Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1168: Ghost ancestor deceives Ruanba and swallows the sky

Xihuang and Ao Ji joined forces to kill the Great Sage Mitian!

The relationship between the dragon and the phoenix clan and the human clan can be said to be closer than the relationship between them and the demon clan!

After all, the two clans and the human race are linked by luck, and one is prosperous and the other is lost. Although Bi Luo is only a branch separated from the ancestral realm, the luck is inseparable and belongs to the most reliable ally.

As for the demon clan, it is different!

Not to mention that the demon clan has always been paying attention to the dragon and phoenix clan, which made them quite unhappy, even if there is no such thing, with the pride of the dragon and phoenix clan, it is impossible to surrender to the demon emperor!

Although these two ethnic groups are indeed one of the mythical beast races, when they dominated the world, the Golden Crow was dormant, and most of the so-called demon clan were only their vassals. Therefore, the dragon and phoenix clans were always in an independent position and did not bother to join the demon clan at all. camp.

What's more, Zulong and Yuanfeng are still there. These two ancestors have not fallen into the ancient times, and the ethnic group has not declined. They will not drop their worth to join the former vassals. Besides, they have not surrendered to the current demon emperor. Qualifications.

Even the Heavenly Emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi, who were in charge of the heavenly court in the ancient times, could not make Zulong and Yuanfeng bow their heads, let alone this junior!

Even if they move out of the prehistoric world, the dragons of the four seas who remain in the prehistoric world will only submit to the heaven in name, but in fact they still have great control over the four seas. The ancestral land has not been violated in the slightest!

Compared with the generosity and etiquette of the human race, the demon race is much more savage and greedy, and the way of doing things is inevitably a bit rude. In contrast, the two are naturally more inclined to the human race.

What's more, Xihuang and Ao Jiu led their army to fight against Bi Luo over the years. Not only did their subordinates gain countless benefits, but even they themselves made a lot of money. The innate source sacrifice refined a powerful protective spirit treasure.

Even for these benefits, it is enough for them to throw away their original hesitation and completely choose to stand in the Biluo camp.

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In fact, if it was a prehistoric world, they would stand on the side of the prehistoric ancestral realm without hesitation. The reason why they hesitated before facing Bi Luo was only because Bi Luo was only a branch of the prehistoric human race, not the main line.

But these things don't matter now, and now they have completely stood on Bi Luo's side, and even found an excuse to shoot.

The first is to directly intercept the powerhouses of the Tianmo family. Anyway, everyone is an old opponent, and it is difficult for others to say anything!

Immediately afterwards, Suzaku pretended to be provoked by the Luoshan Ghost Emperor, and until now, he brought the demon clan's plot against the dragon and phoenix clans directly on the table, and showed an extremely angry attitude, and shot directly!

And they were all two-on-one. The two powerhouses, Xihuang and Ao Ju, joined forces to deal with the most powerful Sage Mitian, and the ancestors Suzaku and Qingluan surrounded and killed the seriously injured Sage Feishiao, and the remaining two The ancestor of the dragon clan stopped the great saint.

Although these demon saints are powerful, how could the fortune-telling ancestors of the dragon and phoenix clans be weak?

So after a big battle, apart from the fact that the great sage, the great sage, has not fallen behind, he and the two demon sages all secretly complained.

The Great Sage Tatian is better. After all, the Dao Xing cultivation base is placed there, but the Great Sage Feixiang was seriously injured. How could he withstand the siege of the ancestors of Zhuque and Qingluan, and he was beaten in a short time. Embarrassed.

The Great Sage Feixiao had the heart to ask for help from other demon saints and the gods of the gods, but he just looked around. Except for the gods who were still fighting alone with the ancestors of Taixuan, one counted as one, and all of them were suffering more than the amount. Their strong men were besieged, how could they free up their hands to rescue him?

In particular, the **** master who fought with the ghost ancestors was the most unlucky. The Taoism was not as good as the ghost ancestors. After being dragged by the three fortune-telling zombies under the ghost ancestors, he couldn't bear it anymore. He was almost killed by the ghost ancestors. Only the power of parrying, there is no power to fight back!

It is not that the strength of this **** of creation is not strong enough, but that the cultivation of the ghost ancestors is too advanced, resulting in the vast blood of this **** that is relatively restraining the evil spirits, and has not played a big role.

