Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1175: 1 palm overturned 3 ancestors bet

The Wufang Ghost Emperor came out of the realm and attacked the realm. The original intention was to disrupt the rhythm of the Biluo powerhouse attacking the realm wall, lest the opponent completely break the realm wall and enter the realm!

In the end, I never expected that Bi Luo still has an existence like Kong Kong, and even drove the Rainbow Bridge to force through the boundary wall. Although it was only a few short breaths, the world's will manipulated the boundary wall to force it back, but such a short time was not enough. It is enough to let many powerhouses in Bi Luo rush in, and then the inside and outside should be combined to directly break the boundary wall.

Relatively speaking, it is much easier to attack the boundary wall from the inside than from the outside, not to mention that the boundary wall itself has been cracked by Biluo Zhuqiang!

As a result, the Wufang Ghost Emperor came out to disturb Taixuan's ancestors' behavior and they lost their effect.

In the mad laughter, Ghost Ancestor waved his big hand, and actually mobilized the endless ghost energy of the ghost world to condense into a big hand that covered the sky.

The power of this blow was earth-shattering, and the hundreds of millions of ghosts were terrified!

Hearing a loud bang, not only did it kill several immortal ghosts and immortals below, but it also shattered the ghost town below like a building block. Tens of millions of ghosts, ghosts, zombies, skeletons and all kinds of yin beasts. The ghosts and beasts were all beaten to dust.

Although there is a defensive formation in that ghost town, and there are many ghost road powerhouses joining forces to strengthen the defense, how can it withstand the angry blow of the ghost ancestors!

After the palm of the ghost ancestor, a huge palm print with a radius of one million square meters appeared directly on the ground of the ghost world, and it went deep into the ground. Here turns into a slap-shaped lake!

"Cang calamity, you dare!"

The Wheel-turning Ghost Emperor shouted angrily, his heart was furious like crazy!

Back then, when Cang Yang, the ancestor of ghosts, entered the Netherworld while he was away, the entire ghost world was chaotic.

If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't stand the siege of several ghost emperors and had to leave the ghost world, the whole world would not know what he would do to him!

Back then, the four worlds of demons, demons and gods joined forces to attack Biluo, and all of them gained countless benefits, but the ghost world was the only world that was destroyed by the counterattack of the powerful Biluo, which not only cost them a lot, but also became a joke for the rest of the world. .

After all, Guizu was the only one who attacked Netherworld at the beginning. Just a new fortune from Bi Luo made Netherworld a mess, which made other worlds doubt whether Netherworld Ghost Realm had the strength to secure a place in the big world.

If the Netherworld and the Demon God Three Realms are not very close, there will definitely be other worlds who want to test the strength of the Netherworld Ghost Realm over the years. World Advance!

This kind of thing has not happened before. In fact, in the original star field, the change between the big worlds will definitely make other star fields stunned!

This can be seen from the powerful ethnic groups separated from the ancestral realm of the prehistoric world. Otherwise, I really think that the dragon and phoenix and other tribes are so coincidental that they can meet the newly born big world in the primitive star field as soon as they leave the prehistoric star field?

Occasionally one or two is fine, but there are too many big worlds occupied by the ethnic groups separated from the ancestral realm.

In addition to the world of the dragon and the phoenix, there are also powerful ethnic groups such as the monster clan, the witch clan, the unicorn clan, and even the nether ghost world is a netherworld lineage that migrated from the ancestral world!

If there is no accident, how can the big world be replaced so quickly, where are so many huge void beasts who happen to have the opportunity to occupy the throne of the big world in the original star field!

Therefore, more than half of the big world occupied by these powerful ethnic groups migrated from the Great Desolation has defeated other big worlds and forcibly raised their own world!

Seeing the rapid development of these powerful races due to the promotion of the world, the rest of the powerful races will naturally be moved.

For example, Baihu, Xuanwu, Bi Fang, etc., who are the races of divine beasts, don't they aspire to elevate their higher world to the level of the big world?

Therefore, many big worlds in the original star field will show their tyrannical side to shock the Quartet!

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As a big world with a late rise, the Nether Ghost World itself does not have too many strong people. Before the ancient catastrophe, there were only twelve ghost emperors. In addition, it is relatively easy to find some strong ghosts. Weakness, so it is considered a weak big world in the original star field.

