Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1177: Emperor Huangquan

This chapter is published first and then revised later. I am busy during the New Year, so please forgive me!

Behind Ghost Ancestor, like a peacock opening the screen, the power of ten Dao Laws rose up, and countless mysterious law runes manifested, covering the rolling yellow spring!

The Huangquan River is created by the laws of the ghost realm, and it still has a very special status in the ghost realm. Although Huangquan's fierce reputation deterred all ghosts and made them dare not touch it easily, it is also the whole ghost realm. The treasure land, which is rich in countless treasures.

Although it is said that Huangquan is difficult to enter, there are countless evil spirits inside, and no existence is willing to enter the Huangquan River, even if the powerful and strong dare not enter easily, otherwise once an accident occurs, they will be entangled by endless evil spirits, and they will not be able to escape!

Therefore, those precious resources born at the bottom of the Yellow Spring are very difficult to obtain!

Of course, it is not impossible.

There are many ghosts and ghosts who dare to ferry in Huangquan for the sake of benefit. Bottomless boats made of Huangquan ghost wood have been wandering on Huangquan for many years, just to fish for treasures at the bottom of Huangquan River, and even some big forces specialize in cultivating this type of ferry. The souls of the dead, collect treasures for them, and gain countless benefits.

Of course, if you are unlucky, you will be dragged into the bottom of the river by the powerful ghosts in the Yellow Springs and become one of them!

In addition to the various treasures abounded in the bottom of the Yellow Springs, there is also a treasure that attracts all ghosts and even the powerhouses of other worlds, which is born with the Yellow Springs.

That is the other side of the flower!

These treasures are infinitely useful, and they are the most famous treasure resources in the ghost world, but they are only born at the source of Huangquan, and it is difficult to see them on both sides of Huangquan in ordinary times.

In addition to various derivative treasures, Huang Quan also has a huge role in the ghost world, that is, protection!

Although Huang Quan himself has no spiritual wisdom and does not know how to actively protect the ghosts, there is a ghost emperor of Huangquan in the ghost world!

This ghost emperor was chased and killed by powerful enemies in the early years and was forced into Huangquan, but he was lucky not to die, but he had the opportunity to understand the laws of Huangquan, and then he was promoted to Jinxian!

In the countless years that followed, he was accompanied by Huang Quan. Not only did he kill all the powerful enemies who were chasing him in Huang Quan, but his cultivation level climbed steadily, and he finally advanced to good fortune, becoming one of the top powerhouses in the Netherworld. !

Because he can manipulate Huangquan, he is called Huangquan Ghost Emperor!

This ghost emperor directly occupied the source of Huangquan, built his own ghost country of Huangquan, and dominated one side. If he was invaded by foreign enemies, he could directly manipulate the evil water of Huangquan to fight against powerful enemies.

Given how powerful Huangquan is, what he is least afraid of is the siege of his opponent with an army, because as long as he manipulates the water of Huangquan River to drown the opponent's army, all the living and dead will be incorporated into Huangquan and turned into resentful spirits!

It's a pity that this Huangquan Emperor was unlucky. During the ancient catastrophe, he saw other ghost emperors seize countless treasures from Biluo. He also became greedy and led his subordinates into Biluo. The loss was not small, and even he himself was injured.

However, it did allow him to gain a lot of benefits in Bi Luo.

But when he was fighting Biluo, he was invaded into the underworld by the ghost ancestor Cang Sang.

In order to force the army of the ghost world to evacuate from Biluo, the ghost ancestor not only destroyed the ghost world, but also cut off a large section of Huangquan for tens of thousands of miles while the emperor Huangquan was not there.

Although this is only a small part of it for Huang Quan, it makes Huang Quan's law incomplete, and even the Huang Quan Ghost Emperor who relied on Huang Quan's preaching was also affected. The killing robbery after opening the Biluo Fengjie!

The Huangquan Ghost Emperor and the Wheel-turning Ghost Emperor went out of the world together to destroy the Biluo strongmen attacking the boundary wall. After returning to the world, they were blocked by Amitabha Buddha and Qingfeng Patriarch before they could return to the vicinity of Huangquan. .

Moreover, these two ancestors pushed him far away intentionally or unintentionally, making the Huangquan Ghost Emperor farther and farther away from the Huangquan Bad Water, so he could not manipulate Huangquan to defend against the enemy.

It's not that it can't be done, but to summon the Yellow Spring River from a distance of tens of millions of miles, the mana required is not proportional to the benefit!