Besides, Ghost Ancestor is not a real ghost, he is just cultivating by borrowing the laws of ghosts. The three fortune-telling zombies have entities, and they are not comparable to ordinary ghosts.

What's more, one of them is still the body of Wuzu in the realm of the powerhouse. In terms of physical strength alone, it surpasses this God Lord, so that this God Lord is frustrated everywhere, and the situation is even worse than that of the Great Sage!

This Divine Master also complained secretly in his heart that he, a Divine Master in the early stages of creation, was an opponent of such existences as Ghost Ancestors.

Little did he know that the reason why Guizu came to him was to bully him and his weaker strength, and wanted to kill him as quickly as possible to speed up his victory.

It is impossible for them to stay in the chaotic star sea, especially when the three demon masters of the demon race escaped, they must leave here as soon as possible.

Because the three good-fortune demon masters will definitely pass on the fact that Bi Luo ambushed them in the middle of the four worlds of demons, demons, ghosts, and gods, which will not only make these four worlds vigilant, but also organize a group of strong people to come to the rescue!

The most important thing is that once this happens, it will definitely affect their next plans.

Therefore, even if they give up the fortune-telling powerhouses who kill the demon clan and the **** clan, Bi Luo cannot stay here for too long, and must return to the original star field before the killing demon master and the others leave the chaotic star sea!

So Ghost Ancestor directly picked a soft persimmon, and looked for the God of Fortune with the lowest cultivation base to start.

On the other side, Qin Feng and Zhantian ancestors joined forces to kill the Great Sage Swallowing Heaven!

Although Qin Feng is already familiar with the fighting style of the Great Sage Treading the Sky, the Great Sage Treading Heaven has been snatched by the two fortune-telling ancestors of the Dragon Clan, so he can only aim at other opponents.

As a monk of the Imperial Beast Sect, Qin Feng instinctively stared at the demon powerhouse.

There is no way, when the ancestors of the original sect founded the Beast Sect, the original intention was to target the demon clan. After so many years of inheritance, it has been integrated into the hearts of every cultivator of the Beast Sect, and Qin Feng is of course no exception. .

However, the body of this Great Sage Swallowing Heaven is not from the Heaven Swallowing Toad, but from the Ba Snake family!

At the beginning, for this name, he even went to kill the strongest of the Tiantianchan clan. The reason was that the swallowing toad family was unwilling to change his name. This Zunba snake strongman felt that the other party had offended ~ So he killed the ancestor Liwei of the Sky-Swallowing Toad, which also led to the complete decline of the Sky-Swallowing Toad family, which was already difficult to cultivate.

Without the protection of the ancestors and the resources provided by the powerful ethnic forces, it would be difficult and difficult for the descendants of the Sky Swallowing Toad who have not yet grown up to advance!

Just like Qin Feng's first main spirit beast, the Sky Swallowing Toad, if he hadn't provided resources, it would have been able to form a demon pill because of its ignorant cultivation in the wilderness!

However, this ancestor of Ba Snake, who is known as swallowing the sky, is indeed powerful.

At least when he fought for the Demon King in the past, he really swallowed several worlds, and the billions of creatures in those worlds, together with the power of heaven, were completely digested by him!

At this moment, under the attack of Qin Feng and the ancestor of Zhantian, the Great Sage Tuntian was invincible and directly showed his body.

The slender snake body was wrapped around a star several times, the huge snake head was raised high, and the cold vertical pupil revealed a dangerous light, staring at the two of them coldly, and suddenly opened a mouth, like a bottomless abyss, Like a black hole in the depths of the universe, it devoured the past towards the two of them.

The Heaven Swallowing Great Sage's belly is self-contained, even if the fortune-telling powerhouse of the same level is swallowed, it will completely fall into his home field and be suppressed by him!

As this gigantic snake opened its mouth, Qin Feng suddenly felt an unparalleled suction force coming from the other party's mouth. Although he and Zhantian ancestors did not move, the space around them was still in the air. Gradually flew towards the mouth of the Great Sage Swallowing Heaven.

This made Qin Feng's heart already, but he didn't expect that the great saint of the demon race could swallow even the empty space! Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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