As a result, not only did the four ghost emperors be damaged in the battle against Biluo, but they were also attacked by the ghost ancestors in the ghost emperor, which naturally attracted the attention of many powerful higher worlds.

This not only made the Wheel-turning Ghost Emperor and the others feel extremely resentful towards the ghost ancestor Cang Su, but at the same time they were very jealous of the ghost ancestor!

Because they didn't know how Ghost Ancestor cultivated, he actually won the recognition of the world consciousness of the ghost world, which led to him not being rejected in the ghost world, nor would he be suppressed by the will of the world. The strength is displayed to the fullest, and he can even use the power of the law of heaven in the ghost world to use the power of the law. It is impossible for a few ghost emperors to be afraid of the ghost ancestor Cang!

If the unsuppressed ability of ghost ancestors can be widely popularized among Biluo cultivators, then the ghost world is not a give and take for Biluo, and how can they resist Biluo's invasion?

Of course, this possibility is very low, after all, there is only one ghost ancestor, not everyone can become a calamity!

Even the top ten city lords under the Ghost Ancestor Sect cannot be suppressed after entering the Nether. Although they are said to have practiced the Ghost Dao and are of the same origin as the Ghost Ancestor, the suppression they receive is very small, but they are still there after all!

Several ghost emperors saw that the boundary wall was broken, and the Biluo strong man was very anxious to enter the world. When he saw the ghost ancestors, the first time he entered the world was just like when he broke into the ghost world during the ancient catastrophe. There is nothing to do. The fear of wanton destruction, suddenly furious, one after another scolded the exit.

This is the world they rely on to survive, and it is also their hope to achieve a stronger realm. How can they be willing to be destroyed by ghost ancestors like this!

"Hey, I dare not?"

Ghost Ancestor sneered a few times: "You waited for my Biluo to be a disaster for all directions, and almost knocked Biluo out of the ranks of the big world, but now this seat is only a small repayment, so you can't watch it anymore?

Hmm, if you can't watch it, you have to watch it!

Now that I have been attacked by Bi Luo, where is it still your turn to dictate! "

"What Ghost Ancestor said is very true!"

Qin Feng jokingly said: "Back then, the ghost ancestors counterattacked Nether, not only breathed a sigh of relief for me, but also made Nether Ghost World pay a small price, and he is definitely a role model for my generation!

Qin is not talented, he is willing to imitate the behavior of the ghost ancestors in the past, and also wants to indulge in this ghost world once, to see if he can match the harvest of the ghost ancestors! "

"Ha ha……"

Not far away, the ancestor of Zhantian slammed a punch, smashing a Yin mountain into rubble in the sky: "It's better for me to wait and see who finds the heart of the nether world Whichever wins the other two will be How about donating 10% of the innate source of income?"

"Afraid you won't succeed?"

Ghost Ancestor Cang Sang glanced at Old Ancestor Zhan Tian: "You know that I practice the Ghost Way, so how dare you compare me in this respect?

Although this seat does not want to take advantage of you, it will not turn away the benefits that come to your door! "

"Although the ghost ancestors are familiar with the ghost world, the search for the source is not because you are practicing the ghost way. If you are close enough to the ghost world, you will be the first to get it!"

Qin Feng said with a smile: "It's okay to say that it is better than others, but if you want to find the origin of the world first, Qin is very experienced at this point, so I can't say that this time I will take advantage of it!"

While speaking, he raised his hand and sacrificed the demon refining pot, released the countless spirit beast army in the refining demon pot, and shouted to the nine main spirit beasts: "You lead the army of spirit beasts under your command to attack all sides, and when you attack the ghost realm, pay attention to whether there is a source. The fluctuations of the power, if whoever finds it first, I will divide the source of the two ancestors gifted to you in half!"

The nine major spirit beasts including Tiantian Toad looked at each other, and suddenly screamed and roared, leading their subordinates to kill in different directions, and at the same time they often dispatched their immortal powerhouses to divide their troops to find other locations.

When the ghost ancestor saw it, he couldn't help but chuckle. The ghost mist rose from behind, and a ghost flag floated out of it. Hundreds of millions of ghosts floated out of it, and they were also scattered in all directions under the leadership of the ghost kings!

The ancestor of Zhantian was suddenly dumbfounded!

What's the matter, I said that the three of us had a test. Who said that you should let out so many spirit beasts and evil spirits to find them?

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