Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1166: Consecutive Execution 2nd Demon

In the distance, Qin Feng could not help but be amazed at the ability of the Demon Lord after seeing the means of the Demon Lord without Phase!

Although Qin Feng does not focus on illusions, he is actually quite involved in this field.

Moreover, after achieving the realm of good fortune, Qin Feng's illusions using other laws are actually very subtle.

He thought that the Phaseless Demon Lord was weak, and with the strength of Xihuang and Qingluan ancestors, it should be easy to win the Phaseless Demon Lord.

After all, the legendary Wuxiang Tianmo family is only good at changing means, and can transform into other creatures at will, and even the more powerful Wuxiang Tianmo can simulate the strength of the creatures they change, and simulate the Taoist magical powers that they are good at displaying. , but this does not change the weakness of their lack of combat power.

However, the performance of the phaseless demon made Qin Feng change his opinion, and any demon in the realm of creation should not be underestimated.

Even if the Demon Lord's combat power is only average among the powerhouses in the Creation Realm, he has been able to deceive the perceptions of the ancestors of Xihuang and Qingluan many times by virtue of his superb illusions. I'm afraid that he has long since been escaped by the Phaseless Demon Lord without a trace!

Ordinary illusions can confuse people's five senses and six senses, or confuse people's hearts and confuse the primordial spirit. In addition to these methods, the Demon Lord of Phaseless can directly evolve the surrounding void into his illusory world.

In this illusory world, the Phaseless Demon Lord seems to be the master of everything. He can change all the scenes he wants at will, and even simulate the power aura of other powerhouses. Even with the eyesight of the ancestors of Xihuang and Qingluan, it is impossible to easily Distinguish between true and false.

Even later, when Suzaku really went to support, he was almost attacked by Qingluan ancestors as an illusion.

Even if Xihuang manipulated the Heavenly Phoenix Mirror to continuously illuminate the Quartet, revealing flaws in the illusory world of the Phaseless Demon Lord, and firmly locking the Phaseless Demon Lord's figure, there were still several times when he almost escaped.

The dragon and the phoenix clan stopped the two good-fortune demon lords, trying to trap them in one place, banning the surrounding void and not giving them a chance to escape everywhere, otherwise, with the disposition of the two demon lords, they would definitely flee as far as possible. Will not stay with them in battle.

However, the demon saints in the Heavenly Demon Realm and the Lord of Heavenly Gods are different.

These powerhouses retreat while fighting, and they don't fight with Biluo powerhouses at all.

Even if they weren't shy about the army under their command, I'm afraid they would have already fled hundreds of millions of miles and flew towards the outside of the Chaos Star Ocean.

It's just that the army under the two worlds is their concern after all, and it is impossible to leave it alone.

However, the army of the two worlds and the ghost army of the ghost world are in the pursuit of the monks of the various factions of Biluo, and they can't travel at full speed. Falling down, the lords of creation who are dragged down cannot escape.

Although they kept going in circles and moving around the surrounding large stars, they would not be besieged by the Biluo cultivator, but it was not a long-term solution after all.

Although most of the fortune-telling ancestors on Biluo’s side were proving the Dao in recent years, except for the Wuji ancestors of the Wuji Star Palace in the Northern Territory, Shen Buha and the Qingfeng ancestors of Wanshou Mountain, the rest of the fortunes, whether Qin Feng Or the ancestors of the Five Elements and the Palace Master of Shenshui. In fact, the background is not shallow, even deeper than ordinary good fortune!

Thanks to the smooth progress of the war in the past few hundred years, Bi Luo has successively captured several big worlds, seized countless treasures of various fetishes from the opponent, and even captured the origin of the world, so that the Shenshui Palace Master and the others have a large number of law fetishes and treasures. Innate origin can be cultivated.

Not only did it make up for their weakness that they had the latest time to prove the Dao, but also made a great progress in Dao Xing cultivation, and even added a lot of means to sacrifice and refine even more powerful spiritual treasures!

So even if Suzaku left to help Xihuang and Qingluan to surround and kill the Phaseless Demon Lord together, the remaining twelve Biluo ancestors of good fortune could still have the upper hand.

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Not to mention that Taixuan ancestors can suppress the Lord of Gods, the rest such as Amitabha Buddha, Ghost Ancestor Cang Suan, and Zhantian Ancestors are all superior in combat power, and Qin Feng also has the combat power to compete with the late fortune.

Gongsun Cuo has made rapid progress in recent years. With the help of innate origin, he has not only stabilized his cultivation in the middle stage of creation, but also learned several powerful Confucian and Taoist magical powers. With the help of Confucianism's ability to understand the truth of heaven and earth, the existence of ordinary middle stage of creation is really impossible. Must be able to withstand his attack.

Although the powerhouses of the Heavenly Demons and Heavenly Gods are powerful, it is impossible for all of them to exist in the middle and late stages of creation, so when the number is weak, it is inevitable that they will fall into the disadvantage.

