Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1163: Take the opportunity to make trouble to kill the devil

The Wheel-turning King was the title given long ago when the most powerful man in the ghost realm, Wheel-turning Ghost Emperor, was still king in the underworld of the ancestral realm!

It's just that after the former wheel-turning king and a group of ghostly powerhouses broke away from the prehistoric and occupied the great world of the netherworld, they have made rapid progress in their work and have become the supreme powerhouse of the netherworld and ghost world.

But it is only the strongest, and it has not broken through the realm of the indestructible Primordial Dao Fruit, so it is not tyrannical enough to threaten the dragon and the phoenix.

In addition, the rise of the Netherworld was relatively late. When the dragon and phoenix were dominating the world, even the underworld had not been shadowed!

Therefore, both the dragon family and the phoenix family are really old-fashioned powerhouses. No wonder they have a natural pride in their hearts. They behave a little arrogantly when facing many world powerhouses. If you do, you will regard many powerful worlds and strong people as rising stars!

Hearing Suzaku's scolding at this moment, Luoshan Ghost Emperor's mouth twitched, and suddenly he didn't know what to say!

After the last war, the Nether Ghost Realm, although it was said that they joined forces with the Demon Clan and the Heavenly God Realm to almost crippled Bi Luo, and indeed gained a lot of benefits from Bi Luo, their losses were also not light!

After all, Bi Luo is a big world, and it was in its heyday back then, and a large part of the powerhouses were still migrated from the ancestral realm.

What's more, in the last battle, Bi Luo directly blocked the boundary wall, and came to close the door to fight the dog in the urn to catch the turtle, and all the powerhouses and the army who attacked the four worlds into Bi Luo were wiped out. The loss is not light.

The Nether Ghost Realm was killed by Biluo Fengjie in the first battle, and the two ghost emperors who fell in the previous war. In the ancient catastrophe, a total of four good fortune powerhouses were damaged, making the former twelve The ghost emperor has become eight!

If it weren't for the fact that there were two ghost kings in the Eternal Realm to fill the void, I'm afraid that even the ten ghost emperors in the ghost realm today would not be able to come together!

Originally, they planned to capture the background of Bi Luo so that the Wheel-turning Ghost Emperor had the possibility to spy on the Primordial Dao Fruit, and then they used Bi Luo's resources to improve the strength of their own world, and a few more ghost emperors came out, but in the end, they suffered heavy losses. The strength is not as good as before the war.

If it weren't for the fact that the rest of the ghost emperors used Biluo's resources to improve their Taoism, the war would have been more than worth the loss.

Although the rest of the worlds are a little better than the ghost world, the general situation is similar!

From this point of view, it can be seen that unless one side of the war in the big world can win a big victory and seize all the benefits after the war, there is no winner in a war without a winner at all, and it can only be regarded as a loser.

Of course, Bi Luo's damage was even more severe!

After all, they are one enemy and four, and it is very good that they are not completely occupied by their opponents in the end.

Many powerhouses in the ghost world felt that the losses were too heavy after the last war, and they felt a little regretful in their hearts.

It's a pity that the hatred has been forged, it's not that they can let go when they say let go.

Even if they wanted to give up, Bi Luo couldn't let them go!

So when the demon emperor sent messengers to the three worlds, saying that they found Bi Luo's trace and wanted to join forces to launch an expedition, they nodded in agreement without any hesitation.

Because the situation is already like this, they can only choose to completely break Bi Luo now, otherwise they will only leave a big world where generations are enemies, and they don't know how much trouble they will cause in the future!

As a result, under this battle, the ghost realm became the target of Bi Luo's sneak attack, and a ghost emperor was directly beheaded. Although the other two hadn't died on the spot, they were also killed by Taixuan ancestors and ghost ancestors Cang. They were suppressed in the innate spiritual treasures, and basically there was no hope of getting out, and there was only a dead end waiting for them.

That is to say, this battle has caused the Nether Ghost Realm to break down three good fortunes again, causing their strength to drop again and again, from the original twelve ghost emperors to the top ten ghost emperors, and now there are still seven left. Respecting the good fortune ghost emperor, it has directly become a big world with the fewest and weakest fortune-telling powerhouses in the original star field!

Thinking of this, Luoshan Ghost King wants to die!

Ghost Dao cultivators have no advantage in the original star field. They have some disadvantages when facing other major cultivation system powerhouses. Now there are so few top powerhouses. Maybe they will be targeted by how many powerhouses in the future. Take a piece of the pie from the ghost world!

In order to resolve the crisis, one is to stick with the three worlds of demons, demons, and gods, so that the powerhouses in the rest of the world have scruples, and the other is to completely capture Biluo and use Biluo's resources to cultivate the powerhouse.

That's why Luoshan Ghost Emperor will ignore the dragon and phoenix clan, trying to make Ao Jiu and the others fearful and withdraw from the chaotic Xinghai, so that he can gather seventeen masters of good fortune and have the ability to defeat the twelve ancestors of good fortune Bi Luo. possible!

It's a pity that this ghost emperor is a ghost demon after all. Although his temperament is sinister and vicious, and his behavior is not bad, there is still a slight gap in his behavior with living creatures, and he does not understand the pride in the heart of the dragon and phoenix.

Therefore, his remarks not only failed to scare off the dragon and phoenix clan, but aroused the anger of the two top-level mythical beast races.

It's really audacious for a mere evil spirit who has risen later to dare to intimidate them face to face.

Of course, this is also an opportunity!