As for the ghost ancestor Cang Suo, at this moment, when the Huangquan Ghost Emperor was besieged by the two ancestors, he directly wrapped the entire Huangquan with his own Dao Law, and the countless law runes were covered layer by layer. The yellow spring is sealed up and taken away!


In the distance, Emperor Huang Quan, who was fighting with Amitabha Buddha and Qingfeng Patriarch, felt something in his heart. He turned his head suddenly, and a deep light was revealed in his dark eyes. He saw what Ghost Ancestor did in an instant, and he was shocked and angry. !

He never imagined that Ghost Ancestor would dare to do this!

Taking away a piece of Huangquan from him tens of thousands of years ago has already left him with incomplete laws and damage to his strength. He has not made any progress for so many years. The result is now, and the ghost ancestor Cang Sang actually wants to take away the entire Huangquan. This is to Broken his roots!

If Huang Quan is really going to be taken away by Ghost Ancestor, wouldn't his title of Huang Quan Ghost Emperor become a decoration and a laughing stock!

The ghost emperor of Huangquan who lost Huangquan, although he will not fall from the realm of good fortune, he will also drop to the bottom of the realm of good fortune and become the weakest powerhouse of good fortune. Let other strong people bully, how can there be half the strong people's face at all?

Of course, the ghost emperor of Huangquan didn't want to see the Huangquan River water that he relied on to prove the Tao was taken away by the ghost ancestors. Under the shock and anger, he did not hesitate to consume the power of the source and burn the ghost body of the primordial spirit, and an unprecedented powerful force erupted. Repel the interception of Amitabha Buddha and Qingfeng Patriarch, so that we can go to Huangquan to stop Ghost Ancestor.

It's just that he is strong, but Amitabha Buddha is even stronger!

This Buddha himself has been practicing for countless years at the peak of the fortune realm, and he has accumulated so much. Although the Huangquan Ghost Emperor himself has a cultivation base in the late fortune, but since the ancient catastrophe was intercepted by the ghost ancestors for a section of the Huangquan River, his strength has not reached the realm. down, but not at its peak.

At this moment, even if he does not hesitate to consume the source and burn the ghost body, it is impossible for him to be stronger than this Buddha!

What's more, the Buddhist practice is most about strength and mellowness. While the power of various supreme supernatural powers is amazing, they are also stable and abnormal. At this moment, Buddha Amitabha cast a spell to intercept, and he just stopped this ghost emperor and made him unable to escape.

Coupled with the waving of Qingfeng Patriarch's sleeves, the layers of heaven and earth are forbidden in the void cloth, and there are thousands of silver threads when the whisk is swayed in his hand, and there are all kinds of Taoist magical powers bombarding down, forcing this Huangquan Ghost Emperor to be unable to escape~ However, this ghost emperor did not sit still, but manipulated Huang Quan from afar, causing Huang Quan to raise boundless waves, trying to break through the ban of the ghost ancestor.

This brought a lot of trouble to Ghost Ancestor, and even most of the law runes that had already banned Huang Quan collapsed!

It's just that Huangquan Ghost Emperor is not near after all, plus he was repeatedly beaten by Amitabha Buddha and Qingfeng Patriarch, so he didn't have much energy to manipulate Huangquan, which gave Ghost Ancestor time to cast spells calmly.

Although it was impossible to suppress the boundless evil waves in a short period of time, as more and more law runes fell, it also calmed down a little!

In the distance, Qin Feng saw the scene here, without wrinkling slightly, and immediately put the ghost town in his hand into the world where the sixth-layer Cerberus of the refining demon pot is, and then used the supernatural powers of Tianya, and he came to the front in a few steps.

He put his hands together and turned down, and the yin and yang grinding disc suddenly suppressed it, assisting Ghost Ancestor to suppress the boundless evil waves.

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When Guizu saw this, he was instantly overjoyed, and he didn't care to talk to Qin Feng. He quickly manipulated his ten laws of the Great Dao, and the runes of the endless laws sealed Huang Quan tighter and tighter, and gradually even the waves did not turn up. a bit.

Afterwards, Ghost Ancestor shouted loudly, and behind him appeared an infinitely splendid ghostly dharma image, and even the reincarnation sky plate turned into a huge phantom that penetrated the sky and the earth, and appeared above his head!

He stepped back and merged with the ghost figure. With his arms, he actually picked up Huang Quan and sent it to the reincarnation sky! Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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