What's more, in addition to two more fortune-telling ancestors than them, Biluo also has three fortune-telling zombies in Cangzhang's ghost ancestor!

Therefore, the Bi Luo side is equivalent to having five more powerhouses than them.

This is enough to make a few demon saints and good luck gods startled, but looking at the dragon and phoenix clans on the other side who are besieging the two good fortune demon masters, it makes them even more secretly complaining in their hearts!

If you don't get rid of Bi Luo's pursuit as soon as possible, once the dragon and phoenix powerhouses have killed the two demon masters, then Bi Luo will have six more fortune-telling ancestors, then how can you fight this battle?

However, being dragged down by the army under their command, they couldn't escape directly, which put them in a dilemma.

As a result, the more you worry about what, the more you will come!

First, the dragon race took the lead to end the battle.

Ao Ji unexpectedly spit out twenty-four innate dragon **** in one breath, and with the help of these innate spiritual treasures, he set up a great formation of twenty-four heavens, forcibly turning the flesh of the inextinguishable demon into powder.

Then, without waiting for the Indestructible Demon Lord to regain his demon body, the twenty-four heavens joined together in the middle, and imprisoned the Indestructible Demon Lord's indestructible demon soul. No matter how hard he struggled, he could not escape. The repressive power of the Fourteenth Heaven.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Ao Ji laughed out of his mouth, raised his hand and grabbed it, and happily put the twenty-four innate dragon **** into his sleeves!

He couldn't help but be unhappy. At the beginning, he followed Gongsun's wrong way to Biluo by way of Zulong's order. At that time, how could he have imagined that he would achieve what he is now?

Over the years, they have followed Bi Luo to the east and west, and have experienced hundreds of wars, big and small. Although the army under their command has suffered a lot of damage, the benefits they have obtained are innumerable.

Not to mention how many resources the dragon and phoenix clans have acquired over the years, and how many advanced powerhouses have emerged under their command, just the twenty-four innate dragon **** in Ao Jiu's hands that were used to suppress the indestructible demon master have already benefited him endlessly.

Originally, this was just a Lingbao, but he was assigned to follow Bi Luo to join the battle and came to the innate source to refine it into an innate treasure, with infinite power, otherwise ordinary treasures would not be able to suppress the Indestructible Demon Lord!

Even Ao Jiu still has the heart to imitate a certain spiritual treasure in Honghuang, and endow this set of twenty-four innate dragon **** with similar power, and then use these twenty-four innate dragon **** as his own treasures for preaching.

After suppressing the Indestructible Demon Soul, Ao Jiu and the others immediately turned around and rushed towards Xihuang and the others, intending to join forces to kill the Phaseless Demon Lord!

Although the Dragon and Phoenix were rivals in the primeval times, they had a very good relationship at first. Later, although they fought for many years, they also let them know each other's methods quite well, so once they join forces, they will not only have a relationship. What does not fit in place, on the contrary, the cooperation will be very tacit.

The Phaseless Demon Lord had been complaining under the siege of Xihuang and the others. Now that he saw the arrival of the three ancestors of the Dragon Clan, how dare he continue to fight.

With his ability, if he doesn't leave, he will definitely be beaten by these six fortune-telling ancestors and won't be able to survive.

Therefore, the Phaseless Demon Lord screamed suddenly, his body was divided into thousands, and he flew away in all directions. With a rustling sound, Qingluan's divine fire penetrated into the depths of his demon made him miserable, but he didn't hesitate at all. Divided his own demon soul, desperately trying to escape a ray of demon soul and go out.

At this moment, he no longer expects to escape completely. As long as he can escape a wisp of remnant soul, he will be sure to recover in the future.

Although the process is definitely hard, and I don't know how many years it will take, it is still much better than not being able to retain a trace of the remnant of the beating!

bang bang bang...

Even though countless shadows were refined by Xihuang and the others, and burned to ashes by the Phoenix Divine Fire, in the end there were still a few shadows that were not completely destroyed and looked a little incomplete and gathered in one place. The magic treasure, forcibly broke the ban on Xihuang and the others, and then burrowed into the depths of the void like a swimming fish, ready to escape!

"Want to go?"

Suddenly, Qin Feng's figure emerged from the void, his hands closed, and the wheel of life and death emerged, covering the Phaseless Demon Lord.

Because he couldn't tell the powerhouses of the Heavenly Demon Realm and the Heavenly God Realm for a while, Qin Feng separated his mind to watch the battle between the dragon and the phoenix. Couldn't help but sneer.

As a strong person who is good at the space avenue, it is not very difficult to escape into the depths of space in front of him!

So he drilled directly into the depths of the layers of space and intercepted the Phaseless Demon Lord who was about to escape!

At this point, the two fortune-telling powerhouses of the Demon Dao have lost their effect, and the six ancestors of the dragon and phoenix clans stopped the powerhouses of the two worlds of demons and gods from the front! Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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