The reason why the dragon and phoenix clans did not directly participate in the siege of the powerhouses in the ghost world with Bi Luo was mainly because they lacked an excuse, so they went around in a circle to intercept the demon masters in the world of demons in front of them!

But at this time, as soon as Luoshan Ghost Emperor's words fell, Suzaku immediately used the topic to play: "Back then, when we were in the wild, even the underworld had not been opened, and you, Luoshan Ghost Emperor, had not yet come into the world!

What's the matter, now that you have achieved the realm of creation, you dare to challenge my clan?

You dare to threaten us, you are courting death! "

Suzaku's body flickered while speaking, and instantly turned into the original form of Suzaku, his wings shook, covering the void, fanning out the fire of Nanming Li, and directly killing the Luoshan Ghost Emperor.

"Huh? Want to go?"

On the opposite side, the Phaseless Demon Lord, who was originally confronting Suzaku, swayed with magic light from outside his body. He stretched out his hand and grabbed it. Thousands of colorful magic lights appeared in the void, constantly changing all kinds of visions and rushing towards Suzaku, trying to stop Suzaku from leaving!

Xihuang raised her hand to sacrifice the Tianhuang precious mirror, and wherever the mirror light passed, the magic light in the sky dissipated!

"Phaseless Demon Lord, let's not talk about the grievances between you and me in the past. The last time you four worlds joined forces to attack Bi Luo has nothing to do with me."

Xihuang's tone was cold: "But you turned into a phoenix clan and secretly provoked right and wrong, causing a gap between the phoenix clan of Biluo and the monks, which caused them to be betrayed by the demon clan, and the reputation of my phoenix clan suffered. damage!

You are an elusive devil, and you are good at changing the appearance of other creatures. It is not easy to find you. Now that you have encountered it, don't leave!

When I kill you, the devil, and wash away the shame for Bi Luo's Phoenix clan, I will also avoid letting other clans be manipulated by you in the future! "

As he spoke, he flipped his hands, and the Heavenly Phoenix Realm instantly released a dazzling ray of light, and took a look at the Phaseless Demon Lord!

Phaseless Demon Lord dare not fight head-on with Xihuang!

He dominates the roost with illusions and transformations, and he is unmatched when it comes to lurking various clans to tell right and wrong, but when it comes to battle, where is Xihuang's opponent!

It is said that Xihuang and Tianhuangjing are the innate treasures, even if they are much higher than the Demon Lord without phase, so the Demon Lord without phase smiles: "What a powerful Tianhuang mirror, this seat is not an opponent. , you should find other demon masters to fight!"

As he spoke, his body turned, and endless magical light burst out from his body, turning into all kinds of bizarre sights. Under the cover of the magic light, his figure quietly escaped.

It's just that the Tianhuang Treasure Mirror is the ultimate treasure of the Phoenix family to suppress the luck. It is not only powerful, but also infinitely useful. Wherever the mirror light passes, the bizarre scene immediately disappears, and the mirror light goes straight to the main photo of the Phaseless Demon. Go, let this good fortune master dodge left and right, escape into the void, and try his best to escape the light of the Heavenly Phoenix Mirror.


The Phaseless Demon Lord gave a strange cry, and turned his body again to avoid a mirror light, and his figure was like a wisp of blue smoke, shooting straight into the distance: "Killing Demon Lord, Xihuang is so powerful that I can't be the enemy, so I'll leave it to you to deal with it. !"


On the other side, the blood-stained Demon Lord, although he felt disdain for the incompetence of the Phaseless Demon Lord, didn't say much at the moment, but his eyes were horizontal, and there was an incomparably fierce magic light in his eyes. To the mirror light who is chasing after the Phaseless Demon Lord!

With two clanks, the light in the eyes of the slaughtering demon master turned out to be like the light of a sword, and there was a sound of swords mingling in the mirror light.

Immediately afterwards, the slaughtering demon master with four heads and eight arms holding various demonic weapons swirled and swung his eight arms together, and he actually chopped out countless sharp demonic energy, directly slicing the void, wrapped in countless The space debris attacked Xihuang.

Xihuang's eyes turned cold, but she knew how powerful the Slaughtering Demon Lord was, so she naturally didn't dare to neglect in the slightest. The tactic in her hand changed, and the Tianhuang Treasure Mirror bloomed with billions of mirrors, offsetting the killing Demon Lord's attack and disappearing into nothingness. The body flickered, and endless flames bloomed behind him, and the burning void everything melted away.

As Xihuang stretched out his hand, the divine fire of the phoenix in the sky burned towards the slaughtering demon master!

With their action, the other demon masters and Ao Ji will naturally not be idle, and they will use all kinds of magic weapons and magic powers to fight in one place in an instant. It is impossible to fight. Open the deal.

The dragon and phoenix clan and the great world of demons are also old enemies. Since the dragon and phoenix clan regained their vitality, whenever they encounter a demon clan, they will take action nine times out of ten. All kinds of means came out, the void collapsed, the stars were broken, and the chaotic Xinghai became more and more chaotic.

On the other side, Suzaku was full of anger, and rushed towards the Luoshan Ghost Emperor, without even looking at the several great saints of the demon clan and the gods of the gods of the gods. He killed the Luoshan Ghost Emperor!


Even if Suzaku knew that Suzaku was deliberately looking for an excuse to join the war, but the matter had come to this point, no matter whether it was the demon clan or the Celestial God clan, it was hard to say anything else, or maybe Suzaku would turn around and aim at them!

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