Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1116: Killing with blood as a curse

The blood is raining, and the souls are everywhere!

This unparalleled battle was fierce. The sky shattered, the earth cracked, the rivers flowed back, and the sea water poured in. Not only did the wizarding world be overwhelmed, but also the powers continued to fall, and various visions continued to appear.

However, compared to Bi Luo, the strong of the wizard clan has fallen far more than the monks!

Not only were the truth wizards and eternal wizards killed one after another, but the wizards of all levels who gathered from all directions to support them fell like rain under the mighty powers of Taoism and magic. In the end, even the wizard king of the good fortune realm was forcibly beheaded. kill.

All sides are sad for a time, resentment is everywhere.

Not only the remnant souls of ordinary wizards are wailing, but also the resentment of the strong will remain after death, and there is a tendency to become stronger and stronger!

This made Bi Luo's many cultivators with profound knowledge feel shocked, and a little uneasy arose in his heart!

It is really that the resentment between heaven and earth is too strong, and some of them are beyond the expectations of all of them!

In the past, Biluo has not rarely invaded other worlds, and has also been invaded into its own world by the sky demon and other worlds.

But no matter in the outside world or inside Bi Luo, I have never seen the resentment of a creature after death can be so strong.

Even the stronger the strength, the more likely it is to leave greater resentment, but in general, it should not be so huge. Previously, Biluo invaded the Bright God Realm and fought for many years. The number of creatures and strong men killed in the Bright God Realm. More, and I didn't see much resentment remaining.

Although there is a reason why the unique purifying power of the Law of Light has played a big role, it is also sufficient to explain the current abnormality of the wizarding world.

Even the Golden Immortals and Eternal have discovered that something is wrong, and of course the ancestors of Good Fortune have already noticed it.

It's just that now the war has reached the final juncture, you can't stop at this time and let the wizarding world a way of life, right?

Therefore, instead of stopping, the ancestors of good fortune have stepped up the battle rhythm because of the occurrence of such an abnormal phenomenon. They want to end the battle in the shortest time and explore the reason for such a strong resentment in the wizarding world.

Although some Buddhism has been able to use the Dharma and began to eliminate grievances, and chanting the mantra to save the remnants of the dead, there are also some bodhisattvas and ancient Buddhas in the Daguangming Temple who use light and Buddha power to purify grievances.

But the war is not over after all, and there are not many Buddhism powers that can be drawn out. Compared with the growing grievances between the world and the earth, some drop in the bucket, of no avail, and of little use!


With a loud bang, the body of the Elemental Witch King was cracked by Amitabha Buddha's body that was blasted by the enchanting treasure tower. The blood was flowing, and his body was almost blown up!

Before he could stabilize his figure, he saw black and white flashes in front of him, and when he recovered, he realized that he had been shrouded in the yin and yang picture by the ancestor Taixuan!

This yin and yang picture is the treasure of Taixuan ancestor's proof of Tao, and it is also an innate treasure with infinite usefulness, evolving yin and yang, and unpredictable.

At this moment, the Elemental Witch King was enveloped, and the power of this spirit treasure was immediately evolved to the extreme. The two qi of Yin and Yang turned into one black and one white. Two Yin and Yang fish surrounded the Elemental Witch King. Feel the endless crisis!

He was already scarred, and at this moment, he felt that the vitality in his body was constantly being eliminated as the two currents of yin and yang were turned. The witchcraft energy he displayed was crushed and its power was greatly reduced. Even the world's will was originally blessed on him. The power of heaven is isolated by the yin and yang diagram!

The Innate Lingbao Yin-Yang Diagram not only possesses supreme power, but can change infinitely. The majestic Yin-Yang law can isolate all internal and external connections, and evolve the world with the two qi of Yin and Yang!

The Elemental Witch King, who had been hit hard, was suddenly worse off after losing the blessing of the will of the world, and became more and more helpless.


Suddenly, there was a roar in the distance!

The roar reveals endless anger and sadness, it is the witch king!

At this time, this wizard king who stunned the world with his fierce name of strength and slaughter was covered with blood and scars. No one could know that he had reached the end of the powerful crossbow!

The ancestor Zhan Tian was stronger than him in both cultivation and combat power, not to mention the help of the Shenshui Palace Master. It was normal to win this battle.

However, the Body Refining Witch King is ultimately a powerful person in the good fortune realm. Even if he is defeated, he will inevitably bring some injuries to the ancestor Zhantian and the Palace Master Shenshui, but it is not serious.

At this moment, the body refining witch king is faltering, and soon he will be beheaded by the ancestor Zhantian and the palace lord of Shenshui on the spot, but this witch king sees the king of element witches being included in the yin and yang picture by the ancestor Taixuan, and he doesn’t know. Why suddenly he let out a loud roar, and then he forcibly burned all his qi and blood.

