Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1113: Blame and curse duel

A loud bang sounded through the world, not only causing cracks in the barriers of the world, but also making the world will of the wizarding world suddenly violent at this moment. The rumbling thunder exploded tens of millions of miles of lightning, shining the world. Very bright!


Several wizards, Wang Meng raised their heads, and cast their eyes in the direction where the sound came from.

The movement of the Nightmare Witch King’s entry into the realm was found in the distance, and the several powerful guardian wizards who came to explore, also raised endless vigilance in their hearts. The crazy warning from the will of the world made them soar, their eyes like electricity, and hope Xiangtianwai!

"Ha ha ha ha……"

A domineering laughter spread into the world, making the nightmare witch king who had just returned to the wizarding world stiffened: "Zhantian ancestor!"

This laughter filled with heroic spirits could not be familiar to her, after all, she had only encountered it on the battlefield not long ago.

In the dazzling thunder, she didn't see through the scene outside the boundary for the first time, thinking that the ancestor Zhan Tian chased and killed herself all the way outside the wizarding world, she was still wondering that this guy had too much guts.

However, when the divine light in her eyes flickered, her gaze penetrated Thunder and Lightning to see the scene outside the boundary, she immediately took a breath.

Where is the ancestor of the sky chased and killed alone, in addition to the ancestor of the sky, there are many good fortune ancestors of the Biluo camp, and thousands of immortal and eternal powers above the realm!

Looking at the dense figure of strong men outside the world, the Nightmare Witch King couldn't help but trembled in his heart!

It seems...somewhat bad!

If it weren’t for the Nightmare Witch King who knew that he hadn’t spent too long in the gap of time and space, I’m afraid he would have doubted whether he accidentally broke into the chaotic time and space and returned to reality for thousands of years. Otherwise, how could such a panic happen? ?

Just when several wizard kings were shocked, the ancestor Zhan Tian outside the boundary shouted: "Break the barrier for me, break in, kill the wizard king, and break the foundation of this great world!"

As soon as the voice fell, I saw thousands of powerful abilities all agree, and one after another they shot out a piece of amazing magic weapon, blasted out a series of powerful Taoism magical powers, and the boundary wall trembled again and again.

In the case of thousands of great powers working together, even if the boundaries of the great world itself are extremely strong, and the defensive power is strengthened under the crazy blessing of the will of the world, it can not withstand the bombardment of so many powerful people!


The Elemental Witch King was the first to react, he shouted, his figure violent, and he waved the element staff in his hand to shed colorful rays of light, and fell on the boundary wall to help the boundary wall defend against attacks!

Otherwise, if there are so many powerful players, the damage caused to the wizarding world will be much greater than last time.

The last time the ghost ancestor only brought hundreds of powerful men, plus a seventh monarch of **** and his subordinate demon god, it has already damaged the origin of the world.

This time, not only did Bi Luo come in more powerful men, but even Tai Xuan ancestor, the most powerful man, came personally. How dare the Elemental Witch King let Bi Luo monk enter the world!

So he immediately waved his staff and used the supreme witchcraft to seal the rift in the boundary wall, trying to stop the Biluo celestial beings from entering the world. He shouted angrily: "You Biluo doesn't speak trust. You clearly have reached an agreement with the natural gods, why are you doing it now? Come attack my wizarding world?

Do you really think that Mother Earth will keep watching?

It angered the Mother Earth God and broke with the natural gods. No matter how strong your Biluo is, you will definitely not be able to resist the crusade against you by the entire Star Territory!

When the time comes, as long as our big worlds raise their arms, all the worlds in the entire Star Territory will unite to condemn you. Have you ever thought about such serious consequences? "

The rest of the wizard kings also reacted, and they shot one after another to assist in the defense of the boundary wall.

There were countless truth wizards and eternal wizards in all directions, all of them flew in quickly, desiring to keep their powerful enemies out of the realm.

"Hey, the trapped beast is still fighting, struggling to death!"

The ancestor Zhan Tian sneered, and didn't care too much about the resistance of the wizards in the world, but made a mockery!

But he ignored the Elemental Witch King.

After all, the opponent is the number one power in the wizarding world. At this time, Tai Xuan ancestor will naturally come forward. Although Zhan Tian ancestor is rough in appearance, he will not steal the limelight from Tai Xuan ancestor at this time.

The ancestor Taixuan stepped forward with a cold look: "We do have a covenant with the Mother Earth God, and we promised that as long as you don't make trouble, we won't deal with you again!

We did it before. If the Bright God Realm had already been attacked by us, the whole army would not be withdrawn, and let the Bright God Realm make a living!

But that's just an agreement between us and the Mother Earth God, and it can't be a reason for you to be unscrupulous!

You provoke me Bi Luo again and again, and now you have summoned our mortal enemy from the Primitive Star Territory and touched my Bi Luo's bottom line. Do you still want us to endure it? "

The Elemental Witch King's expression changed, and he didn't expect Bi Luo to be so sensitive to the arrival of the monster clan powerhouse.

He originally thought that it was a wonderful move to attract Biluo's dead enemy to the Primitive Star Territory, but at this time he was full of regrets!

When he heard that the Nightmare Witch King talked about the power of the Primordial Star Territory earlier, he already regretted it.

