Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1172: God the Devil

In a gorgeous hall, there is a graceful figure dancing to the music, making people feel like a spring breeze, as if they are in a fairyland!

However, in the music like fairy music, there is a sultry voice. Those dancers who seem to be beautiful and arrogant, but their figures are extremely tempting, and there are all kinds of illusions in the dance. Immortal Buddha will probably fall into it when he sees it, unable to extricate himself!

And outside this magnificent palace, there is an extremely sinister mountain.

In the mountains, there are gloomy clouds and mists, the demonic energy is rising, countless monsters are lurking, and various fighting battles are staged at any time. There are tragically dead bones and limbs everywhere on the high and low mountain peaks and the valleys and forests.

What kind of fairyland is this, it is obviously a demon realm!

And on the magic palace on the top of the mountain, the three big characters of Tianmo Palace were engraved in strange magic script and ancient seal!

The Heavenly Demon Palace, a place that frightens all living beings!

And the Lord of the Demons in it is the strongest of the Demon Clan!

Of course, Rahu, the demon ancestor who created the entire demon race with one hand, is not among them. He is an existence in another realm!

The Demon Ancestor Rahu is a congenital demon god, and he created the demon race. Of course, he doesn't need to rank with his younger generation, otherwise, he won't let other powerhouses laugh!

For countless years, the Demon Ancestor has left, and the entire world of Demons has been headed by the Lord of Demons.

At this moment, the Lord of the Demons was half sitting and half lying on the throne behind him, holding a wine bottle in his hand, drinking the wine overflowing with demonic energy, squinting and enjoying the various swaying and flattering of the demons in the temple.

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Demons do whatever they want, do whatever they want, they don't need to cultivate their minds like Taoists, and they don't need to be always accompanied by blue lights like Buddhism.

The so-called good things from the top will be welcomed by the bottom, so all kinds of strange ways to please have been figured out by these demons to please the Lord of the Demons.

Of course, this is actually a way of their practice.

Because the cultivation direction of many demons is either biased towards emotions or desires, or is related to seducing people's hearts. Although they know that it is impossible to seduce the lord of demons, if they can attract the favor of this demon, it is enough to show that their methods are clever. If this is used in monks On the body, wouldn't it be more powerful!

As a result, the Lord of the Demons got countless enjoyments.

It’s just different today. For some reason, even if the witch below danced the magic dance that charmed all living beings that he liked to watch, he couldn’t make him concentrate on watching the dishes and carefully brewed dishes originally prepared with all kinds of heaven and earth treasures. The wine seems to have lost its taste at this moment!

The Lord of the Demons knew something different, but he just let him deduce in every possible way, but he didn't notice what went wrong!

It wasn't until he saw a blue glow in the endless starry sky that he was shocked.

The Lord of the Demons suddenly stood up, crushed the wine bottle in his hand, his eyes flashed with magic light, and he looked out into the sky through the hall!

Although the green light was fleeting, it was enough for the Lord of the Demons to perceive a lot of things.

What's more, he also felt the familiar aura from the green light, and he immediately understood what was going on!

"Bi Luo, return to your place!"


Endless nether, gloomy ghost realm!

There are white bones everywhere, the sky is full of yin, and the eyes are full of ghosts and ghosts. There are zombies leaping, white bones, ghosts burrowing into the ground, ghosts killing and chasing, and countless natural ghosts born in the ghost world. !

In addition to this chaotic wilderness, there are countless ghost town fortresses in the Netherworld, Yinshan Blessed Land, Ghost Domain Cave Heaven, and even in some places, there are Blood Seas, Corpse Mountains, and White Bone Wasteland!

Among the countless cities, there are twelve super huge ghost cities, dividing the entire ghost world into twelve ghost realms!

It's just that the two ghost towns are more chaotic, with mixed forces, and all kinds of battles are being staged all the time, fully revealing the ferocity of the ghost realm.

This is because the good-fortune ghost emperor who originally dominated the two ghost realms in charge of the city fell into the ancient war against Biluo. They disagreed, and they fought for tens of thousands of years without any results!

Of course, even if they fought to get a result, it would be useless. Even if a powerful ghost king could win in the end, if they failed to advance to Fortune, it would still be difficult to convince the public, and they would not be eligible to be on an equal footing with the other ghost emperors.

After all, the Netherworld is a ghost world, a place where all living beings reincarnate, and connects many worlds, so there are countless ghosts and dead souls accepted every day.

Turning into ghosts after death is also another way of living, but unless there is a great supernatural power, it will be difficult to fully maintain all the original consciousness, coupled with the influence of the evil spirit, there will always be a variety of reasons. Let a certain obsession of these dead souls become extraordinarily powerful, so that they become far more paranoid than they were in life.

In addition, in the environment of various killings and battles, even if he was a kind person before his death, he would inevitably be affected after he turned into a ghost.

