Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1110: Old ancestors teach rebirth schemes

"Well, what does this mean?"

Qin Feng looked at the ancestor Zhantian in surprise.


The ancestor Zhan Tian grinned, and a sly look appeared on his rough and domineering face, he hehe smiled: "As long as the wizarding world is defeated, the lawful camp will only be left with the natural **** realm and the light **** realm, you Speaking of whether the Natural God Realm can sit still? Will they choose to do their best to conquer **** with me?"


Qin Feng was startled slightly, he hadn't thought so much before.

"Although Lucifer has formed an alliance with us, the Demon Realm is ultimately a big world of the dark camp. After we leave, it is difficult to say whether the covenant between the natural gods and Lucifer can be maintained."

The ancestor Zhan Tian continued: "If the **** and the abyss are profitable, it may not be impossible to reintegrate the demon world under the leadership of Lucifer into the alliance of the three worlds.

What's more, the entanglement between the Fallen Angels and the Light God Realm cannot be eliminated at all. Who can guarantee that Lucifer will not seek help from **** and the abyss in order to attack the Light God Realm in the future, thus completely standing in the dark camp! "


The ancestor Qingluan nodded: "The Bright Angel and the Fallen Angel are two opposing races. Unless one of them dies completely, the war will never stop. Although the Mother Earth has reached an agreement with Lucifer, there is no question about these two races. She cannot reconcile the war between tribes!

Lucifer, the great leader of the Fallen Angels family, is quite strategic. Although he is extremely proud in his heart, he has proud capital. Moreover, now he not only occupies the entire demon world, but has also become the strongest.

At this point, even the Mother Earth God could only win a little bit by virtue of his vigorous accumulation, and under normal circumstances, he couldn't help him at all.

Therefore, once the wizarding world is captured, the situation will become extremely unfavorable for the natural gods.

At that time, even if the many gods of the natural gods are in order to protect themselves, in order to maintain balance, they can only choose to do their best to deal with **** or abyss with us, and bring down the big world of the dark camp as much as possible. One, so that they will not fall into danger! "

Hearing this, Qin Feng suddenly realized: "That's it!"

He looked at Qing Luan, who was soft-looking and gentle, and then looked at Old Ancestor Zhan Tian with a rough and domineering face, and couldn't help feeling a little bit in his heart.

Sure enough, people can't look good!

I thought that the ancestor Qingluan had a gentle temperament and was not good at strategy, and that the ancestor Zhantian was very domineering and always went forward courageously. Unexpectedly, he was also a generation with a small heart.

Seeing Qin Feng's expression on his face, the ancestor Zhantian couldn't help but laugh, "You kid, do you think that ancestor I only know how to fight and kill?

Although I use martial arts to prove the Tao, and martial arts also emphasizes bravery and diligence, and use force to break all obstacles, but martial arts practice is different from those stupid physical training!

Physical training only requires the pursuit of a strong body, but martial arts practice involves all aspects. Although the threshold for entry into martial arts is the lowest, if you want to achieve something, how can the demand for intelligence, talent and understanding be less! "

Speaking of this, the old man full of infinite power shook his head and sighed: "I can practice from an ordinary man to the realm of good fortune with an inexperienced boxing technique. Of course, there is my brave martial art. My heart is supporting, and I rarely use conspiracy to calculate others, but it is not impossible, let alone understand.

At the very least, you have to understand how to deal with this type of opponent, otherwise you will be calculated to die sooner or later!

Over the years, I have experienced countless battles, large and small, and countless ambushes and calculations by people. Even if I didn’t pay attention to these things, I would have learned more after experiencing more!

I am like this, and Daoist Qingluan is even more so. She has a gentle temperament and doesn't like conspiracy, but as a great power that has survived in the ancient times, how can she not see this?

You are still young. In the future, you should watch and listen more, think twice, especially in the competition with other big worlds, and be more cautious. After all, this is not only related to your personal safety, but also more important. Hundreds of millions of creatures in the whole world can't be careless! "

"Thank you for the guidance of the two ancestors, Qin took it down!"

Qin Feng nodded, and then asked: "Although the wizarding world has suffered a lot in the previous confrontations, it is still a big world after all, I am afraid it will not be easy to capture.

If the war is delayed for too long, not to mention whether the dark camp will attack us again. I am afraid that the natural gods are even more reluctant to see this. They will definitely stop them. What should we do then? "

"Haha, stop them, then don't give them time to stop!"

The ancestor Taixuan waved his hand gently, a few moments of aura shed, and disappeared in the depths of the void and disappeared in no time: "I have transmitted that all the great powers of good fortune who are out of war have returned to Biluo, and then gathered multiple good fortune to attack the wizarding world!