While performing witchcraft, he sent many allies of the Wizarding Alliance to support him, and he did not forget to send a message to the natural gods, hoping to invite the mother goddess to block the strong blue sky as soon as possible.

At the same time, the ancestor Taixuan said: "Previously, you and I were hostile, and we were embarrassed by the destruction of my wizarding world. Not only did we lose a lot, but even the body of the ancestor was completely snatched by you. We did that at will. Decide!

Gu, but this happened before you reached an agreement with the natural gods. We had already sent a strong man to go back to the Nightmare Witch King. Who knew that the monster race came so quickly..."


The ancestor Taixuan coldly snorted: "You are also a magnificent king. At this stage, do you think that a light and fluttering word can make us retreat?"

"What are you going to do? Do I have to let my wizarding world be charred?"

"If you want to keep the wizards safe and sound, it's not impossible!"

The ancestor Taixuan said lightly: "As long as you hand over the heart of the world, I promise to lead all the immortals to evacuate!"


Elemental Witch King's face changed: "This is absolutely impossible!"

"You won't give it, I just wait to get it by myself!"

Taixuan ancestor waved his hand to dust, and immediately the offensive of the immortals became more and more fierce!

This time they did not choose to let Elder Kongkong enter the wizarding world by breaking through the barrier with the Rainbow Bridge.

Once Elder Kongkong’s Rainbow Bridge can’t support so many powers to enter at the same time, and a few wizard kings are there, it is very likely that these wizard kings will interrupt the rainbow bridge and re-block the world before entering a few powerful ones. Wall, not only will the power that entered first will fall into the siege, but it will also damage the elder Kongkong, which is not worth it!

Anyway, there was enough power from Biluo to break the boundary wall with grandeur. At this moment, under the instruction of Taixuan ancestor, the offensive suddenly became more and more violent, and the boundary wall was shaken to fall!

The Elemental Witch King was secretly startled, and hurriedly shouted: "I have already sent the powers of the alliance from all walks of life to come to support, and even the natural gods have also sent the information to the past. It will not be long before the earth mother **** will come. You really want to Break with the natural gods, against our entire star field?"

"so what?"

The ancestor Taixuan's expression was faint: "As long as we act fast enough to kill Er Deng before they arrive, and conquer the wizarding world, even if they come, they will run in vain!"

"You really don't leave a little room for my world, do you want to force my wizard family to a dead end?"

"From the moment you introduced the monster race, you have completely blocked your own life. You are responsible for everything. Everything is just a matter of blame. You can't blame others!"

The indifferent words of the ancestor Taixuan completely cut off the last gleam of hope in the heart of the Elemental Witch King: "If you were just as greedy to me as you did before, and confined the war to this star field, we would not do things. Absolutely.

But since you have attracted the monster race and want to completely destroy my blue world, then don't blame us for the first step!

Otherwise, if you don't improve your strength as soon as possible, how to deal with the monster race, how to fight against the powerful enemies of the realm such as the gods and demons?

All of this was forced out by you. Now let go of waiting. When the monster army comes, they will let us go?

Therefore, for the sake of my Biluo's survival, and in order to be able to contend with powerful enemies, now I can only cut the sword from your wizarding world! "

The ancestor Taixuan suddenly waved and slapped his palm. The giant Qiankun's hand condensed the supreme power, and slapped it on the boundary wall with a bang, and there was a sound like cracking glass.

The crumbling boundary wall that had been bombarded by the blue sky and the immortals could no longer withstand the great hand of Taixuan, suddenly it was blasted out of a big hole!


The ancestor Zhan Tian is worthy of the great power of martial arts. Before the gap on the boundary wall was hit enough, he rushed in first, swinging the **** ax in his hand, like opening the ground and opening the sky. Opening the void, he hacked towards the wizard king closest to him.

Seeing this, Qin Feng from the rear couldn't help but chuckle. Just as he was about to follow, the Suzaku ancestor next to him uttered a clear cry, and his figure flashed into the real Suzaku and flew into the world, spreading his wings and setting off the sky and the fire. Pounced towards the Nightmare Witch King.

"It's you, old witch, who wanted to besiege Qingluan a few days ago. Today I will turn you into ashes and see how arrogant you are!"


The Nightmare Witch King was speechless.

Compared with us, who on earth is it arrogant?

It's a pity that no matter how much I want to spit in my heart, facing the endless sacred fire of Suzaku at this moment, I can only resist first!

The remaining ancestors of good fortune were relatively calm, and did not enter the boundary rashly. Instead, they waved their hands to make the gap in the boundary wall wider, making it easier for the immortals to enter.

Qin Feng saw that there was no ancestor to **** him, and the few wizard kings in the world actually planned to join forces, especially the curse of the witch king, hiding in the distance to cast a curse on the ancestor Zhantian, trying to influence the ancestor Zhantian. The battle, so he quickly stepped forward and entered the world.


The ancestor Zhantian suddenly let out a huge roar, and the roar echoed back and forth between heaven and earth, and he saw his blood soaring, and his whole body was like a mighty oven, turning the curse in his body into a weird black energy.

When the cursing witch king wanted to continue to cast spells, Qin Feng flickered and stopped in front of him: "Cursing witchcraft, as expected, there are some ways to curse witchcraft. Qin is also proficient in several cursing methods. It is better to ask the witch king to enlighten him. Something!"

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