His body was so angry that he was so powerful that at this moment, he burst out of incomparable strength, forcibly broke through the obstacles of the ancestors of Zhan Tian, ​​swiped the blood slaughter battle axe that had been covered in gaps, and rushed toward the Yin and Yang map when he was crazy!

The ancestor Taixuan, who was fully manipulating the Yin-Yang diagram to refine the Elemental Witch King, frowned when he saw this frown, and the Kowloon Bell above his head vibrated, and a deafening bell sounded, which turned into a wave of waves and spread to the body-refining Witch King.

It's just that the witch king allowed the sound to crack his skin, and his flesh and blood flew around, but he did not stay at all. He forcibly rushed through the sound wave, and even the people with axe all rushed to the yin and yang map, just relying on the last remaining courage to fight the yin and yang map. It trembles again and again, giving the Elemental Witch King a chance to escape, allowing him to take the opportunity to break the yin and yang two qi through a gap, and escape from it!


The Buddha Amitabha on the other side was furious, and with a wave of his hand, he suddenly saw a big golden hand slapped off out of thin air, and he grabbed the Body Refining Witch King in his hand, cracking the bones he grabbed, and turning his flesh into mud!

Even so, he did not die.

"you go!"

The dying body-refining witch dynasty Elemental Witch King shouted: "I can't become the ancestor of witches. The hope of the wizard family still rests on you, you leave!

As long as you are still alive, the wizard clan will not be destroyed. If you can become the strongest in the future, it will allow the wizarding world to re-establish this star field! "


Seeing that the body of the refining witch king's body has been turned into mud by the Buddha Amitabha, he couldn't help his heart throbbing.

The body-refining witch king is a descendant of the ancestor of the witch. He has always been extremely proud. Even if he is recognized as the number one strong in the wizarding world, the elemental witch king does not pay much attention to it. At this moment, he chose to give up the last hope of escape and come to help himself escape!

However, the Elemental Witch King is ultimately a strong man standing at the pinnacle of the wizarding world. Although there is a touch in his heart, it is not so entangled and wastes time like a foolish man and a girl. Therefore, he just glanced at the Body Refining Witch King and his body swayed. , Soaring into the sky, wanting to break through the barriers and escape into the endless starry sky!

The Body Refining Witch King is right. As long as he is still alive, even if the entire wizard clan is destroyed, he can be recreated and continue to pass on the wizard clan!

The war has progressed to this point, not to mention that there is no hope of winning at all, and there is even no chance to delay it, so the Elemental Witch King can only choose to flee.

Even if the escape will be backlashed by the will of the world, he doesn't care anymore, he still saves his life and talks about other things.

"At this point, still want to go?"

The ancestor Taixuan snorted coldly, and shook the Buddha Chen in his hand. It stretched out hundreds of thousands of miles, and directly wound around the Elemental Witch King, wrapping it like a silkworm chrysalis, and then pulled it back.

Although the wisps of dusting silk thread is soft, it contains a sword-like edge at this time, and it cuts toward the elemental witch king's body, as if to cut him into pieces.

The Elemental Witch King was ruthless in his heart, and used the last life-saving witchcraft to transform his figure into a tangible and non-quality colorful light, breaking through the entanglement of the dust and continuing to escape.

Only after he really left Fuchen did he discover that Taixuan Patriarch had already pulled Fochen back with him at this instant, so although he broke through Fuchen, he entered the Yin-Yang picture again.

In the end, he still failed to escape the end of death ~ and after turning into a colorful light, he lost his body is equivalent to pure elemental power, in the Yin and Yang map can return to the original and reverse the five elements. Under the rule of law, his group of colorful rays of light quickly melted away.


The thunder in the sky became more and more violent, and the successive falls of the Witch King of Good Fortune allowed the sentient beings in the wizarding world to feel the feeling that the sky is about to fall.

"You guys, do you want to kill my wizarding world?"

On the other side, the **** Cursed Witch King's eyes were spiteful, and his tone of despair revealed a frenzy: "If this is the case, let's die together!"

After this sentence, I saw his dark wizard robe suddenly shattered, like weird black butterflies dancing lightly, floating between the heaven and the earth, linking the sky with resentment!

And his skinny body is covered with blood-colored curses, densely packed, like countless blood-colored bugs crawling, making the scalp numb!

"With my blood, draw grievances, burn my soul, curse and kill the human race!"

Following the cursing of the Witch King, he saw the countless **** runes on his body drawing blood from his body. In an instant, most of his blood was drawn from his body, making his entire skin pale in an instant. The scarlet spell is getting more and more red!

At the same time, countless grievances between heaven and earth converged on him at an incredible speed.

As the resentment entered his body, strange black flames burned up on his body. Those flames used his body and soul as nourishment and kept burning.

The more energy provided by the soul, the stronger the flames, and the more vivid the **** curses, and finally with a bang, the body of the cursing witch king turned into ashes under the action of the flame.

And those **** curses were scattered with huge grievances, and flew towards all the great powers of the immortals, dragons and phoenixes who invaded the wizarding world!

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