Unless their strength is tyrannical to a certain level, the minds of most of the bottom-level ghosts are not complete, so the bottom-level ghosts are extremely chaotic!

Therefore, those good-fortune ghost emperors who are not in the ghost realm are unwilling to control the ghosts under their command.

Then they select the best ones from the ghosts who have experienced the killings at the bottom and fill them into the army under their command, as if raising a gu, and select countless potential ghosts.

Because all walks of life continue to send souls to the ghost realm, the ghost realm is always the top of the world in terms of the number of troops.

Of course, what the specific combat strength is, let's talk about it!

After all, ghosts are ghosts after all. They are formed after the death of living beings. They always have flaws. Once someone finds a means of restraint, they will be killed and injured.

This also makes the ghost world army pay more attention to quantity, and wants to make up for the lack of combat power with the endless ghost world army!


In the cold and majestic ghost hall, a ghost suddenly rushed out from the depths of the ground, knocking the hall out of a huge hole, and also startling the powerful guards and the ghost servants who were responsible for guarding the ghost hall inside and outside the hall. .

After they saw the figure in the air clearly, they quickly knelt down and gave salute!

Because that figure is the master of the ghost palace who has been absent for many years, the master of this ghost realm, and even the number one powerhouse in the entire Netherworld, the Wheel-turning Ghost Emperor!

Before those guards and ghost servants could figure out why the Wheel-turning Ghost Emperor suddenly left the customs and knocked out a big hole in his main hall, they suddenly felt four tyrannical breaths coming from a distance, suppressing them. But get angry!

Of course, as ghosts, they don't need to breathe!

"The Wheel King, why did Bi Luo suddenly return?"

One of the ancient ghost emperors was anxious, and even called out the title of the wheel-turning ghost emperor in his early years!

No wonder he was too anxious, it was because Bi Luo's return was too unexpected!

The Wheel-turning Ghost Emperor didn't care about this, not only because the other party was a strong man who came to open up the Netherworld at the same time as him, but also because he was extremely surprised in his own heart, so he couldn't care less about it.

Just listened to him: "Immediately dispatch the powerful people under your command to the demon clan, the demon clan and the **** clan, and ask them to send the powerful people of good fortune to the ghost world to discuss important matters!"

"They are too slow, let's go for it ourselves!"

The ghost emperor who just opened his mouth said.


The Wheel-turning Ghost Emperor hurriedly exited to stop him: "You must not leave the ghost world now!"


The old ghost emperor was a little puzzled and asked in confusion!

"Our world has already sent half of the ghost emperors to expedition, and now they are trapped in the outer realm, affected by the strange magnetic field and chaotic laws of the chaotic star sea, we can't tell whether they are dead or alive, even if they have died in the foreign realm, they stay behind. Those backhands will also be unavailable because they are blocked by the Chaos Sea of ​​Stars!

Furthermore, we still don't know the reason why Bi Luo returned to the original star field at this time, and whether they can really defeat the expedition army in such a short period of time! "

The Wheel-turning Ghost Emperor said: "Now the ghost world is in a period of weakness, at this time we have to focus on the world, and we need to be careful!

Otherwise, if you are envoys from all walks of life, if the blue sky strikes, how can I resist?

On the contrary, if we invite the other three masters of creation to come to the ghost world to discuss matters, even if we happen to encounter Bi Luo’s attack, we can have more than three masters of creation, so what is there to be afraid of? "

"The Runner Ghost Emperor really has is beyond our ability to compare!"

The other ghost emperors nodded and praised after hearing the words, and immediately dispatched the eternal ghost kings who were good at escaping to all walks of life.

It's just that they thought they had a plan, but what happened next was beyond the expectations of all the ghost emperors!

Just when the few eternal ghost kings holding the invitations of the runner ghost emperors left the boundary wall and flew into the void, they saw a huge ghost hand suddenly flew out from the depths of the starry sky, grabbed one of the eternal ghost kings, and threw it to life. Squeeze.

Another sharp axe cut through the void, splitting a ghost king in half.

There was also a congenital golden wind blowing past, blowing a ghost king to the point where the ghost body vanished!

The messenger sent by the ghost realm to the three worlds, the dignified ghost king of the eternal realm, was beaten to death as soon as he left the world!


"Who dares to attack and kill the powerhouses in my ghost world, you won't be able to find death!"

When several ghost kings saw this, they suddenly became furious, scolded them one after another, got up and flew out of the world.

No matter who dares to attack and kill the strong under their command in their territory in front of them, it will not be tolerated!

They also have to respond, otherwise how to convince the crowd?

As a result, before they flew out of the boundary wall, they saw a strange-shaped crutch rippling with the power of tyrannical law suddenly flying out from the depths of the endless starry sky. The moment it appeared, it turned into a giant pillar that penetrated the sky and fell from the sky, smashing down. On the boundary wall of the Netherworld.

In the rumbling sound, the boundary wall unexpectedly clicked, and a crack appeared! Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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