As we clashed with the dark camp, the wizarding world has relaxed its vigilance over the years. The good fortune masters of the alliances and higher worlds that they had called into the world have also left, relying on the remaining wizard kings. , How can prevent me from waiting for the attack! "

The Taixuan ancestor at this time looked calm and indifferent: "What's more, our goal this time is not to completely occupy the wizarding world. This can't be done in a short time. We need to mobilize various factions for expeditions. The momentum is too great. , I'm afraid that he has been dissuaded from going back by the natural **** system before he reaches the wizarding world.

Therefore, we only dispatched a few powerful people, just like you last attacked the wizarding world, relying on the power of multiple good fortune ancestors to forcibly seize the heart of the world!

Although my Bilao origin has been restored, it is not enough to take revenge on these alone. After all, we have to deal with the four big worlds, so we need a deeper foundation and strength to complete the revenge!

Since the wizarding world dared to offend us to death, it must be prepared to be punished by us. "

The ancestor Zhan Tian sneered: "They thought that they could deal with Bi Luo by inviting the monster clan, and they thought too easily.

During the Great Tribulation of the Ancients, the monster race was still in the alliance with several other big worlds that made my Biluo at a disadvantage. The arrival of a few monsters in addition to arouse our anger, it is impossible to make any changes to the situation, but let us There is a sense of urgency.

Even if Bi Luo does not become a battlefield again, we have to force ourselves to make more changes. At this time, since the wizarding world has jumped out to pull hatred, then we will seize the source of the wizarding world to enhance our heritage, by the way It also allows more powerful players in the industry!

Hmph, even if all the original heart of the wizarding world is taken out and consumed, as long as it can make me a little bit more good for the blue sky, it will be worth it! "

Qin Feng was silent for a while, without speaking.

However, he knew in his heart that what Taixuan ancestor said was true, and that the wizarding world attracted the monster race to this star field, which really made Bi Luo feel a little more urgency.

Now that even the ancestor Taixuan made the decision to forcibly plunder the heart of a great world because of the urgency of such a powerful enemy's imminent pressure, it can be seen that the pressure on ordinary cultivators will only be greater.

He doesn't have any sympathy for the wizarding world. On the contrary, he feels that those guys cannot live by themselves!

Those wizard kings who think they can go to the original star field to invite Bi Luo's dead opponents will be able to plunge Bi Luo into endless wars and panics from now on, or they will be killed and move the world again to other star areas.

It's just that they didn't expect that the Demon King did not make a big move because of their whistleblowing, but instead sent two great demon clan great sages to investigate.

This is not the demon emperor's suspiciousness, but the caution that an emperor should have.

After all, the demon clan has no contact with the wizard clan. An old witch suddenly came and said that she had found the trail of Biluo. No matter what she said, no matter how eloquent she was and she still produced a lot of evidence, this still couldn’t make the demon emperor easily. To send a large army across the star field to expedition, it is necessary to send a credible subordinate to carefully investigate before making a decision.

Although the Nightmare Witch King was a bit unwilling to do this, he could understand the reason for the Demon King to do so, so he didn't think much about it, just thought it would be a big deal to wait for hundreds of years!

For a big world, just a few hundred years is nothing, not to mention that Bi Luo is now in constant friction with the dark camp, and the battle with **** is on the verge of breaking out. When they decide the victory or defeat, it is not known how long it will take.

Maybe before they can divide the victory or defeat, the expedition army sent by the monster race has already arrived in this star field, and then Bi Luo will not be able to get through it!

It’s just that they would never think of that this behavior did not bring them much benefit, or that they had become a thorn in Biluo’s eyes before the benefits were realized, and instead attracted themselves. A terrible disaster!

Qin Feng didn't think there was anything wrong with the two ancestors' thinking that Biluo would use the original heart of the wizarding world to create a few more powerful abilities.

Although it is a very extravagant behavior to consume the innate source at one time, it is far inferior to the long-term benefits of integrating the power of the source into the long-term benefits of Biluo, but the current situation of Biluo does not need to be looked at as long-term, on the contrary, you should first look at the present!

If you can't get through the next catastrophe, where is there any future!

If you have overcome the suppression of the sky demon and other realms, and even achieved victory, you will surely get even greater benefits at that time!

So no matter from which point of view, entering the wizarding world to seize the heart of origin seems to... is the best choice at the moment.

Although it is possible to attack hell, **** is intact and supported by the abyss lord. It is not that big. On the contrary, the wizarding world is now in a weak stage. In addition, they have touched the bottom line of Biluo. Who are you looking for?

Thinking about it, Qin Feng suddenly felt a little excitement in his heart.

It was the first time that he considered these things from such a high altitude, and deep down in his heart he became more interested in the game between the big world!

If things go well, maybe you can get some benefits for yourself, just to make up for the previous consumption!

In order to cultivate the nine-tier world in the Demon Refining Pot, the innate origins he had previously obtained have already been exhausted. If he wants to continue to improve the level of the nine-tier world in the future, the various resources are of course the better, but the innate origins are even more indispensable. treasure!

Otherwise, if there is no innate origin, only acquired resources to upgrade the world level, the cost is more than ten times more than a hundred times!

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