that he himself is a powerhouse who has died once, plus the wheel-turning method he practiced, as the first powerhouse in the ghost realm. As long as you control life and death, you will naturally not be afraid of death.

Therefore, for the survival of the ghost world, for the continuation of his own Dao, and for the hope that he may transcend the number of calamities and achieve the fruit of the Primordial Dao in the future, the Wheel-turning Ghost Emperor has worked hard!

If you don't work hard, you won't be able to do it, or until the Heart of the Netherworld is completely taken away, and when their Taoism begins to decline, it is impossible to have such a powerful strength if you try hard!

He put his hands together, and six whirlpools suddenly rose behind him!

The vortex rotates slowly, obviously at a slow speed, but it gives people a feeling of majestic swallowing and crushing everything!

"Tai Xuan, since you want to cut off my path, today Benjamin is going to hit you hard if you die!"

The runner ghost emperor's tone was cold, revealing extreme madness: "You are the first cultivator of Biluo, and you are in the safety of the entire Biluo. I want to see if you can still compete with the powerhouses of the three realms of demons and gods after being seriously injured. !

Especially the Lord of the Demons, who has long coveted your way of doing things, and the Demon Emperor, who hated the human race for robbing their heavenly court, can you still withstand their siege when you say it?

Once your Taoism is damaged, will other powerhouses coveting Biluo still be able to sit still, will they rush over like a shark smelling fishy, ​​and divide your Biluo cleanly! "

In the frantic voice, there is still a sense of threat!

Obviously, the Wheel-turning Ghost Emperor still hopes that Taixuan ancestors can retreat in spite of difficulties, let Qin Feng and the ghost ancestors stop at enough time, and leave some foundations for the ghost world, so as not to let them, the ghost emperors, completely lose hope!

Even if it was like when Bi Luo fled back then, although the loss was heavy, it was not downgraded after all, and it is not impossible to make up for it in the future!

I don't think Taixuan's ancestors are completely noncommittal about his words: "What is the future of Bi Luo, don't bother Your Excellency!

As for the seriously injured poor road, hehe...

You are afraid that there is a deviation in the cognition of strength! "

Ancestor Taixuan showed a playful smile on his face: "Running Wheel, your current Daoism is really good, but with these, it's still far behind!"

"You dare to underestimate me?"

The Wheel-turning Ghost Emperor was furious when he heard the words!

After he was promoted to Xeon, his spirit was not very high.

You must know that even if the strength of the prehistoric ancestral realm is powerful, there are many good-fortune immortals, but not many of them can achieve the best. .

The Wheel-turning Ghost Emperor felt that he had surpassed many of the powerhouses in the ancestral realm of the Great Wilderness that he could only look up to, and he was also in the same realm as the legendary ones in the entire cultivation world. How could he not be arrogant and arrogant!

But now the strength that I am proud of, was so underestimated by the ancestors of Taixuan, and suddenly became furious: "Taixuan, even if you are a direct descendant of Dao ancestors, even if you have been proving the Dao for far longer than me, but I am now with you. You are both the strongest, how much stronger can you be than me?

With the power of my Wheel-turning Dafa, combined with the laws of the six reincarnations, if you really want to go all out, who will win and who will lose? How can you dare to be so arrogant? "

Ancestor Taixuan glanced at him indifferently: "You know that I am a direct descendant of Taoist ancestors, and you still dare to make nonsense here!"

"So what!"

The Wheel-turning Ghost Emperor said in a cold tone, "Although I don't have your background, I have also cultivated to the realm of the strongest!"

"You still don't understand!"

The ancestor Taixuan shook his head: "The same realm is also divided into superior and inferior, since you know my origin, why are you so arrogant!

It seems that the wild road is a wild road after all. Although you are lucky enough to cultivate to the realm of the strongest, you have already come to an end. If you want to go a step further, it can only be your delusion! "


The Wheel-turning Ghost Emperor laughed angrily: "Okay, Then today I will use my self-created "Six Path Wheel-turning Dafa" to experience and teach you, the supreme power of the ancestors, and see if you are in the end. Stronger than me!"

As he spoke, he waved his hands, and the six runners behind him flew out immediately, heading towards Taixuan Patriarch to suppress him.

Ancestor Taixuan raised his eyelids and glanced at it, but his indifferent words almost blew the ghost emperor's lungs out of anger: "I don't even admit that you are from a wild road, and the good reincarnation avenue has been cultivated by you. Dare to hurt me!

It seems that you not only have a biased perception of strength, but you are also very good at distorting other laws. It is really difficult to be able to cultivate to the current state!

If you don’t cultivate the good wheel-turning avenue, you have to be smart to add the reincarnation avenue. Although you were able to understand the six realms of reincarnation at a close distance with the help of your position in the underworld, it is not courageous to dare to mess around with just a little bit of fur. small!

Back then, you moved away from the Great Wilderness and worked together to create the ghost world. Unfortunately, the ghost kings of the ten halls who came out with you have long since fallen. Otherwise, if you could learn from each other, why would you let your reincarnation avenue go astray! "

Taixuan Patriarch sighed: "It's not easy for you to cultivate to the current state, but unfortunately you shouldn't provoke Bi Luo, and you shouldn't choose Pindao as your opponent!

Since it has reached such a point, Pindao can't say that he will use the means of subduing demons today and kill you, so that Pindao can calm the nameless fire in his heart and avenge the countless creatures who have fallen to my blue sky! "

These remarks directly caused the seven orifices of the Wheel-turning Ghost Emperor's qi to ignite, and the ghostly qi shot up to the sky: "Tai Xuan Daoist, if you dare to insult me ​​like this, I will cut your head today and cut your path!" Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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